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/lit/ - Literature

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What do we think of Dakota's BODY of work?
I was about to say, she dresses like a child, and then I remembered all children wear spandex workout clothes just like grown women now. Lol. What the fuck is going on?
Monke face, but she has the best legs in the literary circuit and the bitch knows it.
Jesus christ she was already abusing that filler shit the last time her simps spammed her here but now she looks like a full blown tranny. Why the hell would you do this to yourself? Why did her dad pay for her to turn herself into a man?
its like youthful appearance is attractive or something
Guys, I have had some small correspondence with Dakota, through mutual friends in London. When I say small, I mean simply a nod hello or a message on Instagram (she unfollowed me, presumably because of how irrelevant I am to her life). I fancy her, although I know she doesn't fancy me as I'm black and she only fucks white and jewish boys.
I hate poseurs so much. 99,99% of humans deserve to be crushed to death in full time slavery while earnest people live in peace with the fruits born by the swish swish flesh of theirs.
Poseur cringe lady. Jewish slave culture contaminated everywhere
I am not a poseur myself, I will seen myself alive in that utopia
Let's be real, who's subscribing to her onlyfans when it inveitably comes out?
Buddy, you clearly forgot to take your meds this morning.
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You took two too many
Am I being called and named by this Taenia auf site? You blow my truth away with proofs of medication you won't comminate a pure soul like me I am the only one honest here.
You could see me buck naked with no special x-ray sight of yours for all idiocy.
she's a cringe try hard, but I like how much of a tease she is
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I really do not understand this board's infatuation with her. She is, in the most literal sense of the word, mid. Not quite the hottest, not quite the smartest, not the funniest, nor the most well-read. Her opinions are so milquetoast they may as well not exist, and her "Content" is basically just filling the void Savannah Brown left.

It really does just go to show how, after all the posturing and philosophising, /lit/ are basically just beta-orbiters. Good god, at least when people idolise Megan Fox, they're idolising an actual stunner. (Former) Embarrassing display from the board. Swing and a miss from the young anons.
Oh yeah I will buy your book now
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WHOA MAMA! HUMMINA HUMMINA HUMMINA! BAZOOOOOOIING eyes bulge out of head and shoot forward at 120 mph AROOOOOOOOOOOOGA jaw drops to the floor, tongue rolls out a foot forward HAWT MAMA! punches self in face with boxing glove five times HOOLEY DOOLEY pulls on train whistle that has appeared beside head as steam blows out EEE-AW EEE-AW pulls out comically large carton of milk, drinks all of it spilling it everywhere GUHGUHGUHGUHGUHGUH wolf whistle AROOOOOOOOOOO AROOOOOOOO tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart ARF ARF ARF ARF rubs ass on ground like dog WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF eyes turn into slot machine slots WOWZA! tapdancing sounds, running in a circle JEEPERS HEEPERS pants like dog, rips off pants, heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM slams fists on table rattling any silverware or plates DUUUUUUHHHH bashes own head with hammer 5 times BONK BONK BONK BONK BONK slams chair on table BWOOOAAGHHHH old-timey car horn sound, tongue straightens out like wooden board, eyes go out of skull and back in like paddleballs CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA fireworks shoot from top of head PHWOAARRR sniffs air loudly, nostrils become comically large HONKA HONKA HONKA HONKA sound of mouth harp as body is straightened out, floating a foot above the ground JEEZ LOUISE propeller spins on hat comically WOWEEE gets massive erection, tries to aggressively push it back down into pants OINKA OINKA pulls out massive drum, starts beating it excessively HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA HUBBA jumps on table, smashes through table and ground, springs back upward at an incredible velocity HOOOLY MOOOOLY pupils fly away from eyes, eyes snap forward towards them OOOOOOH I'M DYYYYYYYYYYIIN' fucking dies, ghost goes out of corpse with a lyre, body pulls ghost back into body WHADDA DAAAAME starts foaming at the mouth HUUUUUUUURRRRRR furiously turns crank on machine that hits hands on table GRRRR BARK BARK BARK head unscrews and starts rotating BUH-DOOIIOIOIOING starts rattling like a jar of coins, suspended half a metre in the air DING DING DING DING DING DING starts bouncing up and down at a high speed, starts boiling like tea kettle and turning red HAAAHEEEEEE
Dakota embodies perfectly that slapper energy of the 1920s. She appears to be artsy and intellectual on the surface, yet it's her flamboyant lust for life that makes us embittered, sexless creatures infatuated with her. We see her childlike wonder at discussing such adult things; and we don't mind because she talks about it with a smile. We are lustful over those legs of hers, yet they would mean nothing if they wasn't attached to her specifically.
She's a pipedream in a French cafe. Us battered and spiritually scarred vetrans of modern day horrors stand around and feel such love at seeing such a creature, move around and say hello to the patrons of the cafe. And we may even have a chance to talk to her about Dostovesky, Nietzsche, Dylan Thomas; even for just one evening, it's enough to keep us coming to the cafe, to keep watching her dance, as other gentlemen light her cigarette and make her laugh.
She's something out of an early Hemingway novel. And if there is anything deeper to her character, it certainly isn't open for us... we have to stand at a distance, hoping we mayh have the chance to light her cigarette, or to be able to talk about our favourite poets for an evening.
>t. coombrain
An awfully poetic way of describing a beta-orbiter. Jesus wept, this is the saddest thing I've read in so long. You really just waxed poetic about fantasising over a literal cheating whore (As is often the case in Hemmingway)
>hoping we mayh have the chance to light her cigarette, or to be able to talk about our favourite poets for an evening.
Maybe I'm just not clever enough to appreciate the noetic pleasures of being an utter cuckold.
We get it, you lack sovl, it's not your fault although don't expect us to put up with your bugman antics.
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Dakota is /our/ Aryan Queen
Has she taken the call? become a true bog-an?
You niggas need to take the withcindypill
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>As an asian
>I'm asian
>Asian american
>Speaking for the asians
>Did I say I'm asian?
>MY culture (Has never even worked in a chinky's)
>Asian men
>Asian women
>Speaking for the asian women
You're a cuckold. And an easily manipulated one at that. You pay her way with your attention anon. All that "Lighting her cigarette" stuff is what your doing now, she cares about you exactly as little as the faggot with the lighter you envisage. Calling me a Bugman when your fantasy is to warm her boyfriend's seat is pretty outlandish. Tell me, what separates her and Dua Lipa? Or Madison Beer? All are some form of celebrity who like books in the mildest sense of the word; all use their attractiveness to garner success, and none knows of your existence. You're no better than the people who follow whatever Sydney Sweeney or whoever is doing this year on tiktok.
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>what separates her and Dua Lipa? Or Madison Beer?
I already explained what seperates her from those plastic surgery riddled celebrities, your porn addiction is showing. I said there's a certain energy to Dakota that makes her appealing to /lit/izens; there's more than looking like a whore. But this is precisely why I called you a bugman, because you're incapable of sensing that.
You compare her with tarts like Megan Fox, Dua Lipa, and Madison Beer because your bugman porn addict brain simply sees ATTRACTIVE WOMAN. You are literally a monkey, a nigger, if you fail to understand why someone may be more attracted to someone who isn't top-tier model; top-tier models you only find attractive because your bugman brain is easily programmed into society's beauty standards, whereas other people (non-bugmen) can appreciate the aura of a beautiful woman. The aura of a beautiful woman is worth more than the beautiful woman itself.
How about you go back to watching porn and subscribing celebrities' onlyfans? You mention these magazine cover celebrities yet project that I am somehow enamoured with them. You are just as cucked as I am; thing is my cuckoldry isn't a result of sexual pervsion or porn addiction and hasn't been sold and marketed to me by studio executives and magazine covers.
This is delusion. And sad to see. You're tricking yourself into thinking that her projected personality (Which is fake) is somehow on a higher level than any of the "tarts" I've listed. (Though theirs are also fake) And that you are somehow better than the celebrity addicts for sensing it. You're the one bringing up porn here, guy; comparing her to porn never even crossed my mind because it's more or less irrelevant to my main point. Which is that you're exactly the same as the consumer-slop monkeys you pretend to be better than.
>thing is, my cuckoldry isn't a result of sexual perversion or porn addiction and hasn't been sold and marketed to me by studio executives and magazine covers.
It was just hand-crafted by the woman herself and Google. Yeah, you're really the artiste.
For somebody so profound you haven't mentioned virtues even once, for everything you've said, you've failed to go beyond the very outermost level. Functionally speaking, you are just watching porn of a character you like, fanfic perhaps.
At some point writing this >>23609114 I've realised that you've basically admitted to being a sexless cuckold and now it just kind of feels like I'm bullying a special kid or something. Sorry, anon, I literally cannot contain my autism about consumerism/ celebs and e-celebs sometimes. Enjoy whatever you like. Who am I to judge anyway?
Dua Lipa is /lit/?! Dawn, as if I couldn't be any more enamoured of my Albanian goddess
she actually has scanty any culture at all. Just look at the films she recommends, basic stuff you've seen 1000 times rec'ed on thoupipe
Anon... your diagnosis of the personality of this woman is way, way off base and your flowery musings describe a reality that does not exist.
I think I want her to choke me.
Kinda more interested in Virgina or Georgia honestly
It’s meme, dude. That’s how things work around here. Most of these guys don’t even actually like her. It’s a fun little joke they repeat with their friends on the literature board.
Social media has been a disaster for real literature. It seems you have to be some D-tier eCeleb to get published nowadays.
mid girls are the best, they are relatable
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The point was never that she was a 10, but to deny that Dakota didn't copy her aesthetic wholesale would be a lie
Don't most of you guys have lit related university degrees or jobs? I was in STEM so I haven't seen a "lit waifu". What's your excuse? Why are you lusting after electronic women?
Have you met most English literature students? They're literally your 8th grade wall'd English Teacher in the making; who overshares her liberal politics to the class and has a strange infactuation with the "bad boy" and has an unhealthy obsession with their cat.
At the moment they're somewhat fun as they just get drunk and fuck, yet hardly someone you want to spend extended periods of time with. Not saying Dakota is; but at least electronically I have the option to close the tab if I feel like she's waffling on.
>Have you met most English literature students?
I haven't met any, actually. I just assumed that's where girls like Dakota spawn.
t b f maybe in Australia. I've met a few literary type whores when I went to Australia and they were pretty saucy. I suppose it's just different in my country.
That's just them being Australian.
go get her Matthew. she should worship Matthew. she should give Matthew 88 swallows.
Kys, pedodumbfuckscum. It's like you're a braindead fucking pervert scum or something. Eat my shit. I really can't wait to smear pedo brains all over the fucking concrete when society breaks down.
Nta. Little girls are hot. Get over it
Shes larping as a modern day anais nin and compared to the other options white girls as a whole have to offer im all for it. The guys she hangs out with on ig are also comical. Quinn should court her, he can be her henry miller, he only needs to shave his head and wear the right vintage fashion, then theyd be the ultimate couple.
I guess this is a 10/10 for a book bitch
They just repeat what they were told is "cool"
It'a the only way women and gays can relate to what they are being told is "society"
Just look at the faggot that replied "it's just a meme bro..." typical passive aggressive homosexual circlejerk
She is ugly and dresses how an alcoholic mom would pimp out her daughter with mental disease
>like milk
relevant message!
Kys you fucking pathetic excuse for a man. I wish you fucks had the guts to say this shit to my face irl and reveal yourselves. I'd shove my fist through your face so fucking fast you'd have no idea what happened until it was too late and you're choking on your own teeth and blood.

Die, you fucking pedolosers. You and every part of the world where that shit is treated as normal—I'm talking to you, LatAm. Die, you worthless fucks. Die, shitlamites, you pedofucks. Die, Indogs, you fucking beta sacks of shit. Die, Japs, you pedoscum coward fucks. Die, Indians, you shit eating zombies. Die, all you varieties of second and third world beta males who couldn't survive for thirty seconds versus my all-American physique. You can all eat shit, you and your pathetic parents who couldn't raise you to be men.
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>my all-American physique
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>Us battered and spiritually scarred vetrans of modern day horrors
What, oat milk or regular milk? Having to choose between Netflix or Hulu?
she loves flashing
she didn't though
I just find her entire aesthetic false
>in b4 that's all women!!
No, she reads and that's evident, but it always feels that when talking about writing, she's more concerned with appearing to be a writer, rather than actually just writing. It's performative, in a word.
That is literally all women, though. Their hobbies and interests are performative. They see something on Tiktok and hyperfixate on it, then drop it after a couple weeks if they cannot find a way to monetise it.
He was being hyperbolic but don't act like modernity isn't soul crushing lol.
I wish all serial killers like you to seek help
pedo chic is in, bro. if women portray themselves as dumb, impressionable and submissive thats fucking hot, bud!
Step aside, pleb
https://www.youtube com/@accordingtoalina/videos
https://www.youtube com/@AnaWallaceJohnson/videos
>Women's period of Sturm und Drang.
In the three or four civilized European countries, one can in a few centuries educate women to be anything one wants, even men--not in the sexual sense, of course, but certainly in every other sense. At some point, under such an influence, they will have taken on all male virtues and strengths, and of course they will also have to take male weaknesses and vices into the bargain. This much, as I said, one can bring about by force. But how will we endure the intermediate stage it brings with it, which itself can last a few centuries, during which female follies and injustices, their ancient birthright, still claim predominance over everything they will have learned or achieved? This will be the time when anger will constitute the real male emotion, anger over the fact that all the arts and sciences will be overrun and clogged up by shocking dilettantism; bewildering chatter will talk philosophy to death; politics will be more fantastic and partisan than ever; society will be in complete dissolution because women, the preservers of the old custom, will have become ludicrous in their own eyes, and will be intent on standing outside custom in every way. For if women had their greatest power in custom, where will they not have to reach to achieve a similar abundance of power again, after they have given up custom?
Dat ass is no good. Sorry, ma'am, someone had to say it
t. nigger
>if women portray themselves as dumb, impressionable and submissive thats fucking hot,
honesty is an attractive trait
I'm probably whiter than you are
Oh, I get it, you're an Indian larping as an Aryan... go back to /pol/ with the rest of your ilk.
No, I'm a white southerner from Tennessee and you can continue to be a moron, for all I give two tin shits
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She's kind of a dog-face, but she has nice legs, and I'd totally do her.
The ideal therapy would be a mass beheading of pedophiles, with a post beheading corpse desecration party, I hope.
Her friend teenyrabbit is hotter with nice tits and cams sporadically
Generic face desu
Kek psycho amerilard BTFO

Captcha: SVR GOY
I graduated years ago and yes, I work at a university, but practically that means I work with a bunch of middle aged post-wall women who are all feminists.
Ok but this Dakota chick’s aura screams “white trash BPD”.
Refuted by the existence of Donna Tartt
Good Lord.
I don't know how women do it.
They deserve to be used. Hard.
Source on them being friends?
other anons can take a hike. I FEEL this.
>"if they cannot find a way to monetise it."
can someone explain the phenomenon of a person like this, who sees someone's curated social media persona (which is intended to create a certain effect) who then goes on to describe the persona that the person has created, as though the person who curated it didn't realize they were doing this, or did so naturally / organically (and didn't just go on pinterest for jazz age aesthetic inspo and then try to recreate it)? it's like if you saw some guy dressed as goku and went on to describe goku and saying the guy perfectly embodies the energy of an adventurer karate man or something.

you fucking moron, it's "flapper" btw not "slapper."
They have a pic together on insta
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You can tell she's based because woman fucking HATE her
I think she's cute
i fucked her
Me too
Her pussy smells like roses
She's actually kind of cute.
Her voice, that smooth Mississippi accent. Jesus I envy you burgers. And you can tell from the way she talks that she's actually very smart and not a poser. (The degree in a notoriously difficult subject, while studying Greek and Latin probably helps with that.)
Southern accents are not considered hot in murrica. They're a sign of being inbred and uneducated.
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More for me
Tell me your uncle molested you without telling me your uncle molested you—the post.
Brit anon. I used to hold this view too, but I find them beautiful now and I've met a few who are sharp, so that always helps.
The defendant presents exhibit A to the jury: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7ppipC1Xys
>she's more concerned with appearing to be a
Fill in the blank bruv. This applies to almost anything a woman partakes in irrespective of how well or poorly she performs (even motherhood is not spared). The only exceptions are things that they feel they'd be shamed for by society at large.
>more than 100k instafollowers
sorry, I don't follow anyone with over 10k followers. Only exception is Cristiano Ronaldo.
I'm neither but I agree. It's a hideous accent
>Southern accents are not considered hot in murrica
Nigger you're retarded
Patrician detected
You don't pass btw
Ya I'm thinking redpilled and based

>Pedo defender is anti-american
Post your shit coloured hands next so we can laugh harder
Nice redditpost m'dude! Keep defending pedophile trannies, subhuman that you are
>t. Still votes democrat in current year
Oh and you're brown LOL
STEM girls are way better, dude. Usually smarter and less melodramatic.
worst case of samefag we've had all year
Kek. Based
>more than 100k instafollowers
sorry, I don't follow anyone with over 10k followers. Only exception is Yung Lean
And uglier and less white. I'm a programmer and id rather shoot myself in the fucking head then become another chinese wife meme.
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Does this girl write or something? No one posted any links to her works or videos of her talking.
For good reason. She is a dumb snob.
Die, you fucking porn-rotted pedofaggot.

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