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It is scary how realistic the metamorphosis is;

Like if I suddenly woke up being a massive immobile cockroach I would to only think about not inconveniencing my family too much and how much this will affect my job.
Kafka was a deeply troubled man
If I were a bug I would have a bug brain. Human affairs would only concern me so far as I could perceive them as a threat. Not realistic at all.
Kafka was a jew and Jews believe the absolute moral good is to serve God the same way a hammer serves a builder.
What’s with this bumfuck translation of Ecclesiastes
Sounds like nonsense to me. Humans are humans because we are made in the image of Lord God himself, and we are saved from eternal death by Jesus. By the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who was crucified unto death as a man both mortal of flesh yet Holy, and perfect before God. The Resurrection of Jesus back to mortal life ordains Him to be Master of Life and of Death, where He and He alone is worthy to determine the fate of all mortal souls, as he has returned-ascended back from the eternal death back unto throne of Heaven, where he now resides at the right hand to Lord God-Creator of All.

Is the phrasing “Lord God” particular to your denomination? I’ve encountered “the Lord God” in the KJV and elsewhere, but always with the definite article unless God is being spoken to directly.

Maybe you’re a Russophone or something, but I don’t think so given how fluently the rest of this reads.
I never went to church, when I was 14 premonitions of the future began to appear into my dreams, which that self-same day came to pass. After the 3rd of such visions which preceded major tragedies on the news I started to realize the truth. I prayed that I could not find the faith to believe these 3 consecutive signs and asked in earnest humility and sincere intent that his next revelation be so specific and unmistakably overt that it would be beyond all probability of coincidence, so that I may hold this truth to be absolute.

Long story short, that was over a decade ago and that day I proved to 2 people that irrefutable revelation of such inconceivably unlikely detail could only have been revealed by a power beyond our comprehension-unbound by the limits of time and who is aware of our every thought and feeling at all times. Which is to say, I am blessed to be a prophet of the Lord and only I am ordained to relay the direct word of God to my fellow men.
If I woke up as a giant bug I would un ironically post about it on 4chan before anything else.
I would call you a niggerfaggot and sage your thread. The more things change the more they stay the same, eh?
You would if you had a family and were the sole breadwinner.
You still have to go to work, that's one of the things Kafka did wrong in the book.
He turned into a cockroach, funniest shit I ever seen
>oh no states societies and other people only care what you can do for them aaaahhh I'm going insane
>nooooo your worth shouldn't be tied to what you can do for others everyone should treat me like my mommy did for my intrinsic value even if I'm a worthless anemic slug!!
>everyone should treat me like my mommy did for my intrinsic value even if I'm a worthless anemic slug
It's pretty obvious Gregor was never appreciated for his intrinsic value and existed as the roach before he actually metamorphosed.
Fuck you for your half-truth interpretation. This book saves my life by showing the bitterness of human condition. Now I know what to expect from people. Now I know I can't expect anything from my ex who dumped me because of my disability and her insufferable desire to fuck tyrone.

Fuck this! Kafka rules!
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It feels like every day i am waking up
If you are a prophet, please give me guidance, my wife has run away and says she doesn’t want to be with me anymore and claims there’s no hope of reconciliation, I don’t know what to do as if I move on and find someone else I might be happier but I would be committing adultery and breaking a sacred vow
Not sure if bait. If the idea of doing more for others than you do for yourself is embittering I don't know what to tell you.
It’s supposed to be a metaphor for disability. Being unable to work or provide as a man in those times there was no safety net for you and family would not only start seeing you as a burden but starting seeing you as sub-human. The author often struggled with being too frail for work.

Societal upon for people that are not able bodied or have mental impairments has gotten better, look at How to Kill a Mocking Bird, but it’s still not great. People still consider anyone in the NEET category a drain and worse then a cockroach, even if it’s not something they can change for themselves.
Nah I'd just be a superhero, I'm already a bugman so learning karate and kicking the forces of SHOCKER is the logical next step

It's only men treated that way. That's the problem.
my thought too. just terrible. KJV or nothing.
>KJV or nothing
Absolutely not what I was suggesting
Women are incapable of the same responsibility men are. Which is why they've been treated as chattel for literally all of human canon
They harbor the primordial burden of humanity and have been historically classed seperately for that reason, they carry a fundamental value we can't reach and embody the only salvation in the existential horror of life, some temporary delay of entropy. To call them chattel is to denigrate their universal contribution to the human race, present your absence of historical knowledge with which to contextualize your belief and most catastrophically you deny yourself the greatest ally of men on this earth simply for the fact that you fear the outcome of their judgement and your vulnerability.
Men and women aren't classes, they're a team. It's only by being spoiled with modern convenience that you can entertain any other view of life, same as it freed them up by independence.

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