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Be Brave edish

Previous >>23569021
trips you kiss my shaft
anyone ever have weird moments in their childhood where their dad fake abandoned them or is it just me? there were many times when my dad just left me or made a show of leaving me. I remember once when I was like 9 when I was having fun at some family outing, I threw a tantrum about not wanting to back home. dad said he didn’t give a fuck and literally just drove away with the rest of my family in the car. It was like an out of body experience for me as a child, seeing my dad drive away without turning back and just get onto the highway. I started crying because i had no idea where I was and cried cuz my parents abandoned me. dad eventually showed up like 15 mins later and we went home.

I’m probably a pussy but I think about this moment a lot, even into adulthood. I think this moment is symbolic of why my dad and I have an awful low trust relationship. It built into me from a young age that my dad when he is upset do absolutely anything including abandon his child.
Planning on reading some Ligotti this evening. Looking to get some spoopy vibes going.
I was thinking about learning American English (21st century).
Maybe I'm older now, or maybe my brain's got tired from being chronically online since I was 13, but the internet feels so boring now. If it wasn't for a couple friends who live in other countries I would probably have deleted everything by now.
4 years ago I could spend the entire day on Youtube or on 4chan. Now I become bored after just a couple minutes, and even when I watch stuff on youtube, it's always stuff I used to like years ago. Everything else feels as if I've seen it before.
And things have got better since this started happening: I've been reading more than ever before, I've started writing and playing guitar again.
thanks for the post anon, I'm going to spend the next 8 hours scrolling the internet in order to cure my internet habit
I have the personality of a piece of drywall. No wonder I have no friends.
Your brain back then wasn't used to all the stimulation. So everything online seemed interesting.

Your brain now is chronically online and has been accustomed to the stimulation. So everything seems uninteresting.

While I was unemployed, the interest was so boring. I'm now employed and can't use the internet during the day and so when I come back home, the internet always seems so interesting.

I'd say it's just a matter of exposure. Reduce your exposure and your brains dependency on the internet for stimulation, and eventually you'll start finding it interesting again (given that you're not actually depressed or something)
Definitely not a normal thing. Very fucked up, in fact
hilarious man, i'd do it out of respect, i'm not actually gay or anything.
Going back to work today I was sick for 5 days and in that time I fell into pure hedonism
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>10 years ago
>post about my weird obsessive interests/theories on 4chan
>other dudes think it's cool and we have a fun little discussion
>do the same thing now
>either get ignored or the guy makes a blanket misinterpretation of what i'm saying and tries to start a dumb argument
I don't get it man. I try to bring some life to this site when I post but I get nothing but negative energy back
I don't see the appeal of gangster thugishness like among rappers for instance. It has never impressed me.
getting into podcasts a lot lately
you lingered a little too long around the balls there anon, sure youre not gay?
It's for lowlifes that seek acceptance and power within their already ostracized communities
Shit really? maybe i am way more fucked up that i had initially thought
it's a sign of RESPECT, i am trying to be considerate of your FEELINGS
My dad once held me over a cliff when I was 6
okay that's truly based anon, you're a considerate guy. sorry for doubting your straightness
did you fall and die?
will you try to kill your son as well?
I might do something funny like that yeah
What if he dies?
What is "logical positivism"?
basado infanticide quads
Why have songs like Megalovania and Caramelldansen survived and thrived for so long?
Just make a new one
Yeah it's fucked up. Both my parents tried this shit on us, but it only worked to upset my siblings. I used get in shit because i'd be like, oh they fucked off, time to start my own life, and they'd call the cops on me to claim i ran away.
Will you try to kill them as well?
Ever since I started taking antipsychotics, the thought of suicide comes to me daily. I used to frame misery as temporary, now I frame joy as temporary. My default state is to suffer, and I have no escape but death.
What's the phenomenon for daily suicide ideation without actually wanting to commit suicide?
I feel stupid for not realizing there are people trying to fetish mine the user of this board sooner.
What do you mean by fetish mining?
Is it like the people making secret threads on /b/ to use for porn plots?
I wish I could do my life over
Basically, you expose unwilling people to your fetish and or try to get them to participate, often covertly.
No, but my mum did this to my brother and I. I remember twice she would be crying and she'd say to us something along the lines of "You two never listen to what I say and I'm sick of it, I'm running away" when in reality she would just be taking the bus to the city for a dentist appointment and she'd stay for a couple of days. She and my dad also used to threaten my brother and me with "the boys home" if we were being too annoying and they even followed through with it once. My dad drove my brother and me to an abandoned house one night and told us that this was the boy's home and that we were going to live there now because we were too naughty and drove off. He came back to get us shortly after but still. I also have memories of my mother threatening suicide multiple times if my brother and I didn't start behaving, that made me cry every time she'd do it.
It's because it's infested with jaded old guys who never left and zoomers who think that's how people are on this website so they perpetuate the bad behaviour.
>Want to learn new language.
>Know multiple methods that I can try out to figure out which one suits me best.
>Have all the shit needed to start learning.
>Can't find the motivation.
>Am bogged down by the thought of "Ugh, it's gonna take so long and I'll probably get burnt out"
How do I stop being a fat pussy and start doing it?
People who drink coffee are such clowns.
Here in the office this guy just stood there waiting for 15 minutes for this gay machine to shit him out a cup of coffee.
He works in construction, spends all his days on his feet and then on his 15 minute break he spends it all just standing there like a chump waiting for his coffee to be made.
Extreme empiricism
wtf just let the man have a coffee faggot
Consider me Bozo then.
The longer in medicine I work, the more I believe that >70% of my patients should be euthanized.
do you not have anything else to complain about
this is the gayest shit, guys look im so different because i dont do a completely normal activity
go take a dick up your ass faggot
Which is?
ah fuck. I fucked up the reply. long day
sorry anon. I'll be your friend though
>rockefeller medicine drone reveals his programming
yeah sure just live being demented faggot
I suppose the rockefeler type only sees walking dollar signs.
Reality is sobering.
explain this rockefeller shit to me anon.
I'm not american.
Pick thirty minutes a day where you have to sit in front of the open book/app/whatever method. Even if you do nothing, you have to do it sitting in front of the resources to do it. Once you start, if you go over thirty minutes, great, but it doesn't get you out of the thirty minutes minimum for the next day either.
look into the origins of modern mainstream medicine, who controls what is taught and who is permitted to practice it. Then ask questions about why nutrition is so poorly taught.
>do your own research
ffs anon
explain it yourself otherwise you're a pseud
guy got really rich in oil, his family is like super rich and influential now and throughout history, is a subject of many conspiracy theories
because you sperged "rockefeller" at me without any substantiation so the logical conclusion is that you're delusional. thus I'm not going to bother looking into it
does it still affect you?
To be fair, the origins of modern mainstream medicine is probably earlier than you are placing it, and frequently pretty scientifically sound about nutrition, if nationalistic. (A particularly bad case of nationalism getting in the way of nutritional importance in medicine is Japan refusing to stop beriberi in the navy because the doctor proposing buckwheat noodles didn't have the right connections and seniority, but usually armies of empire have been built on improving government nutritional plans for potential conscripts since Napoleon)
Currently most of those gains, such as hormonal or electrolyte or other basic discoveries of modern medicine are poorly understood by medicine, becoming niche and under regulated consumer driven business opportunities which run the gamut from good but fringe science to outright poison and scams.
why does every success come with feelings of anxiety and guilt but failure also comes with anxiety and guilt
If it does, I don't notice it. My relationship with my mum is great.
Epistemic observation of truths via sensory perception
>not American
Not an excuse either
you must kiss it anon
Mine is 50/50. My sister and I, nonexistent
try rockefeller medicine men be e richard brown
It might surprise you, but the rest of the world hates you for the nigger culture that you shit on us with. So it is unsurprising when people do not care about your history.
My relationship with my brother (he's two years older than me) is awesome we watched the 1973 Superman movie together tonight. My relationship with my sister (she's seven years younger than me) is up and down but it's been getting a lot better lately. It's only up and down because she's going through puberty and, well, who isn't a little shit when they're going through all those rapid changes? Doesn't help that she's a girl going through them. I don't hold it against her, it's pretty much only rocky when she's on her period and I never know when that is so I'll fuck with her and she'll snap at me and that tells me all I need to know.
I think he meant that it affected a lot of other countries' medical systems and isn't limited to america
I am letting him, but it's just annoying that this guy chooses his 15 minutes to just stare at a coffee machine.
It's right behind me as well which is annoying.
seething coffee drinker spotted. Need your cup otherwise you turn into a annoyed little baby?
I used to install and repair drywall. You just need some patching and a coat of semi glossy eggshell white
>Do consistently well against 850 elo bot on chess.com.
>Play against some 400 elo Malaysian kid online.
>Get slammed.
I thought I was better than 400 elo.
He tanked his elo so he could play scrubs like you
All of my writer friends from college who moved to New York after graduating are getting published, dating, and living vibrant viral lives in general while I’m sitting here by myself with nothing published no writer friends nothing.

I have to conclude that you basically can’t make it if you don’t move to New York, and if you do you will make it in some way.
and I were to read wrtings made by such shallow individuals then I can understand why most people don't like reading.
Their parents are subsidizing it and their Jew/Jew-adjacent Jew York nepotist connections are enabling it. Theirs is a form of demi-consciousness not worth wanting.
Looking at my old town and getting nostalgic at work.
Don't ever have a child with a foreigner, the children will have to make a tough decision where to live and will never feel truly at home.
Only New York fags care about New York "literature"
It's all a cabal, don't fall for it. They will never create anything of true worth.
Where's your right from?
I'm half Caribbean half Dutch.
Moved back to the Caribbean a year and a half ago.
No regrets but still.. not fully home either.
They’re not. I know their parents. They’re also not Jewish. They afford it by working day jobs.

You’re right but that ecosystem allows writers to get noticed. It’s the only city with a local publishing circuit for authors that haven’t made it yet.
Oops typo, meant wife

I feel ya, hope you feel like it's home soon anon
Wife is from the same island. Not making that mistake again. Was always going to be Dutch or this.
It'll come with years I hope. And I'll visit my old country on vacation plenty I imagine.
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Anyone else daydream so often that you develop your own framework of ideas, and it matters a lot to you, but it's a huge web of very specific definitions and nobody else could understand it or discuss this with you unless you happened to write a whole book explaining them?
Dude I feel this way and im a white American with white American parents. Everywhere changes. I don’t go back to my hometown because it’s filled with Hispanics now.
The dream used to be to fuck 9s, date 8s, and marry 7s but now it’s the inverse because the 8s are worse than the 9s and the 7s are worse than both. What the hell happened? Personally, I think mental health and therapy culture has made women pretty unbearable.
Fell into another bout of drinking and masturbation again. I'm so tired of sinning bros. I can go pretty well for a week at a time of sobriety and not looking at any porn or masturbation, before I fall into another cycle of it again.

I wish I wasn't so weak. I want it to stop. Pray for me.
Would you be happier if you stopped drinking or stopped masturbating?
I'm praying against you.
>Chickenhawk anon still alive
This is something I forgot. One reason I went away was because it got swarmed by Africans, I got pissed off just walking through that town.
Forgot about that in the nostalgia
Having loved on various islands, eventually people refuse to believe you come from outside because they don't like to think there's a world out there. There's different time periods and levels of inclusion, but eventually someone will be like
>Jan from the Netherlands
And someone else will be like
>Jan is from two streets over, stop being pretentious you don't know anyone Dutch
Lived not *loved wtf
It's very abusive and not normal but yes. If one of us was being annoying in the car our mom would stop by the side of the road, drag the offender out and drive away.
Sometimes she came back 10-30 minutes later. Sometimes you had to walk 1-10 miles home.
>believing in magic sky daddy
There's the problem. There's nothing coming for you. Man up and ditch the schizophrenia.
It's the other way around. People with the qualities to make it anywhere move there.
Damn, that is fucked up.

Hmm I've noticed his it's way easier to identify abusive stuff when other people relate their stories. Like the same thing might've happened to me but I almost don't want to label it as abuse
Real talk/lit/, I am 20% through Don Quixote, just finished the fuller mill scene.
Does it get better, I haven't honestly been enjoying it that much.
It doesn't seem much like the play.
Post some of the things they have written. Getting published means nothing with how garbage the modern literary scene is.
I'm currently reading 'Beyond Good & Evil' and it's interesting how closely it fits to events around WW2. I get that people read it and were influenced by it etcetera, but even in hindsight it's elucidating.
Immediately the World Wars had many, multi-faceted, causes. From actual events to the arrangement of nation states. But what about a more subliminal cause? The constriction of libidinal desires that the Victorian age gleefully participated in? If you apply that to an individual you get a lot of anger, anger that can be diffused and pacified, but if you put it on to a group you're almost doing chemistry to produce an eruption of violence. I'm not the best read guy, I'm a bum basically, and I imagine someone has noted that before, but that's not really the point I'm making here anyway.
The Post-War Era came and shook that all up. Libidinal desires to the fore. That probably stopped the Superpowers from doing the big nuclear ejaculation. Who knows? But I think they had a blind spot to another libidinal desire, and that's community, and we are still suffering because of that. Maybe they tried, but they didn't try hard enough and were happy to give up community in the face of excess.
We are malleable as humans, but I think we're also tied to a form of being human that is strictly defined and Universal. (Not Universal as in humans on this planet, I mean humans in the whole Universe. I smoked DMT and talked to them, fuck you I do what I want.) But then what happens when the form and the physical separate in terms of community? What is the reaction? An uneasy malaise. A kind of global depression. Vain pleasure that never fully satisfies. Vanity not from seeing the self, but from never truly recognising it. A search for meaning that finds only self-destruction. A people that see no use in producing their own stuff, no value in being, no concern for future welfare.
What's the event that occurs? Probably something way more boring than a World War, but still a rip tide in history that's coming our way.
Oh I don't worry about that. I was born on this island and can speak the language somewhat.
It's just that there's always a 20 year slice of my life that was lived in a place far away from here. That's why I advice anyone to not go with a foreigner.

I know that if I ended up going with let's say a German or American, I would be making a very difficult life for my children.
Imagine being a quarter Aruban, a quarter Dutch and then half Spanish or whatever.
Disaster. And then of course often times the foreigner wants to go back to his/her country. What happened to my mom who wanted to return to Europe.

Life is hard enough, don't complicate it with these weird arrangements.
I see there is no means to understand this other than decrypting it with a dictionary.

Where should I start on philosophy/metaphysics to understand it?
Can't wait to watch the Euro football.
I hear Ngubu has come back from an injury just in time, and we all know M'bwebwe is on fire this tournament.
hume, locke
Quite honestly (perhaps literally), it is an incestuous circlejerk. I spent a substantial amount of time within the MFA department (I was an assistant to the top 20 university's MFA director). He was (RIP) a good catholic man who nearly killed himself thrice. Talked a lot of his experiences writing in the 80s and 90s in New York along with a bunch of other places, so he told me a lot about how it is in many of these places.

I'm not saying individuals don't have talent, but it's clearly a very insular, in-group community. They just publish each other and don't even hide it. It's tough to get on this circle but once you make it in (and abide by """their""" rules), you're pretty much set for the rest of your literary career. Of course, at the cost of your soul and of achieving even a glimmer of meaningful art in your lifetime.
Do you play cricket on your island? My Trini friends love talking about it
Can't tell if you're srs or jkn
No, over here it's all baseball and soccer.
Cricket is big on islands with a lot of pajeets on it.
Honestly my island is kind of blessed by not having had slaves or jeets dumped on it.
Southern American Indian is what >we are.
Do you think men need to wake up everyday and work towards a goal?
Have you seen M'bwebwe this summer??
Sure he'll not live up to the legendary Danish player Mobombo or the Frenchman Mamabubi but this Euro is great so far
Bro trust me keep your eyes on m'nununu
>Cricket is big on islands with a lot of pajeets on it
Pretty sure it's super popular with the black Caribbean population as well anon. The only times I've ever watched cricket were at watch parties with my Trini friends (with their other Caribbean friends as well ig). They have their own team called the West Indies.

>Southern American Indian
What does that even mean?

>my island is kind of blessed by not having had slaves or jeets dumped on it
No wonder you hate living there lmao, you hate the people that you're surrounded by. If you hate the people around you just for their race, it will never feel like home to you.
Lmao so what's up with that? Do teams like France just let anyone in their national team, even if they're not citizens? Or are they proper frenchies that are black?
i don't know
can you repeat the question
I think ambitious people move there but that’s all. They also move out around 30 when they fail, and almost all of them do.
>modern rpg dialogue choices
I know what you mean. It's hard to get that third-person perspective.
I don’t want to do that to them.

Yeah, I’m not saying that there’s nothing cringey about that scene but I’m suggesting all of the infrastructure to get published is there. Maybe we can say that if you want to be successful today you have to write the kind of shit they churn out of MFA programs, maybe not. But I think we can say for certain that you have to publish in places there are publishers. In the past, a lot of writers got their start writing for their university mag or local magazines. Now that universities are totally pozzed, we only have local magazines. And they’re all in New York. There’s no literary or publishing scene anywhere else, not even Chicago or Boston.
get the fuck outta here zoomer and watch malcolm in the middle
missing goodbye and yes(sarcastic)
The BookTok-BikeTok thing is nuts.
Cricket is popular in hot dry dusty place
read "the portrait" by Gogol then start writing something, you stupid asshole.
Ah I see what you're saying now anon. You want independent local publishers that are slightly less pozzed. I think it's fair to say NY is the only place for that in the states. But it is very much an inner circle thing. Sadly, even in writing, it is perhaps more important the quality of your contact than your actual writing. There are some MFAs that are less gay and not as Jewish but I haven't kept too up to date with all that off late.
Probably written a billion times, but bookers are so entitled it makes them disbelieve in reality. I’ve come down with Covid and my boomer mother “can’t believe” that the company I’m employed at doesn’t provide sick leave for wagies. Yes she uses “I can’t believe” literally too, as in “I don’t believe that,” as opposed to “I’m aghast that.” She’s been looking at information for hours now because she won’t believe what the manager said about Covid and sick leave for wagies.
She also “can’t believe” that a swollen lymph node was being caused by Covid, the same thing that is making me cough and have a fever, and claims my swollen lymph node is from not brushing my teeth lately.
*But boomers
Single mother? The complete denial of reality sort of reminds me of my own.
I'm pretty sure that's one of their self defence mechanisms. They can't cope with their reality so they go full shizo, best set scenario is your mother giving you mommy issues, worst set scenario is the real cause for baby sleeping death syndrome
>What does that even mean?
You don't know what Southern American Indians are?

And as for your last comment. You're a fucking retard. Nowhere did I say I hate living here. Nowhere did I say I 'hate' the people I'm surrounded by.
How come you're a moron?
I do not anon, that's why I asked

Huh are you okay anon? You seem on the edge
Vote rhymes with Joe
Then you know nothing about the region.
And when someone starts putting words in my mouth and giving me shit advice I am on edge. You come across as a retard.
Lol, couldn't be me. I have to hold back my true personality often though, even around people I'm close with.
No not single mother. Just very selfish.
>Imagine being a quarter Aruban, a quarter Dutch and then half Spanish or whatever.
Tbf that's a lot of islands make up anyway, Dutch/Spanish mixed with anything else that invaded or imported
Yes but add to it that one of your parents are not from the island you end up with a fractured identity.
It's one thing if the woman lives here and the parents as well.
I really hate when people criticize something when they just don't have the personality to comprehend or wrap their heads around what they're looking at. They'll focus on technical issues and overlook what's being attempted at the conceptual level. It's also womanish as fuck to be dismissive. You can't actually be clever or anything because people will find a way to gaslight you. People unironically don't deserve certain media whether they get it or not.
>Then you know nothing about the region
lmao obviously you dimwit retard, why the fuck would I ask you if i knew it

>when someone starts putting words in my mouth and giving me shit advice I am on edge
go back to where you're from, you homeless dutch negroid cuck. I went out of my way to be civil with you on 4chan of all places and you choose to be an unpleasant neanderthal yuropoor. enjoy living in your hellhole while the entirety of africa and india rape and pillage both your caribbean island and the sweet little village you thought of so fondly.
If you don't know about the region, don't say nonsense like:
> you hate the people that you're surrounded by
Fucking spaz

And lol at you thinking you were being civil. Fucking idiot. You make up things about me
>you hate living there
>you're surrounded by blacks and pajeets
>you hate people for their race
and then think you're being civil. Fucking joke.
Keep your dumb opinions for yourself you freak
All I do is wait and it’s driving me mad.
Lay your head
On their chest
And listen
To the heartbeat
Of someone
who loves you
no one loves me
good jesus, this level of newfaggotry is simply outstanding. why are you here, anon? how did you find this place? you truly are lost. perhaps >>>/reddit/ is more your style.

you have 3 options, you ugly halfie mudblood: go back to where your from, lurk more, or kys.

this influx of kids and newfags into /lit/ is truly insufferable. fucking retards think this is some dank facebook group
I'm sorry. There could be someone out there for you
>You make up things about me
Anon... This is an anonymous forum...
Any particular place to start with either?
Why is this broken up into separate lines instead of being formatted as a complete sentence?
I wish I could do that with my mother like I used to a child. Her heart is the only heart that would ever love me so deeply. It'd just be awkward if I do it now as an adult now though.
Been here since 2011.
You're some prickly faggot who got mad because I called you out on putting words in my mouth.
Stop whining, big faggot
Nothing about what I wrote implied I hated living here...........
Nothing implied me being surrounded by pajeets and blacks..............
>There could be someone out there for you
for everyone other than me, yes. for me? no.
It's a poem
Written by you?
Just try it. Listen to the heartbeat of someone who loves you. It might change you. It did me but she died. I wish I was dead too

You live on the eyelash of God
For you are never out of His sight
But you didn't know that 100% for sure. Don't give up. Don't give up to your nagging voices. You are harming yourself irrevocably
>since 2011
doubt but whatever you say

>putting words in my mouth
>call me out
Are you genuinely retarded anon? Who the fuck are you? Who the fuck cares? I don't know who you are. This is an anonymous fucking board you zero iq mongoloid. i only wanted to learn from you but you had to get all defensive on 4chan of all fucking places like some sensitive femoid

did you fight with you wife and have her cuck you or something? why are you so fucking sensitive for something that literally didn't fucking matter? get a grip
anon, I love your enthusiasm but Im a wizard. it's not going to happen.
I'm not the dude you're arguing with
You're the one having a spergout.
I was more than willing to have a normal conversation but when someone throws in three lies:
>you hate living there
>you're surrounded by blacks and pajeets
>you hate people for their race
What exactly do you expect?
Am I supposed to debunk this nonsense that came from nowhere? Do I ignore?
No I call you out for being a faggot. End of.
You'd be surprised. I have fucked up everything I ever touched, directly or indirectly.. I still found love. I could teach every one of you how to find it. Here's step one: stop looking for it
No shit but your comment was also dumb.
Just because this is an anonymous forum doesn't mean you can't make up things about the person you're talking to.
>Here's step one: stop looking for it
what do you mean? how did you find it?
I don’t think that God cares about me
>debunk this nonsense that came from nowhere? Do I ignore?
what the actual fuck is this? do you think this is facebook? these are levels of newfaggotry that shouldn't be possible. kek for everyones sake lurk more PLEASE

anyway ive wasted enough of your time, take care you clog cunt
You have to make yourself stop looking for love. It will find you. Trite but true. I didn't find it, it found me every single time. That may be anecdotal but it's my advice nonetheless. How many guess who went seeking for true love actually found it?
Me and you both. I've lost everything at least 4 times but here we are regardless. May I ask what makes you think that, if you don't mind me prying? Maybe I can learn something here
You're not even capable of answering. You're a typical newfag who thinks he can fit in by calling someone a newfag.
What about my posts tell you facebook?
The cope is unreal. Bye faggot, go cry about it.
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Do fetishes come from overthinking?

Perverts all tend to be fairly smart, or at least fairly clever, and weird fetishes tend to correlate with intelligence. Is it because if you're smart you do a lot of conscious thinking on stuff that other people take for granted? Like farts, or feet, or armpits, or anything like that. Ordinary stuff that the average person just accepts as part of the haze of everyday life. But smart people apply conscious thought to them, simply because they do a lot more thinking than dumb people. Is that what turns them into fetishes?
I have the thought today (while drawing fat asses and titties) of the idea of being sexual in the singular. I've grown up feeling immense shame for any sort of sexual release that wasn't with a partner. But upon reflection it no strikes me as odd that these natural energies are to be bottled up only to spewed into someone else.

I'm going to try harnessing my natural erotic energy into drawing/writing before masturbation, and strive to only do so to very vanilla art. Hopefully this will train my brain to associate sexual gratification with creative productivity rather than board lust.
>tl:dr I think I've made peace with beating off
no, its childhood and how your developing mind intereacts with all sort of stimuli ranging from sociatel norms to seeing certain clothing on adults or even cartoons you watch. If I recall people who find feet hot are people who were told feet are dirty and meant to be hidden, same with armpits, a lot of religious people are into feet because of it and its hilarious af.
>because this is an anonymous forum doesn't mean you can't make up things about the person you're talking to
You're missing the point. An anonymous forum means that what anyone says about any other person literally doesn't matter. He doesnt know you so obviously he's talking out of his ass. Plus this is 4chan so everyone speaks with a higher base level of impoliteness and retardedness. Furthermore, anything anyone says on an anonymous board has literally zero impact on your real life. There is neither any connection nor any consequence.

Frankly, it's odd how sensitive you've been in this matter. There's something not right with you anon. No 4chan comment should be this sincere and stupid. If you indeed are a newfag, please leave this place before it corrupts you.
Elaborate about why I want to know why they feel that way or not looking for love?
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I showed my mom episode 1 of Cromartie High School.
She didn't like it.
I'm 29.
Humans relationships are neither one to one or onto, we must change the function
>It will find you
Mustn't one at least put themselves in situations where there is at least the possibility of finding love?

I think telling khv anons that haven't left their rooms in years to stop looking for love isn't doing anyone any favours
Do you ever feel so sad and tired that it’s as though your whole self is dissolving into nothingness
elaborate on why you need to stop looking. Give us more info. Im thinking that what you mean is that you shouldn't go to social events simply because you feel like it and not looking for companionship which if its the case then its a low hanging fruit.
I love it when someone tries to explain a forum I've been on for about 15 years now.
Someone started talking out of his ass. I called them a faggot for it.
What exactly is the issue here? Are you upset because I called him a retard?
You sure you're not the newfag? Trying to tone police me is crazy
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Starting now, deranged superiority complexes, lamentations, self-pity, self-deprecation, venting of miseries, expressions of despair, and general negativity are completely forbidden in this thread.
Blessing-counting, compliment-giving, dream-sharing, helpful advice, and emotional support are much encouraged!
I envy your relationship with your mother. I learned from early age not share anything that goes in my life with my own mother or else she will undermine me and what I care about and give me another inesecurity.
How is anyone supposed to get helpful advice or emotional support if they’re forbidden from venting their miseries? Fuck off.
None of you sad sacks of shit want advice anyway.
My superiority is well founded althoughbeith
Anon, that's depression. Please visit a specialist.
It's raining here
In this beautiful, forlorn countryside
And I stand out in it
Because I'm crazy
And I'm crying
I'm finally starting to understand
Why lonely people kill themselves
I don't think I even have a week left
Of fighting, trying, hoping
Every single decision I made
Ended up being for nothing
I will be out in a pauper's grave
And no one will miss me at all
Your poor wife
desperation makes you too annoying to love
You could be buried in a mine three miles deep into the earth and love will find a way
its not like you have any worthy adive air thief
truly based, anyone that replies will get a compliment from me. tell me your fav thing about yourself and i shall customize the compliment
You seem very upset that an anon got called a faggot on 4chan.
This is quite normal, you'll get used to it.
Constant looking for love is just not healthy. If you were constantly seeking inward, that would change the whole game for you
Oh believe me, I have. Nothing is getting better
You're a sweetie anon :)
But how tho
You're not the boss of 4chan, lit, even your own shits. Try to hold a shit in and see what happens. Stop posting
God bless you anon
Shitting is a psyop from big TP.
If we were shitting since the dawn of time, wouldn't there be mountains of shit around?
Thought so.
how to look inward
I'm already too blessed
unfathomably based post
Thank you but if you knew the horrors I've perpetrated, you might feel otherwise. Let us say there is someone who had an eye on you this whole time but you didn't know it. Then, they heard you were trapped in a mine three miles down. They might actually be invested in your well being and just didn't realize it-until your life was in danger. They come to find you, help you out of your predicament.

Please God, come find me before I blow my fucking brains out
Well you're a mountain of bullshit
alright that's enough, shut the fuck up already
I started reading philosophy, and that's a super easy way to do it. Even then, that might not work for you. Be alone with your thoughts for a week and write down what occurs to you. You might see something there you didn't expect. You might even be lovable
I get the sense you're someone who likes to have the final word. Not on my watch
>horrors I've perpetrated
wtf explain

>come find me before I blow my fucking brains out
wtf anon
Alright then, let's chat. What's your favorite food?
I like lamb chops a lot
I'm a big fan of lamb kebabs myself
didn't ask
don't care
Are you drunk or on drugs right now?
is putting some line breaks in simple prose enough to make it a poem?
You can share problems you experience without it being "venting".
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as much I would love that, no, giving people false hope and confirmation is worse than insults because it gives people false sense of security; makes the fall hurt even more. Advice is cheap and worthless if it can't be pragmatically implemented.
>Please God, come find me before I blow my fucking brains out
God must not intervene in the affairs of humans.
You must find him yourself, sooner rather than later.
Find the gratitude, the empathy for another and the strength to act within you - the light, if you will - and call it God, with a capital G.
Pray to him and ask him to show you the way, and act upon that, wherever it might take you.
You will be saved, and by the light you will succeed, whatever form that might take.
Just caffeine
Poems are notorious for being unstructured. Some are, some aren't. Certain types of poems have rigid rules. Some types of poems do not. If it makes you feel any type of way, it is a successful poem. If it didn't, better luck next time
Answer this question pls >>23575319
That's not true and I capitalized the word God
I hate AI so fucking much.
I do not wish to divulge that. It's poisonous
>refuses to confess
>says finding God by oneself is not true
Are you not Christian?
We're giving you an opportunity to reflect and lower the burden on yourself, why refuse it? Your commitment to suffering is not noble, or merited for that matter, you can find forgiveness in speech - penance alone won't clear you, you must confess.
Just tell us, we’re all anonymous here. It might help you feel better if you get it off of your chest
Asking in this thread because the answers I got in the last one were not useful. It came to me in a dream that I should versify a typical college course in Mathematics: that is, that I should write Calc 1-3, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Proofwriting, Abstract Algebra, and Real Analysis into an epic poem. I don't know if this is possible to do well, though.
If someone can produce one of the following:
>1. Quality poetry about math
>2. Proof that a surjection is possible from good poetry onto good prose
Then I will be confident in my venture and not give up. I appreciate your help.
I can't. I barely admit it to myself. The only people I've ever told was on b, on the tell us your secrets thread. Let just say it's heinous and leave it at that. When it is said the wages of sin is death, ig I'm about to find out and soon. I don't even know what to tell my loved ones much less anyone else
Did you rape someone? Kill someone?
I doubt it's worse than the anon who confessed to molesting his underage sister in these threads.
If you wish to bear that burden alone then fine, these threads are always open and writing is a fantastic way to channel your pain onto the world outside your mind.
The belief that there might be cops listening might have some credence to it but outside the US I don't think there's anyone listening, so it's as safe as it gets, IRL priests aren't as secretive as this thread could be.
We'll wait for you to talk, I hope you can bear that cross until you do.
>I barely admit it to myself
That is your problem. I am no fan of AA but they have an excellent success rate in turning the very dregs of society productive, and their first step is always admission.
>confessed to molesting his underage sister in these threads
jesus fucking christ
Yeah, fuck that anon and the self-pitying bullshit he posts.
I'm going to kill a vampire.
I'm wailing in these empty rooms and I sound like a crazy person. I can't take it anymore. There are families that are just not going to make it. They are poor. I went to this fish fry with my grandson and the was a man there that was being aggravated by what looked like his son and he pushed the boy into a mud puddle.. ofc the kid starts immediately crying but in this real tentative way, as if he was afraid someone (his dad) was going to lash out at him. I still think about that to this day and why I didn't do something. My grandson's father said look, P______. You're here with E____. Don't let him see you do this, because I had risen out of my chair and I was going to best that man to death with my cane. I was furious. And that's pretty much like my whole life has been-impotent fury l. We all see these families that *are not* going to make it and furthermore, they are just going to keep making more broken people. There are 17 veteran suicides every day. There's an average of 121 suicides every day. These families are NOT. MAKING. IT. And we all can see who they are and all we do is stand aside and let it happen. But I stopped standing aside and stopped just letting it happen and not one goddamn thing changed. I saved no one. I can't even save myself.
I accidently posted this before I could proof-read it. Sorry for any typos, I hope the gist gets through
Just fuckin tell us what you did mane
cmon anon spill it mang
I'd rather die. I will admit it to God and His angels and no one else. If everyone gets to hear it, you'll understand then. If I put it down in text, I have to read it and that's something I just can't take right now. I'd rather die
I was being chased by alligators and I pushed my sister down so I could escape. They attacked and ate her. She was 8. I was 13. This was in Florida. No one knows I did it. Happy?
okay tell us and then kill yourself
just PLEASE tell us goddamnit, ill do anything you want
If you’re suicidal anyway, confessing what you did couldn’t possibly make your situation worse. And it might bring you some catharsis. Confession is the first step towards repentance.
How about a vocaroo recording? Do you speak English well enough?
That way you don't have to read, and you can sob and cry and take your time, yet achieve catharsis all the same.
If you choose not to share it then stop seeking pity, you're just expending valuable real estate here in this thread.
How about typing that as a full paragraph instead of using pointless line breaks?
I have a tiny viewport, I need the linebreaks for me, not for you.
Also, why the fuck do you care?
genuinely direct so much of my mental energy towards worrying that I have one of many forms of cancer at any particular time
I can't take a picture because I can get in trouble for murder. The courts don't believe in vampires.
If they don't believe in vampires then you technically didn't murder anything
Yeah, I speak English well. I'm a well read American. I read a lot and by that I mean around 1600 pages a day. Some of you might remember my threads
What the fuck did you do??
Why would you kill a vampire when you could marry one instead?
There's not much to talk about, then, is there?
I hope you find either forgiveness or punishment later in your life.
Why would you kill a vampire when you could interview one instead?
Is this funny? I saw a video summary of it and just thought about this joke.
Thanks, I hope you find forgiveness
Tell us right now or i WILL kill myself
Fucking hilarious
I used to generally feel that I had a good sense of intuition about most things, but now I can’t distinguish between intuition and delusion.
Bro is acting like he's a serial killer or something. There was a guy who confessed to killing 3-5 people while overseas in this thread. Surely it can't top that.
Do you know of what words he used? I'd like to look for him in the archives. Same with the molester dude, if you were to know.
Amazes me the programmed people for news network viewers
Idk about molester man but if you search "3-5" or Afghanistan the posts should come up, the guy is a former Army Ranger and some of his posts would have pictures of him wearing NVGs or stuff out in the desert. I hope he's doing okay, he writes that it never really affected him but he's made posts about it intermittently for months and he often focuses on how imbalanced the power between the US military and the terror groups he was fighting was, how helpless they really were, that kind of thing.
Found molester man (or one of them): https://archived.moe/lit/thread/21865868/#21868646

Rangerbro I haven't looked for yet.
As opposed to what? Spending 15 minutes gossiping about coworkers on /blog/?
Oh I remember that guy. I was trying to sad post and he took all the attention away from me.
I can't figure this out.

I don't know what I want. I don't know if I like girls or men or tgirls or if it's just meta attraction. Being a girl and imagining myself feminized is hot but wearing a dress and making myself more feminine isn't arousing at all, it just feels normal. I kinda laothe women for natually being what I want and being allowed to be feminine. I also hate them for being kind of idiots. I hate and love my own mannerism and way of talking, it is very masc and vulgar. I don't identify as anything at all, I am just me. I am a man because that is the path of least resistance.

>>20678457 in the warosu archive was written by the molester:
>Today I'm spending my free time in my shitty tiny apartment with broken AC and gnats that get in some fucking way and keep landing on my skin to roll around in my sweat.
>I'm living here working for a boss who hates me, with peers who don't like working with me, and with subordinates who know I got my position through luck and failing upwards and who wouldn't trust me to lead them out of a paper bag. I make less money than I did flipping burgers when I was 17, not that it matters because I have no social life to speak of and no aspirations in life other than to stick around long enough for the invention of time travel to make it possible for me to prevent my own birth, and after paying my bills I just let my earnings rot uselessly in savings.
>I've been going to the gym in hopes of anchoring myself to something in life, but my maxes are pathetically low and will remain so for the foreseeable future, along with my shitty flexibility and body coordination. I'm 5'8" with a face that looks maybe around average from one specific angle and getting ripped won't win me anything in the looks department but at least I'll feel better about myself if I get there. It'll give me some copium to help deal with being a kissless virgin who hasn't had a non-work-related conversation with a female in over 5 years.
>My family doesn't say it out loud, but they find me to be pretty annoying when I visit home, so when I do I just shut myself in the basement all day. My sister acts like she's happy to see me but I know she isn't because I fucking molested her when I was a fucking retarded teenager and while she might have forgiven me, she hasn't forgotten and won't go into the same room as me by herself, which I don't blame her for at all.
>I'm the sole cause of all my problems, and a burden on pretty much everyone I know. The friends I had in high school cut contact with me one day because I was a shit friend and bothersome to deal with. I don't blame them either. I do shitty retarded things and am too dumb to understand how to correct my behavior or make recompense for it.
>Lately i've been thinking about Dumpstering everything I own, driving out to the middle of nowhere, and doming myself. I just want to disappear. I'm tired of who I am and I want it to be over. Too bad I'm a pussy who will make a post just like this 5 years from now, all things having remained unchanged.

He’s made a lot of other long posts over the past couple of years, but I don’t feel like digging them all up right now. In a lot of them he’ll ambiguously refer to feeling guilty over something wrong that he did to a girl years ago, but he’s vague enough that it sounds like he could be talking about cheating on an ex-gf or something, because he wants anons to respond sympathetically. He won’t admit that his bad act was molesting his own sister until another anon recognises his posting style and calls him out.
I haven't seen him round these parts in a while. Maybe he finally an heroed.
stop watching porn
>I kinda laothe women for natually being what I want and being allowed to be feminine.
Typical jealous AGP male.
Depends on what's a 9 or a 7 in your view.
Remember that 7's get approached more often just because guys see them as 7s, more approachable, and not them as 9s, possibly unnaproachable to them. So they become more confident and, by being treated like a 9, they start acting like a 9, that is, they start seeing their company as a privilege for you to have, and not yours as a gift.
Plus, women who were beautiful growing up were always spoiled by men in all sorts of ways. Problems me and you were solving for ourselves or paying for them to be solved were solved for these women by other men growing up.They feel entitled to a lot.
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I saw pic related on /fit/ so now you guys get to see it too.
You‘re a tranny. The only somewhat opposed lines are saying that to feminize yourself feels normal and that women are idiots, neither of which really contradicts the point.

I don‘t know if going to a headshrinker saying you don‘t wanna transition unless you really have to might help. It‘s worth a shot maybe but having fucked around with a good bit of trannies the main thing I‘ve observed is that the really shameful agp shit takes off if you repress it continually thinking nature won‘t find a way.

I also agree that porn did this to you but if you‘re over 20 that‘s kind of a done deal.
I will never understand the desire to be a woman. I love women to death and think they're the most beautiful things ever, I also fucking hate them and see them as radically different from me in every way, but I also love that they're different. All this cognitive dissonance is part of the joy of the opposite sex being the OPPOSITE sex. Why would I want to be a faded, shit version of it? Why not be its perfect opposite and counterpart, like its dipole?

I just can't imagine wanting to go from being an A+ thing that you are to crawling and scraping to be a D- version of what you aren't. Whenever I invite my idiot girlfriend out somewhere fancy and I show up and she's dressed to the nines and made-up, I'm shocked at how effortless she makes it and how angelic she's capable of being when she isn't playing Animal Crossing and ordering expensive takeout just to eat a third of it. It's like gaining momentary access to a secret world that isn't for me, but I'm an honored guest, and in a way this is the best because I get all the wonders of that world placed in front of me on a silver platter and didn't even do anything to deserve it, I just showed up as what I am. The thought of trying to break into this world furtively, just so I can be a shitty outsider in its ranks and learn all the things its actual natives know by instinct, so that I can imitate them poorly and always be playing catch-up, is just a dissonant thought, it's like the thought of being a flat note in a symphony.
This pic is the first time anything a woman (presumably) has made has ever affected me, I am a little less misogynistic because of this image. Maybe if women made more things like this instead of whining and crying like babies I'd have to put them in chokeholds and take them out to the dumpsters less often.
Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd;
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
I don't care if I never get back.
Let me root, root, root for the home team
If they don't win, it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.
Maybe I'm a massive pussy (very possible,) but it makes me very discouraged what all the most brilliant people I know are doing for a career. All the top students I know went and studied Finance, and many did masters degrees. I followed a similar path, and following grad school I went to work as a consultant.

Despite all the "prestige" they try to surround that job with, it's a complete joke. Organizing ppt's, packaging simple reasearch into easy to digest presentions. Having "touchpoint meetings" to update excel documents, to, at the end of the day, do nothing of real consequence.

Despite that reality, the people who work there, though not at all creative, are incredibly smart and hard working. So they continue on, and strive to make manager and eventually partner. Making lots of money, but doing nothing of value for society. Beyond consulting, I have friends that want to go work for big finance companies, or even blackrock. I have an engineer friend that wants to build weapons at Lockheed martin because "its the most cutting edge technology"

I got out of consulting quick, and I guess im kind of tredding water trying to figure out what to do next. It just saddens me to think that all that brain power and those long hours are going to things that are pointless at the very best, or downright destructive at its worse, when we could be doing so many great things for the world instead.

All my business and economic studies has just left be a bleeding heart after seeing how pointless and soulless the whole fucking thing is.
why not start your own business? something related to a thing that actually gives meaning to your life, but considering what you just said, you are probably looking for fulfilment on the wrong places, a job is just a way for you to make your living, most people don't have really fulfilling jobs, those who do are extremelly lucky.
I hate it here
Please explain the meme because I absolutely don't get it
How many of the people who post in these threads actually read books regularly?
every fat disgusting hamplanet woman getting railed by men with low standards was once an innocent little girl
The pig kinda breaks my heart
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i kind of want to be digested alive
I'm sick and tired of toxic positivity and I want to kill trannies in Minecraft.
The protagonist dying in the line of duty is based.
And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live.
You'd probably suffocate before anything else
There is no reason to believe a woman made this
I read books but I don't bother annotating or taking notes because that's boring. Am I still enriching myself or is it all just going in one proverbial ear and out the other?
I hate my life
What is it about the mere existence of trans people that makes so many folks blow a gasket?
If you've ever interacted with one, you'd know.
I have and still don't know. They seemed nice.
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>They seemed nice.
Yep, they're so HECKIN' nice when they talk about genociding white men on twitter for the umpteenth time too.
Rightoid media uses them as the somewhat socially acceptable proxy target for the judaism and multiracialism and capitalism that is actually destroying society.

Having said which tranoids are also retarded because they run along with this categorization by making common cause with all of those things
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The pursuit of knowledge is inherently vain. The deeper you delve into any subject, the more you realize how vast the realm of understanding and ignorance truly is—far beyond what a brief video can cover, and extending even beyond the lifespan of one's life. You are to chase your gold foiled goalpost, find it elusive, and despair in the sight of it all. We ignore past lessons, competing for superiority while true understanding remains forever out of reach. Each generation in belief in its own enlightenment, only to falter and be forgotten, compounded into dust. Why do we keep doing this? Why can't you see how absurd this world truly is?
I hate my wife.
>on twitter
So you've never met one, you've only interacted with "people" on twitter?
Have you ever interacted with a real transperson or just internet trolls?
I will pray for you, Anon. Remember what Saint Augustine said, the sins we indulge from our youth become etched into flesh as habits that we cannot break as quickly as we would like to. The religious life is one of struggle and discipline, we aren't perfect immediately. God's watching you and strengthening you, He hears your prayers.
Most sane /lit/ browser
they trip uncanny valley alarm-triggers because they try to emulate what they cannot ever be, and then demand you ignore this feeling and have the full backing of globohomo to enforce this demand
But by that logic, people should be fine with trasnpeople who pass, but most aren't.
trans people don't pass
I'm at that point in the day where I'm too tired to read, too tired to exercise, have nothing to do and just watch TV mindlessly
I thought if I took it easy for a month I'd be ready to start going hard again.
Nope, just a month behind now.
I love those times.
Being fully awake sucks.
Switch. There are about 30 antipsychotics, each with different side effects depending on your genetics
If you have so much contempt for these threads then why are you always lurking here?
What should I give a shit about tranny existence when nothing matter in the post-modern world?
Many do.
I got a popup 40 minutes ago saying it's time to restart because Windows updated. I clicked "not right now, I'll schedule a restart later." I step outside for 35 minutes and come back and my PC restarted. I feel the sovereign right to rape whoever is responsible for this. Fuck you you fucking nigger that you think you can tell me when my property does something or doesn't, and fuck the cocksucking slaves who allowed this to happen by being such cattle that they don't notice or mind that their computer does whatever it likes.
Bill Gates is an authoritarian and should burn in hell.
I don't hate these threads, I just hate you personally.
I read 900+ books a year, currently working on the classics
Depends on how much you retain
You're right but you can be satisfied with a certain plateau of knowledge. In fact, you have to be or you are going to be disgruntled for the rest of your life
What has she done now? I'm assuming she contracted down's syndrome
>900+ books
How long are the books? How many hours do you spend reading a day?
About 350+ pages. Ideally, about twenty hours a day but that's not an everyday thing. It's like once a week. In twenty hours I can down 1600 pages easily. It really depends on the subject matter. It took me over a month to finish Moby Dick because I had to read every page sixteen (or more) fucking times to just understand it. It was totally worth it
Have you ever genuinely wished a poster in these threads would kill himself?
yes, you
And why is that?
You're a presumptuous ass.
Yes, the poster who molested his sister.
>a month to finish Moby Dick because I had to read every page sixteen (or more) fucking times
Have you read the meme trilogy yet? I want to know how long it took you to finish GR
What is it about adults having sex with children that causes such severe psychic distress in so many people? Personally, I've heard individuals describe the experience as enjoyable.
okay try meeting them in real life instead of online with the angles and the filters lmfao get real
What can I say other than I have and you're wrong?
I hated Gravity's Rainbow
How far into it did you get?
Presumptuous how?
All of it. It is pretentious drivel in a lot of parts of it
Yes me
>uses the word "pretentious"
opinion discarded
it's basically a synonym for "I didn't get it"
IDC what you think about my opinion, your opinion or anyone else's opinion, for that matter. I'm sure you've read something you thought was disjointed and high-falutin' so fuck off
>It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment.
To me, it's on the same level as calling someone a tryhard in a multiplayer game. You're clearly just outraged that they're better than you.
Planks are good to have better orgasm
stop watching porn.
You ever kicked someone in the head while they're doing a plank
Lmao guess that core strength didnt save you from looking like a stupid fucking faggot
Not much of a choice when it's a package deal with your life
You get different experience reports from the kids anon
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my penis and balls hurts from masturbating to my own sex scenes as i write them

i have to nofap tonight because i came to my own writing five times in the last 2 days

(i will probably cave, and fap to it tonight anyway)
Verb but get but see he an owner seem more an kid cyan he week is wen ja crew crew 2h is ga an is well ps2 whites Bueno
I think I know what you mean.
A few posts ahead of me is a pedophile. I often daydream about drugging, kidnapping, and torturing posters that shit out unearthly retarded thoughts on this website. It helps me sleep at night. In general, this website is horrible. Too many people thinking they’re correct or smart or validated, but then again, the Internet allows unconfident vermin a outlet where they can suppose themselves and feel big for once. Being a truly pure soul comes with raging violent heat and hatred for the unpure.
Enjoy your hamster wheel.
>Imagining a woman made this.
lol, lmao.
What did Salman mean by this: “Also — for there had been few migrants abroad, yes, quite a quantity of wives that had been grilled by reasonable, doing-their-jobs officials about the length of and distinguishing moles upon their husbands’ genitalia, a sufficiency of children upon whose legitimacy the British government had cast its ever reasonable doubts — mingling with the remnants of the plane, equally fragmented, equally absurd, there floated the debris of the soul, broken memories, sloughed-off selves, severed mother tongues, violated privacies, untranslatable jokes, extinguished futures, booming words, __ land_, __belonging_, __home_.”
Does she give not deepthroat at least once a week?

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