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People always day "start with the Greeks" but which greeks? And then what... is Kant worth reading in these decadent times, or should I skip straight to Schmitt? Your thoughts pls
commence with the Mycenaean scribes
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Based on the image and the contents of your post you should follow the traditional /pol/ philosophy chart. 1/2
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Just start with Plato. You can ask Chatgpt to give you a list.
Thank you for making me lose my time seeing a compilation as bad as this.

I mean, that's the definition of a pseud midwit list.

This. Not even trying to be funny. If you're brand new to this shit start small. And if you see words you don't know the meaning of, look it up in a dictionary/thesaurus.
It's the list that the /pol/fag OP deserves.
>contributes nothing
>only whintes
Oh, no wonder /lit/ is shit right now, it's full of Eurotrash and /pol/whiners.
You're the worst whiny faggot on this whole board right now, brownied.
Feel free to go back.
Thanks for proving me right.
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In general yes. You should try to learn philosophy in chronological order.
>Oh, no wonder /lit/ is shit right now
/lit/ has always been shit.
Thank you. I will start reading through all these now
The greeks , unironically.
Philosophy isn’t a magic pill for better life , but it takes a lot of strength and balancing to achieve better life with the help of philosophy. Stoicism has the power to create robots with no sentiments; it is good as long as one understands ethics. It is better to learn ethics and politics (interpersonal relationships ) before proceeding to stoicism. You should read also Bhagavad-Gita— highly recommended reading.
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Read "A New History of Western Philosophy". It goes through pretty much all of it in 1100 and 4 parts. Part 1: Ancient; 2: Medieval; 3: Rise of Modern; 4: Modern philosophy.
They use this at university as well. If you don't have an attention span you can get the 550 page illustrated edition
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Picrel is much shorter and more suitable if you know absolutely nothing
The best book to read for this is Passion of the western mind by Richard Tarnas.

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