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File: nausicaa.jpg (286 KB, 736x1035)
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Is she (and miyazaki by extension) a nihilist who doomed all of humanity to extinction or not? Discuss.

>inb4 this is /a/ not /lit/

Those cretins don't have the mental capacity to discuss something with such significant ecological and philosophical themes as this, on top of the fact that none of them have probably read it. Also there's lots of literary references, I remember Gotterdamerung being namedropped at one point.

>who doomed all of humanity to extinction
she's a woman, it's just what they do, there are probably many literary examples but consider 3body. also consider women irl are the ones most eager to welcome infinite refugees. "humanity" in the sense you're using it is a synonym of "civilization" which is a masculine concept that a certain aspect of femininity is hostile towards.
It is in fact, not literature. And since /lit/ uses "nihilism" to mean "not traditionalist Catholic or Russian Orthodox" this is a totally stupid discussion to have regarding the Nausicaa manga.
>It is in fact, not literature
so there's a chance the thread might be good
>catechistic /pol/ brainrot response to there being a female protagonist
poor OP thinking you could have a better anime/manga discussion on the hitler book club board than the waifu wars board
your quads? mine
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