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I simply will not read an author who hasn't undergone physical toil in their life.
As such, my favourite writers are as follows:
Leo Tolstoy
Edward Abbey
Knut Hamsun
Aldo Leopold
Ernest Hemingway
Yukio Mishima
Is there anyone else I should look into that are similar to these men?
Bookworm sissies need not apply.
childbirth is far worse than any of the shit these posers went through
you want strength? read women
Based. Also Hemingway rightfully killed himself. Weak man.
these are very famous actually
Herman Melville (sailor, whaler), surprised he wasn't on your list already
Cormac McCarthy (lived in poverty, served in military)
Gene Wolfe (fought in Korean war)
Tolkien (fought in WW1)
Wrong, suicide is based actually
Most roastie writers didn't/do not have children so...
Do it.
Melville wasn't on the list because I didn't really like Moby Dick. I liked some parts but on the whole it wasn't for me.
McCarthy should have been on the list though you're right with that, I liked NCFOM and The Road.
Not really into fantasy for the most part, though I've seen Wolfe posted here quite a bit and he seems interesting.
Based J.K. asserts her supremacy again.
I plan to, but not yet. I will enjoy my youth and call it quits in my 50s or 60s
Plato was a wrestler
For me it’s any philosopher that either hasn’t had a working class background or at least has never once done manual labor.
I beg to differ. I don’t read those “people” either.
You would like Robinson Jeffers. He was an avid outdoorsman and stonemason. He built a stone house by himself. Read his poem Shine, Perishing Republic
have you read any ancient authors? It's pretty much guaranteed that they would have served their city state if they were Greek (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were all soldiers). If philosophy isn't among your interests, there are lots of accounts of wars as well. Xenophon's Anabasis is about a military expedition he served in. Also, Arrian's Anabasis of Alexander is about Alexander the Great, but even Arrian himself was a military leader for the Roman Empire
If you like first hand narratives of expeditions and wars I also suggest Bernal Diaz's History of the Conquest of New Spain, which is about his time serving under Hernan Cortes fighting the Aztecs
You forgot Jocko willink and David goggins. Navy writing skips conformist bullshit.

Personally I'd encourage to read a shooters manifesto and then continue with Arnold Schwarzenegger. First one is to get over your fear of losing and second is to engage in winning.
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>Bookworm sissies need not apply.
>That list
Lol. But it's actually not that mutually exclusive.


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