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>engaging, entertaining, worshiping, pondering, considering, contemplating, or otherwise thinking about spooks
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A year? Don't tell me you fell for the spook meme.
You're not falling for spooks in a spook thread, are you?
Anyone but Child D, really, until they are indeed demanding it at gunpoint, having got the drop on me.
Kill all the children. God will find his own. Mean while I can play with my flute.
Stirner didn't do shit in his lifetime. His philosophy is boring
>Muh Spook! Spook! Spook! Spook!
>Every abstract concept is a spook
>Scientific method, anthropological approach, ethical views, and math are giant spooks
>So there is no point on discussing intellectual stuff
>So there is no point on ontological inquiry
>Just be egoist and form union of egoist bro trust me
>My historical epistemology says so

Boring and impractical.
Found the spook
incel on sight
rape activated
You've never read Stirner beyond Wikipedia and sound ESL. Hope that helps.
What previous reading should I do to understand Stirner?
>right and wrong are spooks
>being spooked is wrong
Stirner died of an insect bite in the middle of Europe.
It would seem I'm thoroughly spooked.
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Is 4chan as an entity a spook or is it just populated by them?
>acting like Stirner wasn't the last truly happy man of the past 4 centuries
Couldn't be me
Isn't the point TO consider them? And select them consciously as the defining elements of ones ego? Not to reject them outright, but to be aware of them
The obvious answer is child B who, if they are a true craftsman, would give to child A, so all can enjoy the instrument; A, appreciating what B has made and C has something to aspire towards.
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Stirner's work is an incredibly valuable stepping stone in clearing your mind, but he's far from the last.
>hasn't realized the only way to have a clear mind is to stop reading and cultivate the Tao
lol faggot
is that what you're doing arguing on 4chan, cultivating the Tao?
no I did that when I was 15, now I'm all about masturbating to hindu grimoires
C is more evil than D. D is honest about her amoral intentions and her desire to openly rob you, while C hides under the thinly veil idea of morality and the fact hes "poor" to beg for something he has little to no use for, specially robbing it from someone else (B's the rightful owner) for no other reason than to have it. Both are kleptomaniacs, but one is not dishonest about it
He was literally a dysgenic cowardly cuck and loser, you fag.
>Stirner's work is an incredibly valuable stepping stone in clearing your mind
Honestly pathetic, the west is so fucking far behind.
You making this thread is a spook. Announcing to everyone you're an egoist and putting your identity at the forefront is more spooked than any conversation about philosophy and whatnot that organically emerges. Egoism is just a circlejerk for douchebag west coast trannies like yourself.
>what's that? someone said something that might challenge my vies?
Why do faggot retard atheists and commies love him so much? Is it just the prototype that gives them an excuse from thinking, like how those subhuman retards cry "incle" and "chud" at everyone?
are you gonna cry or something
>Just reject life
bring back this era
>hasn't read Stirner

>Hasnt read Stirner

Hasn't read Stirner


Definitely hasn't

Other works of Stirner, namely 'Critics'

Hasn't read
Stirnerism is a spook itself
Rumor has it that stirner used to shill his pamphlets at underground anarchist meet ups, and he fuckin stunk. His pits stank, his breath was rancid and you could smell unwiped shit through his pants, which he wore every day without washing. When the other anarchists would bring this up, he'd say "washing is a spook. Wiping is a spook. Brushing is a spook." It was also weird to be unmarried for his age, so rumors floated around that he was gay. He responded to these, saying "marriage is a spook. Women are spooks. I'm not gay, either, because men are spooks." He never prayed or went to church, famously inspiring Nietzsche by saying "God is a spook." One day a man spotted Stirner hanging around some black people, and asked, "what're you doing with those spooks?" Max was about to reply, but when he registered his would-be response, he promptly killed himself.
How spooky of you to think that
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egoism is the ultimate spook
>Spooks spooking spooks spook spook spooking spook spooks

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