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I'm a man. How do I write about the female gaze in my story? There's a ton of sex, some from the perspective of women. Do authors typically hire people to write scenes like this? I'd hire a gay guy but that's still the male gaze.

What are your thoughts?
Women don't have a gaze, they aren't visual creatures, they don't work like you do.
Don't include women in your stories.
Women are emotional, territorial, and very sensitive to danger. Just write her being startled at minute shit like a bad glance, a loud noise (that you may not give a shit about), or simply the tone of the otherwise inane conversation they might be on right now.
Women are, regardless of what they say, all about emotion and there’s little to do about it other than put it on the page.
You can make her react positively to these same stimuli as well, make her react with warmth and love to the look a man gives to a street urchin or the way he handles his business; think of a tailor working with a rando’s shirt and handling it carefully, warmly, as if it were his own mother’s; or a cook stopping to smell the food, tasting it, nurturing it and thoroughly enjoying himself lost in the process of making a simple fucking stew.

TL;DR: Read women’s fiction and pay attention at what fixations they have, and their reactions. Also use subtext.
do u kiss your mother with that sexist mouth of yours? shame on u, bitch
Why are you on this board if you cannot handle the basics of figurative language?
Sexist? How is it sexist?
it just feels sexist to say that women are emotional. what if i said all men are logical and have no emotion, you would hate that. women deal with a lot and by reducing them to emotion u are wrong, please edit your post.
I didn't think this was true until some roastie got mad about it lol
You become a great writer the same way you become a great lover: practice.

to be clear writing and love making are separate arts that require separate practices, though sex is more likely to help with writing than writing with sex. That is, unless you find a girl to exchange smutty letters with.
>what if i said all men are logical and have no emotion, you would hate that. women deal with a lot and by reducing them to emotion u are wrong
Let's say it's 80/20 for emotion/calculation in either direction. Men are more likely to see the numbers and material results of actions and live by them, than by emotional output of said actions. Women are the reverse. A woman wlll absolutely reject the most wonderful of offers (romantic, labor or otherwise) if she doesn't like you or trust you, a man will almost certainly take it knowing he doesn't trust/like you while being aware of it.
Both cases may lead to similar results but the calculation is different, it touches different topics and areas of life itself.
I can't say I understand women, even most women, very few men can and they certainly don't lurk here, but as for writing them in fiction this should be a good enough heuristic for OP.
I certainly know enough to manipulate them into doing what I need them to, when I need them to, as a wagie CPA middle manager with mostly women under me I absolutely need this skill.
>edit your post
Come on, now.
this passage just made me decide to never read this retard. the prose is genreslop level shitty.
Codex Alera has some good "female gaze" moments in Amara's POV chapters, although as was mentioned by >>23617305
it's not exactly visual-based.
This, soo much this.
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>GRRM fans have literally read thousands of pages of this dogshit
What utter fucking plebs.
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>I'd sooner fuck you
If that's the infamous "Her cunt became the world" passage, it's even more laughable than I ever imagined it.
You've clearly never caught a woman staring at your cock.
Guess it's just not big enough.
don't write about biological females
tranny supremacy
>How do I write about the female gaze in my story?

>There's a ton of sex, some from the perspective of women
Stop writing smut.
woman dare gaze upon me
they turn to stone
"That" gaze of a woman is for whatever reason of the quality of true terror..any denying this are merely in denial. Women are envoys of Satan and as such command legions of terror with a glance
>I certainly know enough to manipulate them into doing what I need them to, when I need them to, as a wagie CPA middle manager with mostly women under me I absolutely need this skill.

How does that work? Make her feel safe and she does what you want?
I have to be careful about my tone, open most chats (that inevitably end up with me dumping some work on them) asking about some personal tidbit we've spoken about before and would pass as friend-talk. I let them ramble when they come to me with gossip or women problems, and I am careful not to reveal what I know and don't know - I've been bitten by this before, breach of trust is a cardinal sin for women, even if they do it all the time.
For all intents and purposes I'm their friend and confidant for most things workplace related, personal too for most. I know most of the minutia of their family life, their husbands, what they do for fun, their holidays, life projects, all of it. I could give less of a shit about it, I don't enjoy the talks and would like them to stop but in my previous workplace this earned me their animosity and in enough time a small conspiracy with HR where I was a branded a misogynist who kept women out of the important jobs.
All bullshit but I learnt my lesson after a woman above me in the pecking order put a hit on me and I was fired with cause for arriving late three times in a month - I'd been working there 8 years and arrived late most days, even after 3 promotions, it was never a problem.
Hell, apparently word spread around and while looking for my next job most recruiters would ask "do you have a problem with women in positions of power?" or "would you have an issue working under a woman?". It infuriated me but it made me an excellent actor.
That's water under the bridge now, they got what they wanted.
Writr it down like this
>anon is a multimillionare ceo in his father company. His figure is towering over 6 feet tall or more, his income is more than 6 grand per month, his penis is more than 6 inch, capable to satisfy every women in this world. A six pack stomach could be seen on his shirt as well. He also loves to listen to taylor swift for some reason
There, women will wet themselves after reading that prose
You americans are so preoccupied with gay sex you've forgotten how normal sex works I swear to god
>breach of trust is a cardinal sin for women, even if they do it all the time
I wanna single this out for how true this is.
read books about the female gaze written by women
Recommend some
warm bags of sand
You get no bitches.
This anon is right >>23619293 and women check guys out and are more blatant about it than men.
Just don’t write shit like this desu
It has no artistic value and is unpleasant

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