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is diogenes a better person than me for choosing poverty, honesty, and clownhood, over family, possessions and weapons to protect my family, warriors to protect keep the monstrous apes far away from me and my family, politics, money, war (defending ones borders and culture and also destabilizing areas that begin developing wmds, preemtive strikes), etc. - essentially the status quo of civilization and society?

i dont want to hurt others or mother nature. but if i dont then having a family is impossible. how can that be the right thing to do? something is missing between these polar opposite choices...
lmao you don't need any of that to start a family, it's just /pol/troon bullshit. what you need is money saved up + sufficient income, and sex skills to make a woman commit to you. oral sex to orgasm is bare minimum but at least 50% guys literally can't do it
>is diogenes a better person than me
Is diogenes a better person than me for not raping and murdering thousands of endangered bonobos into extinction? By the metrics and statistics I've created to judge goodness on, I'm a far better person than Diogenes, or any other philosopher, wise man, philanthropist, or anyone else for that matter.
Stop viewing the world through Christian morality
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>Those who were vanquished by Alexander are happier than those who escaped his hand; for these had no one to put an end to the wretchedness of their existence, while the victor compelled those others to lead a happy life … Alexander’s new subjects would not have been civilized, had they not been vanquished; Egypt would not have its Alexandria, nor Mesopotamia its Seleuceia, nor Sogdiana its Prophthasia, nor India its Bucephalia, nor the Caucasus a Greek city hard by; for by the founding of cities in these places savagery was extinguished and the worse element, gaining familiarity with the better, changed under its influence.
>The result of Alexander the Great’s victory over Darius in 330 BCE not only shifted the balance of power in the ancient world to the Macedonian general but also instigated a political and cultural transformation that has shaped the course of Western history down to the present day.
>Even though Greek culture had made inroads in the East long before Alexander took up his shield and spear, the cultural deluge after Alexander flooded this part of the world with a new intensity but affected inhabitants in its path to different degrees. On one end of the spectrum stood a native Egyptian or Syrian who either rejected Greek culture outright or simply did not encounter it in the countryside; at the other end stood an urban elite seeking and then procuring Greek citizenship. In between were many options for natives, and evidences of enculturation range from rather innocuous examples such as the use of Greek vases in a Mesopotamian house to the more conspicuous participation in Greek theatre or speaking fluent Greek.
>There has never been such a widespread adoption of culture in history. If the closest analogy is the spread of Arabic language and Islamic culture in the wake of Mohammed’s victories, even this wasn’t as widespread or rapid as the Hellenization of the world from Greece to India between the fourth and first centuries BCE.

Rejoice for your filthy peoples have been conquered by the Hellenes
drop porn
Any society is inherently flawed. ALL SOCIETIES DECAY. You cannot base your life on society.
i'm women you dork, this shit i'm sharing is a favor. really you wouldn't believe how such a basic skill is alien to like a half of the guys. do you feel entitled to a fucking WIFE without knowing how to please her? you think wasn't already eaten out well before? that she's gonna risk awkward bedroom without pleasure for what exactly? to raise some brats and clean the house? get real, you're clueless.
What's the BMI?

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