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Why should we believe that the Buddha's teachings (Dhamma) are somehow exempt from the very principles they preach? Buddhism hammers home the ideas of anicca (impermanence) and dukkha (suffering or unsatisfactoriness) for everything in existence, yet conveniently claims its own doctrines are timeless and perfect. Sure, Buddhists often trot out the raft analogy - that the teachings are just a tool to cross the river of suffering, to be discarded once enlightenment is reached. But doesn't this analogy itself admit that the teachings are temporary and ultimately unsatisfactory? If the Dhamma is just a raft, how can it also be an eternal truth?
The fact that insights into the conditionality of the aggregates, which makes them unfit for happiness, triggers dispassion from the aggregates and cuts off the stream of births works until it doesn't.
The guy who created samsara will fix this loophole and at this time the buddha's teaching will be useless yes.

And the raft is the buddha's teaching to his audience, which he adopted for the jains, the hindus, the random lay people, the random ascetics and the monks, not the conditioned coproduction of the aggregates itself.
Buddhists don’t believe their teachings are exempt, I’m not even Buddhist and I know that.
See? After a thousand years of Buddhist teaching degenerating, we enter ten thousand years of no Buddhism.
Heart sutra literally says the four noble truths are empty. There were schools that said that dhammas were eternal but Mahayana Buddhism rejected that idea. Read Red Pine’s commentary on the heart sutra (ignore when he uses the words “illusory” and “delusive” to refer to phenomenal reality though)
The Three Ages of Buddhism? What a crock of shit. This has to be one of the most pathetic concepts ever cooked up by a failing religion.

This garbage is so transparently self-serving it's laughable. Can't get enlightened? Practices not working? No problem! It's not the fault of the half-baked ideas or incompetent teachers. No, it's just the 'Dharma-Ending Age.' What a convenient fucking excuse.

And the real joke? This bullshit isn't even from the Buddha. It's a later invention by monks who couldn't hack it. Instead of admitting their precious teachings might be flawed, they made up this cosmic decline narrative. Talk about intellectual cowardice.

The Three Ages concept is nothing but a pre-emptive admission of failure. It's Buddhism's way of saying, 'Don't blame us when this crap stops working - we told you it would!' It's a get-out-of-jail-free card for every failed promise and mediocre practitioner.

In the end, this doctrine just proves that Buddhism is a self-aware failure. It's built its own inadequacy into its worldview. At least other philosophies pretend to offer lasting solutions. Buddhism comes with a built-in apology for being useless. What a joke.
the only way buddhism stops working is when the mechanism of karma stops working, so far this hasn't happened
Oh, please. You're just hiding behind some mystical, unprovable "mechanism of karma" to avoid admitting Buddhism's failures. It's pathetic how you cling to this unfalsifiable nonsense instead of facing the fact that if Buddhism actually worked, you wouldn't need bullshit excuses like the Three Ages or some magical karma system that conveniently can never be tested or verified.
Karma literally just means “you are suffering because of your past states, certain actions and intentions will cause you more suffering in the future”
You are describing cause and effect not Karma.
Karma is cause and effect applied to your intentions.
So, like, my intentions would have to escape cause and effect for "Buddhism to stop working" ?
If Buddhism didn’t have such a doctrine, it would be self-refuting. The answer to OP’s question would be “you’re right, Buddhists say all things are impermanent, but then say their teaching is exempt. What a contradiction!”
It is self-refuting, that's why they had to create the doctrine, Buddha himself didn't create it. It's like the theologians that attempt to reconcile all the contradictions in the Bible.
the chinese crap is irrelevant to buddhism
So you admit Buddhism is self-refuting.

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