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/lit/ - Literature

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Any good?
got my pussy wet af
>"Fantasy" written by a woman
What do you think?
On the reccomendation of several women, I read the first few pages. The prose is very childish for what is supposedly a quite pornographic book. Reads like a young adult novel, and not a very good one. It's written in the style of romance slop rather than fantasy slop. This book really has no excuse to be as famous as it is, it makes brandon sanderson look like tolkein in comparison
My gf reads this shit nonstop. It's complete slop. Lazily written. I'm not being hyperbolic, it sounds like it was written by someone with at max a high school level education at a middling American public school. Absolutely zero substance to it to draw you in beyond very surface level character dynamics. You can easily see through her lazily-developed naming conventions which are based on the most cursory reading of scattered wikipedia introductions. It almost makes me hate my gf that she likes this stuff.
The prose is pretty bad but the story is fun when it isn't leaning so heavily on romance tropes. My friend is reading it to me as a reciprocal exposure deal where I get to pick what we read together next. Its bearable for me, even though I am not typically into the genre.
Giving her a good, healthy dose of the D should cure her of that.
You should date better women.
Are these "better women" in the room with is now anon?
Women don't want to read a Tolkien-level book about fantasy. That is the domain of men. They enjoy romantic books, perhaps a gutsy heroine they can attach themselves to and this has been spoken of for centuries by dismayed men. No biggie.
Cure her of what? Having a limited intellectual curiosity? I don't think getting dicked down can fix that. I think the opposite can be true in that you can turn a stuck up, pseud into a freak but it doesn't work the other way around.
I know. It's too complicated of a story to tell here nor would I if it were simpler but I'm duty bound to this woman for now. The pussy is also exceptional and she's a lot younger than me and beautiful so I'm trying to overlook these aesthetic failings with an eye towards procreation and building a family. I probably am selling myself short but we've all gotta settle at some point lest we become the wine aunt/weirdo uncle we look upon with derision now.
My wife reads all these popular fantasy smut books
She probably won't be reading pre-20th century literature or anything, but I'd imagine a good, active sex life would lessen the need for reading thinly-disguised erotica like the slop Maas writes.
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Admit it, anons. You would let Mommy Maas spit in your mouth and sit on your face.
It's truly awful. But read it because chicks love it and it's a good in.
i'd have any kind of sex she wanted, but i'll never respect her craft
>Maas was adopted by a Catholic mother and Jewish father, and grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. She was raised Jewish.
>search "fantasy" on kindle
>rebecca yaros and sarah j maas fill the front page
>their books have like 200k ratings each
>Likely 5-10m+ sold per book
>even if you tryhard the shit out of your book, you're unlikely to achieve 0.1% of that

An actual blackpill
>raised Jewish
That explains the popularity
That's too bad, my girlfriend (who's sucking my dick as I type this) is too busy reading the entire Russian literary canon to ever touch this slop. She also says the n word with me
I'll be honest, everything beyond LotR of his only decays in quality, not sure why the Silmarillion is considered a dense read , I found it both easy and lacking in much depth or interest and I'm a midwit.
Sounds like a redflag, enjoy the blowjob, but beware that I dated women like these, which are great in bed, but will hurt your head sooner or later.

Marry stable women and never stick your dick in crazy
Nigger, everything after LotR is unfinished drafts and published by his son without any actual editing.
I've read it. Its average. World building has potential but is explained through bad exposition dumps. The writing is horrifically repetitive, particularly with certain characters. She overuses that a character "growls" to the point that I made a game of doing a stupid growl everytime I heard it (audiobooked it) and it became overpoweringly silly.

>it's single-handedly getting women into reading, which is objectively a good thing. Unfortunately, the same women make it their entire personality and they never "progress" past romantasy

>She is basically a watered down female Tolkien. She has massively influenced a genre, with a hundred imitators and with said same imitators using her "new" race (Fae) in similar romancey ways
i once found an author that used the opener 'once again ...' an insane number of times within a novel, its insane to me that the publishers didn't clock on to it and i found it insanely annoying

people are dumb
What if you write absolute slop like this for women but put some deep meaning into hidden beneath it.
I google this and I get a bunch of Jewish women shrieking about how its bad
Plenty of women like Tolkien, but yes women are more autistic about character dynamics and relationships then fake languages and ethnographies. I think you can get them into worldbuilding if you talk about clothing though
Wtf do women like to sexualize Pratchett fae
The rare woman that has developed standards, but not taste.
World-building doesn't have to be as famously autistic as Tolkien though. We all applaud it and use it as the benchmark for world-building but not every story requires the depth.

I'd also like it to not be info-dumped by characters who, having grown up in this fictional world, have pre-prepared exposition monologues.
the relationship between sam and frodo is better written than any fantasy romance. fantasy-romance is a romance subgenre, not a fantasy subgenre. Romance slop is formulaic as fuck, no matter how "spicy" or "subversive" the readers claim it is. You just take the few weeks between meeting a girl and when you decide they're alright and worth sticking with and stretch that out over 300 pages. shove a few tropey hurdles in and you're done.
I feel like I should read the first book (or at least part of it) just to have some context of the cultural zeitgeist in romantasy.
Yeah, that's actually what I meant. God forbid anyone thinks I respect her craft, which I don't.
I've thought about this... how do I get her to read something better with some red pills dashed in? What is that book? Has to be a decent amount of smut, easy to read, fantasy-esque or at least adventure-y, with a female protagonist. Not sure.
I discussed this with the Jewess who shills against "A Court of Thorns and Roses: on every woman's forum and she says the format includes
>Sassy female heroine
>Brooding flat hero and pure virginal childhood love interest who is his rival
>Silly political intrigue that is imitating GoT
>A crowning scene that imitates LotR
>Pratchett's fairies but sexualized
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Fairy tale retelling slop but deep is basically just Joanna Harris's the Blue Salt Road but I hate how the main male character stays with his rapist
>She was raised Jewish
Wow. Literally every single time. It's pretty funny at this point
Uhh men can't be raped
wow anon what an insightful post, I'm sure you were really looking for sincere opinions instead of trying to farm (You)s to cope with your miserable friendless life

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