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Resources to begin your trad journey. Post all you got

Jordan Peterson gives the big fifteen

>Here is a list of books that I found particularly influential in my intellectual development.

>Trigger warning: These are the most terrifying books I have encountered.

>1. Brave New World – Aldous Huxley

>2. 1984 – George Orwell

>3. Road To Wigan Pier – George Orwell

>4. Crime And Punishment – Fyodor Dostoevsky

>5. Demons – Fyodor Dostoevsky

>6. Beyond Good And Evil – Friedrich Nietzsche

>7. Ordinary Men – Christopher Browning

>8. The Painted Bird – Jerzy Kosinski

>9. The Rape of Nanking – Iris Chang

>10. Gulag Archipelago (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, & Vol. 3) – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>11. Man’s Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

>12. Modern Man in Search of A Soul – Carl Jung

>13. Maps Of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief – Jordan B. Peterson

>14. A History of Religious Ideas (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3) – Mircea Eliade

>15. Affective Neuroscience – Jaak Panksepp


Here are 48 books recommended by Trump
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O holy slop
Post bench max, mile time, income, and time spent mediating/praying daily
What does it mean to be "trad", OP?
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wait, Nietzsche is trad now?
how do u explain his whore daughter?

the cover design bruv
He's taking the piss with that suit
I thought he said books were gay
it's not gay if he can fleece more money out of his retarded followers
>see Peterson has a podcast with guest Louise Perry (who I like)
>Click on it
>30 minutes into it, Louise has spoken for 2 minutes while Jeepster has spent the remaining 28 going rambling on subjects tangentially related to something Louise said
>Close tab
>Youtube recommendations are now all short clips that serve to validate men's resentment towards women
Every time I try to give this guy a chance, something like this happens. The only time I got anything useful out of listening to him was his interview with Chloe Cole. Is he more coherent in his writing?
>Youtube recommendations are now all short clips that serve to validate men's resentment towards women
Obviously not due to a single video. It's because the AI picked up you watch politics of resentment videos. Either that or you're lying (most likely).
>men's resentment towards women
That's what happens when you try to see women as human and not as mild inconveniences and nuisances. Apply that to people in general and peace will find its way into your heart.
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He took the piss by fucking up this interview badly
Tradition of what? There's no Tradition in republics because republic is the tabula raza from feudalism. It's republics which are supposed to break off from millennia old system. This is why americans seethe when they are told the historical fact that they have no history, no culture. America is just a country for the british bourgeois tax evaders to base society on GDP kek

It's pathetic that all americans have in their shitty life is the romanticisation of bourgeois democracy
>My son trooned out so hes dead

Just when I thought Elon could not get more retarded
What son? there is no son anymore, just a daughter.
His son might as well be dead, but you're more autistic than Elon so you cannot get this.
I still don't know what woke means.
I thought it was AI. That's disgusting.
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>only certain kinds of tradition count as traditions, and I decide which they are
Its more about who the fuck actually talks like that about their kid lmao
People who have experienced the horror of their child turning into a mutant freak.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
I’m so trad I’m going to become illiterate like my gloriovs forebears

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