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She's so great.
I've enjoyed her essays, but I remember being bored by a perusing of her novels. What is it you find great about her?
Such a classical beauty.
no one asked, paki
besides from being a feminist and drowning herself in the river
I thought her depiction of PTSD was pretty good. And it could have only been captured that way with stream-of-consciousness. She was obviously very mentally ill.
>woolf's instagram
>all pictures are from that side and angle
That must be the worst way to kill yourself. Why the fuck would she do that?
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What novel of hers deals with PTSD? I've only read To the Lighthouse and The Waves. Don't recall either one of them having explored PTSD... The Waves might have been about that though; some of the characters definitely deal with some sort of traumatic memories.

Either way, I agree with OP; only having read two of her novels I'm already fully convinced that she truly is one of the greatest writers.
>Best female Anglo writer since Austen
>Married a Jewish man to whom she referred as 'my Jew'
>Capable of taking clues from Joyce's stream of consciousness and not coming as a mere copycat
>Killed herself
Peculiar character.
Mrs Dalloway
>can write good prose
>can't write anything interesting
Sad state of affairs desu
>Best female Anglo writer since Austen
You forget George Eliot, who came after Austen.
Thanks! I've been planning to read that next from her. Wasn't aware that it dealt with PTSD. Can't wait to give it a read!
Fuck u, she's pretty from all angles!

Wrong! Better admit you just got filtered by her genius.
I'm curious. What examples of her bad prose can you give?
She deep down wanted to larp as a shakespeare character. Perhaps if drowning oneself in a river seemed somewhat less scenic and tragically beautiful, she would have held herself back
>a perusing of her novels
phrases that sound like euphemisms but aren't
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>My Jew
What's with Anglos and wanting to fuck Jews
>mom is renown for her beauty
>but Virginia has a horse face
>gets molested by her brother
>Virginia becomes asexual
>kills herself
You sound pretentious and are.
Shared sense of being filthy rootless merchants with beady little eyes and a burning hatred of all humanity
There's nothing pretentious about that post.
Pretentious is an inherently pretentious word and those who use it must hang from the gallows.
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She was the best

>Dreadnought Hoax
Stop being pretentious.
Can't stand this cunt
Almost as overrated as emily dickinson.
It's a little like reading Joyce, but instead of the poetic and hilarious and tenderly human Stephen and Bloom, the stream of consciousness is some dumb broad's. And not even a character's inner thoughts. She just wrote 3rd person narrative with less of a filter. Keeps going on and on about shit no one cares about. Maybe it's nice to read if you're a woman or homo.
no u
>seething all day because he was called pretentious
who are you quoting?
Your behavior. You'd catch that if you had self-awareness but if you had that you wouldn't be so pretentious.
look buddy, that's the last time you ever call me pretentious. your on your last warning
you're not me schizo
sorry not reading ^^
I'm s-s-sorry. Please don't force me to peruse journal articles about Orlando and the intersection between white male racism and the performative nature of cis gender identities. I promise I'll be good!
Stop being pretentious.
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Gentlemen, do I read? Heck no. However, I often peruse novels with great regularity.
As of late I've been perusing the oeuvre of one Nicholas Sparks. Unfortunately I've grown quite wary and thus tire of said endeavor. Perchance you may enlighten me as to the greater aspects of the artist's work and character? Mayhaps?
I didn’t know that she killed herself, but as a lesbian I get it. Was planning on doing the same when I get old.
no u
post feet
I dont think being a lesbian adds anything to your comment anon
O'ive red nay bri'ish class'cs t'hough o'ive perused Mäcbeth b' Shak'speer.
I read through all of her "shorter fictions" and found them fascinating. I feel the same way about her novels, though. I'll read the first 10-20 pages of her novels and get bored to all hell. I'll probably push through one someday soon and decide if it was worth it.
>still seething about being called pretentious a day later
Lol, keep perusing.
Yes. Thanks for letting us know.
Butters turn your trip back on we miss you
>still projecting
Why did she kill herself? Because she lived in a world with people.
Why did she drown herself? To go out like a badass.
You should, whore
Why are people so stupid? This thread is pathetic
>when I get old
Stop wasting so much time fucking whore, do it today
Lesbians don't want to be hit on by men. Don't let your hatred for women consume you.
Incel weirdoes
post feet
Why are you such a faggot? Kys.
Yes. I will eventually read one too. Its just the sort of thing one has to do. Hopefully, we'll surprise ourselves and enjoy it.
Listen, dumbass homo. He's not the one who said perusing. You've been arguing with the wrong person this entire time, all to get your shallow, PRETENTIOUS satisfaction at being above pretense.

Kill yourself. Stupid fucking faggot.
Shelly is my favorite female author. Shelly chads, assemble!
This dumb bitch was one of the greatest anglefrauders in history.
Woolf is hotter
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Same, I wanna put a picture of her on my office (I only have one of Dostoevsky and my wife) but im afraid normietards will find it weird
It’s a shame this board is incapable of discussing female writers on this board seriously at all. Regardless, I tried her through one of her more famous novels “Mrs.Dalloway” and I really enjoyed it. I feel like her prose has a very trippy and somewhat surreal feel to it at certain points where she’ll be describing a scene which leads to one of the characters remembering something and then it’s an entire rabbit hole of their own sensations and emotions of said memory in addition to more poetic descriptors about the scene of the memory itself and how it relates to the current situation at hand. I remember there was a point in the novel where one of the characters puckered their lips and it transformed into a beautiful conversation about this character’s inner monologue and how they felt like the puckered lips represented a point, something steady and sure, something that the character felt that they represented well in their life. I don’t know. Anyways I like her
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>I only have one of Dostoevsky and my wife
You are not serious people.

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