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I was thinking about buying a Kindle 11th gen. Is it good? and how difficult is to pirate ? I can't buy a Kobo before anyone suggests it(kindle is much more cheap in my country)
>how difficult is to pirate ?
Not too horribly difficult, you just have to download the e-book on your PC/phone and e-mail it to the Kindle.
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>Having a electronic trail of all the books you've pirated
I just got one and like it so far, it doesn't feel like you're looking at a bright screen they do a good job with that. U can get most classics for extremely cheap but I am a little disappointed how expensive newer books still are. I'd recommend tho
The kindle app on my phone is more than enough. Yeah kindles are cool if battery power is an issue and you read like A LOT, but it’s unnecessary imo. I have an older model Kindle (Gen 3 I think? It was like the first one that didn’t have a keyboard) and it still works fine, but with the kindle app I can do flash cards and highlight with different colors, which is great if I’m learning something new because then I can just highlight the key points and then essentially create my own book with just those facts, and then create flash cards within that realm. Also…and this is a new thing they added, with the app I can “zoom out” which is pretty much like being able to flip back a few pages, as one would be able to do with an actual book. Not sure if the e-reader can do all that. I also have vision problems from working at a shop rebuilding engines and getting blasted in the face with steam from the hot tank for nearly a decade, so setting my brightness to high is crucial.
oh shit, does this mean the publishing mafia is going to break my legs?
No it just means they could throw you in a federal prison for a very long time if they decided to charge you for each theft and then give you consecutive sentences. And yes, it’s a federal crime because you’re stealing using wires over the internet. It’s highly unlikely, but stealing anything over the internet is a federal crime…they could decide to make an example out of you, and take it from someone that’s been to prison when I tell you that if they find out you’re there over some stupid shit, you’re going to get no respect, which means you’ll have to earn it by either tutoring dudes that want to get their GED before their parole hearings or smacking a pedo.
How they are going to know that the e-book is from an illegal source in the first place ?
Well geez I don’t know anon, maybe when they see you have a copy of a book that you have no record of paying for that you obtained online and then emailed yourself and they subpoena your internet search history from your isp and literally see you googling “free books” “how do I pirate books” “am I going to get caught pirating books” then maybe that’ll be all they need to show a jury.
This has never happened
>maybe when they see you have a copy of a book that you have no record of paying for that you obtained online

Amazon is not the only place where you can buy books, they don't have anyway of knowing if you got it from other online store.

>your isp and literally see you googling “free books” “how do I pirate books” “am I going to get caught pirating books” then maybe that’ll be all they need to show a jury

Amazon don't matter here, your isp can already see it, and in most countries, the isp don't care if you are not sharing pirate cotent in mass.
Okay well then fuck it! Steal shit bro! Sorry I was just trying to give a little advice. I don’t understand why anyone would want to steal a book. They’re not that expensive AND you get a lot of time for your money, not to mention that you can re-read it. Not sure if you can lend e-books to friends/family, but I’m pretty sure you can’t sell it like you would with a paper book, but then again e-books are cheaper. Maybe get a fucking job so you don’t have to steal something that costs $2.99 on Amazon. Sorry for trying to help; go be a criminal. I bet if it was a book you wrote, you wouldn’t want someone stealing it though, right?
This is the most boring bait I've seen today, Christ.
Bait for what? You don’t even know how to reply to a post properly.
>how difficult is to pirate
you just download the books from some source (in the /lit/ sticky, for one)
then connect the kindle through cable
drag and drop the downloaded file to calibre
and press one button to transfer it to a kindle

it couldn't be easier
keep living in your spooked little fantasy world
also you type like a woman. are you a woman?
Pirating books and sending them to kindle through Calibre is extremely easy. You could email them but it would result in covers not being displayed. I own a paper white 4th gen and carry it with me 24/7, it's pocket sized so I can simple take it out and read a few pages whenever I have free time. I know some people like the feeling of physical books but as someone who isn't rolling in dough and prefers accessibility over aesthetics, I view my kindle as one the best purchases I've ever made. Not to mention it can hold THOUSANDS of titles and even manga will look great on it. Sidenote, I really don't know much about the whole "e-ink screen" technology but the screen does look like actual paper and it's easier on the eyes compared to say, an ipad.
lol why because I told you to get a fucking job? Yeah I know a lot of women that say “bro.” Dude I’m telling you to go ahead and be a thief. But maybe one day you’ll regret it. I don’t want to take that chance, and also I like paying for services rendered and supporting content creators; you don’t. Fuck it.
Publishing corpos are thieves.
Why should knowledge be behind a paywall? It's not a limited resource, you can literally clone digital data. It's immoral to not clone it as much as possible, also to those who can't afford it.

Also I live in Europe, not America and in my country pirating media for personal use is legal.
If everyone stole books then what would be the incentive to write them? Yeah, some people would just do it for free, but those “greedy publishers” (and yes, greedy they may be) do serve a purpose, which is to distribute the product you want, in exchange for money. Remove their incentives and they would have no reason to fulfill your requests. Even if someone wanted to give away media for free, they would still need a massive distribution system in order to do so, which includes marketing, networking, and the facilitating of the transfer of goods. Otherwise, authors desiring to distribute their work for free would literally have to go door to door and hand them to you…and even then they’d need money to buy paper and ink. Are you so naive to the principals of capitalism?
I know, and some people are going to keep buying those books, so that I don't have to.
Hey, at least no one steals music or listens to it for free
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Most (mainstream) publishing houses now solely publish women (black, gay white, asian) and fags.
So I hope they all go under. Most of the authors I like are dead anyway so the idea of purchasing a book to support a publishing house simply doesn't appeal to me in any way. I just don't care. I'll continuing reading books for free and spending money on things actually useful in society (farmers markets, fishmongers, butchers, local business, etc)
The only problem is that manga takes a shitload of space
the little things add up
I was able to fit around 240 volumes before running out of space on my 32gb paperwhite. You read one series, delete it and move on to the next. Don't hoard volumes on it if you don't plan on reading em
Long answer: yes
Isn't 7" screen to small to read most comics? Zooming in isn't that easy on ereaders
I own a Kindle Scribe along with Kindle Unlimited. Like another poster mentioned, a lot of the older classics and most philosophy can be downloaded just by having the subscription. I take my Kindle with me when I'm working out of town or want to go read at the park. I'll read my actual books in the comfort of my home but I sperg out on keeping my books in good condition.
I just got a paperwhite last week. After reading three 600 page+ paperbacks in a row I couldn’t be happier with it, the ergonomics are great and the eink is almost as good as print. Also being able to upload pirated books to it with calibre means it pays for itself
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Yeah.. for comics a kindle is not ideal. I have my 11 inch IPad for those, also since comics are colored I wouldn’t want to do the panels a dishonor by reading em in b&w. For manga though, it’s a good size imo. This is how my volumes look, I don’t ever have an occurrence where I must zoom in but as you said, when doing so, it is quite aids on a kindle.
kindle is trash get a kobo
just buy the comic
It's fine. Have fun with the advertisements kek
I don't have the money
save a bit each month and you’ll make it. Check for used ones too. It’s such a good investment. $200 doesn’t get you a lot of physical books these days
200 real currency for millions of books, or 200 real currency for 20 used books or 10 new books
If you're poor, you buy an e-reader
T: poor e-reader-reader
>Kindle is trash
Why? I can read free books on my kindle why is a kobo better?
I understand the vantagens of a e-reader, but what is the big difference between an Kobo and a kindle? Like I said in the op Kobo is much more expensive in my country(,Brazil) because of tax. Só unless there is some big difference I would just get a kindle.
There is none buy a kindle
t. had a Kobo before that i sold for coke after hitting rock bottom, to a thot online but not before deleting all the books on it except for Mein Kampf
Now i own a kindle and it’s the same shit
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I cannot decide if I should keep buying physical books or get an e-reader. on one hand, I love e-ink displays, the readers come with useful features like tracking reading time or adding annotations, and of course pirated epubs take barely any space. on the other hand, I can get like a hundred used books for the price of a decent reader, or sell them later. also having the actual cover art in your hands, seeing your bookshelf slowly fill up is just too nice. it soothes the hoarder in me.
Is it likely they’ll make bigger color ereaders screens or should I just buy one now?
Kindle is tied up in amazon/amazon prime storefront. The kobo store has wider range in their store. It sounds like the OS for both is basically the same. One thing I like about kobo is that the user interface hasn’t changed in ten years. Also, kindles only read the specific amazon epub file format, so you’ll have to convert any files you want to download. Kobo reads any epub/pdf. Kindle requires you to send a file to the kindle address or some dumbass amazon thing, and kobo is just drag and drop. Like I said, look around for used models. The batteries last a very long time because e ink screens only need power to refresh the screen, so a model from several years ago that is in good cosmetic condition will suit you fine
There’s only rumors of Amazon working on a colored ereader but I doubt we’ll see anything in the next year and a half or so. There’s colored e readers out there but they’re either cheap Chinese products or 3x more expensive than a paper white. Even then, the colors on those ereaders are rather dull so I wouldn’t buy one personally.
>Kindle is tied up in amazon/amazon prime storefront. The kobo store has wider range in their store.
Who care when you pirate it all anyway?
>Also, kindles only read the specific amazon epub file format, so you’ll have to convert any files you want to download.
False it read epub and mobi too
>Kindle requires you to send a file to the kindle address or some dumbass amazon thing, and kobo is just drag and drop
Calibre is not drag and drop?
Just checked and you're right it doesn't read mobi anymore since 1 year, didn't know that but anyway through calibre it convert instantly and automatically as you put it on the ereader.
Just take the cheaper you can get OP i had both and it's exactly the same shit.
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I guess the best option right now is a kobo libra color, but the speech bubbles are still small for american comics.
Do things ever turn off or is that screensaver just forever on, wasting battery?
It doesn't use battery in that state
Oh neat
yeah it's e-ink
charge changes each pixel to black or white as each pixel is really an oil. then they stay in that state until they're forced to flip charges.
It seems like a waste of money when you can just buy a book instead

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