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/lit/ - Literature

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Has anyone read Hillbilly Elegy? What did you think of it? What do you think it reflects on the author?
never read it but the rest of my family(democrats and republicans) likes it
>reading a New York Times bestseller
I watched the movie
I watched the movie
>Thiel's protege
>knows Yarvin
>follows BAP on Twitter

Holy motherfucker an actual /ourguy/ is going to be Vice President. I never would have believed it.
holy shit finally a zio slave in the white house what a breath of fresh air
>goes from white trash to silicon valley technocrat to Trump-worshipping turbochud to next VP (and probably president in 5 years because Dems are terminally retarded)

Honestly he's one of the most interesting figures in America today.
I'm probably just too cynical but I have a feeling he sold his soul to accumulate that much wealth and power so quickly.
It just gives the impression of being a low culture narrative. I'm not interested in that. If I want to see that, I can go hang out at a bar or a club and make friends there. They'll tell me all about it.

they guy is a fucking grifter with no morals, no spine, nothing. will say anything to get elected, just look at all the difft positions he's taken and how easily it changes according to whatever's convenient. a typical douchebag politician.
I don't know how else you go from "Trump is Hitler" to being his vp.
You don't have to sell your soul, just become a ruthless Machiavellian schemer.
I wonder how much DNA from Yarvin's R.A.G.E is in Project 2025.
JD Vance, whose real last name is (((Bowman))) by the way, is a groomed asset. He was chosen since before he became a faggy little military reporter oh uh i mean a (cherry) marine! This thread should tell you everything you need to know


Another dime a dozen Thiel cocksucker is not interesting in the least. In fact, his future career will be very predictable----selling your ass out from underneath.
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I'll admit he's growing on me...
I read it back in early 2017. It was awful, and I say that as someone who would generally be inclined to be sympathetic towards Vance.

It was not actually elegiac at all (no fondness for some disappearing lifestyle, no real fondness or deep thoughts at all about his youth) and instead it was a trite bootstraps story about someone who's biggest epiphany was that he should be able to ask what something means when someone says something he doesn't understand. He also portrays his childhood as impoverished despite admitting that his parents were often pulling in a 6-figure income (back before inflation diminished the meaning of that). He's a grifter (albeit clearly a successful one at this point).
I work at a library and two different old ladies called in today asking for holds on copies of this book after Trump picked him as his VP.
That thread is surprisingly lucid for /pol/
But what does THIEL want? You speak of him like he's merely a glowie but he would not be palling around with Yarvin if that were the case, Yarvin specifically sees the three-letter agencies as being on his enemies list.
Thiel wants all the money, infinite life, and you in a chastity cage in a ditch you fucking peasant. Thiel has murdered before. I forget whether its his boyfriend or his boyfriends lover or someone like that
Well I certainly don't trust him, who would? But maybe he can be useful. Some of us have our own reasons for regarding the United States government as something that needs to be gotten out of the way, or radically transformed. Maybe the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Yeah, okay. YOU'RE going to use HIM to your ends
Why not? Left to his own devices he'll fuck up his plans. It doesn't matter how much money he has, he's still a fag, and fags always fumble their schemes because their inherently feminine tendencies take over. Queers have Women Moments just like women. He's gonna botch it all, just you watch. But in the meantime he might make a wonderful mess.
Ill hold my breath
Are you retarded? Surface level conspiracy theories are a trendy cultural meme and your favorite jew boy is as useless to attack them at the root as any 23-year-old girl parroting >Epstein didn‘t kill himself xD
>He was chosen since before he became a faggy little military reporter oh uh i mean a (cherry) marine!

>not being at all aware of the world around him
Tell us you are poor in another way.
That's the same thing.
Memes based on official stories are rarely funny because for something to be funny it usually needs some form of truth as it's basis.
Maybe make the first part a glowie basedboy kneeling for BLM.
He loves Israel
I don’t like Vance either but you should neck yourself immediately
Unless someone is based enough to talk about evil entities and end of times prophecy I don't even pay attention anymore.
>No criticism, just shame
I hate this female tactic. I wish they'd argue their points more persuasively but to be fair, Vance's point wasn't tremendous either.
It’s not in our best interests to do otherwise. I mean yeah I hate Jews as much as the next guy but changing sides is bad optics. Because at the end of the day, once decolonization happens there, it’s gonna happen everywhere and we’ll be next. It doesn’t really matter whether you think Americans have always been brown in that peabrained European mind of yours because that’s not the overarching meta narrative you think it is despite your mind being poisoned by /int/ memes.
New York Times is urbanite bugslop.
The Talmudic Network stays fucking winning, holy shit. He cites Yarvin as an element of the formation of his political philosophy.
They just make up what is on the list.
If they can fud you out by simply putting something on their list then you are easy pickins'.

I got a copy for $7 and will briefly skim it in about 30 minutes and get 95% of context. This guy is being set up for decades of politics. We in an information war. If you don't want to know anything about your enemy then it will hold you back to some degree.
Cope. These people are trying to restore some sanity and all you have is hangups about muh joooz because Cresco is Kang or whatever.
>wowza he's /ourguy/ that's so le based
christ you people are so embarrassing lmao
To skip right over the possibility that this is deliberate jewish disinfo it‘s hilarious what fucking faggotry this is. Afraid to make a cogent point about your ultimate enemy because some news-watching retards won‘t like it, or falling back on the appearance of petty wacisms out of desperate hope that to keep the current course of action will change results as opposed to identifying the jews responsible for destabilizing third world countries and bringing their people into White lands.
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If you've read The Name of the Rose, Lolita, Catcher in the Rye, The Old Man and the Sea, East of Eden, The Once and Future King, The Satanic Verses, The Quiet American, 1776, The Russia House, The Silmarillion, A Death in the Family, Herzog, Mr. Midshipman Hornblower, The Closing of the American Mind, Les Misérables, The Tin Drum, or The Origin of Species, you've read a New York Times bestseller. You're a bandwagoning faggot and same with anyone who has read any of those books.
>miserable at their own lives
>miserable AT
/lit/ will praise this man.
I have a duck pond, chickens, a large garden, blackberry bushes, etc.
Your response shows you are basically psyopped into total dependence. Yes, by voting for republicans you are restoring sanity I'm sure.
Can we stop with all the equivocation and pretend bullshit? Or are you really that dumb?
When we say "NYT bestseller" we dont mean NYT bestseller, we mean NYT bestseller. Read that sentence twice. We mean the obviously manufactured bullshit they stick in there to narrative shape. This becomes a larger percentage evey year, and less believable, but it was always this way, to an extent.

Theres a lot more than what youve just named that made the list over the last n decades, and theres a good reason youve not mentioned them, and its not because of space or resource constraints. Its because that list is wholesale SHIT and naming a few exceptions to the rule only proves that rule when you account for what i just wrote.

TLDR; blow it out your cunt
The source is here


Vance is so obviously groomed it doesnt take a genious to figure it out. But you need to be familiar with how its done to match the patterns, which is why you need to watch that Kay Griggs interview.

Vance is of above average intelligence, comes from a broken background which makes him self-hating and malleable, cushy military roles to check the box, prestigious education in a non-stem field (no quantifiable contributions) he was funneled into, "wife" checks the box of a demographic theyre trying to court, but most importantly, Peter Thiel thinks his eyes are real pretty when he has him suck his dick like when he was sitting on his fat ass at Mithril Capital doing all that very serious legal work.
I pattern matched your posts in this thread and learned that you're an enormous fag
Okay, keep us updated
Agreed and not metaphorically either. I think satan/the devil/evil incarnate has an actual physical form or representative here on earth.
You think the guy who owns 666 on fifth avenue has anything to do with it?
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You are the male equivalent of a cat lady.
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Man, you guys, I am literally Catholic, I go to Mass every Sunday and everything, but I have never gone in for "signs of the end times" shit. Mostly because of Matthew 24:

>Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour of night when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not let his house be broken into. So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.

There's not going to be any signs of the end of the world. The chapter speaks of tribulations, yes, but it won't mean The End is immanent. On the contrary, the world is going to end when all of us least expect it. That's one of the lessons of Christianity: you could face God's judgment at any moment, from losing your life unexpectedly to the literal End of the World happening, so at all times, you need to live a life in accord with Christ and His teachings.
Thank you for this post; it is what I needed to be reminded of today.
>it won't mean The End is immanent
yes, unfortunately it's permanent, at least from the pov of our timescale
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I've never read that and was hoping for some discussion by those who had. Mainly I was hoping it worth mocking and wanted to enjoy others crapping on it. Instead, this.
Anon the only reason this thread was posted is because Vance was made Trump's VP pick. That was all the motive behind this thread. Are you surprised that that is mostly the discussion in here?

I really liked it and found it quite well-written. Vance has a nuanced, thoughtful, and emotional story to tell.

It's honestly an interesting read, regardless of political affiliation.

Yeah, Vance is based.

>I don't know how else you go from "Trump is Hitler" to being his vp.

Vance meant it as a compliment, duh.

Rofl, what a mad lad, saying what needs to be said.

>Thiel has murdered before. I forget whether its his boyfriend or his boyfriends lover or someone like that

Sounds very reliable lol.
Okay, baby, here comes the choo choo train, its the first fucking google result


The dude died a couple weeks after a fight with Thiel. And he lived in Claire Bronfman's old house lmao (NXIVM cult)

Btw next time reply to everyone in a single post you stupid tourist
I've read all of those without being aware they were on the nyt bestseller list.

Faggot. Stop posting
It's bog standard general American political consensus stuff. Welfare is being exploited, "culture of poverty", if people had a work ethic and self-responsibility instilled in them than the economy would be transformed and everyone would become 6 figure coders, etc

>But what does THIEL want?
Read this:

>You speak of him like he's merely a glowie but he would not be palling around with Yarvin if that were the case, Yarvin specifically sees the three-letter agencies as being on his enemies list.

Try to rearrange what you just said there because it's a bit confusing. Are you saying Yarvin wouldn't hang around with people he knew had deep ties to intelligence agencies? I don't think there's any actually truth to that, did you know Frantz Fanon spent his last days alive with his assigned CIA handler? If you look into any far-right or left "anti-establishmentarians" they developed deep ties to their assigned handlers generally lol
yeah it's obvious this guy is just crazy ambitious and milks his folksy mythology for white dude affirmative action. i'm from a working class background and i just find the dude sus.
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>he's read (at least) 18 nyt bestsellers
how was this guy in the marines but he's so chubby i thought you had to be in shape
>mind-controlled homosexual deviant, like most of the officer class in the Army
Based enlisted schizos dabbing on nerd LTs
Except Trump will not be POTUS again, so Vanity Vance won't be VP.
Biden will get a second term.
yeah jd vance is so gross i might vote for biden.
It's about how and why JD started to wear eyeliner and about how his sub Usha convinced him to not become a drag queen but run for president instead. And it's about how he seduced Trump to pick him as VP candidate. It's really a cosy book, you can read it to your children too.
>tech billionar workshipping christian larping chud with no spine that change opinion as he change underwear just to please his overlord and paint himself as working class savior

Yep, truly /ourguy/
Unless you’re a gay Jew, you’re not BAP or Thiel’s guy lmfao.
Absolutely. He’s literally married to a rich Pajeeta. Putting up with that smell every day just for a bit of cash is peak soul-less.
I'm fifty fucking three. Yes, I've read 18 books in my life, you feckless faggot
Thiel just wants the left to drop the worst of its attacks on white men so they’ll join the army to die for Israel again. And he wants to throw out some of the DEI/affirmative action dysgenic rot that’s seeped into the government so that the state will be more effective at crushing Israel’s enemies. Basically he wants America as it was in the 80s or 90s.
Based but he’s not going to do shit to overthrow the gunaicocracy so I just read this as him trying to shore up support amongst the 18-35 year old male demographic.
Decolonization already has happened everywhere else lmao. I would’ve supported Israel in the 50s or 60s when they were allied with yet-colonial France and Britain or even 80s when they supported South Africa but nowadays there’s no point.
He wasnt really a marine he was a military journalist. Its the cushy role they give the dudes theyre grooming.
what youre saying is that Ive got a chance?
Yes “your guy” who reads BAM will be VP. Now it’s time for all white men to get drafted to invade Iran and die for Isr-I mean become epic Nietzschean barbarian warlords
The American state has two missions:
1. To unflinchingly serve Israel
2. To implement race communism and disenfranchise white people
All this signals is that a certain faction of rich Jews have realized that focusing too hard on the second mission will make the first one harder and realize America needs a right wing rebranding. The same exact shit happened with the neocons in the 80s.
Don't think that they'll at least implement some of the policies you want to buy your support though. Yeah some Central Americans will get deported and Muslim immigration will be cut off but we're going to make up for it in immigration from our second greatest ally, India. Enjoy being Canada 2.0.
the funny thing about peter theil is he tells kids not to go to college but then he hires and grooms dudes from yale law. weird. it's almost like he tells plebs one story and then does something else.
The US is overproducing college grads. We have people trained as secular priests making coffee or doing powerpoint presentations about oversight of offshored business functions. It's the end of an era. You are no longer going to be awarded a middle class job simply for getting an undergrad liberal arts degree. If that's the extent of your career plan and it's 2024 you need to reconsider, because those jobs are now for the kids of well-connected people not "the first in his family to go to college."
ok then you and your kids can skip college and become roofers. i love it when i see tech bros making 200k a year saying more people should send their kids to trade school to learn to unclog toilets. their kids will be going to bennington, but you should definitely send your kid to toilet school.
I'm pretty he he meant the irony/hypocrisy of whomst Theil chooses to groom? None of that has to do with your yammering

>The US is overproducing college grads
It depends what you mean by that. You could say it's overproducing high school grads similarly. Maybe it has something to do with employers love of credentialism

>You are no longer going to be awarded a middle class job simply for getting an undergrad liberal arts degree
Always been the case.

>those jobs are now for the kids of well-connected people not "the first in his family to go to college."
Nepotism ain't new.
>doing powerpoint presentations about oversight of offshored business functions
oh you mean like what mckinsey consultants do? try getting a job there without an ivy mba.
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Talmudic Network W
You can be resentful or you can deal with reality. If you go 40-100k into debt on a non-marketable degree and you have no relatives to help get you hired that's your business. Don't say you were warned that life isn't fair. Either study something you don't "love" but that earns money, or learn a skilled trade. We have a decades running "housing crisis" in this country. That means construction, plumbing, electrical, engineering, hvac, etc. jobs will be in demand until the end of time, and they pay better than gig apps and walmart.
>If you go 40-100k into debt on a non-marketable degree and you have no relatives to help get you hired that's your business
I'm >>23600450 but like I said I think your skirting the central point he was making on the Straussian nature of Thiel. Is he really primarily concerned about social welfare or might his advice be some sort of deception for achieving something else?

>We have a decades running "housing crisis" in this country.
There's more vacant homes than homeless nationally FYI. A lot of people won't ever have enough income to buy a home or even rent. Construction as a share of GDP was much higher in the past. Also what people want as houses (big single multistory family and suburban) expanded faster in the past because of the role of the federal government in subsidizing that in the past in various ways, you run into the contradictions there and Americans aren't going to want to change their preferences but don't want government making that more affordably through interventions

>That means construction, plumbing, electrical, engineering, hvac, etc. jobs will be in demand until the end of time, and they pay better than gig apps and walmart.
Do you seriously believe the construction industry isn't highly cyclical? Anyways that probably has something to do with all that being highly regulated. I can't just watch some youtube videos and start calling myself an engineer or go out and buy some electrical tape to fix some wiring for pay but I can easily get access to credit to afford a F-150 to speed over to drop off your fast food order while running over children lol

Anyways if you aren't retarded you would of noticed that's been the big meme being pushed for a long while now, schools and governments are trying to push kids into those roles but surveys show most kids want to be social media influencers instead for some reason
> Another funder of Carbyne, Peter Thiel, has his own company that, like Carbyne, is set to profit from the Trump administration’s proposed hi-tech solutions to mass shootings. Indeed, after the recent shooting in El Paso, Texas, President Trump — who received political donations from and has been advised by Thiel following his election — asked tech companies to “detect mass shooters before they strike,” a service already perfected by Thiel’s company Palantir, which has developed “pre-crime software” already in use throughout the country. Palantir is also a contractor for the U.S. intelligence community and also has a branch based in Israel.
> The company's name is derived from The Lord of the Rings where the magical palantíri were "seeing-stones," described as indestructible balls of crystal used for communication and to see events in other parts of the world.
They ourguys though
why would i be resentful i already did college and have no debt. you sound dumb af. are you even employed? has anyone in your family attended college?
>Jeff Thomas, an actor and modl who was reportedly a romantic partner of billionaire Peter Thiel, was found dead at a building complex
He was thrown from the roof.
>schools and governments are trying to push kids into those roles but surveys show most kids want to be social media influencers
It's decadence, they think they will never have to work, and for a small minority this will actually be true but living off memes is not possible for most people. It's more doable than becoming a pro athlete or a famous musician or singer, but it's not a feasible career unless you are lucky and competent enough to drive income from whatever that lucky break happens to be
Good for you, you've got yours. My point is the same, that there is nothing wrong with advising people to do things you would not personally do. No rich person's kid is going to become a welder. But if your parents aren't loaded, and your choices are a trade, a Psychology degree, or doing doordash and a shift at Pizza Hut, you might want to do a trade.
welding school is free? because my understand is that it costs as much as $15000 which is a lot more expensive than going to a state university with financial aid and google says the median income for a welder is 50k which isn't exactly blowing my mind considering it involves physical labor.
50k is a lot of money outside nyc metro, california, etc. it's like triple the federal minimum wage
by all means study English at a state university if that's what you want
50k isn't shit anywhere in the United States and its garbage pay for a high skill, high labour, high risk job like welding. Middle school teachers make more money without having to put in nearly as much work.
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the funny thing about this is if i weren't so lazy i would check if it's real but that sounds like a pain in the ass

i actually thought this was fake the first time i read it.

but mamaw is wrong either way not all gays enjoy sucking dick
This does have the mouthfeel of noble-savage-washed moldbug
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What was his thought process?
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he subscribes to the page that is all about fantasizing about fucking teenage boys
Chud Meridian
And you have a 12" dick and you make 750k a year and you beat battletoads the first time you played it and you're also an astronaut and you wrote Money Dick. Right?
Project 2025 has Yarvin written all over it as well. In general he keeps surprising me with how influential he is.
he is a perfectly normal heterosexual man?
what a surprise
>Project 2025 has Yarvin written all over it as well.

Turns out Civil War 2 will kicked off when the Unilever Ascendency accuses the Pepsi Free States of violating the NAP after a false flag attack by the Orbital Archipelago of Amazon
You laughed at dark elves because the language of the analogy was stupid, but in the end he was right.
I mean it's vanguardism. Nothing new. Honestly I never doubted him, just didn't think shit would move so fast.
He's pretty normal, but normal is insane in 2024
nice alliteration
It was an unconscious effort
this 100%
>>knows Yarvin

>>Project 2025 has Yarvin written all over it as well. In general he keeps surprising me with how influential he is.

>Yarvin's ideas have been influential among right-libertarians and paleolibertarians, and the public discourses of prominent investors like Peter Thiel have echoed Yarvin's project of seceding from the US to establish tech-CEO dictatorships.[37][38] Political strategist Steve Bannon has read and admired his work.[39]
I just wonder what America will look like in 25 years down the road. Cyberpunk 2049 or some shit like that.
When did people start calling him Yarvin and stop calling him Moldbug?
We're either going to be a monarchy--Rome 2.0, basically, swapping out Republic for Empire--or we're going to have broken up into several successor states. Either way, I don't see America as we know it, the country of the Declaration and the Constitution, lasting too much longer.

It might not even survive the end of THIS year the way things are going. I really think we might see something dramatic in the aftereffects of the election in November. Something actually Happening, Fukuyama finally getting bitchslapped by the restarting of history. This has already been the most unusual runup to an election in more than 50 years. And unlike the 1960s, we don't have any broad prosperity and formidable middle class to cushion us from true political extremism and extreme effects.

I see so many people, even people whose opinions I normally trust, still in full-on "nothing ever happens" mode, refusing to believe that something truly radical could be on the horizon. But to me, that conclusion seems inescapable. Something big is coming.
Wait HE wrote this? I thought I heard that name somewhere
yep. but it will be exciting. i mean honestly, do you really want to live a long and meaningless life of netflix and takeout? don't you want real adventure. real excitement. real purpose? sorry but raising a family is not enough. just look at all the miserable mothers and fathers in suburbia. people need power and adventure and life and death goals.
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One day, you'll look up at this magnificent visage reigning high over you.

A booming voice will cry,
>"Men of the West!
>Now is the hour,
>March to Iran,
>leave none alive!"

And you'll say "Sir, yes sir!" and embark on the great crusade of the 21st century.
>>knows Yarvin
Why is this impressive? Did you just find out who he is?
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Oh if you thought I was LAMENTING that fate you are mistaken. I'm really excited for the end of America as we know it, not just because it will be exciting but because I happen to have very specific reasons for wanting to bring about the end of the United States government. Putting an end to the United States as we know it is, actually, my primary political goal at this point, and I'm stunned that it might actually happen and I might actually get to live through it. I never thought it would actually happen, certainly not with so little effort put in on my part. I've just been tweeting and praying, basically.
He wasn't white trash. His dad earned over $100k in the 1980s. That puts him in the top 1% of his Ohio neighborhood. You don't get into Yale Law School and have that big of a career being poor. I have an IQ of 160 and had no money and nobody ever gave me muh college guidance or anything and even missing basic steps can be the difference between success or failure. He lies about his dad's abandonment, he paid alimony and child support. I don't think gramps and mawz were poor either they probably had some generational wealth they were stingy with. You also don't grow up to be that tall unless you have a very nutritious diet which isn't cheap. Basically a bitch trying to compete in the suffering olympics exaggerating how bad he had it. I suspect he engaged in sodominical favors to get in at Yale as his writing and syntax is very low IQ assuming his book wasn't ghost written. No way he got 175 on the LSAT.
He said he hasn't figured out of Trump is a new Nixon or America's Hitler
In the end he discovered that Trump is actually America's Trump
Why are they using lord of the rings? Mithril capital, palantir technologies, and anduril industries
Why are you trying to pretend that Bowman is a jew name?
Bowman comes from his father who abandoned him. Vance is his grandmother's name who raised him.
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>/ourguy/ is going to be Vice President
Not so fast, fat
Please, fucking please, turn the libs against LOTR once and for all. If this is what does it that alone makes Vance's nomination worth it. Imagine how much money this is going to lose Amazon, I can't fucking wait.
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>I have an IQ of 160
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I can't believe they thought that image would make him look bad.
I was in a political chat channel during 2015. Just happened to talk to this woman who said she grew up near him, was about his age, knew his whole family, even got babysat by his mom. This was way before he had any political future, it was just his book that was in the spotlight. And she said the whole thing was lies, he threw his family (I can't remember if she said mom or grandma) in the gutter to make his "rise" look more heroic.

Given the fact that she had no incentive to lie, and the more than suspicious way he's risen so quickly recently, I tend to believe her more and more. And frankly, Yale grads are almost universally psychopathic. I do not trust him at all.
I have nothing to show for it.
It really does own, doesn't it? I hope he uses it as his Twitter avatar.
A genuine IQ that high always has some way of showing it. Even if it's some autistic niche like memorizing the periodic table or writing bizarre sex poetry.
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This one is a girl. She was some mathematician who died
Route memorization is not a function of intelligence and both examples are simply the result of having spare time not intellect.
I was trying to give an example of the lowest possible intellectual effort. I could've said they could perform all 32 Beethoven Sonatas whilst solving nonlinear Schrödinger equations for small-amplitude gravity waves.

My main point is a genuine high capacity intellect will always find some outlet. Even if it is just something inane. Otherwise it literally goes crazy.
>Route memorization
Do you mean rote? Is the capacity for appropriate diction an indicator of intelligence?
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>The 200 years of Caesarism before the ultimate death of the West is finally beginning in earnest
Why did we ever doubt him?
There is not a single person in the West who even comes close to touching the abilities or daring of Caesar. Don't make me laugh. Just because the degenerate people are waiting for some lord to appear doesn't mean such a godsend is coming.
>There is not a single person in the West who even comes close to touching the abilities or daring of Caesar.

Sure there are, we just haven't met them yet. The capable men who will lead the new kingdoms and empires have not yet revealed themselves since they are not part of the current ruling class. They will take over later, through blood and the sword, as that ruling class falters.

I don't expect it to be the Silicon Valley set, either. They all seem clumsy and unwieldy with the power of life and death. I think they lack sufficient capacity for ruthlessness.
>My main point is a genuine high capacity intellect will always find some outlet.
The assumption is false. All outlets require time which is ultimately a consequence of money. In absence, brain power is at best used for economizing decisions to these ends. If they fail to materialize or are particularly taxing, even these become abandoned. There's not much that can be done when you must work to survive wasting the prime hours of a day and then return to have a few hours of evening time spent in fatigue and haziness effectively making recreational cerebral pursuits a second job. Off time is for mental relaxation after such a hell. In point of fact, mentally stimulating outlets become a source of pain— especially if time and funds were once plentiful, and/or even looking at others who are free to cultivate them. Reading a book as you drift off to sleep, picking a guitar on the weekends, or basically anything becomes pointless and frustrating knowing how well and quickly these could be done if conditions were ideal. Short of magically escaping, the most intelligent thing to do is to minimize stress. Engage in mindless entertainment, maximize comfort, sleep.
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>Shabbos goyim with Indian wife who lives to serve Israel
/lit/ is claiming that it is responsible for people like this and that we should be proud of it
>Appalachian Papist raised by grandmother in rust belt meth hole improbably rises through the military and academic ranks to ...

Appalachian Papist. He's a male Amy Barret you know, the barren wine aunt adopting from Unga Bungastan before adopting a single orphaned American
Conservatards on the internet genuinely believe that Hulk Hogan telling people to vote for Trump and support Israel is evidence of the Spenglerian civilizational cycle and that we are headed for a glorious aristocratic awakening
Utterly, pathetically, insanely delusional post. You fucking losers need to experience the real world for once.
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I hope you're a good shot, Anon, for your sake. Maybe you should get out to the range some in the next few months, that is what I am planning on.
Yes you will need to train for the upcoming American Civil War 2.0 where depressed tranny zoomers and fat obese middle class DoorDash addicts who have never struggled a day in their lives will suddenly mobilize into armies
Around 3 or 4 years ago when he started writing under his own name and taking interviews with the media.
Do you know anything about the younger Millennials and Zoomers, Anon? They are all /fit/ as fuck. Bodybuidling is a huge thing in late-Millennial and Zoomer culture, going to the gym and working out. That is sufficient to form a Vanguard, and as any good Communist will tell you, all you really need is a decent Vanguard to foment revolution. The tranny zoomers and the obese DoorDash addicts are BOTH going to get a rifle pointed in their faces by young men who are vastly more fit and aggressive than they could ever hope to be, and what are they going to do in response? They are going to cry and shit themselves, and then fall in, and comply.

You don't need the masses to enact revolutionary social change. You don't need them on board. You just need sufficient human capital to threaten them and take down key systems. All the /fit/ Zoomers already have that, and they have been radicalized by Fuentes and Andrew Tate. You people are fucked, you are going to be in trouble, and every last fat Gen Xer and late Millennial American is going to be fucked, too. The fat and docile ones are going to be the first ones to bend the knee, especially at threat of harm.
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Big cope. Obesity just keeps increasing.
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I have a question, and would love to hear an answer, from anyone really.

Is there anything you can think of that could reverse, decelerate, or redirect the current direction that American is heading that itself wouldn't also be a radical reimagining of the nation?
We're in Gaius Marius time right now. Caesar will come later.
>is sufficient to form a Vanguard,
Imagine misinterpreting the concept of Vanguard so badly lmao
No one's gonna do shit, I hate these dumbass 19 year old apocalypse larps.
Yes they are it's just not going to be violent. Yarvin's plan is to seduce and/or replace the leftist elites and it's starting to work.
Bro is still in his 30s and is going to be VP of the most powerful country that's ever existed in human history. He's the embodiment of the American dream and that's why leftists are going to hard against him.
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pic related sums it up
Nothing is going to change after 4 years because conservatives are too fucking retarded to understand that liberal progressivism is beyond ideology. You can’t just wish it away in a liberal democracy. It’s inevitable.
Right cringers are the worst. Forgivable during the pepe the frog years of 2016 but people should really have grown out of this by now.
My roommate and I have both read Hillbilly Elegy, and both grew up in rural Appalachia, which is the cultural setting Vance attempts to portray. Despite each of us being on different ends of the political spectrum (he's a commie leftist, I'm a scumbag centrist) we both LOATHE the book. Vance essentially attempts to characterize the cultural roots of poverty and suffering in rural areas, and in doing so does an incredible disservice to both the complex nature of the systemic roots of poverty in rural Appalachia, as well as the genuine lived experience of Appalachian/rural folk which he claims to represent. In addition to oversimplifying the problems rural America faces, there is a consistent tone of patronization throughout the book, which makes sense when one considers that he is an upper middle class, Ivy League educated schmuck who is cosplaying as a down to earth Appalachian brother. The guy has been a lying grifter from the very start, and his current political path makes perfect sense to anyone who's been following him with a skeptical eye.
Clockwork. No one is as addicted to losing as AFricans. Sorry, Vance is going to deport illegals via trebuchet while you seethe.
Vance is good because he's convincing tech elites to move rightward. This is already happening with Musk and Zuckerberg. Since you faggots don't know how politics works, you bitch and moan.
Groypers cannot answer this question. They think Thiel is Jewish and the articles "exposing" him don't even mention Israel. So far we know that Thiel:
>dislikes democracy
>wants to deport illegals
>wants to destroy the bureaucracy
And since groypers want nothing more than to fill white countries with brown people, they hate him.
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>Vance is good because he's convincing tech elites to move rightward
Lol you got it backwards, doofus. Tech is USING rightwing figure to push their "ideology" which is their business interests. Money drives politics, not the other way around. I don't know how you can look at the donor-oriented "democracy" we have in the US and come to any other conclusion, unless you're retarded or 16.

Whether or not technocracy is the real issue at, and that's to be debated. Dressing up bugman techno totalitarianism as some kind of epic cyberpunk middle earth for statuecel larpers and unironic Bateman yuppies might be sufficient for some (retards), but not for anyone with a brain.

As Elon Musk would say, Bazinga! Doge to the moon haha!
Additionally if you think these fuckers are going to deport browns, you're a sucker. Theyre going to import streetshitters and other assorted H1Bs wholesale because they can pay them less (or else they get deported), they can work abuse them more (or else they get deported), count on them not to squeal when they break the law (or else they get deported), etc. And to top it all off theyre culturally ignorant of the norms in the country, e.g. freedom, dignity, decency, etc and all that other waspy mayflower shit which sets us apart from polarized shitholes like india, dubai, bangladesh, hong kong, ching chong whatever.
Did you read this article?
>open thread
>devolved into muh zionist techbruhs
Anti-Semitism needs to be gatekept.
>he thinks any of this shit is going to happen
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do you realize how many Jews rely on antisemitism to make their daily living? and you want to take that away from them?! how antisemitic of you!
Do you think he likes it or feels forced to do it?
It's cultural appropriation.
>we're going to have broken up into several successor states
If it still exists, the NRX blog Social Matter had a couple of essays about why the US cannot balkanize. But in any event, logistically impossible because of:
(1) interstate comingling of economic activity, energy supply, food and water supply
>you will starve if you declare war
(2) most states essentially being "purple" politically, or having blue cities and red suburbs
>you will have to fight partisans in every state
(3) all aspects of life, even for urbanites, revolving around the free movement of vehicles
>you will starve if you declare war
(4) incapability of average american to wage war or incur losses, suffer discomfort, etc.
>what do you mean i'm not getting paid overtime to storm that amazon warehouse?
(5) lack of authentic of communal identifications
>no desire to die for an uncommon good
(6) increasingly elderly and risk-averse society
>boomers want to retire, not die defending burgertown
(7) the rich will simply close ranks to preserve the state
>guys we were just kidding about this battle for the soul of america stuff if you touch my battery factory I will nail your bodies up along I-95
It is you who misinterpret.
Bodybuilding is not the same as scouting for boys. It's not preparation for shitting in the woods, or learning to shoot, or marching in formation, or being part of a unit. It's you being self-absorbed and preening yourself, and relying on a steady supply of supplements that will be cut off once you can't unload containers at the coast and drive the stuff to Ohio.
You failed in Trump’s first term, you failed with Brexit, you failed with Le Pen several times, you failed with Meloni, what the fuck makes you think that Trump term 2 is going to revitalize liberal democracy and save your society from social degeneracy? The Silicon Valley class that have turned into Trump fans are vampiric homosexual capitalists largely responsible for the social decay they decry. It’s fucking insane to me how convinced rightoids are that they’re going to achieve their goals when they literally can’t even define what they are hence why they perpetually lose. Western society couldn’t prevent the collapse of the family unit, fertility, female domesticity, modesty, segregation, nationalism, etc. And you really think that now is the time you finally win at something? You’re going to prevent your children from being trans, as if most people will even have any? For fuck’s sake even Elon’s kid is a tranny. None of you ever learned from Reagan, the guy elected with the promise that he will bring God back into schools and get rid of all commie and hippie bullshit but who oversaw all of those things become totally ingrained into the fabric of America because you’re all too stupid to see how liberalism really works
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>liberal progressivism is beyond ideology
Explain please.
NTA but let me simplify things here. Prior to Trump the main ideological nodes of the Republican party were Libertarianism and Christlarping. The Pat Buchanan brand of Paleoconservative views on immigration, culture, and national identity was banished to the margins, something courted but not advertised because although racism is not tolerated, voters were, are, and will continue to be anxious about feeling ethnically and racially foreign in their own country as a result of the 1965 Immigration Act and the lack of enforcement against illegal immigration, and that's something worth pretending to care about to get elected. Trump however, was not pretending, he made this his single issue when he came down the escalator and it has been ever sincee, because it gives you a 20-40% lock on the vote. This view has now become central to the Republican party, albeit in an anti-racist compliant way, so the vampire homocaps you mention are moving right on "culture" issues, because all they want to do is avoid being taxed on moving money around and have the administration's ear for more than 4 years; if that means they need to be anti-illegal immigration, that's a very small price to pay since they aren't even in the agriculture or restaurant or contracting businesses, and it's not like business owners who rely on illegal labor are going to defect to the Democratic party, because it is going to go after their profits anyway. And who is really going to run on NOT upholding the law? Even the Democrats are paying lip service to right-wing concerns about illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is going to be stopped for at least a generation. And I would agree with you, this is very self-serving of the liberal system which is not genuinely being contested.
>You also don't grow up to be that tall unless you have a very nutritious diet which isn't cheap
he's 5'7''
Knower spotted. No idea how I'd score, probably not much North of 120. For whatever reason, I have a tendency to socially attract 140+'s. Most of them are mildly dysfunctional, either by way of mental illness or a deprived environment as kids. Took me a while to surmise that we weren't relating on the grounds of intellect, but mutual personality distributions via mental illness. Few made it beyond a bachelor's degree. There was a time when I found it shocking that for all their wealth of ability, nothing could fully drag you out of either hole. As my own life has failed to amount to much, no matter the effort I put in, the comparison has helped me determine the degree to which my own mental illness holds me down.
>I'm a scumbag centrist
What drives a man to turn centrist?
Lust for money? Power?
Or were you just born with a heart right in the center of your chest.
I really disliked it, he puts down the people he grew up near to make himself look better than tries to pretend to be on their side to gain political support later
Basically this, also nuke Ohio
They are going to take over and probably execute most of us here for antisemitism
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>You can’t just wish it away in a liberal democracy. It’s inevitable.

That's entirely why we need to get rid of liberal democracy, and Liberalism entirely. And to do that, we've got to get rid of the United States. Which is precisely why I'm excited by the direection events are headed, it's going to bring about the end of America as we know it regardless of what replaces that America.

The United States is the only reason Liberalism is the dominant political ideology. Fukuyama's thesis is incorrect. Liberalism doesn't represent the logical endpoint of the movement of philosophical and historical progression, it represents the ideology of the nation that won World War 2, deposed Britain and France as the world's main hegemons, and now rules the planet undisputedly, backed by the reserve currency, an omnipresent financial system, and the most powerful military on Earth.

If the United States went away, Liberalism as the reigning ideology would go away with it.

So, if you have an interest in getting rid of Liberalism, you need to be rooting for Trump, not because his victory itself might actually enact this or that policy, but for his capacity as a destroyer.

Part of it isn't even HIS doing. Indeed, a lot of it is. It's the reactions of his enemies, too, that are helping to strain and crack the American System. And if it breaks, like the smashing of a totem, the power of Liberalism in the world will be broken.

There are far too few people on the right-wing who see the United States for what it truly is: a monster to be defeated, a dragon to be slain. Nothing they want gets done as long as Liberalism's still around, and nothing is getting Liberalism out of the way as long as the United States is still around and still the hegemon. Ergo, the United States needs to be gotten out of the way.
holy made up
holy stay mad. when you put in as much work as vance did and are still stuck on the farm, then you can complain.
>born James Donald Bowman
>changed name to James David Hamel
>then changed name again to James David Vance
what the fuck
nothing more embarrassing than the servile philosemitism of the BAPist crowd. you are so pathetic, i hope you get anal raped by pro palestinian protestors

With a sole exception, every single solitary phrase of this post is false. Getting rid of liberalism is a bad thing, not a good thing, the happy historical accident of American hegemony (sort of) is not the only reason of (happy) liberal dominance, Fukuyama's thesis was correct, Trump's re-election, if it occurs, is not some Caesarist accelerationist tactic to have done with liberalism once and for all.

I suspect a chinese author. The one claim which is actually correct is that the United States possesses the most powerful military on earth.
it's like how dave wallace added foster to his name so it would have the same ring as john foster dulles.
read it. it's unbearable. it became a NYT bestseller because at it's heart it condescends to hillbillys and basically implies that they are deficient human beings. which the left coastal elite loves to hear. especially when it comes from a "conservative". It is boring, and it reads like Obama's Audacity of Hope, in that it is plainly obvious vance is simply exploiting his family background for political gain. A deeply deeply cynical person JD Vance. He's the political equivalent of these mega church pastors. it's disgusting actually. The whole phenomenon.
No reason whatsoever to believe that conservatives electing Trump on the basis that cultural Marxist infiltrators are taking away their freedoms and weakening liberal countries is going to bring an end to liberalism. You people are really just retarded, accelerationists and paranoid liberals alike
>No reason whatsoever to believe that conservatives electing Trump on the basis that cultural Marxist infiltrators are taking away their freedoms and weakening liberal countries is going to bring an end to liberalism.

It will if Trump's enemies would rather start a civil war than see him back in power.

Just you wait. I am relying on irrationality, pointless aggression, and paranoid fear. Both in Trump's enemies AND the elites that support him. They've already done plenty of stupid things that have caused far more damage to the fabric of this country than wiser elites would ever have tolerated. They tried to have him killed, for God's sake, knowing what the fallout from that would likely have been.

I am relying on the fact that our current elites are the idiot children and grandchildren of the people who built this whole system. The OG elites would never have behaved in the ways the current ones have. But their idiot offspring are. And it has brought the whole apparatus closer to destruction than it has been since 1861.

And I don't even have to do anything extreme. Just pray, and tweet, and maybe vote. If I feel like it.
>They tried to have him killed
There's no proof of that
>are no longer going to be awarded a middle class job simply for getting an undergrad liberal arts degree
This happened to me though lol.
No. Such an occurrence would be like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. A great conflagration is inevitable in my beloved Republic. a
And I'm for it. I'd rather be butchered by a gang of machete weilding spics and niggers than have one more cent of my taxes go to Congressmen who suck the cocks and balls of New York City Jews.
What does the New Right even want? And I’m talking about the BAP-adjacent Rightists who managed to install one of their own as the Vice President of America, people like Thiel and Yarvin and Alamariu and all their twitter hooligans. What the fuck is their goal, even? I go on their twitter right now and all I see is them praising Indians and Jews over whites. They’re celebrating getting some Home Depot employee fired for being mean to Trump. Is that all these people are going to do? Give more money to organizations like PragerU and AIPAC while taking money away from progressive NGOs and universities? They want to cancel their enemies the way they cancel them. Okay. So what? How does this fundamentally save the West or whatever?

Francis Fukuyama is totally correct to mock the absurdity of conservatives pretending they’re rebels against the system by completely playing by its rules, although liberals are also retards for pretending Trump is as much of a threat to liberalism as they say.
Nothing, they're just homosexuals. They have no stake in the future because homos don't reproduce. Their goals are 1) get off as hard as possible 2) get off as long as possible which is why theyre technomaxxers who dont care about anything.
Silicon Valley / Ivy fagboy technocracy, that's about it. They think they are very smart because they are microdosing ironic twitterfags who read smatterings of stuff like Pareto and can namedrop shit on a podcast, or with their "donor friends" at a party, so they think they are some new elite. But they are just midwit cronyist fags. They hop from bubble to bubble never encountering anything outside their milieu, or milieux in which they are the most interesting alternative, like the Beltway or New York or the Martha's Vineyard set. They go from event to event, dinner to dinner, and feel like they're going from success to success. They are midwit faggots and useful idiots for existing elements of the deep state realigning itself. They don't even exist as a genuine "faction." They won't know what to do once they get past the podcasting and dinner schmoozing stage. They just know they want to be "in" by the time something cool and 21st century starts happening, like future-wars and civil wars, because then they will be the guys who go down in the history books.

It's just a game for millennial and genX pussies who are disconnected from real politics. They will be swept aside or integrated as silent cogs once anything real happens. There is no content to their beliefs. Their ideology is "isn't it cool that I UNDERSTAND machiavellianism?" when they don't even do that.
I thought this was a joke but someone mentioned the movie in real life and it's real lmao.
We really need anti-nepotism laws in this country that deal with this issue. There should be a hard cap of the amount of people from elite universities that any company is allowed to employ.
This is also what I notice, it’s the people with the least stake in society that are the most aggressive about politics

some of those tech assholes literally think they are going to live forever because of technology. people like thiel are planning to be around for a very long time and they are fascist libertarians, meaning they want to make as much money as possible while impoverishing everybody else
It's also demonstration of the failure of their phenotype. We are talking about a subgroup of those with strong quantitative abilities. At each step of division, there are correlates in personality. Non-cognitive or weakly-cognitive heritable individual factors of personality, at the upper level of competition and organization, are about as salient as the strongly cognitive ones. The tech labour ecosystem selects for a particular type of spastic brainiac egoist, as opposed to someone whom is merely skilled with maths and logics. They think they have all the answers, as they catalogue whatever they can know in their brain banks ("on the far side of the moon"), Blindness to their own human limitations will undo them. If they ever do wrest power from the central government, it won't end up the Cameralist dream of Yarvin, I can promise.
I do not see a long-term strategy for the Right at all. “Own the libs” is not enough to secure a future in decaying countries with degenerate cultures and declining populations
They want to live in computers and boss us around from there
>declining populations

immigration takes care of that
Ironically the social conservatives have the solution for that but the rest of the Republicans have hated them for the backlash for getting Roe overturned. But you could go a long way towards reversing population decay with the standard SocCon toolkit: ban no-fault divorce, ban abortion, ban birth control, ban gay marriage.
It amazes me that Moldbug managed to implement his scenario in less than a decade. If I were 'the establishment' he'd be the guy I'm most worried about yet he barely even gets mentioned by the press.
Yeah, people said that after the first Bush and the second Bush and now after Trump. And so on and so on.

Parties change strategies all the time.
>If I were 'the establishment' he'd be the guy I'm most worried about yet he barely even gets mentioned by the press.

Entirely by design, he's smart enough to keep his name out of the papers. It doesn't hurt that he did all his most outrageous writing under "Moldbug" as a pen name and it hasn't yet occurred to the normalfag media that Moldbug and Yarvin are one and the same.
>ban no-fault divorce, ban abortion, ban birth control, ban gay marriage.
Won't work. Women in schools/workplaces is the problem. Even the UN agrees.
I think it would work out if you started educating women several years after you started educating men.
I dont understand how their ideology squares with being "right wing"

Socially conservative, sure. But to achieve all these the things they want (people being able to raise a family on one salary, not eating the bugs, environmental protection,) I don't see how traditional right wing policies would get them there.

But beyond being against open boarders and free trade, to achieve the society they want they basically need to pursue traditional socially democratic economic and worker protection policies.

I mean, I kind of agree with a lot of the shit they say, but it seems like they just like the aesthetic of trad wifes and white picket fences, and as a movement, it would have more of a home on the left.

I'm not american though so idk. It's like the NDP if they weren't woke.
>Ironically the social conservatives have the solution for that

Zoomers are already not having sex lol its over, its too expensive to date, get married and start a family. Why are right wingers so stupid. Abortions would plummet if cost of living plummeted. Canada, a country where THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS on abortion, has less abortions per capita than the US, because we have a basic social safety net (its collapsing now, but still...)
Some of us just want babies not to be murdered, Anon.
I was responding to a poster who thought that abortion bans would be a remedy for declining populations, I wasn't addressing the moral argument.
I really haven't seen anything bad about this guy yet. He seems incredibly based when compared to any of the current Democrat leadership.
He doesn't really seem that bad then. Certainly not worth all the uproar about him.
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I hate to say this, but Canada doesn't have nearly as many black people. A lot of the "Canada better than US" statistics are due to that key difference.
I grew up somewhere that the only black people I knew were Jamaican immigrants (they were also violent antisocial retards in my interactions with them, but there weren't that many of them). Since leaving a decade ago I hear there are machete-wielding Somalis.
so reduce poverty, which impacts blacks disproportionately.

And I know you aren't mentioning this, but I hate the idea that the reason their is so much abortion is because we have given up on traditional values. I think there is a bit of a spiritual crisis in the West, but Blacks and Hispanics are traditionally much more religious than whites in the USA, and Hispanics much more catholic (traditionally very prolife.) Despite this, both blacks and hispanics are both over represented in abortions. I think this suggests that poverty is a huge contributing factor regarding the decision to have an abortion. Reduce cost of living, improve wages for the poorest of the US, reduce costs of child care and abortion rates will fall. If republicans ban abortion, and cut social safety nets, thats just a recipe for back-alley abortions and a black market for abortions.
Blacks have lower IQs and exhibit extremely degenerate and antisocial behaviors even when poverty is corrected for.
this guy is the most sinister pres/vp candidate that's run
Canada has a large indigenous population who, on average, are incredibly poor compared to the canadian average.
>Silicon Valley / Ivy fagboy technocracy, that's about it.
I really wish this wasn't the case but I've read quite a bit of Land and Yarvin and it really is just painfully stupid garbage. They're basically tech bros that program in JavaScript and think they're geniuses despite not knowing how anything works outside of their dynamically typed shit lang that was made for retards.
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blumpf won
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Rich niggers still commit more crime than poor whites, so the actual solution is to reduce the number of niggers
ive only read some summaries of their views, but I got the impression they were standard "we will not eat ze bugs" trad larpers, who are very common on 4chan, what am I missing?
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why are be so critical
go back to /pol/
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I'm already on /pol/
They aren't tradlarpers at all as they're totally fine with almost all kinds of degenerate behavior. Their main beliefs are about the inefficiency of the state and that corporations could do it better if they were given fiefdoms.
>Silicon Valley / Ivy fagboy technocracy
>Their main beliefs are about the inefficiency of the state and that corporations could do it better if they were given fiefdoms.
ah ok. very grim and bad
>big tech should be able to do whatever they like
huh that was the lib position for the last 20 years
literal glow in the dark zionist, stfu
And people on the left have been critical of that position since at least 1995.
Liberal conservatives consider any form of illiberalism to be left-wing. Likewise, Liberal progressives consider any form of illiberalism to be right-wing. Hence Hitler was left-wing, and Stalin was a right-wing fascist, depending on what flavour of liberal you are talking to.
They both consider anything they don't like to be illiberalism, and therefore right/left-wing extremism.

Personally I think the terms are strained beyond capacity, lacking explanatory power for the modern geopolitical landscape, are entirely relative in their definitions, and only useful for propaganda proportionate to how wedded the person/s you are trying to say are wedded to the terms.
>Zoomers are already not having sex lol its over, its too expensive to date, get married and start a family.
The birth rate has gone down even in places where this isn't the case. The problem is that a huge portion of women would rather be alone than date men that fail to meet their standards, and much of that group sees the majority of men as below their standards .
A big profile of him will come soon from the NYT probably
Maybe, but. I think it's over for him when the general public starts reading his work and sees some of the dumber things he's said. Hopefully tht will be the beginning of the end for traditionalism and sees a rightwing that radically embraces pre-wwII modernism.
>sees some of the dumber things he's said
Such as?
yeah i hate trad shit. the reason european aristocracy got washed away is because they were all inbred degenerates.
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Real aristocracy is not defined by blood
>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them. ... It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in today's speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted, something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility, is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, those few individuals we come across who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.
>the cercle proudhon
stopped reading your dopey shit right there
Here's a good introduction to French national socialism decades before the NSDAP:

I also recommend the first chapter of Sternhell's book The Birth of Fascist Ideology for an introduction to Georges Sorel. By recommend I mean I recommend it to anyone who isn't a retard.
Unless he has arm and leg extension surgery, he's 6 foot 1. Wearing heals won't make your arms that long.
no one in america is facing the kind of nutritional deficiency that is going to stunt their growth. it's extremely easy to get snap/ebt/whatever, especially if you have kids. saying vance is a phony because he's not a manlet is the weirdest cope i've heard yet.
And the Republican party hasn’t accomplished a single thing since then aside from roe v wade
How does it compare with the Art of the Deal?
>Illegal immigration is going to be stopped for at least a generation.
Even if they do actually bother to stop illegal immigration which imo is much less likely than just making a big show of building a wall and not much else, it'll most likely just be replaced by canada style "temporary" worker permits which they will easily be able to manufacture consent for when the price of strawberries and landscaping goes up 3x
They want to build a “virtual” border wall where they tag and track everyone coming in. I don’t know what they do with the information they gather on the illegals wether they’ll use blackmail on them or what
Just America hypothesis cope. I can't afford more than one meal a day and can't qualify for SNAP which is nothing money anyways like $240 + an extra $50 for a kid. Kys.
>Hopefully tht will be the beginning of the end for traditionalism and sees a rightwing that radically embraces pre-wwII modernism.

The entire Modern period of history is going to be smashed to rubble, and a new era is going to emerge. I expect hierarchial systems of government and social organization to reemerge with it. Liberalism is going to be a passing fad of the Modern period of history that is not reasserted in the next age of history. The Ancient and Medievel Eras did not have anything like Liberalism. Why does anyone think Liberalism is going to survive the end of the Modern Era?
Because no one has thought of anything beyond liberalism yet that is actually popular. Right now all your right-wing leaders are celebrating Trump with the language of liberalism — that he will restore freedom and democracy, that he will uplift the common individual, that he represents the will of the people, etc. This is not the language of a dying system. It’s a hypocritical, stupid, contradictory system yes. But nowhere near obsolete
>actually popular.

Oceans of blood and mountains of skulls aren't popular, either, but that is what we are most likely to get. Why do none of you people not see the reemergence of a violent world coming? When America breaks for good the world will be as violent as it ever was in the Ancient World and the Middle Ages, even if we don't have a Dark Age or collapse of technology levels. It's not about "popular," it's about if you have the capacity for violence to assert your will, and you can then just get people to fall in line, because the average person would rather obey the new boss than risk getting dragged into the street and shot in the head.
>James David Vance was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio
>Middletown, Ohio is a part of the Cincinnati metropolitan area
>Middletown, Ohio is 20 miles south of Dayton, Ohio
>Middletown, Ohio has only experienced one decade of sharp economic decline, 40 years ago
>Middletown, Ohio had a poverty rate of 12.6% when Vance came of age, slightly lower than US average
Sounds like the white equivalent of niggers from Bolingbrook talking about how ghetto their childhood is.
>muh fire and blood
You are getting a managed decline.
Is that what it LOOKS like we're getting? Because it sure LOOKS like we're getting no breaks on the Trump Train, instead. Things are accelerating, not slowing down. This isn't decline, managed or not. This is things getting faster, and becoming harder to control. This is the whirligig spinning out of all capacity of its handlers to control it.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
This isn't entirely accurate. Men from extremely poor backgrounds reproduce the most. Also it's not just the women. Recall that throughout history significant concessions had to be made to men to get them to marry.
>This isn't decline, managed or not. This is things getting faster, and becoming harder to control.

Not if the Thielite pre-crime panopticon gets established first. And it is well on its way. All the talk of blood and carnage is really just the hope that there is a way out, an exit, from the total domestication of man, even if that means a return pre-literate savages caving each other's heads in with rocks among post-nuclear ruins of burnt out data centers.

The end of the end of liberalism, here construed most cynically as merely the language the overlords use when addressing the masses, will most likely be an unmasking of the powers that are already in control. Rather than regime change the rhetoric that mediates power between those who command and those who are controlled gets dropped. Which is entirely congruent with your point about people falling in line to the will of those with the most capacity for violence.
No, the leftist position was "they're private companies they can do whatever they want" right up until Elon Musk bought Twitter.
>Real aristocracy hasn't been tried
>Not if the Thielite pre-crime panopticon gets established first.
The major warfront between Nato and the remants of the Soviet Union is being fought with men and trenches and 50 dollar grenades, not with the high tech wonder weapons of yesteryear.
They can't support a Panopticon, they can barely even watch the space around the president.
>no breaks on the Trump Train
yeah, -100000 illegal spics(if that) and +infinity jeets, with a side of faggot and slut friendliness to boot
how has this man convinced so many that he's a caesar/some precursor to caesarism
I am not reading all these schizo replies. I read the book when it was new. It was interesting. A lot of dull people write memoirs too young and they are usually as boring as they are. They have such a high opinion of their experience they just assume the reading world demands they share. This book was legitimately interesting, and were I in a different personal situation I might find it inspiring. I live in a community filthy with hillbillies so it helps me understand these garbage people. Like many before have written, just read the fucking book if you are somewhat interested and see what you think. Thank you for reading my blog, please smash the like and subscribe.
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The absurdist lengths leftists have gone to try and stop him.
>that part where he pretends to be gay
What. How can you pretend to be gay? Sounds pretty gay.
Gay nonwhite slavic invader
Would Carlyle be proud?
>They can't support a Panopticon

are you kidding? what do you think google and facebook and all that shit is? they are watching you 24/7
>are you kidding? what do you think google and facebook and all that shit is? they are watching you 24/7
They are drowning in useless data, and that doesn't stop the 30% of people who still don't even have a social media account.
Name one time they have used this data to their advantage besides doxing randos
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>They are drowning in useless data
That's what ThielVision™ is for. Well, I'm not a techie but the idea is A.I. enabled data disaggregation to be able to make it usable:
>drowning in data
Yeah i remember this dumbfuck opinion being floated around the usual publications
>you undeniabley live in a dystopian hellscape that records everything you say or do, but don't worry, we've actually stolen SO much data from you, we can't use it teehee ;)

>30% dont even have
hicks and 90 year old hospice patients dont matter

Oh you're a 12 year old girl, i get it now. Go back to twitter, you braindead cunt
Vance always talks about the working man and all this shit but in point of fact he will cut taxes, blow up the deficit, deregulate the banks, and do whatever (((they))) tell him to do in the Middle East, just like Trump. I'm not a Democrat or a leftist, it's deeply upsetting how people like Vance will pay lip-service to truly conservative even anti-capitalist ideas all while running the same show as every other Republican.
They will have a Red Scare about mass shooters / incels after Draumpf gets in office.
Everyone who posted on a chan will be locked up. Having no social media? Locked up. Criticize political system? You guessed it, locked up.
>hicks and 90 year old hospice patients dont matter
A random 20year old almost killed the president to be,
The emperor has no clothes.
How many a times has the FBI had reports about a mass shooter before it happens, and nothing is done?
They can't process all the inputs they are getting.
>it's deeply upsetting how people like Vance will pay lip-service to truly conservative even anti-capitalist ideas all while running the same show as every other Republican.
I'm not sure if it's just lip service or a genuine fondness for the aesthetics of working class, particularly tradesmen while not caring for them as people.
You should read up on it:
Snore. Deepstate tried to kill Trump on purpose with some mkultra tranny. It wasn't some random doofus.
Do you have any idea how many high risk retards fags fuck
Not yet.
An Mkultra tranny wouldn't have missed.
He wouldn't have even wasted a time with head shots, he would have hit center mass as opposed to missing 8 shots consequently
yeah you two don't sound like delusional retards at all LOL
Ancestral blood memory
Which ancestor of yours was an mk ultra goon?
I was imagining the US being a seriously worse place after every single person in the country saw video of Trump's head exploding mid-speech, some with ghoulish bloodlust and some with defeated horror
unironically for me and I think a couple other people it's bitcoin, I don't think you can have a functioning culture/place apart from having a stability, and post the electric age that does not exist physically or informationally and everything will be debased.
with bitcoin it creates a new stability that cannot be compromised and I think within a couple centuries we will have a variety of smaller scale states that function by who controls the bitcoin there. Most likely a variety of monarchies, aristocrats, and corporate ran states. I haven't really read much of the edgy new right wing people but I have a feeling some of them are thinking in a similar direction.
>allow abortion
>less black ppl born
>goal reached
It baffles me how right wingers are so strongly against abortion, i myself don’t even see less black people as a solution to anything but if it was my goal, legal and easy (potentially free?) abortion would be a huge step in reaching this
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It's mostly Christians, specifically Catholics.

And really Catholics are playing a game that most of the American Right don't appreciate. I know because I am one. Do you know what we think of your nation as? We think of it as disposable. More than that, we think of it as maybe worthy of death. You guys have been fucking with us for 250 years. Not just in North America but all around the world. Your list of crimes against the Church in South America alone is considerable.

America is the great bugbear. The Great Satan; the Iranians are right about that. We've tried to convert you but it's not fucking taking, you are too devilishly Protestant and atheist and Jewish. So you can just die, instead. The global Church will be better off if the United States ceases to exist. Including in Europe; don't think we've forgotten about your meddling there. We're 2000 years old, every Catholic comes pre-programmed with a long memory. Some of us put it to better uses than others.

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