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Fag here, I don't even want to read all that trash put out for women and the majority of fag shit is catered to straight women and brownie points instead of actual fags. There is very little for straight men to read.
>*ignores all the classics that were almost exclusively catered to men
This is just nonsense. All the classics are in pubilcation still and there's also thousands of manly thrillers, fantasies or sci-fis for those interested in slop. Men nowadays are more interested in video games more than anything.
I might as well be gay given the number I've had sex with in my life (2)
If I wanted to read some fiction I'd ask about your gf.
Straight men read non fiction.
Fags tend to have body counts of 25+ by the time they're 30. Whereas straightmen tend to have 10+ by the same age.
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Novels? Like books?
Yeah I read books, I don't know about novels though.
Is Moby Dick a book or a novel?
Yeah I'm retarded.
Straight guys are encouraged by our modern culture to be completely uncreative and intellectually incurious or be considered gay, effeminate or at best a weirdo.
I acted in high school plays and was mocked relentlessly by other boys and girls, even most of my female friends genuinely thought I was gay.
Now, as a young adult man who reads and writes, I get a lot more respect for it, but I don' blame most guys for getting peer-pressured out of it as kids. I still get the feeling others find my love of literature odd, even somewhat effeminate or pathetic.
The only masculine art left that young men won't be judged for liking is film and video games, everything else has been ceded to women and gays. I couldn't tell you why it's turned out like this, maybe it's entirely because of the advent of film and the more macho, illiterate culture it's produced, but right now there's a huge disincentive for guys who don't want to be seen as gay to read and it comes from both women and other men.
Because intelligent ones know they have to make money to have a successful family and eschew novel-reading as it is does not make you any money and it does not have very immediate benefits to the beginner reader.
It's a novel
you are gay
Refuted in the symposium
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I personally blame the changing standards of coolness. And that change is in large part the result of black men being considered the models of coolness for white culture.
Basically, because black men have always been uneducated, uncultured and unsophisticated but hypermasculine, they developed a sort of cope that being all these things that they couldn't be because they were poor and oppressed were actually gay or effeminate and only they, who didn't care about any of that sissy shit (which they were too stupid to understand anyway) were "cool".
Once black culture really started going mainstream in the late 20th century (and somehow gets even more mainstream with each passing generation), white men started imitating black men and created several generations of white guys who think it's cool to have zero academic or creative ambitions and all that matters is making money (preferably by scamming people), being swoll and getting bitches. In other words the guys who listen to picrel.
So black men lead, white men follow. Gotcha.
Novels are an artform in which a story is told in prose. Moby Dick is a novel.
Stupid incel, try 250, not 25.

Think about it for two seconds. If a normal person doesn't go out for the weekend, it's a bust. If they don't get laid, it's a bust. There are 52 weekends in a year, so you're already past 25 in a single year assuming you strike out HALF the time. And if you're young, you're partying Friday, and Saturday, so that's double. Maybe even sunday, too. And if you're in college, you're partying Thursday night, also.

And if you're gay, sex is as easy as masturbation. You're having sex multiple times a night just like you'd jerk off multiple times no sweat if youre horny. They dont even have to worry about AIDS anymore because of PREP.

The average person's body count is easily in the hundreds by the time theyre 30. That includes your crush.
Culturally speaking, they pretty clearly do these days.
So we are all gay?
More like jews lead.
You are insane. Touch grass. Normal people don't have sex with complete strangers on a weekly basis
Again, normal young people go out every weekend, idiot.
Yes but this is completely uncorrelated with having sex with random people all the time. Going out in the hopes of scoring is ultimate plebeian behaviour. Sounds like we did not frequent the same kind of people, sorry.
Cope, loser.
Being a degenerate isn't the gotcha you think it is
Got any more in your larp lexicon to distract yourself from the fact you lived an abnormal life? You've decided to turn this conversation personal for some reason when it's a basic fact that most people have body counts in the hundreds by the time the settle down.
Why do Jews want to fuck their mothers?
Socrates' kids were dullards because their dad wasn't on his grindset 24/7
Make sure to read novels about secret agents and cowboys so people know you're not
Terminal anglo-market brain. A man that can only conceptualize yoodles and so reduces all human life to such.
If you read the article it is clearly Andrew Tate’s fault
Explain what you mean
No, it should be obvious to anyone with a brain what I mean, even if I phonetically wrote yoodles.
You stupid to even fake justify your quasi gibberish meme speak. Okay. Reality exists independent from your BS.
I'll let the reader of this thread decide who is right: me or
>Think about it for two seconds. If a normal person doesn't go out for the weekend, it's a bust. If they don't get laid, it's a bust. There are 52 weekends in a year, so you're already past 25 in a single year assuming you strike out HALF the time. And if you're young, you're partying Friday, and Saturday, so that's double. Maybe even sunday, too. And if you're in college, you're partying Thursday night, also.
Inhuman lunacy
Truth hurts
There's nothing gay about Moby Dick
Are we calling it homoerotic these days since there may not have been any penetration?
>the average person goes out 2-3 times every week for casual sex
>people are not constrained from pursuing this endeavor by things like money, family obligations, significant others (in this world people don't have girlfriends! Does this imply something about it's author?)
Make friends
>everybody goes out three times a week for casual sex
I never said that. What i did was lay out an entire interval of possibilities, the truth being a bell curve distribution there along. Not my fault you're a wordcel in denial.

The point remains that a normal person has had sex a hell of a lot more than 25 by the theyre 20. 18-30 is 12 years. A 25 body count is two people a YEAR. What world do you live in? Especially in a world with dating apps where normal people can basically fuck at will.
>What world do you live in?
One where people are looking for a relationship not casual sex you fucking retard. I'm sorry this runs counter to the braincel infographics you've been reading instead of books.
The average 20 year old is not looking for relationships. He/she is partying and hooking up as much as possible before they get old and ugly and have to settle.
I actually think it's the opposite I think gay people are illiterate. Oh you need to vroom around on your dirt bike? You need to bounce on your 900cc quadbike like its a penis? You gay. You dumb you gay byebye
>The average 20 year old is not looking for relationships
Ahahaha yo someone get this nigga some pussy!
Most classics and quality literature are free domain and I can read them for free
I know it hurts to admit but the old cumdumpster you end up with at 30 or so while you got your career on track has had sex with a lot more than a couple dozen guys, despite what she told you. "Oh anon i was in a few long term relationships." Uh-huh.

I know it's not what you were promised but the best your repsectable tech job will get you is a reformed whore who's been ejaculated in by over a hundred different men, or some dog-faced gook who's slept with maybe half of what a pretty white girl could get. The best case from then on out is maybe taking up a grappling sport in adulthood, and buying a meat smoker and "getting into" brisket BBQ etc. C'est la vie
I live in a hammock and make $15/hr you fucking retarded spaz.
That's cool Im just playing psychological battleship. Still, women are whores.
This. Any time you love a woman or things are simply going well with your Bumble relationship, always remember she's literally licked the asshole of a man who would reflexively treat you like garbage if you knew him. Not only did she lick his asshole but he said cringe things to her as she did it, and she smiled a big happy content smile because her man was approving of her in that moment.

Think about that when you imagine a woman holding your newborn child and kissing its forehead for the first time.
kill yourself tourist troon/used up old whore, nobody cares about your gay shaming tactics
i do its just second hand classics not whatever slop they put out
I'm a 25 year old white guy. Are you Indian or something like that? You could try Latino-maxxing.
It unironically is kind of effeminate. A healthy male wants to be doing things. Not sitting in a room, reading. This shouldn't be mind blowing to people.
If a man gets his joy riding a bike, or climbing hills, I'm not going to look down on him. I'm the one that's weird and dysfunctional. I'm aware of that.
this premise is fundamentally flawed because if you're not doing all of the above you're already losing
someone who refuses to read and someone who refuses to improve their body/exert physical activity are both empty husks
Your mind is a fuckin' prison.

Stop thinking so negatively all the time. You are obsessing over and assigning characteristics to dudes who used to fuck your girl instead of appreciating the fact that someone loves you.

Enjoy life, find a hobby, and stop trying to make a comfortable existence so needlessly miserable.

I'm not saying this to be shitty, either. You are making your own life hell with your outlook.
>*sucks on man's hairy asshole at 22 when there's a 3.8% chance he's the man she'll end up marrying* WHY ARE YOU BEING SO NEGAT-*MMFMFMF*
You suck men's assholes. You kiss mouths of women who suck assholes.
She doesn't love you. She loves her Dad, her first sexual partner, a celebrity, herself, etc. She settles for you because she thinks she can't do any better. If you make enough money for kids, you may have kids. She will love her infant children unless they fail to live up to her expectations. You will both fantasize about other people on obligatory sex night. Life will be meh good enough and then one day you die.
"Y'know what's gay, fellas? Pussy."
Asshole sucking whore
>woman holds your baby
>i bet she‘s licked the asshole of a man who demeaned her and would demean me too just like that mmm oh yeah

Seek help
>She settles for you because she thinks she can't do any better.
You should unironically watch Andrew Tate videos. Go memorize rapper's delight RIGHT NOW, wimp!
Andrew Tate is for aspirational third world incel jeets idgaf
>I-It's based that I sucked a bunch of guy's assholes, you only care because you ALSO want to suck those dudes' assholes too!
No I don't. Stop licking men's hairy asses you fucking whore! I'm warning you!
I haven‘t licked a man‘s asshole because I don‘t think about licking mens‘ assholes when I see women holding babies.
Is that not what you are?
Just a humble truth teller, which is why you can't stop seething. Go on. I dare you to not reply again
We're too busy reading nonfiction
I'm pissed that you can't stop thinking about men's assholes when you see a mother holding her baby.
Wrong anon, doofus. I'm the guy pointing out she'll never love you any more than the other 100 guys who creampied her then threw her away.
I'm not the anon you're talking to either but you have quantifiable mental illness
Quantify deez
Oh sorry, you have to see how that's an easy mistake to make when you imagine 100 guys dumping a load in every woman you like.
This is the real problem. Men are just video game brained.
Nigga did you not go to college? Did you not have a snap? Do you honestly believe the average woman sleeps with 2 guys a year?
Are you unironically basing this off your time in college looking at snapchat stories? Do you know what the word "average" means? Do you know what selection bias is? I hope God sees fit to touch your mind.
Im basing this off college, my 20s so far, and my own snap. I didnt even go to a party school. All this includes the experience of everyone around me
You're in complete denial.

You can cope with whatever stats you want that include the X0% of americans who are literally retarded and or obese and or deformed but yeah, normal people have sex regularly throughout the year.
>Do you know what selection bias is?
>Im basing this off college, my 20s so far, and my own snap. I didnt even go to a party school. All this includes the experience of everyone around me
That is a no. Can you record the next conversation you have with your friends about how women getting busted in by 100 guys?
Keep seething. You won't get all those wasted years back
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Are you projecting right now? I only see one person posting about snapchat stories they watched in college here.
Here comes the totally not ass blasted reaction images. Not my fault women never sent you nudes begging for it. I dare you again to stop posting
I like Garfield
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Are you genuinely posting on /lit/ about how you get pussy and women send you nudes "begging for it" in a thread about how straight men don't read or is this a character you're doing?
This pretty much
Man if only women enjoyed sex…
I told you you couldnt resist.

And Yeah, sexting is normal for attractive people with social lives. If you want to feel better you can look at the sexual history stats for obese retards who live in Hicksville population 10. Because THAT's not biased. Zzzz
Never did any of these
>And Yeah, sexting is normal for attractive people with social lives.
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Mid-20s straight man here, and the answer is simple. There are ZERO modern mainstream novels that aren't created exclusively for women.

You know how, about a decade ago, they were complaining that all video games were made for teenage boys? We knew that was shit, of course – there are video games made for a wide variety of audiences, even if some are bigger than others. Today's literature is quite literally exclusively made for women above the age of 19 and below the age of 35. Genres that young women don't like aren't allowed to exist, because publishers won't even look at them. Niches aren't able to form. Only what's popular –romance and fantasy – is what's published, and even those books have to follow a very strict, rigid formula, lest the fatties go batty and immediately terminate the author's career on Twitter.

Creativity is non-existent in this fucking medium. So why would young men even bother when they could be playing Fortnite and watching Deadpool?
I sext a lot although I‘m unattractive with no social life but am able to fake shit and write proficiently

Oh and your "totally not a seething jeet" cover is slipping btw.
>only publish gay shit
>why dont straight men read?
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>literature class
>"here kids, read about an oppressed faggot weakling isn't that sad ;_; he's so fucking weak and gay ;___;"
>"wtf why don't the boys want to read this?"
Saaar your wife is a whore blodybich saaaar
Mexicans and black men struggle the most not because of IQ believe it or not, but because of incentives.

Mexicans/native Americans (not central or south Americans) are the most attractive people on the planet. Specifically the males.

That's why Mexicans can never replace Americans.

It's gonna be arabs,jeets, Mayans, peruvians, tainos, amazonians.

Beta males make the world go round.
>Mexicans/native Americans (not central or south Americans)
You crazy for this one, chino
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Country lines aren't drawn based on ethnic lines.

Mexicans and native Americans are one group.

Inuits in northern Canada and Iceland are another group.

Central, south America, and the Caribbean are their own ethnic group.
indeed, gays aren't normal
>designated incel thread
>latinas are the hottest race bro
Yeah it checks out
Ok pal but I'm from South Texas, I grew up around you niggas y'all aren't "the most attractive people on the planet". Some weird European country probably claims that title.
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Most latinas are fat and ugly and literally have a retard IQ, but some of them are insanely hot.
Carlos pls.
Latinas are A* right up until the very first child, then they resemble a 1950's fridge.
>pic related
This is part of why I hate being male. It's an anti-intellectual gender.
When are you going to get around to posting the hot ones? All youve shown us are fuckin gooped up goblins
Will you be a pretty troon
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I doubt that the average straight person has had ~250 partners by age 25, even with tinder etc. Most studies don't seem to support that.

For what it's worth, I've fucked 5 normal girls and about 15 escorts.
Do you feel that fucking escorts has had a negative impact on how you view women? I went for a handjob in a massage parlor once and it was so devoid of intimacy that I couldn't finish and then waves of shame hit me as I walked home.
baffling post
While I understand that my underage bad actress waifu may not be for everyone, she is my personal je ne sais quoi choice, and I act that you respect that.
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Here's another thick internet slut because I made a typo
I am 100% a thigh man and this has awakened me tonight.

They're either reading non-fiction, listening to podcasts, or don't read at all and consume stories via tv/movies or videogames.

Male novelists generally aren't "cool" by mainstream standards, so they don't appeal to meatheads and mouthbreathers.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but female novelists don't write novels with unisex appeal beyond YA stuff, and if it gets adapted into a thriller/romance movie it just ends up getting watched instead of read before/after viewing, even more so if the movie has tits.

The better question is what would it take to get men to read novels
Contemporary male novelists are all gelded pets of New York kikess agents.
I read fiction at home
I listen to non-fiction at work
Not doing theater in high school is one of my big regrets tbqh
I do, though. I read roughly 50 novels a year. But then, I'm a 34 year old permavirgin shut-in. If I didn't voraciously consume fiction I'd have nothing in my life.
>The better question is what would it take to get men to read novels
Learn to like genre fiction. Lots of fun stories written for male audiences in the genre slums.
>Not even one a week
Are you even trying?
Catch-22: Straight men don't read new novels because none are written for them, and none are written for them because straight men don't read new novels.
I also watch movies. And play video games. I also do some writing of my own, and some sketching. I have a lot of interests. Some days I don't read at all, sometimes I finish a whole book over the weekend. It depends how into the book I am. I don't read around 50 a year because I set out to hit that number, it's just what I average. Sometimes it's significantly higher, sometimes significantly lower.
>Not even one a week
>Are you even trying?
Oh we're talking about books again
Mexican men are fucking subhuman. it's one of the easiest places to get laid in latam
Why are we implying that literature is some medium that must be producing new content in order to be relevant? Men have the entire western canon at their disposal to read, they don’t need to wait upon the new release like the next Avengers movie coming out. We should be encouraging fellow men to read the classics, I feel it is one of the most important steps I have taken in my life truly. Imagine caring about the opinion of the plebs, the unwashed masses. We are cultivating a new aristocracy and we MUST be well-read
>All the classics are in publication
See this is the problem, and it's a problem for publishers more than audiences
"Why don't men read?" Is a question publishers ask when they really mean "why don't men buy more books" because men generally read the same books from a Canon of maybe 500 titles, most of which are out of copyright and have been for a long time. To get men to read your book, it has to be more interesting than the Illiad, because that's what they're actually reading.
Amazon is currently strip mining every last crumb of Tolkien apocrypha to turn into CONTENT while an adaptation of N.K. Jemisin's Broken Earth has yet to get off the ground, and yet you think only black trannies can get published? Where are all the black trannies? I'm sure actual black trannies would appreciate the flood of representation they've supposedly been getting.
Straight white guys are still the most popular writers except in YA but why do you care when everyone on /lit/ hates YA? Why is it necessary to reclaim a genre you don't even like? And even then John Green is the most dominant writer of YA, a straight white male.
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>Why are we implying that literature is some medium that must be producing new content in order to be relevant?
I'm not saying that it has to be, but this is a major entertainment medium that has completely lost relevance in our lifetimes. As recently as 25 years ago, literature was still a thriving, profitable, heavily creative industry that had a significant impact on culture – think Harry Potter, Da Vinci Code, Twilight, etc. They were spoken of in the same breath as movies and music. Now, outside of paint-by-numbers romance and fantasy that appeals entirely to twentysomething left-leaning Asian women, books are perceived as being obsolete, and the industry is imploding.

I read books to learn, sure, but I also read them because I genuinely like to read books, and because I think they're entertaining. Nearly every book I've read over the past several years is at least a quarter-century old, though, and usually much older than that. (The one or two recent exceptions are low-selling titles from legacy authors with long, storied careers that only appeal to an existing fanbase.)

It's just depressing to see the oldest, and formerly the most impactful, creative medium die before my eyes. Film is clearly next, and will be an equal shame.
I think a lot of you guys are adding a lot of determinism to what is essentially just a random social trend. Women's tiktok page's started showing booktok videos, and it became a trend for women to read specific YA romance books. If andrew tate at his peak told people to read the greeks, then we would of seen a trend of teenage boys reading the greeks. The same thing has happened, to stoicism and 48 laws of power, although to a lesser scale compared to women.
I've definitely had some bad experiences, but in general no. Sometimes after they get to know me they open up a bit and tell me about their lives and how they feel about their work. They can be surprisingly normal. A lot of them have respectable jobs, and only do escorting on the side. Some are sadder and more desperate. One of them said she was living in a woman's shelter and had two little kids. She showed me pictures of them. She also showed me pictures of herself where she looked happy and bright. I gave her a huge tip that she tried to refuse, but she was already charging much less than the going rate. I felt really bad about that and to be honest I cried a bit in the car on the drive home desu.

Like the way I see it, you can have a good relationship with someone you're paying, without their being in love with you or you with them. I get my hair cut by a cute Asian girl and I like her and we get along well but we're obviously not in any kind of relationship and never will be in all likelihood.
The average person is surprisingly prudish. I don't know what sort of people you hang out with.
That happened with PewDiePie like 5 years ago
My fucking of women so exceeds the constraints of straightness that it becomes gay, the gayest thing possible, and in the missionary position.

For fun I read Zola until his projects breakdown against his incapacity. See, for example, The Beast in Man.
>heh actually all those books about nobleman in 1700s are totally catered to modern men
No they're not. I can't relate to any of this
Reading century old sci-fi is not exactly a thrilling experience fit for mainstream audiences is it. Modern sci-fi doesn't cater to me and old sci-fi doesn't age well, it turns from sci-fi into fairytale as it ages
That is the one genre still popular with men because fantasy is actually timeless
People don't read in general. Women "read" more than men because there are more of them reading garbage like Harry Potter, YA and smut.
Get good fast and gluten safe kangaroos should receive shelter daily since Saturday is dharma season snack dharma should deliver decent
you don't understand how feminized the entire industry is. Literary agents are overwhelmingly female. Nine out of ten best sellers are written by women now, from Colleen Hoover to whatever stupid YA schlock is getting shoveled out. Literary awards are all going to women as well, because they've rigged things in their own favor. If you doubt this claim just look into the Hugo Awards, and Newbery medals. Even Joyce Carol Oates herself said male authors are at a disadvantage.

It's so obviously female dominated I don't understand how anyone can think otherwise. I can't think of a single male author below the age of 40.

Yes, let the hate consume you. Stop hesitating and just do it, you must kill yourself anon, let the hate consume you.
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A interesting crossover of two things:
Modern slop is being written targeting women, while the classic old time books are targeting men.
This, crossed over with the fact that slop is made for a way wider appeal than the classical old books, which survived and remained in circulation exactly because they were something more than slop leads to:
>a lot of women reading a greater volume of slop
>a few men reading classics
If you want to fix this, start making slop catering to men. REH, Lovecraft, CAS, ERB, Moorcock, all of them made fine slop for guys (it's fun and interesting, rather than being literary erotica). I guarantee you, if you make a weekly/bi-weekly collection of short stories, release it in magazines with a hot lewd woman being carried by a strong warrior with a corpse of a monster in the background and some cool background, that shit will sell.
>Film is clearly next
Cinema is really only one decade behind literature in terms of decadence. I used to be a cinephile. I hardly watch new movies.
Scamdemic largely killed the legacy big cinema theatre distribution. Fewer and fewer people bother checking the oscar ceremony. Those ceremonies were always slop (especially recently) but it's a sign that cinema is not taken seriously as a art form anymore.
We might still get a few great pieces to end the careers of old directors, but Amazon produced miniseries are the only future of non-indie cinema. It is also designed by committee to cater to rigid specifications for some vaguely left leaning, mostly female audience.
Why mention Oscar's if these movies were always shit and real good kino was at Sundance and other smaller festivals?
Same as always was with literature - good things are in outskirts with some potential to be finally repapraised as "cult film" years later ( or "great novel" after death of author).
Then you later mentioning of Amazon series imply you equal quality with how digestive it is and how large audience it is, instead of treating art as choosen mode of self-expression of individual person and way of relating own experience onto fictional person and getting new perspective - when it comes to audience
No new literature means no way of relating for audience of modern times, means further alienation (especially of lonely unattractive males - no one other than Houlebecq is voice of their generation like Hemingway was for lost generation. As well as no great modern novels from working class perspective - only from mid to high class elitist neuroticm like DFW. Less new books less people are given voice and way to heal their wounds through literature)
Nailed it. We live in a niggerised culture where anything associated with white people is denigrated. If fact it's seen as "oppressive" and "colonial."
unhinged thread.
Incels should be shot
She looks kinda young, anon
>If you want to fix this, start making slop catering to men.
They already do, it's called manga and webnovels.
Not everybody lives in America
This is just average American behaviour, and yes I've been to plenty of countries and people who behave like that are outlier whores in most countries. One reason why I tend to avoid showing interest in Caucasian women unless I can sense they aren't whores. But it's easy to tell a woman is a whore. You can hear it in her voice, her clothes, her eyes, even her mouth when she smiles. There are giveaways that people have. Just like how masturbation and porn addicted men give it away with their eyes especially, but also their walk, their voice and so on
if you're not into fast cars or sports (wearing a shirt with another man's name and admiring him while he kicks a ball around) like an autistic toddler you will be labeled effeminate. Which is ironic because those are good interests for attracting a man since no woman gives a shit about those. Making these men the biggest faggots. Do yourselves a favor and be a little more feminine incels
>Not everybody lives in America
America is the world. Your language and culture is completely Americanised, you obsess over American politics and celebrities, you consume American products and watch their media.
What country do you think I live in?
I won't disagree with you, except that I don't give a shit about American politics and celebrities. But when I watch their shows, I see a culture that treats sex very differently from my own culture. In my culture, vast majority of people do not have sex with someone within an hour or even a day of meeting them, and those that do are whores (both men and women) and not worth any respectable person's time.
>What country do you think I live in?
It doesn't matter, I just think of you as belong to part of the global homogenised American culture mass.
the gutter of the world maybe, everything it touches turns to shit.
Good thing I’ve never wanted to be “cool” or any sort of arbitrary measure of cultural relevance.
Caring about the outward perceptions of other people means you lack a backbone.
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Indeed. Ignore outward perceptions and get to know this charmer, she could be the one!
>But it's easy to tell a woman is a whore. You can hear it in her voice, her clothes, her eyes, even her mouth when she smiles. There are giveaways that people have. Just like how masturbation and porn addicted men give it away with their eyes especially, but also their walk, their voice and so on
Explain all of this.
Too busy beating women
NTA, but me too. I literally had theater girls throwing pussy at me but I was too zeroed in on a oneitis and browsing /r9k/ about her to notice.

Theater would have led to a happier life, although I might have fallen for more of the neoliberal brainwashing.
There are still straight dudes writing books for straight dudes.
This is literally what Tales of the Unreal and Unreal Press is.
yeah but those aren't that well known.

Slop for men would be more potentially popular if they were allowed to have a hot woman in classic fantasy/genre/etc. art covers on these.

Nowadays I have to shill super hard for vintage genre sf/fantasy/horror/detective fiction but it seems to get some interest when I point out the short fiction being like 15-30 pages.
You're somewhat right, but the nonfeminine shit like Red Rising still should've got super popular among boys, yet it didn't. The mindshare has simply been replaced by sports, vidya, podcasts, etc.
I love fiction romance but read it secretly. No one would know if they met me (straight, rugged look and people cross the sidewalk to avoid me at night, kek).

I love the tension anons, it's addicting. Sweet noble vs commoner drama. Add in the asshole stepmother and we're going in the right direction. Also, bonuspoints for FML and ML escaping their tragic fate.

You're fags if you do not agree. YWNBAW.
There's no hate. I just date women much much younger than me because I have money.
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The article itself blames Andrew Tate, sigma grindset hustle culture, capitalism, and self-help books (read: any non-fiction). It then concludes by recommending Fourth Wing. Insightful.
Pussy makes men retarded, either seeking it or having it.
It's why all smart men are either weird asexuals or chasing teenage boys.
Most contemporary "male books" have this weird thing about being tall and strong and a provider. I personally think it's bullshit so I'm avoiding them. I also hate female protagonists so that filters quite a lot of books.
Nowadays I mostly read literature from project Gutemberg kek
Fags arent not normal lmao
Unironically true
I was a division I athlete in college and very outwardly masculine, but my genuine and unabashed love for literature has gotten me more pussy than being a frat boy or jock ever has.
I’m not gonna pretend to understand female psychology and I didn’t get into this hobby for the chicks; Their attention was unexpected but welcome.
Who's the best poet to get laid with? Donne? The Earl of Rochester?
We buy those for cheap online so that doesn’t apply to what publishers and particularly publisher’s weekly are concerned with. They’re concerned with modern publications. And no, I don’t mean “modern” in the academically autistic definition of “published anytime after the industrial revolution” I mean “published in the last 10 years”.
Any good, or just NEETs larping as REH?
Women literally just read erotica, and only engage with academia in as much as they can turn it into a social club.
This reads like a self fulfilling prophecy.
>publishers cynically ride trend and push lgbt books
>lgbt people are their new best customers
>why won't straight guys read our books?
>moby DICK
>nothing gay
Yeah sure buddy
>way to heal their wounds through literature
lmao gay
You have to be unretarded about it to some degree. I usually recommend Eve Babitz or Joan Didion. Or telling them they remind me of some character.
sometimes squeezing sperm is just squeezing sperm, not everything has to be a metaphor
I just think it would have been fun, and I think I would have been good at it. Its one of those things you can't really get into as an adult.
Rope yourself mongrel.
>REH, Lovecraft, CAS, ERB, Moorcock, all of
Shut the fuck up you retarded nigger. Imagine thinking that anyone from today is comparable to any of these guys.
It‘s genuinely tough to comprehend how easy life could have been if I had just studied something I loved, got socially well-adapted as a result, and understood the value of being well-rounded in that neither gym visits nor high art are remotely inaccessible if only I knew fifteen years ago how pointless investing my energy into STEM and financial questions was and then playing vidya on my off time to decompress from doing what I hated. Ah well, youth is wasted on the young.
Well, what’s important is that we can find a way to blame it on woman.
What's your age, anon?
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Am a straight man, sometimes I read novels. I see novels mostly as an intellectual form of entertainment. I prefer to read books full of practical information for study or application in real life.

Not just history books, biographies, memoirs and first-hand accounts, but also things like textbooks, manuals, official documents, intelligence documents. Some material only published in electronic form. For example, I broke into Wall Street by teaching myself financial economics from pirated graduate level textbooks.

Lately have been studying manuals and sensitive documents that teach you how to do things like shoot down helicopters with machine guns or make high powered explosives out of car batteries and salt water.

This knowledge has to be disseminated to be used practically by large groups of people, such is the natural role of a leader in these contexts, as an educator. These are not things you study in a university.

This is practical and unusual knowledge that people are trained in for a very specific context, historically it necessitates self-education, at least on the part of the leader.

I love the little hand-drawn diagrams, little bit of soul in unexpected places.
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>High capacity machine guns can disable and destroy low flying aircraft, even low flying planes and jets.

>If he did it, so can you! Here's the figures and historical proof.

Thank you, James Crabtree, very inspiring stuff.

Americans can make do with drum/box mags.

The VC made do with AKs and steel drums.

I'm sure the Afghans thank him as well.

This book was in Osama's compound.

He was an intellectual, avid reader.

A war leader, not pundit/politician.

Like Võ Nguyên Giáp.

Also self-taught.
The whole article is just some feminist grift.
Why do middle class white women think they deserve empathy?
Read the legend of the ice people.
protip, novels have "a novel" in the cover.
Hang yourself you baboon. Read their work, then read some more and realize that they made not just masterpieces but also quite a bit of mediocre slop that most professional writers would be able to measure up to in time and definitely surpass.
>ctrl+f "harem"
>0 results
Do you fuckers not know about harem-lit? It's like 80% of what I, a straight white male, read nowadays.
Just like how twitter threads always have "a thread" in their opening post...
great anon, i hope you will get chance to use this knowledge in practice
I'm so fucking lonely I'll actually check this shit out
We do. Consider this debunked
REH was a gymcel neet who worked the 1920s equivalent of the Amazon warehouse, spent most of his time writing letters to his proto-discord oomfies and killed himself when mama died.
Pathetic nigger who thinks his German homoerotic idealist mental farts are the peak of literature. You're just a pseud.
Only turd worlders read that shit.
I only read the Bible.
>inb4 atheistroon seething

>fiction romance
You're a faggot.
Project your insecurities a bit less you gay albino chimp.
Go read more mental farts pseud
I like reading science fiction and fantasy books when I'm not reading fiction.
Mind you, nearly all the ones I read are pre-2000.
The ancients loved romance. Intellectuals throughout medieval Europe were well versed in Greek plays & drams, not to mention Ovid's metamorphoses, not to mention numerous other region specific folk tales and fables circulating all having love and romance as a central theme.
Augustus's favorite section of the Aeneid was Dido's monologue diving into the depths of her anguish from the betrayal and abandonment by Aeneas. Romance and tragedy speak deeply to many of us and often times can help unfold the mysteries of our own hearts
Guys are obsessed with video games which are more immediately gratifying.
Take the dilator out of your axe wound nigger retard.
Any good non fiction audiobook you recommend?
Ok pseud
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I read old detective/mystery novels because I want to get into the classics first, Holmes and Father Brown cases were easy to read but Agatha Christie mysteries go for too long. I like Poirot though.
I don't recall anyone asking me.
In my country every few years there is some alarmist survey for people to jack off over saying 80-90% of this country hasn't read a book since high school or something
None of my friends who are into literature have ever been asked, then again none of us are the type to answer marketing calls like that either so...
>random wojak cuck porn out of left field for some reason
Seek help
how many times are you going to post this mason and dixon quote faggot you're in every other thread
I'm 25 and while I don't consider myself a player or anything I'm reasonably good looking so I've racked up a body count of 14 since I was 16, this includes 5 relationships.
I've known people with far higher, and a lot of people with max 1 or 2
It really depends on everyone's circumstances
all i simply ask is... why? why renew this sexual drivel chest thumping within a thread concerning why its perceived as gay to read novels by normies?
Because it's a shitty thinly veiled /pol/cel bait thread anyways.
Nobody worth their salt actually gives a shit what a poorly disguised advertisement for publishing houses says.
Nobody cares what normgroids think is gay either, unless they are severely neurotic
This, if people did everybody would be riddled with stds. Some people are but normal people don’t have sex with strangers every werkend, at worst they have a “situationship” or fwb.
>everybody would be riddled with stds.
Videogames are a better medium for pulpy adventure stories than books. ERB stories especially read a lot like videogames plots. Game devs don't always fully capitalize on this since they're a bunch of fruits with terrible taste or they're trying too hard to imitate Hollywood movies, but the medium's perfect fit for pulp is why the sort of guy who read ERB in the 1920s is playing videogames instead of reading in the 2020s.
I have very few regrets, but one of them is believing this enough to mímico it when I was trying to be a normal person, and finding out people aren’t like that at all and think people that are are gross and insane.
Except video games aren't filling that niche, are they? And unlike video games, which require massive funds, a lot of time and are very risky ventures, magazines require way less investment and are easier to switch to.
And if you really want to modernize them, I'd argue audio-booking your magazines would be the way to do it.
Pretty much the standard nowadays. Name a single popular white male artist who is dominating the cultural sphere in an authentic fashion. E-celebs and the like don't count.
>and way to heal their wounds
Oh you mean sewing their cunts shut?
Sam Hyde
It's good. Tales 3 just released recently and it has some standout stories. Tales 1 does too, and the second one was midding (probably because it was curated and edited by a different team).
Unrea Press is pretty chuddy so I don't see why they couldn't make a cover with a hot babe.
Young people are having less sex than ever.

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