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/lit/ - Literature

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What would you do if you saw a girl reading a book you liked?
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>*picks up an imaginary crown and puts it on her head in an imaginary fashion*
go on with my life
Look at her and smile.
If she smiles back, use the book as conversation opener. And no, it doesnt matter what shit she is reading, if she is cute I will always complement her on her exceptional literary tastes no matter what
I would say nothing and just smile at her creepily. And she would pretend to not see me
I saw a girl at the cashier reading dorian gray and I casually said "that's a good book"
She just smiled and said "I know"
I hope you learned something about trying to connect with people.
>She just smiled and said "I know"
Damn she's badass
During my weeb sperg years in college, I once saw a woman reading DFW (biwhm) in the college library. I spent the next 20 mins losing my fucking mind figuring out how to talk to her and also playing through all the dialogue trees in my head. I fried my brain thinking about it and eventually just handed her a paper with my phone on it and a cute message. I cringe every time I think of it.
Kek what a sperg, man sometime i pity women having to deal with this shit
>playing through all the dialogue trees in my head
supreme autizmo, teach me your tricks master-sama
I would seriously question myself because the books I like are not supposed to be enjoyed by normies and least of all by w*men.

I likely would quickly come to the conclusion that this particular book was clearly only surface level deep and I would smirk at the stupid whore with contempt as she will never reach that quite obvious conclusion, hemmed in by the limitations of the female mind and thus made a fool of herself by reading something like that in public
What was the message?
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I usually make a comment like "You've got good taste"
Sometimes they smile and say "thanks" other times they ignore me. I then usually go home and commit suicide.
it was something like "great taste! p.s.: you're cute, call me" and my number
That's not cute.
How do I into suicide? I know it's off-topic but it's really rare to find people with experience.
Don't kick a retard while he's down. Let him believe it was cute.
>How do I into suicide?
Elastic band
I did this too but put accidentally gave a blank paper to the girl, when I came home I found the paper with the message I had written in my pocket
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Happened to me as well, except that it wasn't a blank paper but my suicide note that I accidentally gave to her.
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care to extrapolate?
based real life carrollposter
Silly anon, women don’t read history books about the Middle Ages and the early modern era.
It's all about getting into the right mindset. Realize that you're being kept alive by a series of delusions implanted by your biological programming to keep you in a perpetually unsatisfied existence. Observe the people around you and realize no matter how old you get you will always come up with new things to be unhappy about and that if anything it will only get worse from your twenties onward.
Realize all of human values and culture is all vast cope that exists for amoral, darwinian reasons to distract us from the fact that the obvious solution to all our problems would be to cease existing.
Realize that the prospect of another 80 years of dissatisfaction, tedium and decline is infinitely more terrifying than a moment of fear before the final release.
I struggled the first couple times, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Incredible. Not only did you punk out, but you put all the pressure on her to call you. Women hate that.
>the obvious solution to all our problems would be to cease existing.
>I struggled the first couple times, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Am I talking to a ghost? Spooky! :o
>Women hate that.
holy what a chad, i hope he does it even more
> look at her
> if she makes eye contact
> “I love that book”
> if she doesn’t make eye contact
> “…”
Say "that's a great book", maybe make a few minutes of small talk, and then move on. Everyone gets to be happy and no one's creeped out; then we can both continue our days with a smile.
A girl once complimented me reading Primo Levi in public
She was also an Italian jew
The last thing anyone wants while reading is to have another person walk up to them and start conversation. Do you not see the book in my hand? Are you people real?
Americans like to have these little bits of small talk. It generally doesn't lead to a larger conversation
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>she isn't reading the pdfs of articles saved in her zotero library on her laptop
lmao you guys have no taste
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It's not worth ten seconds of distraction for a little positive human connection?
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>you will never have qt gf you can sperg out with about the latest books, share your hot takes and have awkward but loving sex with
>all you have is /lit/
>eventually your daydreams won't be enough
why live?
I could have had this, but I fumbled it
same, but she was even more jobless and unambituous
The more I think about it the more I realize I don’t really want women in my life
Mine was a collage freshmen, reasonably intelligent and witty and has never been in a relationship. I had a great chance, but I'm just too dumb
>What would you do if you saw a girl reading a book you liked?
Snatch it from her to preserve its sanctity from the vile touch womanhood.
I mean its not every day you find a flesh and blood human being willing to discuss Moby Dick with you. Only on the interwebs do I find people who actually read it and didn't just skim the flashnotes. Even the people that got me into real literature all lied about having read it
Embrace asceticism.
The more a white woman is into literature the likelier it gets that she is also a neurotic, man-hating antinatalist. This is an unchangeable law of nature.
First I would fantasise about talking to her and flirting in hopes of getting her phone number, Instagram or a date. Just like the rest of you. But then I would have second thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't bother her. And how would I even approach her without being cringy or bothersome? She probably wouldn't even like me anyway.
We'll probably exchange glances a few times. I'll think about approaching her again, but I still hesitate. Then her stop comes, she leaves the train, and I never see her again.
>a slav reading a book by a person that would kill her
Slavs are weird
Nooo whyyy. This sucks
I know anons, I can offer no recourse. That is simply how I dealt with the situation all those years back. Thankfully I have it all out of my system and am no longer interested in 3d females
What could I have done better? Not that I would approach a woman through this method in the future but I'm still curious
Depends where I am. If it's on the underground, I'd say nothing. If it was a coffeeshop or bar I'd assume she was a prentious little trollop. If it was in a bookstore maybe I'd give my unwarranted opinion if she looked friendly. Thankfully I'm handsome so I wouldn't creep her out.
Fake ass
>I'm handsome
We'll be the judge of that.
She may be reading Moby Dick but she doesn't want to see My Big Dick
We'll be the judge of that.
Just try again, why is everyone on this board so pessimistic? It's not like they stopped making women, there are literally new ones born every day.
Yell at her to get her attention and then throw a football at her. Everyone knows girls can't make a one-handed grab so she will have to drop the book in order to catch it. At this point you can dive on the book and smother it - she may protest but you now have possession of it according to the rules.
It'll probably be full of silly little notes in the margins, so drop by Office Depot and buy some liquid paper. And it's as easy as that, you've secured the book and may now peruse it at your leisure.
>liking a book
That's it, I'm quitting /lit/ (except to spam my general ofc)
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Nobody in this thread thought of asking poor girl whats her opinion with regards to the book so yeah enjoy it while you can
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the virgin small talk

The Chad Bop And Flop One Stop Book Shop
Made me laugh like a retard
Early this year I gave a girl Crime and Punishment as a gift. She finished it all by April more or less and was addicted to it

Turns out she is in love with me and it's mutual. Unfortunately it's a long distance relationship as I'm in university, but ocassionally I send her a new book to read or a pdf. She's read a few excerpts of On Pain by Junger and loves Chekhov.
She hasn't been reading that much because the time she spent reading she now spends sexting with me
I've had that happen. I talked to her about it. I kept talking to her from time to time, but I never asked her out or anything. I couldn't tell whether there was that sort of interest, and she's Jewish and I'm Christian, so I don't want those sorts of problems. She is beautiful though.
Take my gold kind sir!
no u
This, I'm clearly busy, fuck right off
Why do people think they're entitled to other people's attention
Did this and the girl asked for my number after a short-ish conversation. it's not so simple
I'd leave her alone, she probably doesn't want to be bothered.
.. ask her about it?
This but unironically
i read at a quaint coffeeshop near my place occasionally (because otherwise i will go no contact with humanity for months at a time)
even though none of the books are particularly female leaning ive only ever gotten approached by women who want to talk about it in some capacity
sad part is that none of them have been cute. maybe one day
>sit next to her
>hey excuse me mind if i sit here whats your name
>hi no stacy
>im abhijit, an exchange student from india, but not from mumbai or anything actually i'm from northern india which is very white and aryan but anyways, its a pleasure to meet you! just came here to tell you that you're very attractive and have great literary taste! i love dfw and his work, i specially like "the depressed person" in this book and his interviews too of course haha but it just doesnt compete with infinite jest haha!
>wow thanks pajeet, i agree! lets have sex

usually works for me..
You're trying too hard. Stop that.
i would employ the socratic method and within a few questions expose her as a pseud and then make fun of her
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>Madam, I must ask you to use the designated reading chair
lie to them that i have a signed 1st edition and wave my limp penis at them
One thing I've learned is that small talk matters, with it you create possibilities.

When I was younger I wasn't good at it, nor confident with it and somewhat dismissive of it. I see so many people who are also dismissive of it, favoring only deep and profound conversation exclusively. Conversation, an interaction, has to start somewhere. Yes taking about inane things all the time is boring, but starting small, you can work up to more deeper topics should you sense the other is interested.
> if she is cute I will always
so you would ignore a cute girl who doesn't return your smile?
Are you the anon in love with Anna?
spoken like a man who never had the makings of a varsity athlete
I would spoil her the ending and then I would run.
You're not trying hard enough. Change that.
Did she text u?
Given that I don't know who might be this so called Anna I believe not. I haven't been barely active here since I fell in love and it has almost completely ruined this site for me. The bitterness and shitflinging present in the majority of boards are either worse than before or I'm less tolerant of them.
/lit/ as always remains one of the more tolerable boards thoughbeit
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A decently attractive female specimen approached me once while I was reading at a coffee shop, told me I was cute and gave me her number. I obviously had nothing against that, so if it's okay for foids to do it, I don't see why men wouldn't be allowed. I would do it, but I have yet to see a woman I find cute with a good taste in literature.
you people that say to do the look-at-her routine are unexperienced and fantasizing. how many times are you going to look at her before she looks back? are you going to stare until she does? when they finally glance around they won't even catch your smile because normal people don't look at others for more than a friction of a second
idk anon, this is just how I interact with strangers and it always works for me.
>glance at person and smile
>if they glance back, I say 'hello' or whatever else I wanted to say to them
>if they're ignoring me, I ignore them back (don't want to be rude)
What do you suggest in its place?
i dont like to distract people when theyre reading on public transportation, i'd say 90% of situations its better to not disturb someone when theyre reading. The only real exception I can think of is like when somebody is reading at a pub.
what's with the random indien hate?
Cool it with the racism, incel.
Same goes for white men. The better educated a person becomes, the more everyone appears as a retarded ape and this world as clown world.

remind myself she doesn't want to date a loser who takes public transit
How do you know? Its always worth a shot, anon.
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Just ask 'you reading x?' and hopefully talk to somebody about books I like because I don't think I've ever met anyone who has read anything I have
I’vre Moby Dick cover to cover but I got filtered pretty hard because I really didn’t like this book, can I still come talk to you in the train?
What? I make eye contact with women all the time, do you live in fucking japan or what
Start fapping to her then and there to show her my appreciation.
Cute, why would this be weird?
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>talking to women unsolicited about anything at all in 2024
No shot, dicey proposition. Might end up in jail for sexual assault just because you asked her if she’s enjoying Vonnegut or something.
>check yes if you like me
>check no if you don’t
>pls respond, no bulli
Would that it were so simple
The idea that you can never interrupt a girl reading in public is stupid;- if she finds you attractive, she'll want you to interrupt whatever she's doing, within reason. Therefore as a general rule, if you are attractive you should disrupt women's activities and think nothing of the rudeness of it, because she will forgive as soon as she sees you, but if you are average or ugly, don't bother
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Very true. Women are dionysians. They will break any rule for Chad, but impose any rule on non-Chad, and even make up rules that don't exist just to make non-Chad dance to their tune.
What a stupid screenshot. The stupidest part is the opinion on Lolita. If anybody cares, the point isn't that Lolita loved Humbert, but that she loved Quilty (Humbert's literal double); just because he promised her a life of stardom and american pop media bullshit — the only thing she was ever exposed to.
I think I'm too old for 4chan. Goodbye.
that is literally what the fucking screenshot says
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Do you hail from the Kingdom of Oren, by chance?

If it was me though, id ask her if she thinks feminism is for retards
Then id ask her how often she has sex

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