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a dance with dragons' 13th birthday edition


old: >>23558340
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Stop reading this detestable slop written by a fat uneducated American buffoon who thinks ALL Fantasy should be grounded in reality.

Read Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Lord Dunsany.

Become enlightened.
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I like gerg and his writings
now winds is confirmed never ever, what tenously unfinished epic series shoud I get obsessed with next?
honestly if george delays winds i’m going to start writing Conan short stories in REH’s style and send them to him whether through physical mail or email.
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>13 years and no twow (add 1 more year too)
Nice.this is what George gawk gawk Martin fans
deserve and they deserve more delays of twow.
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George realised that his gardener style of story telling can sometimes led to nowhere or clash with the ending he wrote before Game of Thrones was even finished. GRRM realised he would need to write Winds of Winters and Dreams of Spring at the same time to allow himself to go back a whole book to retwrite plots and character arcs. During this process George realised, and told no one, he will never a third book to finish the series.
George has spent 13 years writing for three books. And this doesn't include the other books he started and finished like the world book, fire and blood etc.
Winds will be done when everything is locked into place for all three books.
>The cancelled Blood Moon show revealed at the end of its pilot that the first day of Andal invasion coincided with the first day Long Night
>HotD revealed Aegon wasn't just an infertile cuck, but a dreamer who foresaw the second Long Night
>Dunk and Egg might reveal more about the White Walkers being ice shadows made by the weirwood trees (actually fungal things) who want more blood sacrifices
Trust in George
"They bond with men… some men… and the why and how of that, and how it came to be, will eventually be revealed in more detail in THE WINDS OF WINTER and A DREAM OF SPRING and some in BLOOD & FIRE. (Septon Barth got much of it right). "

George said it.

He said it.

Barth is/was always right.
>HotD revealed Aegon wasn't just an infertile cuck, but a dreamer who foresaw the second Long Night
This was partially revealed in the world book, in fact
This general is mostly idiots who hate on the fat man now. You cannot have a serious discussion here. Any sort of thorough post you posit will be ignored, out of favour, over some wojak picture instead. People typing "bruh" or "bro" or "based", sigh. Kids mostly. A lot of /v/ turds too, since that video game came out.
— My dragons are creatures of the sky. They fly, and can cross mountains and plains, cover hundreds of miles… but they don’t, unless their riders take them there. They are not nomadic. During the heyday of Valyria there were forty dragon-riding families with hundreds of dragons amongst them… but (aside from our Targaryens) all of them stayed close to the Freehold and the Lands of the Long Summer. From time to time a dragonrider might visit Volantis or another Valyrian colony, even settle there for a few years, but never permanently. Think about it. If dragons were nomadic, they would have overrun half of Essos, and the Doom would only have killed a few of them. Similarly, the dragons of Westeros seldom wander far from Dragonstone. Elsewise, after three hundred years, we would have dragons all over the realm and every noble house would have a few. The three wild dragons mentioned in Fire & Blood have lairs on Dragonstone. The rest can be found in the Dragonpit of King’s Landing, or in deep caverns under the Dragonmont. Luke flies Arrax to Storm’s End and Jace to Winterfell, yes, but the dragons would not have flown there on their own, save under very special circumstances. You won’t find dragons hunting the riverlands or the Reach or the Vale, or roaming the northlands or the mountains of Dorne.

supposedly to contain the other 3 Grrm threads up right now
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Reminder to stop hyping up release dates based on nothing.
If/when TWOW is close to release, we'll know because George will blog about finishing chapters, like he did before ADWD released. He kept talking about finishing chapters in 2020-2021, then he confirmed that 2020 was one of his best years, and in 2022 that he was done with Tyrion and 3/4 of the way through. He never posted about finishing chapters in 2023, and indeed the pagecount he gave in 2023 was the same as the one he gave in 2022. The way he writes is that he works on several chapters at once and keeps restructuring them. If he starts posting about finishing chapters again, we'll know TWOW is coming. Until then, stop believing any nonsense you read on the Internet.
>forty dragon-riding families with hundreds of dragons amongst them
Is this the first time we had a hard number on dragon rider families? HotD has Viserys say there was a thousand dragons at its height. Wonder if all the spires were just roosts for dragons
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Why not enjoy a series that started in 1993 but was finished this year?
>literally whos
tell me a short synposis of your number one favourite works from them and if I like them, then i'll read them. Asoiaf is enjoyable to me, regardless of your opinion of gurm, so convince me by proving your alternate authors can posit something equally captivating.
If you don't wish to do all that, then you have no reason to be in this thread apart from wasting your own time
GOT drogon was autistic. please understand
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>weirwood trees (actually fungal things
Read when Bran goes into Bloodravens cave, the 'roots' of the weirwood get thicker and bigger the deeper he does, Weirwoods are subterrain, their red leaves and white trunks are like toadstool mushrooms. They're not normal trees
are there any loreschizos who have tried to reconcile/justify their theories using Elden Ring’s lore?
There's a whole channel that does just that, its fucking crazy how much we can gleam from Elden Ring
pretty sure he mentioned the number in one of the books.
I cannot stand the way this guy talks
you're right, we should be making threads about random zionist twitter philosophers instead
Why no mention of non valyrian dragons like Urrax? Was it all fake news?
Forty has always been the given number. Not new.
Could be. We know pre-Valyrian dragons (their bones) have been found here and there, implying that the recipe for breeding dragons/chimeras is a lot older than the Valyrians themselves.

This is even implied in the world book. Valyrians did not start the practice of breeding chimeras, but they certainly mastered/dominated the art.
Do direwolves get into heat? What happens to the warg that wargs into an in heat direwolf? Why has nobody asked George this?
yes they do, and they get horny
Haggon literally talks about this, and it's probably part of why Varamyr hated him. All skinchangers are at risk of embracing bestiality.
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Just finished reading AFFC, what the fuck is wrong with her?
beautiful princess disease
What would happen if one were to crush up a bunch of weirwood leaves and am them in a pipe or drill into a tree and drink rhe flowing sap raw?

Some characters probably had to have tried this method before
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he's lucky that people don't know about The Accursed Kings by Maurice Druon that he stole from

Fat Bastard, can't believe he hasn't been pinched for being a fucking nonce
I also have questions like these. Same with wondering what they do with dead dragon meat.

The Fat Man likes good food too. So this is unacceptable.
>Some characters probably had to have tried this method before
don't know about drilling into a tree and drinking the sap but there is not one (1) (one) instance of a character smoking a pipe in the entire series
>people don't know about The Accursed Kings that he stole from
Isn't there like a tag line on one of the more recent editions with GRRM quote that reads "This is the original GoT"?
Yes. In fact before GRRM talked about it, the series had been out of print for decades and the last book hadn't even been translated in english. Barely anyone would know Maurice Druon at all outside of France if GRRM hadn't freely admitted to ripping him off.
I don't think GRRM started really writing until Covid hit. He basically spent 30 years writing, got famous, took a break for a couple of years and then got back to it. Maybe he was burnt out
sounds to me like gurm is better and you are a little hurt by that fact. why are you in this thread anyway? you enjoy wasting your time with things you hate?
I read the first three books at the end of and shortly after high school. I thought the series after that. Never really was into the show. I might give the series a run through on audio sometime in the near future though. I remember really liking them, but by the time I got the book four I had lost interest, and was confused.
The only problem is he will die of obesity before he finishes anything. He is too old and fat to be taking things this slow.
The progress of medicine is our only hope at this point. I really hope that a truckload of ozempic has already been delivered to his house, and the same happens for any longevity drug discovered in the next decade.
It's that or making an AI copy of his mind, but that's probably further down the road.
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To everybody on the last thread who answered some questions on what they liked about the books, thank you. I've just finished a very rough map and am figuring out the lore as we speak. (Or rather, as I type, I suppose.)
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What do you want The Others to be? I think it would be neat if they turned out to be aliens that crashed thousands of years ago I don't think GRRM will tie Planetos into his thousand world books but really what race could be thry be part of if he decided to make it so.


Fairly sure dragon meat would be highly acidic to humans if they ate it I recall something about the blood burning people when it got sprayed all over them

>no one smokes in Planetos
My own headcanon is that Tyrion will make his millions by coming up with some tobacco equivalent while in Essos they just haven't found the correct plant or tree yet.
Meeren could have r been cut entirely if GRRM went through with the time skip like he originally wanted the only notable thing happened there so far has been Quentyn dying. Anything else could have easily been told in flashback post-five years through someone like Barristan, or Tyrion. Daenerys more than likely would have spent five years wandering around the wastes, squatting and sitting while losing her marbles in the process not sure what is and what isn't real until someone like Victarion came along and saved her which would have kicked off their romance.
I long for the day we stop talking about this failed, overrated, shit series.
Holy shit, so the meeting of skinchangers in Varamyrs memory was just a fantasy furry convention?
Mindbroken from hitting the wall. People say the prophecy was what drove her mad, but in her flashbacks it's revealed she only started thinking about it again after she started getting walled
Never read ASOIAF but I've had the first book on my shelf for years, is it worth reading even thought it'll never get finished?
You can always stoo at the end of book 3 if you want a jumping off point of sorts rather than a bunch of cliffhangers.
I still don't understand why Jorah was obsessed with taking Dany to Asshai. Was this a dropped plot point?
the series still has a lot of content to enjoy.
It was just an expression to say "let's flee far away where no one will find us".

Was that even notable? That fell extremely flat for me. Suddenly GRRM started building up this boring character for several chapters. He was never interesting, he faffed about, he showed up, then he just died a pointless death. His entire plotline could have been just cut out and nothing would have been lost. I think GRRM was trying to set up some sort of death-shock event like what happened in the earlier books, but he literally just showed up and died and did nothing else of note.
What did they eat?
So how was that worldcon announcement of winds?
That's a hell of a relief after this shitty first half of the year, we're going to be able to relax a bit and make 2027 go by more quickly.
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uh oh
Should I read Dunk and Egg?
I just realized that GURM named Khal Drogo after Frodo Baggins' father. What a hack.
Do you think that Essos just seems interesting because of the exotic factor?
he's FAT he'll never write again because of his FATNESS what are you people even talking about don't you see he is but FAT?
Essos is boring.
Based opinion
The wall is undefeated
extreme narcissism to the level of procreating with her twin brother because he reminds her of herself
more importantly he is too old to write a book and it's over a decade of hiatus now that i believe even if he does release the next book it will be really bad.
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still like another month away
Daemon Motherfucking Targaryen
is it good
honestly don't want a backstory on the others, don't think I've read any book where the vague mystery cloud thing in your head ever gets trumped by the grand reveal
very comfy d e s u, Baelor II Targaryen was a man amongst eunuchs
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Man 11+ years ago in HS Senior English class, my teacher was talking about being worried that he'll die before he finishes it and here were are
>who thinks ALL Fantasy should be grounded in reality.
he says that, but he definitely doesn't think it when writing his very unrealistic books
I don't deserve it
No wonder they give you the power to WAAAAARG
It was a worldbuilding chapter, which really reminded me of when I was playing d&d with this obsessed dm who always took our characters down broing roads filled with ruined castles which he just had to explain the history of in length
>just seems interesting
I only care about the far eastern parts
>I don't write when I travel. I don't write in hotel rooms. I don't write on airplanes.
Green Eggs and Ham, but it's all the places he won't write

I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not write them in the rain.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not write them in a box.
I do not write them with a fox.
I will not write them in a house.
I do not write them with a mouse.
I do not write them here or there.
I do not write them anywhere!
I do not really give a damn!
I do not write them, Sam-I-Am.
he'll only ever write on his shitty dos PC from the 80's
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George RR Martin (pretentious long name) isn't a fan of history or Tolkien, he's a commie. He's just a fat half Jew from New Jersey. Underneath his "love" for history, it's just a Marxist deconstruction of morality and honor. It has no basis for reality. Like all Marxists, he only uses the story to push his ideology.
Not even normalfags rate him anymore.
who are you talking too?
Not epic, but Locke Lamora is a great series. He only wrote 3 books and then got depressed or something, but those 3 are bangers.
Question to all
How involved is grrm with hotd's writing, other than the basic framework of course?
Is he helping directly write episodes or is he just sitting in the back as before?
Rape Rape Martin with a Belly
Rape Rape Martin with a Belly
Why is the Blackfyre sword always a signifier of losing? Maegor primarily wielded Blackfyre and lost. Aegon II wielded Blackfyre and at best got a Pyrrhic victory. Dark Sister beats Blackfyre in the Blackfyre rebellions. And now Aegon VI will wield Blackfyre and lose in the end.

Why does Dark Sister seem to win? Daemon and Bloodraven each had it. Isn't Visenya supposed to be evil? Why am I supposed to think Dark Sister is badass?
Why ser and not sir
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>Dark Sister was last used by Bloodraven
Bran will kill fAegon via skinchanging Hodor.
This but I still enjoy his work.
You, faggot
Hiatus is cringe
>Why is the Blackfyre sword always a signifier of losing?
it's black
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15 years? what do you mean 18 years? why do you need 20 years to finish a book? 25 years is too much George
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I'm calling it now. Dunk and egg is gonna be boring in television format. Normies won't like it compared to the political intrigue of HOD or GOT
true, it feels more normal than the other stories, more traditional
>25 years is too much George
can't imagine him reaching 100
I like how most of you don’t even give a shit about asoiaf you’re just here to be a bunch of petty complainers

Fucking faggots, why don’t you actually discuss quality schizo theories or something
fuck theorising
gurm must do his job
What else do you want to talk about? Some obscure theory about random characters the fat man scratched down in a chapter of feast of crows?
bro bro bro? What if....Gerold dayne is time travelling Tyrion haha man I love this book so much
I like the theory that horns summon fire wyrms and that’s what caused Hardhome to be fucked. The horns found in the north are like the dragon horns of Valyria.
bro what if ned became a pigeon
>dude becoming an animal is better than a human death
I still don’t understand this skin changer logic. “Dude, if you’re about to die, you can like, jump into a wolf, or a boar”. But why? Why would I want to lower my existence?
>can keep warging into other lifeforms and maybe slip into a human
>nope, I will die because my ego doesn't let me live as a boar for a couple of months
Isn’t it explained that you eventually lose yourself and your memories over time, as an animal? It’s almost like degradation.
hey Bran seems to be fine and he's been warging into Summer for months
That’s because he’s still a human, with a human body, brain, etc. He’s not about to die, and desperately jump into a random animal for “survival”.
>He’s not about to die
he was starving at one point
we don't have proof that your conscience actually evaporates, even wights remember shit
>Isn't Visenya supposed to be evil?
Don't drink the maester koolaid. The Targ dynasty would not have long outlived Aegon I if not for her and her son.
Your consciousness doesn’t go away, it wanes, and only if you actually *leave* your body behind and decide to stick inside your animal. This is what happens to skinchangers on their death bed.

“My human body is fucked, better just hop into a rabbit or something” as though living as a rabbit, or a wolf, is any better.
ye olde
Is there any weapon with a name and fable around it that isn't made of Valyrian steel? (Besides Dawn)
It feels like the craftsmanship of every other culture in the planet is completely irrelevant, even Robert's warhammer, that has such historical significance, doesn't have a name and is barelly mentioned or treated as an important heirloom after Robert's death.
Just Maid but it's probably just a legendary tale
Humans aren't meant to be on Planetos because they aren't from there. Maybe it really is a secret science fiction setting and Andals and First Men are related to a bunch of people who came on ships, crashed and decided to colonise the planet because they had no other choice and ultimately forgot where they came from in the end.

Also COTF are like a cross between your typical Gray alien and little green men in description.


Aegon/Young Griff will dual wield both Blackfyre and Dark Sister after Bran gives it to him after Bran gets it from Daemon Targaryen who's chilling out on the Isle kf Faces
Don't think about craftsmanship because then you start thinking about logical things about how the society functions. The more you think logically about the world building, the more the story unravels itself.
>is any better.
hey at least you get to eat meat which isn't something most people in this continent can say
>and only if you actually *leave* your body behind and decide to stick inside your animal.
what's stopping you from going into someone else
>what's stopping you from going into someone else
Look what happened to Varamyr
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>asoiaf being completed is a dream of spring
(You) get teleported in King's Landing at the time of the Hand's tourney. The only items you have are a set of Westerosi-appropriate clothes and a purse filled with 50 silver stags. How do you survive and thrive?
immediately bet all my silver on the tourney victors we know of, become rich, ingratiate myself with Littlefinger with all the knowledge I have
I book a trip to... wherever the temple of badass facechanging assassins was. I NEED to become a mega badass ultra assassin, it's my only path.
How did this "House Reed is le bad" meme get so popular?
I think the main point is that Howland Reed is supposedly one of Ned's best friends but at the same time House Reed sent no one to assist Robb during his war, save sending his two kids to escort Bran beyond the wall and possibly try to squeeze out a marriage between Robb's current heir (Bran) and Meera.

I don't think he's inherently bad but it's just making everyone ask, "wtf is this loyal friend doing?"
Chances are the Reeds just are not that important and don't have many men so Howland sent his kids. Now George doesn't know what to do with the character.
It’s honestly an amazing time. You will find yourself watching yt videos about the lore if you’re into fantasy
Books 1-3 are amazing. Book 4 is such a slog. Book 5 starts slog and ends okay.
Read 1-3 and quit. Its not like any of the new character arcs and plot points whose setups you slog through in 4&5 are ever going to payoff with conclusions.
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I got a dance with dragons for 1$ at goodwill.
God I miss O&A
You make it sound like a bad thing, shut up and have fun faggot
The Lannister chapters are great in books 4 & 5. But I guess you have to like Dorne or the Greyjoys to get the rest of the bang for your buck.
>Why is the Blackfyre sword always a signifier of losing?
It symbolizes grasping ambition, and one of the central themes of the series in the self-destructive quality of ambition.

In contrast, Dark Sister is the Sword of Cope, Daemon and Bloodraven are both copers who did not get what they wanted, but learned to live for themselves instead of succumbing to ambition and allowing it to dominate them.
Is there a meta reason why every house has to be +500 years old?

Think it's pretty lame that Stars have ruled 10 000 years and Boltons have been fucking them over the same amount of time.

What meaning does it have that Bran the Builder was Stark? No matter what long-extinct house he was part, he would have still related to everyone in the north.
Like Charlemagne became an ancestor to all European noble families.
>Is there a meta reason why every house has to be +500 years old?
The meta reason is that people lie when it benefits them, even and especially powerful people.

>Think it's pretty lame that Stars have ruled 10 000 years
They haven't.

>What meaning does it have that Bran the Builder was Stark?
It means Starks get to flex on the minor houses like they never accomplished anything, and not look bad when compared to other Great Houses, who claim similar sorts of shit regarding their ancestry.

Remember Varys' riddle of a sellsword and three great men.
Westerosi history is exaggerated up the ass, just like the Yi-Tish histories.
The stagnation of medieval civilization, whatever that means, for thousands of years is pretty ridiculous if you think about it. Even with long winters, people would come up with ways to make new discoveries. The idea that a single house can be in power for thousands of years is equally a joke. The longest in Europe was what, 1000 years?
The stagnation doesn't make any children.
Like it's fine that nobody invents wildfire or steam, but what about improvements?
Like if these people have been building castles for thousands of years, you think they would invent better castles every century and more effective siege weapons.
Yet for some reason, apparently, there are no new major castles in Westeros after Aegon took over, and ancient castles like Harrenhal, Winterfell, and Storm's End are considered the best castles.
Thought realistically, castles would become obsolete in quick time.
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Nothing, only chapters that didn't put me to sleep in that borefest of a book
Sex with Melisandre
Enjoy having your life force sucked out. 3-4 times and you're dead.
God I wish
>not enjoying Jaime's chapters
Why are Ned's thoughts on Rhaegar so...charitable?
Likely cause Lyanna did love him and married him willingly, making Rhaegar family. Plus, Rhaegar was always said to be of good and honorable character which someone like Ned would highly respect.
> he would have still related to everyone in the north.Like Charlemagne became an ancestor to all European noble families.
You almost spell it out for yourself. This kind of mystical thinking is even more prevalent in the ancient era but illustrates the idea; king lists going into the mists of time with people ruling 500 years somehow, heroes and rulers being related to key figures through pure imagination. Hell, they take the time in the Bible to try to connect Jesus to David through two lines, one of which is his dad. You know, the guy who wasn’t involved in his conception?
Point is it’s a lot of bullshitting in the universe, by people who may or may not be aware how bullshit it is. It’s politically expedient.
What is the tax policy of westeros
Those might have been godd, I don't really know. I read this book a long time ago, so I don't remember a lot of it. I say Cersei's were the best because those are the only chapters I really remember. That and how much I hated Brienne's, I don't even remember what happened in them, just that I was bored out of my mind reading them.
The kings and lords get to fuck whoever they want
Giving TV writers a basic framework of plot points turns out to be a recipe for unmitigated hackery, who knew.
Could he sell his name out any further?
Ned obviously knew something we don't yet know about how events took place and whatever Rhaegar was trying to do, either through Lyanna or through Ashara who was Elia's handmaid.
You know what's REALLY weird? Doran and Oberyn never saying a bad word about Rhaegar and still supporting the Targaryens despite Rhaegar abandoning their sister and Aerys holding her hostage.
>You know what's REALLY weird?
House Dayne's fondness for Eddard Stark.
I've not read the books nor have I seen the tv show. Is it really worth reading if I'm not very keen on reading reams of salacious shit?
try and find out
first 3 books are very good, things happening all the time. If you're bored by first 4 chapters then give up
books 4 and 5 are pretty good I think just they have no payoff yet.
The simplest explanation is that Ned personally knew Rhaegar, which is natural for two major heirs, and gained respect for him rom that interaction.

>Ned obviously knew something we don't yet know about how events took place and whatever Rhaegar was trying to do, either through Lyanna or through Ashara who was Elia's handmaid.
I think both Ned and Martells are still going on "Rhaegar was based and awesome he would never do something so fucked, Aerys was forcing him or something, HE MUST'VE HAD HIS REASONS HE WAS HONORABLE" and they never really got any answeres that would confirm that yes, Rhaegar started the whole mess entirely out of his own volition.

People misjudging their paragons or foes is a constant theme in the books - contrast with how much attention John Snow gets as a "proof" of Ned being "not so noble after all". People don't want to see the actual paragon of nobility as such, and refuse to see any flaws in the idols they actually put on that pedestal. Ned especially, since he needed to see honor in others even when it's lacking (hence the whole Littlefinger blindside) - if he believed himself the only source of honor around, he would grow as heartless as Stannis, whom Ned also personally knew and disliked (like literally everyone else).

What bothers me personally in the idea of Rhaegar causing the Rebellion singlehandedly is such a paranoid control freak as Aerys allowing it to fly. If he really was not in on it, he'd hang Rhaegar burning right next to Ned's dad.
I read an ASOIAF fanfic and their version of Dany abruptly died and now I’m mad >:(
>married him willingly
Does it really count though if he took her as a 2nd wife and claimed he was as exceptional as Aegon I? We never got Ned's opinion on polygamy.
>People still coping by saying Rhaegar will be the bad guy in all this.
Why didn't Jojen and Meera suggest sending Rickon to the Neck where he would be safer among Stark loyalists before heading to the wall rather than letting Osha take him to Skagos
Winds when?
I haven’t read the books in a couple years but yeah… why the fuck did Osha take Rickon to the cannibal voodoo rape island?
It took about 12 years to get "three quarters of the way through" in 2022, so 4 more years to finish seems reasonable. Winds 2026.
Victarion held Moat Cailin and that's the only way into the Neck. Ironborn were also raiding west of Winterfell, while Ramsay controlled the land to the east from the Dreadfort to Hornwood. North was arguably the safest way.

>The wildling woman leaned on her spear. “Aye. Safer apart. But where to take them? I’d thought, might be these Cerwyns …”
>Maester Luwin shook his head, though it was plain to see what the effort cost him. “Cerwyn boy’s dead. Ser Rodrik, Leobald Tallhart, Lady Hornwood … all slain. Deepwood fallen, Moat Cailin, soon Torrhen’s Square. Ironmen on the Stony Shore. And east, the Bastard of Bolton.”
They're so much more dense than the show and worth the ride. You already own so worst case you put it back on the shelf.
Young Griff will take the Reach and convince Mace to join him, possibly promising an arranged marriage to Margaery after he kills Tommen i.e her second king now (This bitch is cursed).
>Cheated on his dornish qt
>Let his kids die with his simping for Lyanna
>Completely fucked over his own house and his allies by simping for Lyanna
>Is a complete prophesy larper
He's a retard, Robert was right to cave that fag's chest in

Now I wonder if Rhaegar really discovered some long lost hidden document about The Others and Long Night or if he developed a case of the good old Targaryen madness


Still feels like they could have found some secret Crannogman passage to bypass through all the Ironborn and Bolton men
>>HotD revealed Aegon wasn't just an infertile cuck
Anyone that actually believes this only does so because "le ebin irony" that the Targaryen line after him are proud to be his descendants and take after him, story wise or thematically it changes fuck all and is just fucking retarded. Kinda like those endless theories about Quaithe, Coldhands, Shrouded Lord etc. being any fucking character imaginable.

The only good theory around Aegon I, is that he accidentally killed Rhaenys by nuking Dorne.
Sure, but mostly just the first, maybe second book.
But the tax policies....
hotd isn't cannon aside from whatever is directly taken from F&B.
Cannon is what the original author says.
hotd is trash with a stamp of approval from an old man selling out his legacy for fat stacks.
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>3 motherfucking kingsguard for lyanna including the lord commander and the sword of the morning
>none for elia and her kids

Is 14 year old Stark pussy THAT good?
Something I really hate is how there are no real cultural identies.
Like Northmen are just one big group, when the North is nearly 3 000 000 km2, that's almost size of India. And it India has like 30 different groups of people
Unironically it's borderline personality disorder from having a shit father
Cute post
Lightbringer duh
It's mentioned that the crannogmen were guarding the Neck for Robb. What else do you expect a bunch of swamp midgets to do? They'd be no use on a battlefield.
LML while being a memelord had a good theory on this, all 3 of those kingsguard are connected to mystical families so rather than being
>Rhaegars 3 kingsguard used to guard Lyanna
>These three men in the kingsguard are just as devoted/fanatical as Rhaegar in fulfilling prophecy of The Prince who was Promised and saw Lyanna as the mother of the Prince
I still wonder why they fought ned and his friends, did they really think they meant to take Lyanna and kill her new born?
Also this is the same theory as to why Khal Drogo bothered marrying Dany, he was also trying to fulfill prophecy, as opposed to just being a pedo horselord who thought she was pretty
I just presume everything is smaller than Gurm says.
LML is somehow less learned in the occult than your average /x/ schizo yet remains to be one of the most schizo theorists in the fandom.
Started reading the books a year ago, currently i'm at Feast. my favourite character from the show was Littlefinger, and i really liked him in the books too, but then we got to Jamie chapters and my God, i love Jamie (no homo). Easily my favourite character of them all. I didn't experience anything that he has ,yet he strangely resonates with me like no other character does.
Do you guys have a character like this too?

Another, unrelated question:
breaking a betrothal is no bueno, but what about modifying a betrothal? is there precedent for that? And i don't mean like Robb cancelling his betrothal to the Frey girl and then offering his uncle some time later as compensation. I mean like saying "This marriage was arranged by my father, but he's no longer alive, so I get to decide and I decided that instead of me marrying XY, it'll be my brother who does so", so the betrothal isn't really cancelled merely the groom is changed, and there's no time in between the two actions. What if the house of the bride is indebted to you with something? Would that change the reactions to the modification?
I imagine they would be offended if they went from being scheduled to marry a first son and heir and then being downgraded to a second or third son.
LML really doesn't know anything about the occult but draws a lot from older more niche myths and how those myths themselves evolved and changed over time. These myths are what sometimes quite clearly directly inspired George, without getting into the weird and wacky world of occult shit with its tulpas, demiurges and other weird stuff
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You guys know there is a more active asoiaf thread on /tv/, right? Most of the people there are bookfags
Fuck off
quality > quantity
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My favorite is definitely Sandor, I like how he's more pathetic (and definitely not as charismatic) in the books, and yet his flaws are very understandable and easy to empathize with, for me anyway. I also love how his story is basically complete, since there are no more books coming. We don't really need to know whether he's the gravedigger or not, in fact, I think even if Martin were to release the following books he would not have necessarily expanded on that topic, it works perfectly fine as is.

I also think Jon's arc is pretty great.
Imagine the state of it
Why is everyone in this picture mewing?
There used to be /tg/ threads too but they recently died out. Bummer.
>a dance with dragons' 13th birthday edition

shit man...
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Joso's Cock
Wasn't season 8 what he planned to do??
>Got killed by sub5 subhumans rebelling against their rightful master.
Holy kek, that line.
>Barely anyone would know Maurice Druon at all outside of France if GRRM hadn't freely admitted to ripping him off.
IDK about its standing in Europe, but Druon's series is famous in Russia/the former USSR, I read them as a preteen and so did my parents (they're great books).
Sandor too, I like him a lot too. Jon as well. I used to see people in these threads complain about how X's chapters are boring and so and so, many pointed out Sam chapters to be not very good. Then I reached the first Sam chapter and i totally agreed, I didn't want to read about how he pissed himself 4 times, but since then he has also grown on me.
There were a few POVs that i didn't start out caring much about or even liking, like Arya, Bran, Sam and Aeron ("the Prophet") for example, but they've all come to hold my interest later. All except one, Areo Hotah. So far I only read one chapter from him, where we are introduced to Doran and the Sand Snakes, but it was quite boring. But I have hope after Bran, Arya and Sam that i'll come to like him.
fa/tg/uys were seething about the asoiaf threads not being about traditional games to the jannies and so the threads got scrubbed every time.
Now we have crying autists here too shitting on asoiaf and trying to make us leave for no reason.
These "people" are so weird to me. They willingly enter threads about topics they hate just to point out to us what their braindead opinion is as if anyone cared.
Never, he stopped working on it and only pretends like he's still writing so he can go outside in the world without being scared of being attacked by fans
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Jaime's "redemption arc" is the biggest meme ever. Name ONE honorable and selfless thing he has done.
Coming back to save Brienne is merely repayment for the protection she gave him. Sending her after Sansa is him relieving himself of his promise to Catelyn Stark, he would be going after her himself he had any honor.
Breaking his oath and backstabbing king Aeris "to save the people of King's Landing" was not a selfess act, as he also saved himself, his father and others members of his house when doing so.
Oh yeah? Well you are a stupid nigger, how about that? How's that for honourable huh? fucking nigger
Yeah, but you aren't a telepath. You can't do the advanced shit they do. Most of the faceless men just wear makeup. You also couldn't become a dragonrider or a greenseer for the same reasons.
Fake and gay. They just wear makeup and disguises until they've proven themselves, and after that they get access to the real deal (magical ninja assassin hitman magic).
Nope. There's a reason they recruit Arya.
Essos (just the free cities part) seems really op compared to Westeros
There's zero indication that they know about her warging.
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Is Mace Tyrell really an oaf? He heeds his council, his house keeps growing stronger (pun intended) and he shat on Stannis during the siege of Storm's End.
Critical reading actually.
>he would be going after her himself he had any honor
it'd be very impractical considering the position he's in in AFFC politically, which is essentially damage control for House Lannister. If he'd gone after Sansa you could spin it and say it he was throwing his own family under the bus to make himself feel honorable.
>Breaking his oath and backstabbing king Aeris "to save the people of King's Landing" was not a selfess act, as he also saved himself, his father and others members of his house when doing so.
>you can't do a heroic act without it benefitting you in some way
He's still pretty selfish and brutal, don't get me wrong. But realistic redemption is a slow process and I would argue he's more selfless than he was at the beginning. That's a low bar to pass, though, considering he flung a child off a tower in the first book.
War of the Ninepenny Kings says otherwise.
Yeah I get the impression that if not for the dothraki, westeros would have a solid chance at yoinking land in essos, failing trump cards like the faceless men.
do dothraki even pose a threat to an iron-clad army? You don't even need that much of them, just enough to defend archers.
They don't wear armor, so one shit stained arrow is enough to bring down any dothraki.
By the time that army musters, the dothraki would've already pillaged every village they came across. Feudal agriculture is the cornerstone of the Westerosi economy and no sane peasant would move to a land where they're under constant threat of death or enslavement by horse-riding savages.
(from GRRM's fFB comments, this guy used to work for GRRM's publisher and knows him and his editor Anne Groell)
This is actually /lit/ related and too big for the regular fantasy thread.
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>In the Jade Compendium, Colloquo Votar recounts a curious legend from Yi Ti, which states that the sun hid its face from the earth for a lifetime, ashamed at something none could discover, and that disaster was averted only by the deeds of a woman with a monkey’s tail.

Was the dude with a flaming sword not cool enough for the chinks? Why do they have such a bizarre and alternative messiah figure?
isn’t this a remix of the amaterasu and susanoo myth?

truly, the Yi-Tish are the orientals of ASOIAF
It’s weird. The exact same thing happens on /qst/ too. Any time someone tries running an ASOIAF quest it ends up getting derailed by sudden samefagging of votes and shitflinging. There’s been people in the general that admitted they do it out of spite for ASOIAF. I wonder if it’s all the same people.
I noticed the same thing. It's rather sad, really. I recognize them by the way that they post, at this point.
I don’t think any here would mind if it was kept in one general but it’s not
I used to post on /qst/ then got spooked by synchronicities.
Man, I wish fAegon could ride a dragon, imagine him flying over grass sea burning everything to the crisps every summer. A pest control worthy of a king
I'd say so yeah. It's a good thing too imo. Everyone being a scheming mastermind would get old pretty fast. It's good to have a guy in the story who really doesn't understand the scheming and plotting going on around him. Just living in his own world.
Also, as far as i remember he didn't do much at the siege of Storm's End, just feasted and chilled in his camp waiting for Stannis to starve (which is what you do at a siege if you aren't storming yes, but it's not something that requires much thought, as opposed to strategising for a battle)
he knows that, but grrm gets autists seething for some reason so they want us off of here no matter what
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>Tyrion 7
Oh my fucking god, when does it end?
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i hate it
I’ve thought quite a lot about writing a fic about that. I’ve got the whole part where he meets his dragon planned out in my head, though I’m torn whether to have it injure or kill one of his companions - say, Rolly - during the first encounter to cement just how dangerous and mercurial even young dragons are.
grats you made it to the absolute worst chapter in the entire series
Did you run anything?
>This bitch is cursed
She's the female version of Barristan. Both are competing to see who can outlive the most monarchs.
>If he'd gone after Sansa you could spin it and say it he was throwing his own family under the bus to make himself feel honorable.
Why would he accept the exchange treaty with Catelyn Stark if he didn't mean to do what was needed to honor his part? I don't remember precisely but i believe he didn't even tell Tywin "oh by the way, if we find Sansa and/or Arya we must give them back to the their relatives because of a deal i made". Mf did not move a single finger to honor his end of the deal
Which book is this?
clash of kings storm of swords or dance with dragons?
>there are fourteen (14) (catorce) tyrion chapters in a clash with kings
This reddit post makes TWOW seem promising. I bet we are still a year away.. maybe two...

>but i believe he didn't even tell Tywin "oh by the way, if we find Sansa and/or Arya we must give them back to the their relatives because of a deal i made"
He didn't. And why would he? Tywin would sperg out and probably disown him if he had said that. Of course Jaime would keep it under wraps.
>I saw it in a dream-tier predictions
to expand on what >>23614357 said,
he actually did lift a finger. he did what he could do given his circumstance of not being able to oppose his family directly, he sent Brienne with new armour, a brand new valyrian sword forged from Ice, a new horse and plenty of money to look for Sansa and keep her safe.
Yes yes the Ned Stark honourable way would have been to do it himself but consider this: they are not the same characters. Jamie has plenty of reasons not to be a paragon of honour yet he still tries, but his tries sometime end up backfiring that's the pint of his character. he did what he thought was honourable when he killed Aerys, saving KL and his father. He was disturbed by what happened to Rickard and Brandon Stark but he chose his king then. As Jamie himself put it nicely one way or an other you break an oath. obey your father, protect the innocent but what of your father orders you to kill the innocent. his character shows how thin the line of being honourable is. its not as simple as Ned made it look
He isn't going to finish them.
He gave the outlined and key plot points to D&D, they were not perceived well.
Even if Martin's writing could make those plot points less retarded, they are ultimately stupid.

So, he would have to alter those plot points, but it would require major rewrites and he was lazy to commit to it.
then why would he accept Catelyn Stark's terms and give her his word if fullfilling his end is something out of his reach? It is clear from the very beginning that sending Sansa and Arya back to their family goes against the interest of his house then why did he accepted?
My point is Jaime is a lot slimmier than people give him credit for, this is not a complicated matter, he made a false promise to escape captivity and is a Lannister that does not pays his debts.

>his character shows how thin the line of being honourable is. its not as simple as Ned made it look
This is clear, honor is not a clear measurement of someone's character, considering that Ned and Robb ruined their house and their bannermen by putting their personnal honor above their duty to their family and vassals. But i don't think the matter is THAT complicated in the case of Jaime and his deal, he made a promise that was against the interest of his house and which he had no intent to fullfill, there are no layers to this, it's just piece of shit backstabber cunt behavior. Sending Brienne with gold and a sword and doing nothing else is not even a fraction of what he could've done, especially after Tywin's death.
>Book 4 is such a slog.
Cersei's paranoia is very entertaining to read
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>instead of succumbing to ambition and allowing it to dominate them.
In the books they raise taxes on food and wine sometimes, also impose some levies on those who enter King's Landing, but no policy is explained
He eventually gave up on the Iron Throne to keep pounding some prime age latino-targ puss.
Who do you think will get the lands in the ends once all the major or semi major houses are wiped out?

Winterfell=will return to the Starks
Barrowtown=Dustins will more than liky take power once the Boltons are dead. Barbary is incredibly fierce, and cunning and has a great mind I see her ruling if she doesn't die in Winds
Old Town=Maybe Samwell becomes leader of Old Town following deaths of Hightowers and the Maesters during Euron's invasion. I don't see the wall being rebuilt either if they manage to defeat The Others and stop anymore Long Nights from happening so no reason for him to go back up north narratively because there is nothing there for him
Casterly Rock= I think Tyrion will gain temporary control of the rock he will be a decent and competent ruler but something will happen to cause him being removed from power but maybe Lannisport Lannisters gain control as Tyrion's last middle finger to his family
Pyke=Greyjoys are all going to die in Winds I reckon maybe Aeron will survive through his cowardice but hard to think who will take over maybe Patchface becomes new ruler somehow because he has been revived by the Drowned God or some other house on the Iron Islands fills in the power vacuum
Eyrie=Sweet Robyn I actually see living but he will probably live under regent ruling I see the Arryns losing strong amount of influence maybe the Royces become the dominant force in the Vale if Little finger manages to fuck things up
King's Landing= I see the Irone being destroyed and a new system being brought in afterwards but I think the final King and Queen of weateros will be Sansa and Aegon. Maybe some sort of democratic council or Republic will be created with Bran acting as advisor from his weirwood throne
They are nice worldbuilding books, but the plot stops moving
He has no interest in finishing the series.
It was already alluded to in the world book lol
the starks having Other blood make their vaginass and asses cool, which lessens the effort of the one fucking, therefore increasing the time of pleasure
that dude could be a character from 80s horror films, or Larys
he could make it as an actor easily he is so fun to watch
it's full of gay people that post the exact same pictures all the time
There's only unicorns in Skagos, apparently.
Every important character has an animal that represents them.
The unicorn is described in bestiaries as such a wild animal that it cannot be taken alive...except with the help of a virgin(read the myth of the hunt of the unicorn).
I think that Rickon is the unicorn, and Arya is the virgin.
There's more than one mention about the narrow sea being very stormy in winter. Davos could drift away and end up in Braavos. Arya is always being helped by a kind older person, it fits. And why would rickon go with Davos?
>is merely repayment
Gratitude is "merely repayment", I learned today at 4chan.
One could say that since the books got new covers, winds might be coming out soon, as ADWD was released sortly after new book covers where announced.
After he wasted his entire life succumbing to his ambition and allowing it to dominate him, yeah
he then succumbed to his ambition to fuck Nettles and allowed her to dominate him
Just like Bloodraven - but they are similar in that whereas the wielders of Blackfyre went balls to the wall for their absolute ambition, Daemon and Bloodraven were divided between their lust for power and their love for freedom, in the end ultimately chose freedom.
>in the end ultimately chose freedom.
Last thing Daemond did was die for his side.
>never found the body
Never found Rhaenyra's body either.
Nettles was 100% Summer Islander, though.
bran > arya > jon > rickon > robb > sansa

This is currently the skinchanging power ranking of the stark kids right? 2 and 3 may be subject to switch places if varamyr hype is to be believed thoughbeit
Tyrion is going to torture everyone in that castle
Robb is way higher, he could've been second to bran only, but we never got his pov chapter
ask ur mum lmaoooo
>Winds of Winter comes out
>read prologue
>first chapter Tyrion l
>just one sentence "Where do whores go?"
>Jon l
>then why would he accept Catelyn Stark's terms and give her his word if fullfilling his end is something out of his reach?
because he had a sword pointed at his throat.
>My point is Jaime is a lot slimmier than people give him credit for
Sure but I've never seen anyone argue he's a paragon of virtue. Just that he's starting to change from the absolute piece of shit he was in the beginning
currently? i think robb might be outmatched by even sansa, since both him and grey wind are dead and all.
Read the hedge knight.
Was it supposed to be pointless and masturbatory?
you didn't like breakspear kino?
Because HotD didn't kill off Leanor and the dragons are psychologically bonded to their rider for their life and Seasmoke accepted new rider, does it mean Leanor died offscreen?
Nah, she was his daughter.
I refuse to care about the spinoffs until he finishes the series. No I don't give a fuck that Ser Fuckalot was in a jousting competition two hundred years ago. Write the damn book, George.
Seethe about Daemon being fishfood bro
How dare you my mom has only had sex with my dad
Tyrion might as well die, he has been consumed by the hatred of the world, his character has lost
>Davos and Arya team up
that is so random and I've never heard anyone propose that for either of their arcs, could happen!
Skagosi unicorns are shaggy goats with a single horn, Shaggydog was eating one in a WoW preview chapter. Will Grrm actually give us stark and stark sibling incest with an older sister tomboy assassin and a wild savage warg king like in the age of heroes younger brother?
Rickon would go with davos because the skagosi want to raid and set him on the throne on in the north as the last rightful male heir to winterfell.
I don't even care about him anymore, I already know Gurm's "standards" of a good romance and good character. I'll just be happy if YG says fuck dad and proceeds to ignore his delusions.
>YG says fuck dad
thats not a nice thing to say about illyrio
(Illyrio is the mom actually)
Why havent the books been republished with good covers? I know they're iconic in their terribly generic 90s dragonlance looking ass minimalism but surely there's room for some actually pretty repubs
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sorry, this slop is the best you're getting
that shit looks like a dark fantasy adventure not a political intrigue
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Meanwhile, Brazil gets the kino covers
>half Jew
That's the guy who wrote the true spiritual sequel to Tolkien
>mpreg Illyrio
I hate this board
Guess you have to pony up for the FS editions.
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jap cover art isn't too bad either
Jaime looks straight out from Elden Ring.
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It reminds me of the 2017 French covers
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I just can't take Euron Greyjoy seriously.
>eyepatch-wearing pirate
>wanton torture of everyone around him
>dark magician wannabe
>is introduced by three horn blows like he's a fucking Other
Literal Saturday morning cartoon-tier. I'm going to be very disappointed if he ends up being the final human villain.
Im about halfway through book 1, never seen an episode of the show, damn no one told me this was kino
based, never ever watch the show and stick only to the books
doesn’t he also get btfo’d by rodrik the reader
Kinda kino desu
>janny warts
is this a joke?
Stop it. The quality of the plot deepdives from book 4 onwards, and the saga will never be finished. You are going to blueball yourself
There are some hints he may somehow bond with Rhaegal
Part of the reason I'm pro Quentyn being alive is that he's the best candidate to get Rhaegal to YG (just like Victarion will get Viserion to Euron, continuing the Greyjoy-Martell parallel).
So who do you think will finish the series after the Fatman kicks the bucket?
He's probably dead. The theory, sort of, makes sense but I doubt Gurm was playing 4D chess with the exact combustibility of human flesh as opposed to linseed oil or w/e.
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Showfag here. I'm still butthurt about the backstory to the Night King. Thinking about piking up the damn books. Whats the likelihood that the Night King ends up being the the Night's King who's after the Night's Queen buried in the crypts of Wintefell?
How the fuck did D&D fuck this so hard?
How do I write a competitive political thriller with little to magic and make it popular?
What even makes ASOIAF popular? Certainly not the awful worldbuilding... Must be the character writing.
>What even makes ASOIAF popular? Certainly not the awful worldbuilding... Must be the character writing.
People will tell you that it's the grimdark, but the truth is that GRRM was the first to apply the tropes and style of good historical fiction (like The Accursed Kings and I, Claudius) to fantasy (or at least the first one to do it competently), which made it a lot more engaging than your average third-rate Tolkien imitation or D&D campaign report, and also more palatable to normies.
That and the characters. The worldbuilding is just good enough to make it somewhat distinctive.
tl;dr read and watch historical fiction, especially the works I mentioned
reply to >>23622225
There is no night’s king anon
>Shaggydog was eating one in a WoW preview chapter.
And what political intrigue is there? LOL I BETRAY YOU XD?
That's good
>The quality of the plot deepdives from book 4 onward

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