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/lit/ - Literature

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What am I in for?
My penis
Hopefully a BBC in your va jay jay
Crush my fucking skull like a watermelon between your inner thighs
a pseudo-intellectual rhetorician
Those are teen panties and that pasty looks thoroughly unappealing.
That's a man
>What am I in for?
Fun at the beach, splishsplashing in the water, building sandcastles.
Passable enough
Building sandcastles is a male hobby. Women go on vacation to fuck with Black men
English bitches look terrible
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Timmy cope
You just noticed?
I can feel her pillsbury doughboy abdomen flob but I still want to mush my face into it while she says "we're gonna be late for dinnuh innit"
I hate that black americans are the face of the African diaspora.
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>Burger hours
>BBC posting begins
Well well well
Whites still killing themselves at like twice the rates of blacks lmao. Those stats won't change that. Look at the faces of suicide.
A long extended metaphor.

I recommend reading A Geneaology of Morals first then maybe Beyond Good and Evil before Zarathustra.
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>see girl’s thighs
>immediately think of black dick

Mental illness
Kek it’s over for blackcel
>projects his love of black cock onto females
every single time
Kill yourself ASAP subhuman brown faggot
>fragile white tears
Grab a mop and bucket and wipe them off the floor. I'm coming to smash your wife later and I don't wanna slip.
Hefty fines for damaging a library book
Post more shitskinned incel cope

>Refuted outright
You're a buckbroken afro-simian mongrel.

Your skin is the colour of shit. Your entire existence is cope for the fact that the most your simian ancestors ever contributed to humanity was picking cotton under the whip, my nigga. Make yourself useful and go get your head blown off over a crack rock.
>What am I in for?
skin cancer
Nice ooga booga chimpout, you subhuman austral simian. My superior ancestors dominate yours utterly, now you're coping and seething in my language while I laugh in your ugly faggot monkey face.
>Implying it isn't shitskinned incels and trannies
>words, words
Warm the bed up for me and your wife.
Finally some good news!
Why are you calling Whites fragile when the only way your "people" are even able to compete with them is when they lower the standards to rock bottom and give you even more handouts? Even then you still live in abject squalor. Or how about when blacks chimp out and start crying over a word? Or the fact that your history and existence boils down to crying about getting sold as slaves (as if you were capable of anything else). Absolutely delusional.
>Can't read
>Implying you're not a virgin
>Implying my wife is a fat 1/10 hog who would sleep with chimps
LOL. Now do a monkey dance.
Ooga booga isn't a word you stupid animal, that's the point.
>Women go on vacation to fuck with Black men
You mean fat old dykes who can't get laid in first world countries go to Africa where sex with barn animals is standard practice.
Post tits
Ya that's because they have to live around blacks and other 3rd world garbage and they have IQs high enough to comprehend it. IQ is positively correlated with suicide, see Asians. But really blacks kill each other far more efficiently than any other cause, no matter where they are.
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>complains about being called fragile
>demonstrates fragility in the following sentences
I'm cool like morning dew. Meanwhile the veins in your temple are throbbing over—checks notes—BBC and being called fragile. I'll be over in the next ten minutes for your wife. Get the camera ready, Roger.
>bait thread having nothing to do with race devolves into a thread arguing about race

/lit/ sucks these days. Too many threads become about race, jews, women, and trannies
He refuted you outright and all you can do is pathetically LARP like you're not the most impotent beta permavirgin itt, cuck nigga.
this man >>23612981 started it
You come on 4chan fucking litterature board don’t act like you’re some nigga chad lmao you probably an obese nigga with glasses
>Calling others fragile while your beta cuck nature is becoming more obvious by the post
Nice projection, cringeworthy nigger redditor. The only way your cucked nig ass is getting laid, let alone by an attractive White chick, is by paying a hooker 150% the going rate. That's why blacks rape their grandmas/mothers/sisters so much.

Do shitskinned incels post bbc cope and expect not to be put in their place?
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Blacks can't be Chads on account of their dark skin, simian physiognomy, and submissive history. That's why the only White chicks you see with blacks are fat hogs covered in pimples or classless literal drug addicted skanks.
>Austral simian can't identify samefags
Huge surprise. Post more chimp cope so we can laugh harder, monkey.
>Not even a denial
Absolutely buckbroken.
I think all race have chads, some race have more chads than the others yes but there is some nigga chads but i don’t think a single black chad ever lay foot on 4chan let alone on the litterature board kek
That's why they rape everything so much. They are retarded rape monkeys. Even being civilized in the US for a couple centuries has done very little overall. The idea that we're equal is obviously untrue and insulting, quite frankly.
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If you have to ask, you won't understand it
There was a time when bait was known as bait and avoided, not gobbled up with eagerness
I bet if a non-existent black chad posted here, he would post
>checks notes
>I'm cool like morning few
Just kidding, that's what a buck-broken shitskinned incel >>23613197
would post after getting properly assfucked hahahaha
Haha you actually fell for my bait
>e-blackface laughing at overt racism
Fuck you fascist
Tyrones are too busy stretching out prime white girls
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>fat hogs and old ladies
>prime white girls
You mean raping and getting shot, nigga
Sand in your ass crack and car
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Thread's done. I rate the racism 2/10.
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>Can't into friendly sarcasm
It doesn't really matter if you're screaming at black people because you're still untermensch.
Was Nietzsche for or against shaving your pubes?
>thinks his oneitis would pick him over jason luv
Post the picture of the author of this comics
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>All this racism
>Only one guy has posted any statistics
Damn I must be getting old
What's wrong with Garth Ennis (not mentally)
Don't cry, you'll get laid someday, my nigga
>Names some random nigger halfwit I'm supposed to care about
LOL, you really are a subhuman shitskinned incel. This is gold. Post more shitskinned incel cope, tyrone.
Thanks bro.
Post more leftist cringe fantasy to cope, beta. I guarantee I'd mog you in every way possible. The last woman I slept with said I had nice forearms and said I was so masculine. You've never even slept in the same bed a woman hahahahaha.
Holy shit trannies and non whites are really mentally ill huh? Random pic a girl in it and they have to make it about their weird fantasies. You really need help fags
>jason luv
Is this a gay black pornstar that you follow, browncel beta male? He takes it up the ass like you do right?
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>The last woman I slept with said I had nice forearms
Projecting again, nigcel. That's actually what she does for me...you mad? I simply have superior Nordic genetics and high T. Now, go fap or goon or whatever. You probably wear panties, you dark sissy beta bitch.
Brown boys bum each other since they can't get laid
yes and?
would still rape
this dicklet cracka mad
nigcels and trannies from discord have been making more incursions on /lit/ lately. They usually target boards like /tv/ /v/ etc but they seem to have given up there and decided on targeting smaller boards. They don't seem realise how bad a target /lit/ is as it isn't brown or low IQ like those other boards and will just make people hate them more
Sometimes i false flag to get anons riled up
>I'm being a cuckold ironically
It's a ruse. I'm the same blackanon from earlier. How's your wife?
It’s too easy to bait anymore. Post a pic of a hot white girl with a black guy and the you’s pour in while you can sit back and watch a chimp out
you reminded me why i liked this work so much. it's one of Nietzsche's more 'mystical', had to reread it a little to really tell you. Zarathustra comes down from the mountain, and goes into detail laying out the foundations for the overman to a crowd of onlookers. Essentially the book is a retelling of the hermits thoughts and journey on and through the nature of what it means to be and transcend being, again in the form of the overman. It's less uh negative if i remember correctly than something like beyond good and evil maybe... I always wondered whether it was acutally Nietzsche that had disciples though.
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also the person that wrote this was black...
wait... everyone in this thread was black, nevermind.
What a great thread guys when I typed in /lit/ this was exactly the type of content I was hoping to see.
Everyone is retarded but me
It appears to be a breakfast burrito somebody smashed in a panini press
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From her tweets it does seem to be a woman, her political views and use of 4chan lingo also make me feel like OP is herself. Still a poser ""trad""thot

>bit of pubic hair stubble on display
I hate women but this is precisely my weakness. Why are these demons so powerful...
Looks like it might rain after you finish your breakfast panini
why are you posting serious replies itt
Her body is close to perfect and I imagine she fucks like a goddess, but she’s a pseud trad-larper who thinks she’s some kind of ethereal French deep thinker, romanticizing cigarettes and literature. Insufferable and not worth it, she wants cock from someone she can feel intellectually superior over.

Stay strong, Anon
BBC posters are always whiter than the summer sky. You guys just won't accept it. Anyway, kill yourselves for getting baited retards
/pol/tranny thread
i literally did not see, nor still have yet to see a reason to hate this woman. It seemed like a serious post until i stalked that twitter link.. it still might be, but "it's" from jul 5.. I mean it seems like everything just devolved into trolling and bbc posting over her being female, which is really gay when someone's asking a real question. There's a lot going through my mind about why this behavior pops up even in lit.. It's like did she do something in other threads on other boards? Are the people writing this just trolling as a result? Are they genuinely incels? Is this entire thread bullshit? I also might know her friend, so that's interesting. Uh, on the off chance it was a serious question I just wanted to answer.
I wish I looked like that, I have a feminine body but a butterface, kms
We don't see the face on the picture tho? You just wanted to notice the thristy anon that you have a feminine body, here's that (You) that make you feel alive and fill the void in your atrophied soul.
it'd be really weird if people actually thought like this or tried to ascribe this strawman to others in any real way after looking at just her twitter. seems like a normal person but really if she likes Nietzsche wears and wears cowboy boots she seems pretty cool? wtf? what did this person do?
how do you expect me to respect you in the way you'd like with such crude and dishonest thoughts, frankly? it just feels uncharitable.
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>this thread
>tfw no brownoid SEA gf
You won't because I love you
wont kill myself as you hate me but i cant even tell why? kill myself cause you love someone else or that i am alone? i dont see any reason to frankly.
Imagine her with anton harden fuuuck
Why don’t you just read it and find out?
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Her newest post shows her going straight to the source. Uhhhh based alert? Am I right BAPsisters? You know I'm simping! And she's Jewish?! Absolutely fucking electric. My foreskin has never felt more detachable. Is this what all the Buddhism posters meant by impermanence? Summoning the Shingon anon to perform an ad-hoc circumcision, wipe it away like a mandala. Call that skillful means.
Stop promoting yourself kike.
Meds buddy. I'm not her, that would be a pretty deranged post for her to make... do you really think a woman would type that with her own hands. Go outside much? I am Jewish though.
You stand out. Stay on Twitter.
I stand out because I'm a lurker, not because I don't belong here. Been here since 2015, when I was only 15 years old. Ya, that's right, I'm an oldfag. Get over it.
Too brown
>thread about literature: 5 posts
>Thread about random physically attractive twitter grifter projecting image custom made for people who do not read but really wish they did: 200 posts

Love me some organic posting
she has a nice behind if you catch my drift
So I noticed in the 1990s and 2000s there was tons of unabridged collections. That begs the question, just how many abridged collections were there? I mean ffs abridge might as well just say "we took the parts we didn't like out". How long were publishers getting away with blatantly pulling a 1984 across the board. There's only like five big publishers in America and they all cooperate in the industry. One is literally called "Simon & Schuster" and I can only imagine what they thought about Nietzsche's schizo takes on jews.
You are misusing "begs the question"
You're wasting time by not explaining what you mean. If you're not concise I'm going to cut off the source of your chemical addiction by retracting potential (you)s.
Literal retard detected. On twitter pretty much all the bbc posters are shitskinned incels. Do you think it magically changes and that they don't use this board? r9k is full of them LOL
I bbc and IR post all the time as a white man to troll fools. Never is it easier to get you’s
He refuted you and you submitted like a dark-skinned sub
That's a pretty low IQ post that sounds like it was written by a child, so i can see why you'd say that...if you're a racist fascist fuckhead.
I'm actually the King of England, and why can I smell your turd worlder stench all the way from here?
>cuckposting ironically
>Implying you're not a swarthmonkey
no pussy niggas get mad so easy
This is the typing style of a man who "supports" women in their social media comment sections
>Cuck so BTFO he forgot who to reply to
>Nigbonics-posting brown sub pretending he has sex and isn't seething
Comedy gold
Fuck you, Nazi. Go back to /pol/.
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Eat hickory!
>Those are teen panties
How would you know?
Not passing.
how is this connected to anything?
What? What is that supposed to mean?
How is this related to anything?
What do you mean by this?
Why would anyone think americans interrupt a massacre? And again how is this relevant?
What the fuck is wrong with /lit/ either it was samefagging or people are literally retarded to not see obvious bait.
Anons like bait these days and they actively search it out and bite
why? are they retarded or lonely?
take the bait to bait the people calling out the people who take the bait
seems convoluted, what you suggesting is to outretard the retard who is calling the other retard retarded. i dig it.

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