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>read book
>forget everything after finishing it
>read book
>forget everything after finishing it
>get the feeling you enjoyed it but can't quite remember most of the events
>whatever, onto better books
>initial book's atmosphere starts to creep up in everyday situations
>get flashes of scenery or lines of dialogue
>"maybe it was truly a great book and I just paid it too little attention"
>pick up book again
>read book
>forget everything after finishing it
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>open book
>read sentence
>"I wonder if that girl at the gym likes me?"
>read another sentence
>"she changed her workout time to be closer to mine, but is that just a coincidence?"
>read another sentence
>"why do I care if she likes me or not? I'm an incel, I don't have the freedom to be in a relationship anyways"
>read another sentence, halfway through the paragraph
>"what is this paragraph about? who are these people? what's happening? I should go back reread the paragraph... nah I'll figure it out with context clues"
>repeat until book is finished
>forget everything before finishing it.
ITT: we have poor focus but won't do anything about it
I don't care about you nerds.
I have a naturally wild and introspective mind that gets lost in its own thoughts, you wouldn't get it, either you have it or you don't.
I tried to remember one thing about a book. One lesson or good quote. Helps me then remember a lot of the other details.

But a lot of books are just waffle without a point.
>see book on shelf
>have a funny feeling i've heard about it somewhere
>read book
>remember a crude version of it forever
>read book again
>utterly tarnish the crude mental version
>remember more and more
>feel as though i had read the book before i read it the first time somehow
>go snooping in the introduction
>the author died when i was born
>i am the author returned to read his own work
>i had to die to forget and even then i could vaguely remember
>realize my first rebirth read was ideal and go ahead and die again
>notice that there aren't any extra mans in the cog gui
>this must be the last jump, better make it good
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Rereading books is so much fun for me because I'm no longer angered and annoyed by all the surprises.

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