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Beyond Good and Evil, though I understood Zarathustra (which presents the same ideas in a different format) pretty well.
The Melancholy of Resistance
Didn't understand the 1001 nights. Western focus is usually on the way the stories are linked together, a common feature of oral traditions.
But what people forget is that the entire work had virtually no narrative structure, almost none of it relates to sharezade, and if the guy was listening to anything she said he would have beheaded her first and fucked her afterwards. More than half the stories are about a woman fucking something unusual.

Many of the stories seem to have no point, many are repetitious without seeming to have any point and I suspect many are just alternate versions of the same story listed separately.
The most annoying of these sub-plots is the visors to the women's house, none of which were interesting and read as though every dwarf to Bilbo baggins house performed an opera one after the other.
God emperor
The sickness unto death
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A couple of chapters in Ulysses
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Just found out they released a movie version of it this year. I'll have to check it out.
A Danish translation of Ulysses. Found myself translating most of it back into English but eventually just gave up. I also dropped thus spoke zarathustra
Its that god damn aphoristic style muddying the waters I swear! Or maybe its the me applying the strategies of reading essays and long form arguments to the aphoristic style. But it just doesn't work for me as a way of communicating thoughts coherently.
>Read Birth of Tragedy or Zarathustra
Instantly get it.
>Read any of his collections of aphorisms
Lost and abandoned in a sea of contradictory notions
Being and time. Didn't make it past like 20 pages just went on sparknotes and got the gist of it.
It's there to beguile you. It's not from a western perspective, so don't treat it as such. Might I recommend Robert Irwin's The Arabian Nights: A Companion
I had some issues understanding Faust, Beyond Good and Evil, The Phenomology of Spirit, Ulysses and Dante's Divine Comedy.
I just reread the books a lot until I understood it fully, the fact I didnt get them at first made it so they became more interesting, and trying to dissect it apart made them more engaging. Getting filtered just means one lacks the heart for the true search of knowledge or meaning in anything. Some of these are some of my all time favorites
Oh and I forgot to mention I had some issues trying to understand a couple of the older sorcery, magick and alchemy books like Solomons Keys and such, until I realised it was mostly schizo ramblings and understanding them is not the point as much as trying to actually put it in practice
I don't think I have ever understood a book. Mostly I just revel in the language and project my own meanings onto the work.
geothe's Faust is quiet accesible, some background on German culture helps because there's never any explanation given on the German cultural elements.
Faust part 1 sure. Faust part 2 is a whole different beast.
No idea how a non dualistic worldview works.
Something like this
Some people say reading Jung and Freud revealed them their inner spirit and learnt to work with it rather than fight it, but I went into Archetypes by Jung and left bewildered - I DNF'd it, couldn't make heads or tails of it. I took a step back and went into Interpretation of Dreams by Freud and DNF'd it as well. Am I a brainlet? Or is there some precursor knowledge required to gain some insight into these books.
I couldn’t much either but plowed through it anyway
It is for a surface level read, not if youre trying to fully understand the work, and as another anon pointed out before ai could reply, most of my struggles came from part 2
Also I was learning german alongside resding it so it might have something to do with that too lmao
Critique of Pure Reason. I doubt I'll ever pick it back up. Is Kant a meme or do people understand him?
I read The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie during summer break when I was 17 and hardly understood a damn thing.
This but with the decameron. Some stories are fun, the rest are wut?
How can people not understand Arabian Nights and the Decameron?
They might struggle if they never learned to read Arabic or medieval Italian
Don DeLillo’s Underworld. To me, the first chapter was so great, but then it just drags on for 700 pages or so.
>Many of the stories seem to have no point, many are repetitious without seeming to have any point and I suspect many are just alternate versions of the same story listed separately.

There’s a million of them and they are rapid fire so even if you didn’t enjoy a story you can look forward to a new one in a few pages. That’s how I see it.
I picked this up as a teen, loved it, don’t remember shit about it though. Probably got filtered and didn’t realize

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