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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind

mate for life edition

last >>23557993
In air
Above your bare
Hill crest, your basalt lair,
Mirage the reflected drink
At the clear pool's brink
With tigers at play
In the glare of day
Blithely I stray,
Under shadow of myrtle
With Phoenix and his Turtle
For all time true,
With Gryphons at grass
Under the Upas,
Sipping warm dew
That falls hourly new,
I, unattainable
Complete, incomprehensible
No mate for you.
In sun's beam
Or star-gleam,
No mate for you
No mate for you
I fucking love birds.
I had an idea for a novella and got excited. Then, midway through, I realised the story would be perfect for one of those dogshit blumhouse movies. This ruined my enjoyment and now I can't finish it
From the twisted minds that brought you Happy Death Day
I like birds too. They are beautiful. I like most animals really. Even the ones I don't like, I have compassion for, I just recognize that it is within their instincts to prey upon the weak and cause harm. So I stay away from and protect myself from them.
But there are so many beautiful animals. What do you love about birds
have you guys heard about the boy who cried woof
I'm actually pretty excited that Farage is an MP now.
What excites you in particular?
Im american btw.
I heard his bark was more than his bite
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>Mourning Doves.

Since this is an anonymous image board I'm not afraid to be a little emotionally vulnerable and admit that the Mourning Dove is precious to me.
They're a completely unique feature to North American Culture and Nature: their displays of public affection and life-long monogamous behavior cements them as a symbol of love, and their nostalgic haunting coos make me think of an internet-less childhood spent outdoors terrorizing bugs and trading pokemon cards.
The Mourning Dove is a perfect little organisms. They're the good that persist despite the overwhelming evil in the world and I love them and wish them success and bounty.
Even the deadly viper nurtures and cares for her young
ngl the prospect of farage having to do weekly constituency work/surgeries with exactly the type of people he despises (people who live in clacton) is quite funny
Snakes are cute too, I don't know why so many people are disgusted by them.
I read this Picasso quote about doves when I was in school.

>And as for the gentle dove, what a myth that is! They’re very cruel. I had some here and they pecked a poor little pigeon to death because they didn’t like it. They pecked its eyes out, then pulled it to pieces. It was horrible. How’s that for a symbol of Peace?
My last name means dove.
No. I don't want to say which language, but it translates to dove.
i think i love hailey
How is it right that some people should be favored by fortune and others not? The thing that both terrifies and depresses me the most is the sense that maybe I’m the latter, and maybe there’s nothing special about me.
If I had wings, I would fly. Like dis dove!
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I’m at the end of part 5 right now. It’s been a very fun turn my brain off show. I love the aesthetic. I love the soundtrack. Knowing where all the memes are from has been fun. Part 2 was probably my favorite. Johnathan was the most interesting and unique character after the absolute stiffness of part 1. Nothing has surpassed his ability to predict exactly what someone is going to say. As a gag, it never got old. It is the pinnacle of “WHILE YOU WERENT LOOKING I TIED YOUR SHOE LACES TOGETHER, ITS OVER!” that runs through the whole show. I get how they probably couldn’t make hammon interesting for more than 2 seasons, so stands make sense. So far my least favorite has been part 3. It was an absolute slog. I like the vibes but nothing happens. Shonen villain of the week shit doesn’t hit the same as when I’d get home after school to watch dbz and yuyuhakusho. Part 4’s style and color palette was so striking and the characters actually had a little depth, it made up for the slice of life slog of the first half. Part 5 has been pretty fun and engaging. Probably the most average of them all.
There is something special about all of us, and in that same sense, nothing special about any of us. Every action you take, every thought you allow to grow, every intention you have, and every feeling you have, affects every other sentient being in the universe, every moment. As for the seeming unfairness of different circumstances, these things are actually fair. They are the result of forces beyond your personal control or ability to effectively pin down and systematize; karma, dharma, impermanence, but know that nothing is random. All is the sum of causes and effects. What is important, is not to dwell on the seeming unfairness, which is ignorance, and to understand the fullness of reality. To accept reality, and then to become as compassionate, selfless, and beneficial as possible. You are extremely important and vital as a piece of the whole. But you are never more important than that whole. Other people, are yourself, but they are not you. Be kind to yourself, and do not lose yourself to ignorance for longer than is necessary.
Extended ignorance is the height or unnecessary suffering.
Anyone else see doves walking around in the road for no reason? they dont even fly away as quickly as other birds. Compared to other birds I've come close to hitting them way more. Whats the deal with that?
I think all dating advice / PUA comes down to inversions. The reason that being "toxic" as a guy works so well is because we are living in a time where gender roles themselves have undergone an inversion and the only way to generate bonds is another inversion. Love has been defiled so hate is a much more powerful tool to bind another to yourself. Zherka (lol) is pretty knowledgeable on how this all works but the general principle is that if women occupy such a high position in today's metaphysics AND attraction functions on the principle of polarization then to overcome the inversion, you need to put more effort in the opposite direction. This means actively degrading, subordinating and insulting women. People will speculate that this is how it always was and it's about status and biology yada,, yadda (tbf I've seen this pattern in some great novels as well) but we're at a point in history where the inversion and confusion of what men and women are and how they relate to each is so extreme that it only makes sense that this method of generating a bond is way more effective. But despite how effective this is, it's insight into how deeply rooted the problem really is.
American culture is fucked up. Just be normal and nice for dating, that's how 99% of the world outside of the Anglosphere works. You don't know how truly fucked up dating in America is until you travel abroad.
I'm guessing they've adapted to humans like many species.
America is an ego driven society.
i used to watch zherka in 2019 wtf
I ain't got no manners for no sluts
I'ma put my thumb in her butt
yeah I was just reminded of him via YT recs. i think I saw him pop up around 2022 but by that time I was already well versed enough in the 'art' to find everything he was saying obvious. I remember telling people for years how effective saying, wearing and displaying violent stuff around women was to people who where only convinced once it came from his mouth. Anyone in a music scene with open eyes picks up most of the 'art' intuitively.
I think guys who date older women are high IQ but also secretly resentful and dating older women is like a subtle form of revenge against society and younger women.

t. guy engaged to an older woman
I can't tell whether the incel blackpill shit is real or not. The people I know in real life are mostly average (as one would expect), the couples I see in public are generally composed of average men and women, the comments on social media posts mentioning any kind of doomer blackpill "guys im 5'8" and a virgin am i cooked" stuff are full of people going "oh hey me too" while only a minority are people unironically throwing around terms like incel. On the other hand every study done on women and men using dating apps shows that women aggressively pursue the top percentage of men like all these doomer types say they do.
I like to think that most people, both male and female, generally want nice, comforting relationships and don't aggressively filter everyone based on height and money and whatever, but the social pressure to act in that manner, amplified by its seeming importance on social media, makes them fall into certain performative roles in the dating sphere which they are afraid to step out of even though none of them really want to be in those roles in the first place.
Anyway, that's my one women- and dating-related post for this thread. Let's go back to talking about birds.
you'd have to be more Thinking rather than Feeling, yeah.
>I think guys who date older women are high IQ
I'd like to think so.

t. was involved with an older woman
We're all in a battle. All of us.
Reposting this from another thread

The incel is a byproduct of the modern obsession with performance, which is a byproduct of the capitalist economy. Ingrained in the incel's psyche is the conviction that the human being is no more than a machine. He calculates rather than narrates. His view of society is additive rather than narrative. Life is just a series of numbers to him: he sees body counts, IG followers, ranks appearances on an esoteric 10-point scale, sees "desirable metrics" like height and financial net worth as all relationships are based on, and so on. There's countless "self-help" books about improving relationship and sexual performance, and we can see this obsession among incels as well. The origin of the incel's feeling of superfluity is in this economic view of the human being as a machine that either performs efficiently or not. Of course, he's not entirely at fault — many women today have adopted this stance as well. Everyone now has become a sexual organ of capital.

In addition to this, the capitalist imperative, which is inherently globalist, to commodify and pornographize the entire Earth, is increasing narcissism. The view that the human being is a machine is also a narcissistic view, because this view eliminates the Other, turning everything into the Same (a "higher performing machine" or a "lower performing machine"). In the absence of the Other, narration isn't possible; a story requires a relationship. Only calculation is possible. Therefore, the calculating incel, calculating woman, calculating "Chad," and so on, are all narcissists. They treat others as instruments of their own pleasure and as mirrors of their own achievements. Incels aren't "nice guys" and girls don't just date and marry "assholes" — incels are assholes and the fact that they're incels proves them wrong about women.
whenever i had an exam in college with a writing component and i had no clue wth was going on cuz i didn't do the reading i would just whip up some boilerplate marxist bullshit like this and usually end up with a pity 'b' from the professor. it was of course all utter nonsense ha haa, but this guy actually things his human chatgpt output is insightful lmao
You touch on many insightful points, but is "capital" and "capitalism" really the root of all causation here? I would encourage you to peel back the layers more fully. For example, what is the cause of the human indulgence in capitalism? And, are these aspects of negative experience, fully absent from other economic systems, like communism? Communism often, in practice, becomes loaded with inane and harmful bureaucracies based on the pursuit of status within the party/machine, and humans are still viewed as inputs for material production, just under a different schema.
Yeah the stunted style of trying to so consciously write properly, twitter style language, overusing "scare quotes", buzzwords, that horrible retooled quote ('sex organs of capital' / sex organs of the machine world). Can't fathom being such a boring, long-winded, inessential ffffool.
Reflect for a moment that women can also be ego-bound, and in that a man may appraise his own self worth by obsessing over sex and his perceived value as a mate, women may be seeking some form of ignorant validation by sleeping with a man she sees as "high status."
Sex is supposed to be about selfless love and reciprocal bonding, or at the very least, the non harmful, consensual transmission of bodily pleasure. If status has entered in, there is far more going on than sex or biology, there is a phantom at play, haunting experience.
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>mfw i see cringe-pseud output on /lit/
O, Temptation, take me on my lonely throne

In your wonders have my eyes indulged

So fair the Viper’s shell glistens in whitest light

Your den must glow
>Sex is supposed to be about
it is?

you tried so hard, but in the end you were just an intellectually stunted religious nut
Well, "supposed to be" may have been an error on my part. But I believe that in the interest of enlightenment, sex that is about selfless love, and reciprocal bonding, is less harmful than when it is about other things.
Do you have an argument?

>You touch on many insightful points, but is "capital" and "capitalism" really the root of all causation here?
In the modern world, yes. But Capitalism evolved from Calvinism, and Christianity evolved from Platonism and Judaism.
damn dude you pseuded it up with all that marxist and freudian jargon, but just didn't have the iq to get into orbit.
>But Capitalism evolved from Calvinism
It did? What did Calvinism evolve from?
Go back, get all the way to the center of the onion, if you can, or if you wish.
I totally ignore any insulting thing you try to communicate. It is uninteresting. I do not hold enmity toward you for it. I understand you may not care, I am just letting you know.
>What did Calvinism evolve from?
Christianity was born out of resentment, essentially.
if capitalism evolved from calvinism how come double entry bookkeeping was developed in catholic italy
And, if we momentarily grant that as true, while acknowledging it may not be the whole truth; what was resentment born from?
and i'm chuckling at your cheesy "insights" which are quite uninteresting
Is it fun to egg people into writing meaningful discussion only to cuck them with goyslop zoomer /pol/ shit?
Ignore that which serves no purpose.
>spews a bunch of random marxist and jungian crap with no point
>calls others zoomer /pol/ shit
ohh kay
Narcissism — the inability to be religious, to peaceably allow the other its existence, to die with honor. The slave is the animal that was intended to die but, out of resentment, decided to serve instead.
I don’t actually think that you’ll end up like him someday. I know that you won’t.
All things die. This is the nature of change, which is the only constant. If we follow your logic here, then every sentient being is fated to be resentful. Even the "strong" and the "honorable," die, and are forced to submit to many things beyond their control.
Christ, we're all adults here
high quality discussion? incels are caused by capitalism and if they'd just be tradcaths they could find a wife in the philippines?
Death isn't what causes resentment, resentment is what causes one to postpone death. The non-resentful individual dies when the time is right, while the resentful individual decides to postpone death and become a slave instead as a form of revenge against life.
Oh yeah, great addition to the conversation, anon. Real high quality post right here. The way you so casually swear, the way you only punctuate half the sentence. It's so beautiful. Your prose is a fountain of beauty.
Great observation! I'm glad someone around here can think critically and thoroughly when participating in discussion.
I kissed myself goodnight.
We should devote more resources to colonize space and mars.
You cannot fathom how much I despise degrowthers. Especially when they are christians.
>incels are caused by capitalism
The way they think is highly economical.

>and if they'd just be tradcaths
Capitalism evolved from Christianity. The theme of salvation from Christianity exists in capitalism and its this theme that gave way to the narcissistic view of human beings as machines.
Enough of this now
As long as you keep responding with low quality posts I'm going to keep posting my high quality posts in the very on topic wwoym thread.
you said incels care about bodycount but that's not true at all. only religious freaks care about that. incels are sex positive, they just can't get any. does rodger talk about women's bodycount anywhere in my twisted world?
What is that meant that these resentful individuals were fated to die, and postponed it? Did they have some terminal illness that they used magic to prolong the natural effects of?
That's an interesting thought; something is meant to die, yet lives. That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.
Now, the thought that you believe these people deserve to die, and yet, remain alive, that makes much more sense. Not in the vein that what you believe, is true, but it logically follows you would think those who deserve death yet remain alive, are committing some kind of wrong by remaining alive.
>We should devote more resources to colonize space and mars.
What for?
Why is viewing humans as machines narcissistic, exactly?
I would, but I've got a weak stomach
this guy is not coherent, probably high or maybe a natural doofus
>We should devote more resources to colonize space and mars.
The real redpill is realizing that space and the solar system are already colonized - it's just a secret kept from the rest of us for reasons I can only fathom.
Is there a single book on this planet that makes a serious attempt at describing how human cultures would evolve on other worlds?
>you said incels care about bodycount but that's not true at all
Take a trip down to /adv/ or /r9k/ and you'll see endless posts about body counts, whores, virgins, etc. There's a clear obsession over and aversion to women's sexual history among them, even pathologically so.

>does rodger talk about women's bodycount anywhere in my twisted world?
If he lived long enough he would have, no doubt. What do you think all the crying over dating apps and hypergamy and "roasties ready to settle" is even about? All of this is economical in nature; there's a desire to control. Elliot Rodger was highly calculating and premeditating, which was the main reason for his inceldom. Women can sense when they're being viewed as commodities and milestones and are disgusted by it.
Because if humans are machines, then they all become the same, qualitatively speaking. A high-performing machine and a low-performing machine is the same thing, just different quantitatively. Narcissism is quantitative, it sees the same everywhere and disregards all qualitative difference.
>Women can sense when they're being viewed as commodities and milestones and are disgusted by it.
yeah that's why that sci-fi guy who just got cancelled fucked so many of them
>Did they have some terminal illness that they used magic to prolong the natural effects of?
No. They were in the process of being killed, but decided to beg for life. Rather than allow themselves to die as they were meant to, they clung to life — but such a person does so out of resentment towards life.

>it logically follows you would think those who deserve death yet remain alive, are committing some kind of wrong by remaining alive.
Yes. Their existences become resentful to the core, which infects how they think. This is where all idealism was born from.
To open new horizons, expand our options. See what's there.
Do not go gentle into that good night
Guys who are successful at hookup tend to be extremely good at making girls feel special, not like commodities or milestones.
Would also open many new developments in the hard sciences, sociology, statecraft, linguistics.
For some reason, I just didn't like Kafka's short fiction as much as The Trial or The Castle. I recently read DFW's essay about Kafka, and it convinced me to retry the short stories to see if I can force myself to enjoy them. Perhaps specifically trying to find the humor in each one, as was part of the purpose of Wallace's essay.
A pure, innocent girl is one of the greatest things in the world.
This contradicts >>23562173
>Women can sense when they're being viewed as commodities and milestones and are disgusted by it.
If this was actually true, there wouldn't be guys succesful at hookup. A man who fucks ten billion bitches one after the other does not care for them, but he can trick them.
the best one for me was the burrow, i remember the hunger artist being good too, but i don't remember why
Tell me more; what have you seen, or read, that suggests this?
How do these societies work?
Oh is that his essay where he's talks about how kafka is 'funny' but it's not punchline 'funny' it's more an emotion or feeling?
>Rather than allow themselves to die as they were meant to, they clung to life
If they were meant to die, wouldn't they have? Where does the "meant" come into play. If something is meant to happen, in the grand sense, it happens. How can something be meant to die, but somehow, not die?
>but such a person does so out of resentment towards life.
How does that follow logically? I can propose thousands of alternative reasons; love for life, desire to see their children grow, desire to keep indulging in their passions, I can propose thousands of alternatives for preferring to live instead of die. What are you using to support the notion that it must have been resentment?
>Yes. Their existences become resentful to the core, which infects how they think. This is where all idealism was born from.
First, you said resentment comes from that which is slated for death, somehow dodging death and choosing life instead. Now you are saying resentment comes from this action.
So resentment is both the cause of, and caused by this action? Your thoughts are very interesting.
>If this was actually true, there wouldn't be guys succesful at hookup
A woman's sense for this doesn't make her psychic. Those guys are great actors / liars and get away with it using clever manipulation. I was referring to incels like Rodger who are more autistic and obvious about their latent narcissism — they remain incels because they're shit at acting / lying. And the successful players like Gaiman get canceled when they get older because they get rusty and finally some women see the narcissist underneath.
I liked Hunger Artist and Country Doctor the most, from what I recall. But that was over a decade ago when I read them.

Yeah, something like he has a hard time teaching students to find humor in Kafka because American humor is focused on punchlines, and I think something about inference of the joke without it not needing to be explained.
>of this world
I don't know of any that exist or have ever existed in this world. In the minds of many people, surely, these things exist. Never seen them outside of there though.
>they remain incels because they're shit at acting / lying.
The majority are uncapable, the noble few are unwilling. Is that really such a bad thing?
ya that analysis completely misses that how she feels and what the guy are thinking are unrelated. there's probably some incel guy out at some lame social event right now trying to make some girl feel special, but it's just not working, meanwhile some dude who went out looking to score is balls deep rn.
if i remember correctly rodger never once approached a women or showed interested in his entire biography. it wasn't like he was hitting on chicks left and right and getting rejected. he's a rich dude with hollywood connections, he could have gotten a ton of ass, he never once tried. of course he was more insane than your average incel so don't want to depend too much on his life, but it's well documented and so helpful in that regard.
you seriously underestimate their brokenness. it's like a blockage at the phenomenological level. for some it never even began.
Does it ever hit any of you that you don't and can't understand anyone's motivations for any of their actions
>How can something be meant to die, but somehow, not die?
Something is meant to die when it is too weak to continue representing its self in the face of the other and must adopt the other's will to continue living. Resentment is the precondition for such an action; the non-resentful type simply dies with honor when that moment comes.

>How does that follow logically?
Adoption of the other's will is an instinct only the resentful can possess. It is literally driven by resentment of the other, since in the process the self of the resentful being consumes the other and merges with it. This is not the same thing as a person who manipulates as a survival strategy, who retains their sense of self distinctive from the other.

>Now you are saying resentment comes from this action.
That's not what I meant. It "becomes resentful to the core" because after having taken such an action, nothing else in them remains; their resentment permeates their whole being then.
yeah every dude who who's had a roommate who fucks random chicks before his gf comes home and then fucks her too lol sure that guy has the morals of an alleycat but at least he's not an inkwell
He probably never tried because he knew he was absolutely fucking terrible at socializing or appearing like he wasn't a total narcissistic prick.
i'm not getting the sense that he had a lot of self-awareness
>Something is meant to die when it is too weak to continue representing its self in the face of the other and must adopt the other's will to continue living. Resentment is the precondition for such an action; the non-resentful type simply dies with honor when that moment comes.
We have already established before, that this is how you feel about those whom you believe deserve to die. I understand that, and wasn't asking about that. I was asking about why things persist in living when they are, outside of your feelings about their deservedness, "meant" to die. It seems like, to me, far beyond how you feel about others "right" to keep on living, things die when they're meant to die. When something dies, that's when it was "meant" to die.

>Adoption of the other's will is an instinct only the resentful can possess. It is literally driven by resentment of the other, since in the process the self of the resentful being consumes the other and merges with it. This is not the same thing as a person who manipulates as a survival strategy, who retains their sense of self distinctive from the other.
Could be. Also could be, they have other things in life they value so much, they are willing to concede to the imposition being placed upon them by a person with a power differential over them who demands it at the price of acceptance or else being killed, which, I could also reframe as a form of resentment, if I chose to see it that way. For example, many times throughout history, people have chosen to submit to a person with a powerful differential and murderous intent, because in the moment they had no means of overcoming this person, and wanted to continue living to see that their children are able to grow.

>That's not what I meant. It "becomes resentful to the core" because after having taken such an action, nothing else in them remains; their resentment permeates their whole being then.
I do not see how that logically follows. I think a great deal of things could remain within a person after such an action, it seems entirely feasible that a person who has submitted to a power differential, still has many other things going on inside of them beyond resentment. I could, however, see a need on the part of the person who did it to them, to believe that resentment must be all that's left in them, that I could totally understand. I could see it not being the case, too.

All that im really sure of here is that you are telling me about your perception of life, people and events. That is the sum total of the logic you've presented. It is the only thing that I can say with certainty after hearing you out. It must be the case.
It wouldn't take much. Even the typical /r9k/ retard knows he's socially a loser and a failure.
>dare to look inside /r9k/
>post about rapemachine on the front page
lmao holy shit /r9k/ rules
>I was asking about why things persist in living when they are, outside of your feelings about their deservedness, "meant" to die.
They are not really living anymore — they are undead.

>Also could be, they have other things in life they value so much
Such things do not give rise to the instinct to annihilate the self and adopt the will of the other, thus becoming a mangled, undead creature of endless resentment driven towards idealism and salvation.

>I think a great deal of things could remain within a person after such an action
All become tainted since the self is annihilated in the act.
The self doesn't exist to begin with.
You seem to impute a lot on to other people's motives without enough evidence or capability to make that determination.
Why do you hate other people so much?
>Tell me more; what have you seen, or read, that suggests this?
If you lurk the /k/ black projects threads that crop up from time to time, people start posting some seriously interesting threads talking about mass reduction and other esoteric science. As a rabid scifi/fantasy reader, the information presented slotted neatly into a hole left behind by that childlike wonder of that lovey question: "What is out there?" Extrapolation from there very quickly rendered in stark contrast a populated solar system with multiple secret bases and stations on effectively every planet, multiple orbits, and deep under the seas.
>How do these societies work?
Much like ours. There's a lot of cross-contamination. They recruit from here extensively and keep in close contact with those in the know on the ground. They also have constant contact with the wider universe. You don't honestly think we're alone out here do you?
>Why do you hate other people so much?
I'm not the one who doesn't believe in the self. Belief in the self is a prerequisite for having respect for the other.
You certainly know a lot of secrets that others don't
That's a highly interesting point of view. So, your feeling that there are a great many people who deserve to die, is motivated by love?
Before you answer; if someone were preparing to slit your throat, and told you they were doing it out of some idealized, "higher" form of love for you, would you believe them?

Will you ever stop running?
>So, your feeling that there are a great many people who deserve to die, is motivated by love?
Not love, but respect. It's disrespectful to the other to insist, when it has lost its sense of self, that the other continue to live in such a state.

>Before you answer; if someone were preparing to slit your throat, and told you they were doing it out of some idealized, "higher" form of love for you, would you believe them?
Your question makes no sense, because you don't actually understand anything. You think I'm referring to every situation in which one person overpowers another, but I'm explicitly referring to situations in which one person adopts the other's will to avoid death. You'll keep asking questions and running yourself around in circles until you grasp this.
I've understood the distinction the whole time, but when I see delusi9nal and ignorant people, I feel a compassionate response toward them, to either help them out of it, if I'm able, or to wisely step back, and hope that they are able to get themselves out of it; but I don't choose to see them as weak, or deserving of death, just ignorant and confused, and even if that leads them to death, I wish them the best, and hope they can come to awareness before ignorance kills them.
Then again, I don't view life and the world as a place that exists to make me, personally, happy, so even if these people can do irritating things, I don't think about how much better it'd be if they were dead.
>Belief in the self is a prerequisite for having respect for the other.
Also, belief in the self is what stops people having respect for one another; although, for people caught up in ignorance, i have a level of respect for their illusory belief in the self. I understand that it means a lot to them, and that to dismantle it before they're ready or with too much force, is not compassionate.
Ah. Interesting. Can you give me a QRD on mass reduction or should I just google it?
My little sister.
Googling won't find you much, it's pretty heavily suppressed. There are a couple of really neat patents on google though - search "Salvatore Cezar Pais." If you gimme a bit I can dig up the fark links and post them here, or you can just lurk /k/ until a black projects thread crops up and somebody posts them there.
I'm not a scientist or anything but from what I understand, the idea is that certain interpretations of Mach's theory of inertia along with some kind of esoteric application of the same principle which allows light to be slower or faster depending on which medium it's in combine to allow one to make it easier to travel much, much faster in a local bubble than is ordinarily allowed. According to the rumors, there is a US offworld colony possibly named Planet Dirt which is reached using applications of this technology. It has edible red and black lichens on it, if you believe everything said on the matter (which is very little).
Another use of the principle is as an exotic weapon, which was possibly tested at UTTR in 2004.
The main source on these rumors is a person named Tom Bedlam or erewhon on Fark and ATS, who supposedly got in trouble with the Defense Intelligence Agency for posting about things he shouldn't have in the early 2000s. Corroborating information comes in the form of several very interesting studies and scientific papers which seem to hint at something similar to what I've described.
Search up "phase conjugate" on the /k/ archives and you'll find tons of posts about this topic, all made by the same group of 1-5 autists.
You are characters in a story, so am I.
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Yeah, the bed is where I currently read, but I personally just don't really like reading in bed and I don't have a nightstand with a light on yet so it's also kind dark once the sun goes down.
But I managed to save up some money so over the course of the next few months I should get some comfy furniture
Focus on anti-aging, nanotechnology and fusion power first.
Anti-aging is promising but slow, Nano-tech is vaporware that is never coming (If I'm wrong about this do correct me), and Fusion also has a long way to go.
Waiting for all of those will just needlessly delay expansion into space.
What kind of bugperson looks at humanity and thinks: 'The whole universe should be full of these' yikes bug people are bad enough imagine the horror of space faring bugs.
If humanity spread to other planets any actually advanced species would exterminate us like a plague.
Marxism, and by extension, Marxist-Leninism, fails the is-ought problem. No I won’t elaborate.
I can help you guys get a girlfriend, no problem
My kind, obviously. Regardless, the worse kinds of humanity would probably self-select and stay in earth.
>If humanity spread to other planets any actually advanced species would exterminate us like a plague.
Too bad they don't exist then! Projecting your values into an imaginary species of alien-gods is not productive, despite what sci-fi media writers will tell you.
As an aside, it's strange how common.
>"I imagined a species of super advanced god-beings who align perfectly with my morality, ethics, and values and they hate humanity for being too chuddy/want to exterminate humanity for being mean to the animaleroos/etc".
And people are somehow moved by this. Regardless, space-civilization is infinitely better than the alternatives.
thanks nigga
Man I'm fucking up in life. 23 with a useless degree and a useless master's degree. I think I should quit this master's and just start working full time and try to learn some useful skills for once.
It's time to stack money anon. And a full time job is not a good way to do so.
What is a good way to do so? I have no skills and I am not good at anything.
People at my level of money, education, and skill are the ones capable of real societal impact. I should move back home and improve people's lives. No one else is capable of doing such good.
Hyper gambling desu. There's more opportunity in crypto than in a wage cage. But I'm clearly embittered by the 9-5 life.
Bet more. Let it ride.
>full time job is not a good way to do so.
then what? start a business? go back in time and make dad inseminate a rich heiress?
I'd rather just kill myself. Being addicted to gambling seems miserable.
I've been sitting on the toilet for hours with the bright sunlight hitting my face. I can barely see my phone screen. I just know what battery will be coming soon.
Incel is a byproduct of darwinian sexual selection. Those who have desirable traits which indicate healthiness (tall, and muscular body with perfect jaw) will find partner, copulate and prolong their genes easily. On the other hand those who were born without these traits have it harder to get a partner (unless they're doing behavioral adaptation by lowering their standard or improving themselves ).

This has been happening since the dawn of civilization (long before the coming of industrial revolution and capitalism). So it's not the capitalism.

You think otherwise because you have ethical bias: "It's not good to honestly tell a man that he can't get a gf because he is ugly. I am better trying to entertain him with false hope and scapegoat capitalism!"
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I'm exaggerating to be totally clear but the sentiment stands: things are not looking good; you're best off taking risks now at that age (whatever risk means for you). The office will always be there later.

>I'd rather just kill myself. Being addicted to gambling seems miserable.
You're not wrong. You wouldn't believe the money I have lost in the last 3 months. We still up though.
I want a haircut but I don't want to shave it all off like I normally do when my hair gets too long. The only problem is, I don't wanna spend any money.
Man if I had the balls I'd just write a book and get it published. I live in the Balkans so few people actually read here and the few that do mostly read foreign books so I couldn't make a living out of writing but I could at least feel good about myself because I accomplished something. I'd write a few books and when I decided that I got nothing left to write I'd kill myself. I'll probably end up killing myself no matter what I do so there's no reason for me not to try writing. If only I had some faith in myself.
I wish I were a total schizoid. It would be easier to live.
Killing yourself is such a waste of life and potential. Life is suffering but eventually opportunity will arise. If you jump on it, you may be surprised at how distracted you will be from such self-centered thinking. The meaning derived from such opportunity makes the suffering closer to background noise rather than the feature film. At least I hope this is the case.
Start your book. If something better comes up, don't be afraid to shift focus, for something beautiful may come about. There is a balance in this to be found, but as long as you're not a screen-sucking zombie, you should be ready and able to.
And try to stay aware of the potential and leverage which the internet provides. It truly doesn't matter where you live in this world, you can still make livable money on the internet in countless ways.
Plant seeds now so even if you absolutely need to find a full time job, you will still have something going on in the background to pivot to when the time comes.
A man must work - this has been professed for thousands of years at this point. Meaning is found in work. Doesn't matter what the work is. Just get started playboy.
Haven't slept for many many hours. About to go to the park, read Sophocles, and flick cigarette butts at the sleeping homeless. Maybe I'll find my future wife.
All my life I've been constantly reminded of how inferior I am to everyone else. My mother always told me that I'm the biggest loser and that all my friends are losers too and that everyone else is better than me. Teachers always picked their favorites to focus on and ignored the simpletons like me. No one has ever taken me seriously. I don't know what to do to be taken seriously. People have always treated me like a clown so I have always acted like a clown all the time. Wish I had balls and I was more masculine. Muscles won't make you more masculine if you're a bitch. I feel castrated. Feels like I had potential at one point but I didn't know what to do with it and it's gone now.
Birds are great. I faked out a seagull for a jackdaw the other day because they're bad at sharing
I'm looking at my ceiling, sleep deprived, and I see an anime girl doing an ahego in the random patterns.
It's funny as fuck but also fills me with dread. I feel like I've lost the plot.
In all seriousness clan rule should come back and the father gets to decide who fornicates/marries their daughter so this shit can become a quaint, embarrassing part of society’s distant past and nothing more.
I saw a Eurasian Coot in the water at my usual duck watching spot the other day, that was fun.
Do you mean an actually dysfunctional shizo sitting in the psychiatry or an internet 'shizo' with 'shizo' obsessions?
to fuck does not he who is pretty but he who is ambitious
If fathers raised their sons and daughters properly then there would be no need for them to choose for them.
He may mean Schizoid as in Schizoid personality disorder. Different from schizophrenia.
Np, do you need any advice?
Yes. Schizoid, not schizophrenic.
I saw a Eurasian bullfinch and his lady friend in my garden yesterday and I'm hoping they make babies
You really wish for humans to spread their misery into other planets? You think anything great would come out of that? They'd do nothing but breed like monkeys, no, like flies and infest the galaxy like a pest.
> Too bad they don't exist then
Like you actually know that.
Humans are dumb and stupid. You can say what you want, but they are not a serious species meant for the construction of serious space-faring civilizations. Humans are capable of technology, like the bugpeople that they are, but in space-faring contexts they'd do nothing with that technology except breed. Humans are a species of useless breeders. We couldn't even be useful servants to a superior civilization. Literally dumb evil monkey-bugs who all they can do is spread, breed and destroy.
I'm the smartest motherfucker here and no one ever replies to me
If I put money on both fighters winning does that mean that I make money no matter what?
So you bet 500 bucks on player A and 500 bucks on player B?
Yes. One of them is gonna win.
Anon hasn't given us any odds. He could win 200 off a 500 bet on the favourite and be out 300 quid
I do not share your misanthrophy nor whatever obscure system of values you espouse, anon.

>They'd do nothing but breed
This is quite literally the only thing life does.
>Like you actually know that.
You assumed without cause that the aliens not only exist but share your idiosyncratic principles. And you very clearly are using them as a mental cope.
>Humans are dumb and stupid.
The revelation of the century, everyone.

>You can say what you want, but they are not a serious species meant for the construction of serious space-faring civilizations.
Reality does not care about your standards for "seriousness" you have an idea which humanity does not meet, and then make up everything else.
> Humans are capable of technology, like the bugpeople that they are, but in space-faring contexts they'd do nothing with that technology except breed.
What would your serious aliens from imaginaria do with that technology instead?

> Literally dumb evil monkey-bugs who all they can do is spread, breed and destroy.
This is good, actually.
>Also, belief in the self is what stops people having respect for one another
But there is no sense of other without a sense of self, so this is wrong.
> This is quite literally the only thing life does.
Spoken like the godless bugperson that you are, but don't worry, in a few Centuries, all humans will think like you!
> You assumed without cause that the aliens not only exist but share your idiosyncratic principles
I SAID that IF an interplanetary species superior to ours met our species, less we stay on our planet, in wich case they might keep us as some kind of curiosity, exterminate our existence or attempt to do so, because humans as a species are too selfish to create any sort of value for other galactic species, nor do they have any sort of ideas they think worthy enough to fight over against other galactic species. No, I don't think humans have any real values. They might be able to create the technology to travel to other planets, settle into them, wether inhabitated by other intelligent species or not, without a notion but with a complete disregard for their private space, without sharing ideas or values or even goods, but taking what they have and behave like the disgusting bugs they are, without building anything that is actually great.
> The revelation of the century, everyone
Why do you want stupidity and idiocy to spread into every corner of the universe? Any actually intelligent planetary species would be very invested into stopping the human plague.
> you have an idea which humanity does not meet, and then make up everything else
No, I don't think humans meet the standards for building a galactic civilization, are you mad about that?
> What would your serious aliens from imaginaria do with that technology instead
Actual things. Not optimize the number of eaters and breed exponentially until every corner of the universe became infested by them.
> This is good, actually
Yes, my assumption about the complete nullity of value the human species would have in an inter-galactic context ia 100% correct.
You want another man to give you permission to have sex? Mega gay and cucked
>humans bad
Reddit mindset
What you say is true for the absolute ugliest bastards among us, but not for the "incels" who have trouble getting a girlfriend because of psychological issues (i.e. narcissism). Capitalism fuels narcissism by design.
Ahh, so misanthropy bad, is that the thing you will tell the aliens while settling their planets, humans good, don't kill humans, let human eat away your recources and take up your space so human species can survive?
>Spoken like the godless bugperson that you are, but don't worry, in a few Centuries, all humans will think like you!
If only the you-aliens were here to punish wicked me!
If only gawd was here! Alas.
>I SAID that IF an interplanetary species superior to ours met our species, less we stay on our planet, in wich case they might keep us as some kind of curiosity, exterminate our existence or attempt to do so, because humans as a species are too selfish to create any sort of value for other galactic species
What's value, in this case? What does value mean?
>No, I don't think humans have any real values. They
What is a real value?
>without building anything that is actually great.
Ok, what is actually great?
I am not you, I don't know what these allusions mean.

>Why do you want stupidity and idiocy to spread into every corner of the universe?
Why not? I wish to see more things, know more.

>No, I don't think humans meet the standards for building a galactic civilization, are you mad about that?
I'm puzzled, because you cannot set any standards. What some disgruntled person thinks is irrelevant.

>Actual things.
Non answer. Describe those actual things.
>Not optimize the number of eaters
All civilization is essentially thius, all alternatives exist entirely within your head.

>Yes, my assumption about the complete nullity of value the human species would have in an inter-galactic context ia 100% correct.
INTER-GALACTIC? Woah buddy, we are barely interplanetary. I think you should dial down on the new age readings.
surely less cucked that asking that permission of the woman
I don't know why you somehow expect aliens are differnt. Life eats, life expands. I don't know why you think aliens will be different.
Unless you just irrationally project yourself upon the imaginary aliens for comfort. In which case you have no reason behind your beliefs and are just crying.
sometimes i like to download those really shitty cam pirate movies cuz it feels like ur in the theater
So it's bad for us to spread to other planets, but if a "superior alien species" encounters us as they spread throughout the galaxy, it's totally fine for them to eradicate us or keep us as pets? Sorry man that's stupid
Cuckoldry by definition involves another man. Also what makes you think the clan patriarch wouldn't prioritize square-jawed chads over the likes of you?
> What's value, in this case? What does value mean?
You tell me: what value would humans provide other planets with, given you believe they should settle them?
> Ok, what is actually great?
I might give you an example after you tell me, since it is you who made up that it would be valuable for humans to settle other planets. What greatness would come out of it?
> Why not? I wish to see more things, know more
There's about 127 elements in the universe. A computer can show us all possible environments in the universe. We don't need to go there.
> I'm puzzled, because you cannot set any standards
A species that is intelligent enough to have goals other than breeding and eating. On a inter-galactic level humans rank like animals in the hierarchy of intelligent species (intelligent = capable of space travel).
> Non answer. Describe those actual things
Something that doesn't revolve around the extraction of recources for the creation of more eaters.
> All civilization is essentially thius, all alternatives exist entirely within your head
Greek civilization revolved around arts and poetry. Roman civilization was about justice and government. Medieval civilization was about religion.
> INTER-GALACTIC? Woah buddy, we are barely interplanetary. I think you should dial down on the new age readings
Yeah, whatever, inter-planetarily, inter-galactically, humans are as worthless as flies or worms.
> I don't know why you think aliens will be different
Ok, let's hypothesize then an intelligent alien species that decided to spread into other planets with no other goal than increasing their numbers and exploiting more recources. Would that be an alien species you would be flattered to meet? Let's go even further. Let's imagine they have genetically modified their species so as to be capable of laying nine eggs every single week after SEX and within two weeks, the baby aliens became fully grown. Would that be an alien species you would be flattered to see landing on our planet?
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I'm going to a convention next month. How do I socialize with people as an adult? I don't know how
>You tell me: what value would humans provide other planets with, given you believe they should settle them?
You are side-stepping the question, but I will indulge you. Humans are of inherent value.
Human art, human ethics, all is of inherent value. There.
> What greatness would come out of it?
Great monuments, great wars, innovations. Tyranny.
>A species that is intelligent enough to have goals other than breeding and eating.
A species is not a conscious being, it cannot have more goals than those. People can, but we aren't talking about that.
>Something that doesn't revolve around the extraction of recources for the creation of more eaters.
Ok, so art, war, monuments, etc. We do all of those.
>Greek civilization revolved around arts and poetry. Roman civilization was about justice and government. Medieval civilization was about religion.
And our civilization is about technical progress and knowledge, by that schema.
>Yeah, whatever, inter-planetarily, inter-galactically, humans are as worthless as flies or worms.
Worthless value judgement.
No. I would be flattered meeting the tyranids. This is not the case with humanity, though.
> Human art, human ethics, all is of inherent value.
Bug art, bug ethics, all is of inherent value.
> Great monuments, great wars, innovations. Tyranny.
What monuments? What wars? What innovations? You mean humans fighting wars between each other on other planets? What makes you believe that would be the case?? You mean wars against other alien species? Wars over recources or wars over ideas? What ideas would we have to hold to begin with? Humans good, humans must spread?
> A species is not a conscious being, it cannot have more goals than those
Ok, then groups can work towards a common goal, in an interplanetary context, the human species would unite as a group and work towards a common goal.
> Ok, so art, war, monuments
What art? What wars? What monuments?
> And our civilization is about technical progress and knowledge, by that schema
False, technology and knowledge are means not goals. Technology is a means to satisfy needs, knowledge is a means to satisfy needs, not a value in itself. A book is useless to someone who doesn't read. A car might be a sophisticated engine, but useless to someone who doesn't need to go anywhere.
> Worthless value judgement
You still haven't answered my question. What inherent value can humans provide other planets with?
No, science will totally not make it possible for humans to reproduce faster.
>me watching orphan on pirate cam release when it just came out
>guy in front row says what everyone is thinking when she asks to sleep in grown man's bed
It's the best way to watch it
>Bug art, bug ethics, all is of inherent value.
Yes. I am sorry, seethebug. That's just how it is.
>What monuments?
Those that we will build in praise of ourselves.
>What wars?
The ones we will ednlessly wage.
>What innovations?
The ones to be developed.
>You mean humans fighting wars between each other on other planets?
And in space.
> What makes you believe that would be the case??
We fight now, we will fight then.
>Wars over recources or wars over ideas?
Both. Sometimes, maybe even wars over something as stupid as someone's ear.
>What ideas would we have to hold to begin with?
We already hold them.
>Humans good, humans must spread?
Freedom Good, God good. Etc. You are a very simple bug. Are you sure you aren't just projecting your dismal vision of bug life to all other bugs, bug?
I am waiting on that example you promised.
>Ok, then groups can work towards a common goal, in an interplanetary context, the human species would unite as a group and work towards a common goal.
It would not.
>What art? What wars? What monuments?
The ones to come and the ones that have come.
>False, technology and knowledge are means not goals.
Maybe for you. Knowledge is an end for me.
>A book is useless to someone who doesn't read.
It can be useless to someone who reads, still. Books can exist for themselves.
>A car might be a sophisticated engine, but useless to someone who doesn't need to go anywhere.
But it's a marvel of engineering. A piece of expertise. There exist cars that aren't ever driven, just displayed.
>What inherent value can humans provide other planets with?
You will not accept my answers. But of course: Death, machinery, activity, noise, life.
Humanity does not exist only for reproduction. I thought you'd know that, being one of us, buggie.
Ayys are gayys and that's all there is to it
Convincing double doubles but how many of them are birds?
It’s weird that the history of Christendom in Europe is one that largely resents the Jews but exalts the Romans. Every crucifix is a reminder that the Romans were enemies of Christ and Christians as much as the Jews, but I guess Constantinus salvaged that reputation for future generations by making the empire formally Christian and therefore redeemed in the eyes of Christians. Julius Caesar was also an exalted man in the medieval Church at least.
> The ones we will ednlessly wage
There's less and less wars going on around the planet. I don't think there will be wars going on betwee humans when they become interplanetary.
> The ones to be developed
You mean hamburgers delivered the second they are ordered? Why? What good would that be for?
> And in space
What reasons could lead to such conflicts?
> Are you sure you aren't just projecting your dismal vision of bug life to all other bugs, bug?
I think humans are just fine living on planet earth.
> I am waiting on that example you promised
For example humans spreading into other planets to introduce religion to aliens, construct churches in Mars, in other planets, convert an alien species to Christianity.
> It would not
What makes you think that?
> But it's a marvel of engineering. A piece of expertise. There exist cars that aren't ever driven, just displayed
Yeah well a company could spread into alien planets selling cars. That would be something to offer, I just don't believe there's any alien species that need cars if they already know space travel.
> Humanity does not exist only for reproduction
No, it exists for other things as well, but planet earth offers everything for ourselves already. Why spread into other planets?
>There's less and less wars going on around the planet.
Only a temporary lull in this song.
>I don't think there will be wars going on betwee humans when they become interplanetary.
You are then wrong.
>You mean hamburgers delivered the second they are ordered? Why? What good would that be for?
No. That already exists. I mean creating life from scratch.
>What reasons could lead to such conflicts?
Moral, pragmatic, situational.
>I think humans are just fine living on planet earth.
I disagree.
>For example humans spreading into other planets to introduce religion to aliens, construct churches in Mars, in other planets, convert an alien species to Christianity.
Not really different than what I've proposed, are you christian by any chance?
>Yeah well a company could spread into alien planets selling cars. That would be something to offer, I just don't believe there's any alien species that need cars if they already know space travel.
Are you an utilitarian?
>Why spread into other planets?
So we can do everything else in other planets. SO there can be more variety and scale. Imagine, a colossi carved from the face of Olympus mons.
> I disagree
Why though?
> Not really different than what I've proposed, are you christian by any chance
I'm not a fanatic and I respect other religions, and I don't think Christianity should be spread to other planets, but spreading Christianity to other planets would be a concrete, achievable goal with much more positive outcomes than breeding and exploiting resources off limits and as a goal in itself.
> Are you an utilitarian?
Short answer, no. I see no use in economical growth as an end in itself.
> So we can do everything else in other planets
> Imagine, a colossi carved from the face of Olympus mons.
Okay, then the man who wants to impregnate her gets to choose. The woman should just lay back and take the dick. No rights for her, we’re facing a demographic crisis. And I’ve written on this, too.
When you think about it, the biological process of digestion and subsequent integration of nutrients into the body is horrifying, but also metal as fuck at the same time.
>we’re facing a demographic crisis
Who's "we"?
I don't want a gun. I NEED a gun because I live in barbarian Yugoslavia.
>Why though?
It's not fair to limit ourselves to a single rock when we can have many.
Why do you want to stay on earth? To turn the question on you.
> but spreading Christianity to other planets would be a concrete, achievable goal with much more positive outcomes than breeding and exploiting resources off limits and as a goal in itself.
Humanity does not have a single goal and never will, we are a species that naturally congregates in a multitude of groups. In space, everyone will be pursuing their own goals. But they will be doing it in a new horizon dealing and solving new challenges. Developing in new ways.
Staying on a single planet doing nothing: watching things on a simulation, fostering a bunch of useless eaters, and worshipping gawd is without a goal, and it's also boring.
>Short answer, no.
Well then.
I think the human condition is a good in itself, all those dreams and ambitions. Olympos mons will have a monument carved onto it as testament to the glory of something. Great space battles will be waged for the ambitions of a sideral conqueror. Etc.
I have to give a case study presentation for a job interview on Monday. I'm nervous as all hell. Any tips from employed anons?
>Olympos mons will have a monument carved onto it as testament to the glory of something. Great space battles will be waged for the ambitions of a sideral conqueror.
you play too many video games and/or watch too many movies. your Real sounds very undeveloped.
I hear it's all femboys and kink lesbians east of the Aegean, you should be fine with a butt plug and a bag of poppers to throw at assailants
Surely you mean the Adriatic.
you're breaking the fourth wall
>you play too many video games and/or watch too many movies.
I read too many books.
I reserve myself the right to fantasize. Or do you think people won't be building stuff in mars, if we get there?
The pyramids were not built for the sake of utlity.
>your Real sounds very undeveloped.
I will not abandon enjoyment of wonder for the sake of "Real" whatever that means. I know that doesn't happen every day.
But Napoleon happened, the Pharaohs happened.
>Inb4:Akshually Reading is GOOD which means you cannot read something that I think is SILLY so you got it from LOW STATUS media of shameful low statusness.
> It's not fair to limit ourselves to a single rock when we can have many.
'We'? You can go to Mars, claim a piece of land, build some sort of biome in it where you can breathe without a space suit, and then you would have a small piece of land on Mars. But I don't see how people moving to Mars would benefit humanity as a whole. Neither do I see how it would benefit the universe.
> In space, everyone will be pursuing their own goals
You can't go alone to space though. I don't think that's possible. There would always be groups and not individuals going to space with group goals.
> Staying on a single planet doing nothing: watching things on a simulation, fostering a bunch of useless eaters, and worshipping gawd is without a goal, and it's also boring
See you equate living on earth with doing nothing, if humans do actually nothing on earth, how would that suddenly change in space? That's nonsensical. They would equally do nothing in space, they would arrive in those new planets with the old attitudes and habits they had when they stepped in.
> Olympos mons will have a monument carved onto it as testament to the glory of something
There's barely any monuments currently being made on earth. Why would humans suddenly start make monuments on Mars?
> Great space battles will be waged for the ambitions of a sideral conqueror
All over the world there's either no wars being fought, then there's a bunch of petty tribal wars not over ideas but over material recources, and then there's the Russia-Ukraine war wich I deem an actual war over ideas, a war over true supremacy, or the closest thing that currently exists to it. Europeans and US-Americans have long stopped being ambitious and competitive. They might have a small technological advantage, but they have barely a third of Russia's soldiers, with thrice the population.
is drinking while you have a cold good or bad?
No, not really. It is a minority of civil people with guns and a majority of violent wiggers who also have guns.
by Real i mean your internal sense of reality. my Real is developed so when I imagine the void-winds howling around olympus mons, your LOTGH larp fantasies are the furthest thing from it. on one side is reality, on the other is pure simulacra, sustained by a very undeveloped sense of what it takes to survive in space, how human beings are modified by their environment, the sheer scales involved, and so on. you sound like one of those conquistadors that led expeditions into the americas searching for places that he read about in the romance books that were popular at the time with the spanish nobility. it's ridiculous. cartoonish.
It dehydrates you (that's bad), but it does help with aches and inflammation (that's gud). Drink some, but make sure you also drink water too, bro. And don't drink booze if you're taking Tylenol. Not a great mix.
>Neither do I see how it would benefit the universe.
I don't see why the universe needs to benefit.
You deny being a utilitarian, but you never shut up about "what benefit does this provide?"
Maybe the end of colonization is colonization in itself, maybe it isn't. I'm not forcing you to go to space, you can stay on earth.
You did not answer why you want everyone to stay on Earth, though.
>See you equate living on earth with doing nothing,
No, but I don't see the big change between space and not. By your standards its basically the same thing.
>There's barely any monuments currently being made on earth.
This is false, you just have a very small scope of the things being built right now.
A tale as old as time. I've started talking with a girl, we hit it off pretty well, lots of similar interests, long conversations, she gets too comfortable and mentions having a childhood friend (male) she still knows, I get sad and depressed thinking I never had a chance to begin with and I'm merely intruding on someone else's story. I've often been told it gets better. If anything, I just keep experiencing the same set of events over and over again. I wish it 'did' get better anons, but I don't think it ever will.
Do women all love cruel men? Do cruel men have the best offspring?
Long conversations in person, I hope? Do not sit on the phone. Use the phone to make dates, go out somewhere fun, hookup with them. You probably need to brush up on your game, women just aren’t going to fall for the guys she texts all the time. It’s boring.
> You deny being a utilitarian, but you never shut up about "what benefit does this provide?"
Well I do certainly not mean material outcomes. Sure,the economy might grow, but humans will stay exactly the way they are, just with rockets and space suits. So automatically we have to ask ourselves what value humans provide to the planet they inhabit. And my plain and simple conclusion is, not so much.
> You did not answer why you want everyone to stay on Earth, though
I don't care about people going to space, I don't think they will do great things in space. What great things are currently being done on earth? No great contemporary artists, no great contemporary writers, no great contemporary scientists, no great cultures, no great nothing. The last great thing humanity ever made was the declaration of Independance of 1776. And the rocket that landed on the moon (if even real). Then we went to retirement.
All men are cruel. It's all about how and when you demonstrate your capacity for cruelty. Sometimes women respect and admire it, but if you show it at the wrong time or for the wrong reason, they'll think you're a violent asshole. Set and setting.
Always in person, I'm not a fan of talking on phones. I don't think (think being with very heavy quotations) it's my game, rather these women are either already taken or have niggas lining up gathering cobwebs. A woman without such qualities simply doesn't exist in my world.
Yeah, it's over, there's always some Michael Furey waiting in the wings. Let it go.
Just because I omit the hardships inherent in space colonization does not mean I am not aware of them. I just wanted to create a grandiose vision for our friend here. I know you, a performatively Serious, Adult, and No-Nonsense man of Coolness cannot permit himself such things, because it's Childish, and Dumb. So you ground those stupid idots who watched too many movies while you apply finasteride to your balding head and trim your Badass beard.
>it's ridiculous. cartoonish.
This girl tries to make me jealous and says she wants me to hurt her and release my anger, I think she’s just damaged goods though.
it's on the same level as people thinking AI will generate new Mozart symphonies on the fly, or those people duped by the MH370 flight "footage". or even the absolute monkeys who think photos of the earth from space are CGI. you can just tell the person is operating at a coarser, lower resolution level of reality, because if you are an adept of the Real, you can instinctively tell when something is of this universe and when it is of the human imagination.
>Well I do certainly not mean material outcomes.
Utilitarianism isn't necessarily about material outcomes.
Pretty sure maximising utility at first meant maximising happiness.
>So automatically we have to ask ourselves what value humans provide to the planet they inhabit.
Again, why do humans have to "provide value"?

>I don't care about people going to space,
Ok, then why are we having this conversation in the first place?
If you don't care, that's fine. I don't want to make you care, you do you.
>Then we went to retirement.
If you want to believe that, it's fine.
I'm sure. Good luck with that.
Correct. That's most likely some love play fetish she has. She wants the illusion of danger because it turns her on. It's fine as long as nobody gets hurt.
> Pretty sure maximising utility at first meant maximising happiness
Yeah, a full belly is a happy belly. It's endless economic growth theory with extra steps.
> Again, why do humans have to "provide value"?
Because they also take value. When you kill an animal you take value away from planet earth.
Why do humans have to go to space?
> Ok, then why are we having this conversation in the first place?
I have no idea.
>Because they also take value. When you kill an animal you take value away from planet earth.
Animals have no value. Humans have no value. Life has no value. And this does not change if a person holds a gun up to my head.
You view life as an imaginary holistic transaction. I do not believe there is an inherent value to anything, so this view is irrational.
>Why do humans have to go to space?
Because we want to go to space, so we will go. Essentially.
>I have no idea.
>Animals have no value. Humans have no value. Life has no value.
this is the guy who wants to build dragon dildo factories on mars lol.
I'm not cruel, wtf
> Animals have no value
That's not true. Plants provide oxygen for the animals. Predators eat plant eaters, keeping the ecosystem stable.
And then comes man, an invasive species that destroys natural environments to shape his habitats.
I wouldn't say that all human made habitats are bad but what value do concrete jungles provide the earth with?
> do not believe there is an inherent value to anything
That's so pathetic.
> Because we want to go to space, so we will go
So just more useless shitters?
I'm sure you're not. But you have the capacity to be cruel. Everybody does. It's innate to our biology. Most of us have caged the tiger. But the tiger still exists inside our minds.
You're most likely right. Be cruel and ghost that.
i actually think some men don't have the capacity for violence (or great violence). and you can tell by looking at them. RE biology, i think some people look like hunters, and some look like gatherers. probably all casting directors know it.
> Plants provide oxygen for the animals. Predators eat plant eaters, keeping the ecosystem stable.
None of this has value. The only way you'd think this has any inherent value is if you thought there was an immanent good coming from the eco-system being stable. I do not believe this. As 'good' and 'value' are qualities arbitrarily assigned by humans, without humans, neither exist. A stable ecosystem, is neither good, nor bad, it just is. An unstable ecosystem disappearing due to (natural) climate change and devastated by migrating species is neither good nor bad. It just is.
>And then comes man, an invasive species that destroys natural environments to shape his habitats.
Such is life.
>I wouldn't say that all human made habitats are bad but what value do concrete jungles provide the earth with?
None, as said above. You are the one assigning values to all of this. A concrete jungle, just is. It is certainly diruptive to the local climate and local species, being detrimental to their chances of survival.
>So just more useless shitters?
You don't care if people go to space, but here we go again.
I knwo the phenotype you're talking about. T levels are hilariously low and it's concerning.
>I do not believe this
does it matter if you believe it? that's what we can say nature 'believes'. nature created man, and nature is superior.
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There is no reason to be here. All my habits are bad habits. If I were a rational agent I would drop them all and never return. But they're all of my habits. What would be left of without everything I do? I seem to exist only to destroy myself.
Why so self-destructive?
Nature does not believe anything. Nature does not exist outside our minds. There are animals, and there are plants, there is fungii and there is microbiota. But there is no Nature, nature is just what we call the sum of all those creatures and processes. Nature does not have conscience. Nature did not create anything. Just as it did not destroy anything. It is just processes unfolding.
Perhaps. Some men might be more less aggressive than others. But it would seem that all men and women possess the capacity for cruelty. Even the most passive women will fight most brutally if somebody steps between herself and her child. I've seen it happen.
I think the bird posters are right
What does she do to try and make you jealous?
> The only way you'd think this has any inherent value is if you thought there was an immanent good coming from the eco-system being stable
Species need a stable ecosystem to survive. And a planet with species has more value than a planet without species.
> As 'good' and 'value' are qualities arbitrarily assigned by humans, without humans, neither exist
I don't think so. I think the term value is universal and exists without humans too.
> A stable ecosystem, is neither good, nor bad, it just is.
Yes, it's not good nor bad, but there's an intrinsic value to it, a worth so to speak, and the objects and all things and creatures of the universe make part of an unequal hierarchy of value.
> An unstable ecosystem disappearing due to (natural) climate change and devastated by migrating species is neither good nor bad
Depends on wether the migrating species increases or decreases the value of the place by migrating there. If you turn a piece of rock into a sculpture the value of the rock becomes greater.
> Such is life
Humans have a consciousness. They destroy the environment because they choose to do so. They can't live in harmony with nature.
> It is certainly diruptive to the local climate and local species, being detrimental to their chances of survival.
The situation is simple. If the human condition is to ruthlessly destroy other species in order to take up more space and recources as a species, humans are parasitic and parasites rank low in the hierarchy of the animals. They provide no value to ecosystems. Neither do viruses for instance. The top animals are Predators but predators live harmoniously with nature. I think human was once a predator, the predator monkey but now he seems to be devolving into some sort of parasite or bug.
>he says while posting on 4chan, a demoralization exchange chamber for the maladapted
life's a bitch then you die
that's why we get high
cuz you never know
when you gonna go
nature of course does exist (the constitution of everything natural). everything works perfectly in nature. e.g. refined sugar is bad for you, but fruit is not so bad. why? sugar requires a lot of minerals to metabolise (potassium, magnesium), fruit contains these minerals.
leave women and their children alone
She told me her waiter was cute and she got his number, also other subtle things we’re just fwb but I definitely started to get some feelings so that was a wake up call for me to create more distance again.
nothing gets so bad a whisper from your father couldn't fix it
If you're just FWB then she's probably saying those things to try and make you jealous because she wants to figure out whether you care about her enough to get angry at the thought of her with another guy. It could be an indicator that she wants you you to express feelings for her or commit to something more serious.
What about loosing faith in your parents?
>I think the term value is universal and exists without humans too.
If it was we could objectively quantify it.
>and the objects and all things and creatures of the universe make part of an unequal hierarchy of value.
One constructed by yourself. We have reached an impasse. I do not believe we will bridge the gap between "Value is subjective and assigned by humans" and "Value is inherent to the universe".
To be frank with you, it seems as if you are attempting to talk me into supporting human extinction, or worse yet you attempting to "teach". I don't care.
We are just going to keep contradicting eachother on this point over and over. So I suggest we end this here.
>everything works perfectly in nature.
Talk about an adept of the Real.
Life only sustains itself the bare minimum to reproduce another generation. There are extreme examples of this like the insects with no mouth that live to breed and the starve after a few hours of sexual maturity or the mouse that dies of organ failure while mating, but the general principle holds.
Are abusive parents capable of loving their children?
> If it was we could objectively quantify it.
Ok you got me, but there's a hierarchy in the universe. And the human might rank high in the hierarchy of the living beings on earth. But I don't think they rank very high in the hierarchy of intelligent inter-planetary species or those who have the potential to do that. In fact I think they rank the lowest of all inter-planetary species, in the category of evil destroyers. Then come the useful servants, finally the master races of the universe.
Performance is absolutely not a product of capitalism. Performance and status signaling is core to human culture, in literally every culture. Even our close ape relatives have status hierarchies that they fight tooth and nail to advance through.
Some of them are capable of loving their children—it depends on the individual situation. My dad used to have a lot of anger issues and was pretty abusive and volatile throughout a lot of my childhood, but he was also a good father in certain ways and I’ve never doubted that he loves me. He’s become a better person in recent years, so we have a decent relationship now.
>Ok you got me, but there's a hierarchy in the universe
What evidence do you have to subtantiate that?
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the further we get from civilisation, we see healthier animals. humans themselves have steadily got unhealthier - modern people are shorter, uglier, unhappy. the human brain has shrunk over time. but alright.
cringe, go back to plebbit
I thought about that as well but if so that’s very childish and I would respect and respond more positively if she was up front about it.
> natural hierarchies don't exist
It's a terrible thing to see. When I worked as a deputy, I would see fathers come between moms and kids. It's heartbreaking. And violent. Nobody fights as hard as a mother protecting her child. Even if for the wrong reasons.
Fancy crackers and pâté
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wish I had that one image comparing that cat that walked into a fire over and over to rescue her kittens vs some whore who sacrificed her kids for nothing
all right mate i wasn't inviting you to get on your soapbox
You are speaking of something entirely different to the social hierarchies present in nature. It's only fair I ask for evidence. It's almost a spiritual hierarchy.
I don't even believe aliens exist, or that if they exist they will be much better than we.
nothing worse than a liveleak creep acting like a moralist
Yeah... It's a shit-ugly world, bro.
> It's almost a spiritual hierarchy
No, it's a natural hierarchy of strength. Predators are stronger than plant eaters that why they rank higher than them in the natural hierarchy. Of course there's plant eaters who are almost impossible to be predated on, they also rank high in the natural hierarchy.
And in the same way IF spacefaring aliens exist there would be a natural hierarchy between them. Some alien races are strong and good, other alien races are weak and evil.
>discussing your relationship with your parents is cringe
Sorry to hear that you’re this emotionally stunted and pathetic. It’s time for you to re-evaluate your life and come to terms with your own past experiences.
i haven't watched trailer park boys in such a long time
You made up this "hierarchy" in your head. It doesn't exist, I don't know what to tell you.
Without a beholder to create it, your hierarchy means nothing.
It's true that she's being immature, but that’s kind of just how most women are. They see things differently than men, so they try to communicate their desires through hints instead of just being straight up about it. Best to sit down with her and ask her about all of this directly.
> natural hierarchies don't exist, they're a fantasy in your head!
The mental gymnastics of a limp-minded xenoestrogenized zoomette.
hierarchy is dictated by diet. the sun eats itself. plants eat light, drink water, and receive nutrients from the soil. herbivores eat plants. carnivores eat herbivores. carnivores are at the bottom, it's why their manure isn't as fertilizing as herbivore manure
kek people like you are just the second hurrah of the LUMBERJACKS ... and BEEF JERKY XDDD phase the internet was collectively going through in the mid-aughts. but cringier
You're not supposed to support Biden or Trump.
Well that would be the hierarchy of shit. Yes, in that case, predators would rank the lowest because their shit has the lowest quality.
There's a hierarchy of strength among earthly species. Some species are stronger than others.
I probably will but a part of me wants to let her go, I’m sure this behavior will continue in the future when she needs attention or validation. That is exhausting. Don’t need a girl trying to drag me down and flesh out insecurities. There’s other ways she can go about probing me too.
Is the Cthulhu Mythos American?
Yee. From the North Eastern part. It's good stuff.
no, it's a spiritual hierarchy, what you're dependent on for survival. plants eat light. predators consume bodies. one of these is not like the other
But there's a size hierarchy. Some animals are bigger than others. Some animals run faster than others. Some animals are more aggressive than others.
Predators usually do not get their prey by strength alone, most use ambushes, group hunting, etc. What you have is an idealized, simplified view of nature, entirely the product of the human mind. A view which you have adapted into a pseudo-animistic belief system you are trying to assert unsuccesfully.
Your hierarchy, as applying to hypothetical aliens species, is fictive and retarded.
The behavior won't necessarily continue afterwards if you decide to tell her that you have feelings for her and want a relationship. A lot of girls play games like this early on because they fear rejection and aren't accustomed to being the ones to make the first move. If she wants a more serious relationship but you aren't initiating any discussion of that or giving signs of deeper interest, then she probably is uncertain about how you feel and worries about getting rejected if she directly tells you what she wants. So she does this shit as a way of hinting that she wants you to react jealously and ask her to be exclusive. Feigning interest in other guys allows her to save face in the event that you don't want her, because this way she can still maintain the image that she is desirable and has plenty of other options lined up.
>There’s other ways she can go about probing me too.
What do you mean by this?
Ultimately all you are doing is codifying different species of animals trying to eat and applying value to it.
a swarm of flies can bring an elephant to its knees.

women who talk about other men to you don't respect you. it's that shrimple.

>feigning interest
kek. kekkers, even.
Ok, needless tangent, the best thing would be human-like aliens who look a little bit different, a little bit alien, but who are perfectly breedable with humans. Nothing would stand in the way of creating inter-planetary civilizations.
If a woman doesn't respect you then you have failed as a man. You need to conduct yourself in a way that commands their respect.
> a swarm of flies can bring an elephant to its knees
maybe, but that's for the next girl. the current girl is already out the door the second she starts talking about cute waiters.

a swarm of insects can drive an elephant mad.
> a swarm of insects can drive an elephant mad
Does that make an elephant smaller than flies?
Or to put it differently, is anything of value lost when you kill a fly? Is anything of value lost when you kill an elephant?
Mental how I could batter everyone here
I'm a professional sharpshooter.
Are we talking beer batter or tempura or what?
As in, instead of trying to make me jealous with low blows she could just be like “what are we” “what are we doing” or something along those lines. She is trying to manipulate my emotions instead and that’s just wrong to me. Also, I’m the man I’m not going to bring up feelings first. That’s the woman’s job unironically.
>Also, I’m the man I’m not going to bring up feelings first. That’s the woman’s job unironically.
Absolutely retarded mindset. In basically every culture it is the norm for a man to be the one to initiate a serious relationship. For example, why do you think it's universally expected for a man to be the one to propose marriage to a woman, as opposed to a woman proposing to a man? You sound like a dumbass man child who still has the teenage mindset that talking about your feelings means you are gay.
when I was younger, my orgasms when I was 18, it was a total body experience. it was like whoa I'm on DMT. and now, its like im peeing.
>Also, I’m the man I’m not going to bring up feelings first. That’s the woman’s job unironically.

let me guess, you got this from some PUA nigger. woman are retarded and need structure if you're actually serious about a girl you need to clarify it for them and yourself.
girl advice on /lit/
you hate to see it
Taking CBD oil before my interview was not a good idea
Traveling makes your mind narrower.
i did coke before my driving test
travelling is the only education
The man initiates, takes the rejection risk and makes dates and shows the girl his world. The way it’s supposed to be is the man is dragged down the altar and caught after the fact. I don’t think talking about feelings is gay at all. In fact I am fairly sweet to the women in my life. But the idea that the man needs to be first to vomit his feelings out is a hyper modern idea, and many women don’t like it and those are the betas that do that. Their women end up owning them completely. Men are supposed to be the rock, I’m not putting my head on her shoulder and begging her to stop talking to the waiter.
why? how'd it go?
I love that song
"Travelling" is women spending $4000 on a hotel room and a few nights out at shitty bars. It's just another Jewish trick to siphon money from the would-be working class into a meaningless usurious trash economy. Women who should be mothers and sources of stability for entire families (giving the family economic independence and long-term planning capacity, thus autonomy from the state) are out living paycheck to paycheck to pay or hedonism, going into debt, and above all, normalizing all this. Either they live in perpetual debt limbo for the rest of their lives, or they find a man to pay for it all, which also normalizes it because the man implicitly accepts the usurious principles underlying the whole farce.

Whichever European society first re-subordinates women will regain 90% of its political sanity within a year. Whatever shocks this might entail are worth it. The smarter ones will use sumptuary legislation and economic incentives during a downturn / cultural crisis when hedonism is no longer possible or palatable, so that women eagerly accept it.

The #1 metapolitical goal of the next ten years should be making it so that whenever an average man hears "Woman voting" it's the same level of WHAT?! WHY?!?! WE'RE ALL IN DANGER!!! as when he hears "A koala bear is piloting that plane"
How I fucking hate living in Estonia: the spiritually darkest shithole in our Galaxy: the absolute spiritual and cultural flatland Ken Wilber wrote about in his books: the horror of absolute conformity and control that lurks beneath work of William Burroughs: a veritable Naked lunch into the minds of a dull, nationalistic, divided nation suffering from the typical combination of megalomania and delusions of persecution typical for the paranoid schizophrenic. Estonia is the daemonic place out of which the delirium of horror writers sprung forth: in the Russians you can see the savage degeneracy of the Martenses and upon the Estonian faces you can see the incestual Innsmouth look; while walking through the suburbs, in the shade of the commieblocks where people eat, sleep, and fuck and listen to each other eating and sleeping and fucking though paper thin walls, and where the gray walled mezzanine reek of piss, shit, alcohol, and dust, brings one into Ramsey Campbell’s paranoid descriptions of decaying Liverpool; and a solitary stroll through crooked creaking streets of the Old City - itself an abomination where medieval German achitecture shares space with Swedish styled buildings, thin, tall, with copper gabled roofs, their fronts of a pastel uniform colour - makes one think of Ligotti and the atheistic asexual aphotic of the Estonian void that shines from the batrachian eyes of the soulless animated shit that had spawned and contaminated this little corner of the earth. The only relief from the post-soviet nightmare of city and its repulsive denizens who look and act as if someone up their ancestry has fucked an ape, in the case of Russian, or one’s grandmother, in the case of Estonians, is Nature; but a careful look into the eyes of pigeons, crows, gulls, in the beady eyes of sparrow, in the alert black pupils of the blackbirds, show that even animals suffer from the horror of living upon this Devil forsaken land, their eyes open wide in suicidal terror and hopelessness that another, better world exists.
Estonia is a living proof that /pol/ is fucking brainrot. If you, people of America and Western Europe, think Trump is rightwing, conservative, fascistic, you'll need to check Estonia.
I took a stroll to Tammsaare Park in front of hotel Viru today, and in front of the statue of Tammsaare reclining upon a bench a middle aged chud, bald, spectacle eyes, with light pedophile beard, holding a megaphone, stood. And from the megaphone a weak chud voice lacking all emotion recited all the sins of the Jews. And no one, absolutely no one, did a thing.
Welcome to Estonia.
Ur mom is sad for u lmao
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Mm-hmm, yes.. I see.. Very interesting.. This "Estonia," how do I both move there and make every other place exactly like it?
this but unironically
>But there is no sense of other without a sense of self
Yes, exactly, now you are understanding.
>The way it’s supposed to be is the man is dragged down the altar and caught after the fact.
This is such a fucking stupid and immature boomer mindset. It doesn't make you more of a man to act as though commitment is something to be feared and that your partner is the proverbial ball and chain who is dragging you to the altar so that she can control your life and keep you from having your fun. It just makes you seem indecisive, juvenile, and pathetic. You are a literal manchild. If you are serious about a girl then you need to take the reins, assert yourself, and lock that shit down.

>I’m not putting my head on her shoulder and begging her to stop talking to the waiter.
No one asked you to. You can communicate your feelings and expectations in a way that still allows you to maintain your dignity and masculinity and assert that you are the one in charge. You could say something along the lines of

>I want to talk to you about our relationship. I have feelings for you and want us to date exclusively. If you want the same thing, then from now on I expect to be the only man in your life, and I will not tolerate you bringing up other men or playing games to make me jealous. I care about you and want to be with you, but this behavior is a deal-breaker for me. If you ever disrespect me by doing these things again, then our relationship will be over.

The key with women (as with children) is to set your expectations very clearly, and be completely consistent in enforcing the rules. If you tell her that these jealousy-inducing games are a dealbreaker for you, then you need to follow through with your word and end the relationship immediately if she ever does it again, even if it is just once. She has been doing this to shit-test you, and you have enabled her by tolerating it thus far. The very fact that she is doing this shows that you have failed to assert yourself and take charge within the relationship. She needs to know that you are completely serious, and that you will no longer allow her to get away with this behavior.
Well they can't be entirely wrong
fuck you
"Men" and "women" is a false binary. It is true that something like this exists within the material realm. But individuals have varying levels of awareness. If I, as a man, am prone to doing juvenile things or having a hostile view of women, a host of things could be causing this for me, in the blatant reality. Perhaps my testosterone levels are spiking and leading my body toward aggression and risky behavior. Perhaps I put much mental weight into some idealized view of what a man ought to be, and am insecure about my ability to meet that, so I project this on to my partner (a woman) out of what basically amounts to my own insanity.
Individuals vary in levels of awareness. If I'm aware of all those things, I can control their negative manifestations in reality, and I can even laugh at them. If I maintain peak awareness, I can actually transcend the "man" in me altogether, and have much more agency in how I see, feel, think and behave.
And any woman can also achieve this. Partnerships work best when they are between two individuals of high awareness, discipline, and empathic compassion. This is a true partnership of care. Individuals such as this can often seem rare, because that is just the nature of this existence, it is hard for people to maintain or even reach awareness. Cultural contexts can make it harder, too.

But there is nothing you can do about it beyond maintaining this for yourself, seeking out others involved in the same goal, and accepting impermanence, that at any point the other person may lose awareness or decide the partnership is no longer what they would like to pursue. There is nothing else you can do, if you want to maintain sanity and the ability to be a light in the world.
Aggression and lashing out is more likely caused by low testosterone. T makes you stable and calm.
Whatever, whatever the cause. My point is that material conditions can cause heavy motivation for irrational or undesirable behavior, but the mere awareness of this enables agency to transcend it. Low iron, low T, high T, heart rate, whatever. If you realize it, you are not a slave to it.
If you're aware of it, you no longer need good health & sustenance? You can't transcend a nutritional deficiency.
Gayds will be all together in a room and the guys will fuck each other and the women will fuck each other.
This is how pathetic faggots are.
That's not what I mean. Yes, if you want to be healthy, you should do what's necessary to maintain good health. Definitely. But the way you perceive things and the way you behave has absolutely nothing to do with your health, in the final analysis. It has to do with awareness, discipline, and agency. You can always control how you perceive and how you behave toward others. Being aware just makes this much easier and more likely.
Fascism is better than capitalism. But democracy is better than fascism.
Close minded people are actually open-minded and open-minded people are actually close-minded.
Right wingers are actually left-wingers and left-wingers are actually right wingers.
Evil people are actually good people and good people are actually evil people.
Educated people are actually uneducated people and uneducated people are actually educated people.
Countryside people are actually city people and city people are actually countryside people.
Black people are actually white people and white people are actually black people.
Immigrants are actually locals and locals are actually immigrants.
Men are actually women and women are actually men.
Honest people are actually liars and liars are actually honest.
Straight people are actually gay and gay people are actually straight.
Selfish people are actually selfless and selfless people are actually selfish.
Dumb people are actually intelligent and intelligent people are actually dumb.
Fat people are actually skinny and skinny people are actually fat.
Rich people are actually poor and poor people are actually rich.
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I think I might unironically be the guy they designed depression meds for. I have no real reason to be glum, and actually, I have it pretty good. But all my life, I've just been sort of dour and bored. Since as long as I can remember I've been the kind of bored where you start groaning in pain at all hours. I do lots of things: I exercise, and I have sex semi-regularly (I'm not exactly a stud, but I do ok). I try and challenge myself, but it's just a sort of grey feeling around my brain like the blood is clotted and squeezing it inside.
I don't feel sorry for myself, and I don't want you to either. It just occurred to me that I might be the guy they make those meds for.
I've never known anyone to be bored while jumping from a plane and yet the pictures of me in free fall make it look like I'm a seasoned vet.
I'm thinking of inquiring about medical help or something, but I don't want to become a zombie that way.
Are all narcissists inherently repellant? There's this 'type' of people. I don't know how or with what words to describe it. I'm not sure wether to categorize it as narcissism. Not that open and ahypocritical type of selfishness. Covert narcissism perhaps? Losers in denial tend to take up that whole personality. It is a behaviour that is generally disinzentivized among society. Except in some parts of the West where it seems to be encouraged.
I feel good. Or is that mania?
I appreciate your responses and to an extent I agree. But in the end I think a quality woman won’t have to resort to making me feel jealous or anything so childish. She’ll simply enjoy our time together enough and we just keep growing closer and it eventually happens, not all women are like this. The good ones are in their feminine, light, joyful, giving and sweet. These types end up with cunts who treat them bad because they think it’s hella badass and affirming when he throws a temper tantrum and gets insecure.
Perhaps some part of you doesn't find fulfillment in the material world.
Here's your anwser. You don't know what you want.
thanks i sort of liked this
new >>23564454

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