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read the first chapter, seems interesting so far. why did the guys at the bar not confront the judge when he said he didnt even know wjo the priest was?
Judge has plot armor
reddit book
Because it was funny
judge holden is a great favourite and he says he will never die
could be something religious about the Judge being the devil and bearing false witness, could be something about the violent nature of the Wild West, could be that it actually happened and that's just how it went down
popular ≠ reddit, especially
And do what exactly?
It's this.
but if you want.
The purpose of the book was to horrify the reader. If you put the book down, on the first chapter at this point you would confirm that you are not the target audience for the book. If you don't want to entertain a evil thought it dose not let you continue. It is a agreement that the reader will go along with this kind of thing for entertainments sake.

It also confirms them to be at least a little evil themselves. And maybe reading this book will scare it out of you. It's a book that bites you for reading it. Excellent fapping material.
>why did the guys at the bar not confront the judge when he said he didnt even know wjo the priest was?
I think they liked his persona and the chaos he was creating
Thanks anon I hope we get an update after each chapter
i'll try. im gonna read chapter 2 and ill make a thread when im done
because they're pieces of shit.

I guess the point is to actually shock the viewer and also get across that theyre not very good people?

I am going to read the book again and try to keep up with your threads
I guess because then they'd have to admit to their own guilt of dealing with the priest
Unironically this. I just finished reading this and I spent the entire book repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.

There’s just too many "Le epic" dialogues for me. After a while when I would read a sentence I started to picture the lines appearing in front of me as a reddit post with the reddit upvote downvote arrows next to them, and let me tell you, there were lot of upvotes.
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it's the same reason pedo hunters on social media get celebrated by retards
im done reading chapter 2, but im not sure if i should make a new thread while this one i still up...
Because the nigga is like 7 feet tall lmao
They thought it was funny.
I actually felt that was pretty understandable. What I didn't get (spoilers for chapter two I think?) was why the Kid joined Toadvine in caving that random guy's face in
cause people are dumb retards
>You are evil for reading
Cool just spec ops the line
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And they are gooning, the board floor heaving under the flip-flops and the diddlers grinning hideously over their canted willies. Towering over them all is the judge and he is naked gooning, his massive dong lurid and sleek and now in doubletime and dangling toward the left, huge and pale and hairless, like an enormous infant's arm. He never finishes, he says. He says he’ll never bust. He bows to the diddlers and astroglides backwards and throws back his head and moans deep in his throatgoat and he is a total freak, the judge. He works his shaft and the lunar dome of his tip protrudes palely under the blacklights and he swings about and takes possession of one of the diddlers and he mounts and makes a thrust, two thrusts, gooning and diddling at once. His feet are light and nimble. He never finishes. He says that he will never bust. He goons in light and in shadow and he is a total freak. He never finishes, the judge. He is gooning, gooning. He says that he will never bust.
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>Reddit: the book
Go back.
The Judge is overrated as fuck. Wow, he raped kids and killed people. This is only shocking if you've read about 5 books your entire life. Characters are rarely developed or fleshed out. It's trying to be violent and shocking but failing. There is no interesting overarching plot to compel me. It just ended without any good writing. This goes to show you you can't rely on other people to recommend you something good.

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