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Is there anything interesting about this guy or are all these books just zoomer tranny bullshit?
>zoomer tranny bullshit
>book written by a Gen Xer for other Gen Xers and Millennials
Everything is interesting about him. But it's best to have read a decent amount of continental philosophy before getting to Land.
Land's only interesting work was the stuff he did in the 90s at Warwick and with the CCRU. Everything since then is just social media and drug induced brainrot where a failed academic who now works as a copywriter tries to get clout from frog twitter and spamming nu4chan speak to show off. Land hasn't written anything serious in decades and while he comes off as an edgy radical he was basically the Gen X equivalent of a retarded tech bro hyping up consumer technologies he had no real understanding of purely for the aesthetic value. There are a bunch of problems with his work even back when it was good but he's more style than substance. Even then, he was entertaining and worth the read but his recent work is internet sewage. I've seen some interviews and I'm convinced he's not actually a retard deep down, but he just acts like one because he's a social media addict. Just read Fanged Noumena and the CCRU writings and ignore everything else because its a waste of time.

You need to know Sadie Plant before Land. His whole philosophy was built on the basis of her work and doesn't make sense without it. It also helps to know a bit about Deleuze, Foucault, Baudrillard etc. but its not like you have to read them to understand what he's trying to tell you. But you won't get the context around Land's work without having read Plant first or having a rough idea of who Deleuze and Guattari were and some of their basic concepts which you can get from second hand sources.

Accelerationism was really an idea of the 90s born out of the immediate end of the Cold War and cynicism/depression at 1st world consumer life (the kind of pessimism you see in Nirvana or the Matrix movies). At the same time, there was an explosion of new tech (eternal september) and US unipolar dominance, fears of terrorism, bioweapons etc. that cultural zeitgeist fed into the work of Land and other CCRU members. 9/11 sort of made them all irrelevant.
Meltdown is interesting as a piece of experimental fiction. Much of his other writing I find impenetrable. I'm sure there are other gems in his corpus.
explain hyper-racism to me or I’ll fucking kill you, and so on
Its like racism, with amphetamines
Dark Enlightenment is interesting even if I disagree with Land. That's all I ask of a philosopher I want to read.
You need to learn how to use commas
Is a hyperstition essentially just a self fulfilling prophecy?
Sterilize white people, import more Jews and Chinese
The ongoing marriage and breeding practices of the existing elite coupled with the possibility of gene editing, space colonization and increased regionalist (my word not his) practices, e.g breaking off from world politics, will lead to distinct biologically different races in Land's account, since the elite are choosing for best possible characteristics (and have the ability to ensure it). Very simple actually, maybe true.
I've read Plant's 'Writing on Drugs' and 'Zeros+Ones' but is there anything else I should be reading of hers? I don't remember being particularly enthralled by her writing.

Realistically you're not gonna read the shit to find out so why ask at all?
>Realistically you're not gonna read the shit to find out so why ask at all?
So I know what it means when I see others use it.
Buy an ad nick, your books are schizobabble bs btw
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The Silicon Valley goblins of today will have the last laugh when the table turns.
>the kind of pessimism you see in Nirvana or the Matrix movies
the way i burst out laughing
If you weren't enthralled by Plant you won't be enthralled by Land either, unless your a rightoid who needs a manchild shitposter and drug addict to validate your delusions. If you didn't find Plant that interesting it could be because your not getting her references. So check out Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto, the cyberpunk novels of William Gibson, and some Deleuze (nomadology, post-script on the societies of control are good) or you can watch some lectures and read summaries of his key theories and then comeback and revisit him after reading Plant, Land and the CCRU.
this is just H G Well's Time Machine
Do you think he's /lit/erati? Could he be the kantposter?
Watch Terminator 2, that is all you really need.
Where to start with Terminator 2?
Terminator 1
No, I'm well-versed in all of those things (my masters thesis was on societies of control) I just came to Plant after reading CCRU writings proper. I was wondering if there was more than just her books I should know about.

people still get filtered by land in 2024?
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Perspectival end state for all Neo-Kantianisms and technocrat fellow travelers.
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Galkovsky bodied Nick Land in his March livestream, he's cooked
>Land's only interesting work was the stuff he did in the 90s at Warwick and with the CCRU. Everything since then is just social media and drug induced brainrot
Either you haven't read the Xenosystems essays or you didn't get them
Dunno about accelerationism sounds like gay communist bullshit so he probably sucks.
Really wish this insufferable meth addict would stop making posts about himself in a pitiful attempt at staying relevant. kys nick

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