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Post three, faggot
I would crack the fuck out of all those paperback spines while screaming like a primitive man
That's a nice Harry Potter.
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I never post this part of my shelves because it's full of fiction that I always neglect to read more history and philosophy
Do you happen to have a youtube channel where you talk about pipe smoking?
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So you’re that dude that posted your reading list in the other thread and so it is not a fake... grim
>Not a single cracked spine
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Some new acquisitions.
How the fuck am I reading the spine of the black book? Auitnony doort? Ainoydot utnor? Send help.
It says on the top, friend. The Authoritarian Personality by Theodor Adorno.
Ok, I'm serious and not trolling. I've looked at your image for three minutes, thinking it's an anagram or something. The BIG LETTERS, not the heading at the top.
T h e | A u | t o
r | i t | a r
i a | n | p e
r s |o n |a l
i t | y |

The same with Theodore Adorno
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Gotcha, gotcha. This was genuinely distressing. Cheers
What really is gender? I don't believe in gender. I believe in freedom, freedom to express yourself however you want.
Trips of derangement
It's no derangement. It's just not part of an authoritarian ideology. Your thoughts are all intangible, nowhere, whereas a dress is material, it can be worn by either sex, and the universe does not care, only bigots.
>auitnony doortv
I have my needs pretty well taken care of, I'm also pretty healthy. Idk about you though, you seem foul.
That nigga is wearing dress kek, kill yourself
Playing dumb like you play pretend won't help you.
I don't need help, thanks.
Given that you're a man wearing dresses you actually do, but you're to prideful tom accept it as I told you before.
You live in a prison inside a farm and on that prison you're only allowed and accepted at certain 'safe spaces' and you have the nerve of uttering the word freedom.
You're part of the pressure valve of the machinery and the machine is breaking apart. Soon you'll outlive your usefulness.
Hmm, sounds like you've had a bad day. Tell me about your parents, anon.
>the problem is actually you
Like pottery
Tranny in the shelf thread, imagine my shock
Trannies value aesthetics over everything, truth, justice, making their parents proud, trannies and the scent of books and watching the shelf grow goes hand in hand, no tranny ever owned an ereader because they value form far more than content
The obsession with /lit/ and trannies is gross and weird
Do you mean in the sense that pottery breaks, or that pottery contains both the sky, which is gender, in its empty cavity, and the pot itself which is the material that embodies the sky in and for itself, in the fourfold? Because it seems to me that gender, being only part of the sky, and not the matter, is superfluous to any correspondence which might find it in the body. The body, also, does not find anything but external difficulties pertaining to homosexual relationships sex wise, it is only when sex is untested, and unprotected, which is also what the male rapped Eazy E died from. So it's not really an affliction which is purely dedicated to homosexuals, but I am happy to say that I personally do not have any sexually transmitted diseases. The only thing other than that would be that somehow someone's religion prohibits me, in which case it's not my religion, and not my concern. If anything, Christianity is a communist religion, so you would be on my side if you followed your own religion. Unless you're one of those esoteric satanists or something.
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Not escaping the deranged allegations with this one mate.
I am you, you nincoompoop
Why are you all like this?
I think the letters wrap onto the front cover, so that the title is spelled out.
I'm on trial? Not gonna read what I said are ya mate.
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>Why are you all like this?
Because bullying the sick soul is an act of justice, it prevent the sickness to contaminate others and it reduce the sickness in the bullied soul. A righteous man should always act according to justice whenever it is possible. Hope that helped.
I don't know what you consider trans, but by all accounts I haven't done anything to alter my body but exorcise. If anything, I like physical books because they take a lot of strain off of my eyes, and my back, and you can carry books around with you places. You know how people like vinyl records? I think books are more valuable, because the time spent reading the best that has been written is not time wasted. I am not a particularly picturesque person to myself, I'm far from a narcissist, but my partner definitely sees me as adorable. But the phenomena of dysphoria is a universal phenomena, it's alienation from what one perceives to be their true self, and I do feel some dysphoria sometimes, but not in that my true self is revealed in historical divides between males and females in the division of labor; rather I see myself as not part of these binaries, and also not non-binary, as that is another picture of what I am and in reality I am nothing, the society we live in has captured my potentiality. But we'd all be something after the communist revolution, workers united, as long as we resolve these silly prejudices which keep us from revealing the world spirit's true knowledge of it's freedom. You can't have freedom with masters, and you can't have masters if human nature is bad.
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Hvem er bysten av?
Name of the big nice Marquez book?
Hey, a fellow Dutchman, I presume.
Cyberbullying isn‘t real.
It is if I say it is, chud. Hate bullies, you must be a terrible person.
Awful. Just awful.
The fat german? What's his name? Can't find the channel
i have my books in my kitchen cupboards because i'm a lazy faggot and haven't bought a bookcase yet despite having lived in this apartment for 2 years now. any bookcase recs?
The cheapest one you can get at ikea. Or if you don't mind second hand stuff, go to a charity shop and see if they have any. They're all the same anyway.
Beautiful collection, anon. Not sure why other members are poo-pooing it. Maybe I'm too old.
>Authoritarian personality next to the bible
We live in the new Babylon
My friend, the bible was always a communist doctrine. Jesus gave to the poor, and healed the sick, for free, and he said to his followers to give up their worldly possessions, and spend a life devoted to others, and to always be kind to strangers, and that those who are rich cannot enter heaven as through the eye of a needle to those who are rich. You are far from a Christian.
Partly because none of those books have been read.
The drinking horn and nasty looking booze alongside the boring ass Christcuck literature (I.e. books for delusional people who take life too seriously) just screams pseudo-intellectualism pretentiousness and self righteousness

It’s fucking cringe
this nigga readin the dictionary lol
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Posting my Sci-Fi shelf. Only real Ns know.
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No shelf, just some recent cops at a church sale
In Christianity, my friend, the only way to get saved is to believe in God almighty. And because SOME Christian passages follow closely to your derangement, it does not equal it. Have your read Marx, Engels or Lenin for that matter? How are you even trying to compare the two.
i have the same camuses, really got me into reading frogshit and ultimately the louis segond bible.
You have my respect
White queen is on the wrong square bud
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you seem cool, I'd have a drink with you
okay now this is based
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>not reading a book and giving it away to a friend who would like it so you can buy a fresh copy for your shelf.
Your board is set up wrong. A1 is black.
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>complete works of aristotle
>no plato
Literally the book 1 to the left
cool, i bought the marx engles read by tucker about 2 years ago, its really good honestly
i think his preface is honestly amazing as it gives a ton of great context
in my defense it doesn't say his name. nice shelf though(especially Spenser)
Based selection.

Wait, I've seen this on the Bookpilled discord. Eh, w/e.

Nice Gather Darkness too. I see all the kino and rare-ish stuff but Leiber's non-Fafhrd stuff and non-Hugo winners and non- "Best of" books are rareish in hardcover.

I recognize almost every author here as kino. The only exception's Mark Randall and Trevor Hoyle.
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It does it's just faint, one of my favorite "books".
Yeah man
Stay out of kids room you weirdo
I can say that I have attended sermons in churches, which talk about Jesus's distribution methods in Egypt. He believed in giving to the poor, he had followers who gave up what they owned for him. It says that if you are rich you cannot pass through the eye of a needle. It's not really a matter of something you can separate from Jesus, or the bible, the idea of giving to the poor or being kind to strangers, for the stranger may be an angel in disguise. It seems like you take an explicitly un-neighborly Christianity.

I am not a Christian, because I don't believe that anyone really needs to be a whole of anything. The idea of wholeness associated with being a Christian, and believing in god. Okay there's a whole bunch of stuff in the bible which you would actually not really think to hard about, like not eating shellfish, or not working on the sabbath, or any of the obscure little laws about the bible. The point is, unless the bible is a living document, or merely a work of art for show, I am not interested in whatever sort of fundamentalist, unscientific things you are interested in saying towards whatever group of people you feel your religion gives you the justification to hate. It's hypocritical, you're not really following all of your religion.

Also, I'm not religious, I just like holding religious people who are hypocritical about their religion accountable. The bible also prescribes abortion in some instances. So it's like, learn your own book, at least through passages and quotes, and then we can talk. I admit that the bible also says that people should have dominion over all the earth and foul, which I think is a part of the manifest destiny attitude that you get in a lot of religious thinkers. They idea that they own the world. This is where I think I would depart from the traditional religious worldview in the sense of not simply being kind to others, and helping the poor, but having dominion, being fruitful, and multiplying. For many reasons, I do not view many messages of the bible as good advice, rather particularly shortsighted advice, which makes sense, as the anonymous writers of the bible, who write it some decades after Jesus died, were about 2000 years behind current day science.
You have 2 volumes of The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser
Oh derp right, forgot that was his name. Need to read Orlando Furiosa next.
Lol there were a few threads without it and I was wondering if anyone is ever going to post it again.
Remove 60% of the fiction books & replace them with random non-fiction + philosophy books, and then I'm literally you.
Holy based
Thanks. I am not on the Bookpilled discord, didn't know he had one. I will join it.
Found the Gather Darkness (first edition) at a library sale. Never read it though, is it any good? Don't think I have ever seen anyone mention it online either. I got really lucky at that sale, found a signed Gene Wolfe and a signed Barry Malzburg.
We would get along irl
>Not a SINGLE book in Greek in the whole thread
Y'all niggas plebquacious fr
Jesus would've abhorred modern communism as much as capitalism. You're just as materialistic as capitalists, you just happen to not hold the means of production. But once you gain power you kill, loot and steal like we've seen time and time again.
I personally will not kill, loot, or steal. I think what you mean is the government will come in and kill, loot, and steal from workers, like they did historically. I think you should keep in mind, that all that ownership of private property and land is, is historically oppressed people's driven out of their stateless society, into empires, that took things illegally and acquisitively, and didn't really do much besides expand. When you look at what the ruling class does right now, they steal, they hold the land and they extract benefits for their class off of the backs of the workers.

I don't think that there should be killing, but it's clear that if the workers tried to collectivize the workplace, then the state would crack down on the workers. At least, this is what Zoe Baker says. That you will inevitably run into violence if you try to collectivize, we've seen it historically with America's foreign policy against Chile, Vietnam, and I'm sure if they would have been involved at the time they would have tried to stop the CNT in Spain. Point is, you're barking up the wrong tree, I think that society needs to degrow, and relinquish its acquisitive habits, as only degrowth communism will save our species from unlimited growth of capitalism, as it's a system which does not grow, but is explicitly horizontal and sustainable.
I don't really disagree with anything you're saying against capitalism or even your vision for the future. I just dislike when people try to make Jesus some 20th century social activist who just wanted to lift people out of poverty and stop oppression or something, when his Kingdom is not of this world.
I'm contemplating grabbing it online because I really like Leiber and want to try to grab everything of his. From what I hear, it's his first proper novel and it's supposedly pretty good. I recall the synopsis for it being pretty interesting. A hardcover copy with a dust jacket is pretty fucking expensive. But Leiber's just a personal enjoyment because I like his style.

Although Leiber's work has, to my knowledge, all been on e-book stores for a while now. (It's still kinda cheaper to get the Fafhrd & Grey Mouser tales in hardcover than buy them on Kindle. The two sfbc omnibus volumes+the last book ran me about 25 bucks)

Christ, you found a signed Wolfe and Malzberg? What kinda fucking lottery did you win?

I read old sci-fi because it's comfy and often pretty decent. Shame a lot of the classics don't have properly formatted ebook versions. Still glad that the kindle store's doing decently popular so more normies discover Clifford Simak, RObert Sheckley, etc.

the bookpilled discord is aight.
Why is a priest on 4chan? I know they say go to the sinners and all that but surely there’s something better you could be doing than hanging around here.
Fuck me man, picture like this remind me I gotta get my scrawny ass back in the gym. Thanks for the motivation man.
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tfw poorfag
what did he mean by this
Go to more garage sales and buy books in huge bulk. Get free bookcases off craigslist, they come up several times a week.You'll have a full library in a month, spending like 150!bucks
Just go to every library book sale you find online near you (https://m.booksalefinder.com/) and you can find Leiber and other vintage SF. But you have to be there ready at least 10 minutes before it opens. There are usually a couple SF collectors / resellers also waiting who will grab everything within the first 2 minutes.
I live in New England so there are plenty of book sales all the time around here. I found that copy of The Dream Master last week in some guys little antique stall for $1, which I am pretty pumped about. I am fucking addicted to hunting for vintage SF lol.
My gf says you're based

Kinda hate that Catcher cover. The classic is much better.

Second, nearly my entire collection is from thrift shopping.
>My gf says you're based
im honored -w-
I live in the Southeast on the Gulf Coast and there's like 3 places where I can find any vintage SF with some regularity.

It's funny and then I wind up finding some stuff I like, such as James Blish's CIties in Flight in hardcover. Think the rarest thing I've found in a store was one of the rarer edition mass market paperback of Brackett's Sword of Rhiannon and an Octavia Butler Xenogenesis omnibus.

I've literally never seen any Leiber books in the wild. The only Jack Vance books I've seen are these Demon Princes Hardcover Omnibus volumes, for some reason.

My findings for every other relevant classic vintage SF author has been kinda moderately successful. I seem to keep finding John Brunner and Frederick Pohl works with startling regularity.

I'm surprised at how much decent stuff I've sourced but I'll admit that my neck of the woods is the East coast retiree region and the majority of what I find seems to lie in mystery/thriller books with the odd random Sci-Fi/Fantasy offering if I'm lucky. I'm waiting to find something neat like a copy of Anderson's Broken Sword, but I won't hold my breath too much.
whats the big book on the top
Spy shit
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This is my shelf. I would have liked better space, but well...
I think I saw you on the metro bus the other day wearing a badly fitting suit with gel in your hair.
Maybe moving out of your childhood bedroom would help improve things.
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Just moved in, hopefully, I'l buy a new shelf soon
I'd want to have a beer with you and the other sci-fi shelf anon.

God the Gene Wolfe books mean you're either a real old fag, rich, or extremely lucky.
>not knowing how to read a book and not crack the spine.
None of the books ive read have cracked spines. You only crack it if you are an ape with your stuff.
cool to see some science and finance stuff there but you got some meme choices in there too you should ditch.
>tfw i live near a half priced books
>Got a 600 page book on romantic poetry for $3.99
Can always try thriftbooks too anon. pretty good prices and you can sometimes get practically new books.
based julius norwich anon. Loved that book.
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I need to rearrange

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…and dust…
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What are your top 5 or 10 books in your library?
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Bonus: books in my closet
Thriftbooks depends on what they have in stock but I've gotten decentish prices.

Waiting for WIlliamson's Darker Than You Think to drop down in price, which means waiting for their stock to bump up again.
There’s probably like 5 dozen book titles that if someone mentioned them I’d say that’s a favorite. I’m good at adapting to what I read and generally know what I like so I rarely read a book I don’t like. Whenever I’ve posted in favorite books threads I’d say Van Gogh’s letters, DH Lawrence, Henry Miller, Emerson, Whitman, Thoreau, the Chinese classics, Mysteries by Hamsun, Sometimes a Great Notion, Casanova, Cellini, The Trial, or some assortment like that but I still feel I leave too much off that I don’t want to go unrecognized. Some recent favorites I’ve read in the past year are William Carlos Williams, Edmund Wilson, Robert Burton, The Snow Leopard, Lichtenberg, Joubert
yeah its hit or miss. i havent used them in over a year though. i got a ton and my public library is closer than my previous address so ive just been doing that.
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im seething, i saw those same Faulkers but as a complete set for $2 a book at a local redneck thriftshop. came in for it later and they were gone.
Hey what’s up? I forget if I ever asked you if you read Lima’s Paradiso? I’ve been thinking about it recently, thought of your shelf, actually just asked about it in the Latin America thread, and then you post it. Coincidence?
You did and i'll have you dissapointed yet again lol. BUT but, I have this reveiew by Edmund White from when it first came out in 1974.


I am taking this and ebenezer in august with me to uni, if you want to know what I think of it, I will tell you by the first week of september-ish.

And lol on that synchronicity, maybe you reading Jung has started to create ripples in your real life.
Nice shelf. How old are you, even approximately?
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And not a single cracked spine. How many of those have you actually read, anon?
sucks anon, I found the 3 after I got the other 2 paperbacks. Every time I found one, it was in better condition.
Early 20s. Why do you ask?
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Yeah I check and go for it if the price is right enough. I do like that they'll just say fuckit and send a new replacement without strings attached if they fucked up an order. I notice that they really massively restock in the springtime so maybe next spring I'll go nuts. Well, if they have the specific things I'm looking for.

You look like a fella I'd want to have a beer with just based on this well balanced but very cultured selection. I've only started reading Wodehouse and Jeeves. I found one neat little hardback of Carry On Jeeves but the only damned other book I can ever find is the Golf Omnibus and that just never interests me.

I take it you've cracked that Douglas Adams Hitchhiker's Guide PB a billion times. Lmao.
Thank you hah, that Hitchhiker's book was the first one I bought on this entire shelf, and Adams only made me love reading. I don't care what other people say about his work, it's not the best thing ever, but he's extremely fun.

I think people approach him wrong, he belongs to the tradition of old BBC radio shows, Monty Python, The Goon Show, Spike Milligan, Burkiss Way, Navy Lark, Hancock's Half Hour etc.

Adams essentially wanted to combine his interests of Wodehouse, the Pythons and Doctor Who, and he achieved that. I still hold the opinion that the radio shows were better.

And you can see that Adams made me like the entire gamut of British comedy from the 20th century as well lmao.

Wodehouse is great. People tend to not give him much importance due to the comedic nature of his works, but he could damn well write a sentence. He had beautiful prose, and he could've excelled in writing anything (as you can see from the Golf book and also a book on the Clergy), it's just that he chose to occupy himself with making fun of the bourgeoisie/socialites.
I honestly hold the opinion that he was one of the best prose stylists of the 1900s and it's a damn shame he's not given his due.

I have only read all his Jeeves novels. 15 in total I believe. But I need to read his Psmith and Blandings stuff. Later down the line.
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I can try to sell you on the Golf book with this page.

Where he's making fun of a "Sovietski" and "Nastikoff", guess wodehouse did not like his Russian writers after all.
I grew up with some classic british comedy. Monty Python, Carry On (etc), Fawlty Towers, Blackadder, and the like. It's solid stuff. Dad's Army was also pretty good too.

If you want someone on the SF side that influenced Adams, try Robert Sheckley. He popped up in the '40s-'50s and was writing well into the '90s. I recall that Adams was flattered to be compared to him but called Sheckley the better writer.

And for other SF humorists, Fredric Brown, William Tenn, Spider Robinson, Eric Frank Russell, Anthony Boucher, and the like. I recall hearing that Arthur C. Clarke has quite a few humorous tales and the guy's british as well.

I think Wodehouse is someone that I often see on the shelves of people who adore literature. He's one of the ones that goes under the radar, but it's typically a good sign that someone's got a slightly more refined taste for whatever the fuck they're choosing to enjoy reading if they've got something like Wodehouse (or Ford Maddox Ford but that's one that I'm not touching on too much.)

That does remind me, I wanna pick up Dunsany's Jorkens, L Sprague de Camp's Gavagahn's (?) Bar, and some of Spider Robinson's Callahan's Saloon stories under my belt sometime. The various SF/F writers of the 20th century really just kept the "pub tale" surviving for so damned long.

Also making fun of the vibes of some british names because Cuthbert is not a manly name.
Damn, this nigga got so little out of the Bible that he filled up his entire shelf with supplementary material to understand the Bible.

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