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Kant was a mystic and had a direct relation to God without need for mediation by priests. Just because you don't go to church and don't believe ignorant praying (as opposed to say contemplative prayer or meditation) is effective, doesn't mean you don't believe in a supreme intelligence. It means you've developed a deeper sense of religion than midwit atheists and brainlet superstitiontards can understand.
>was a mystic
Stopped reading.
What is with this board's obsession with fucking Kant? Can someone explain it to me?
Babys first enlightenment google search thinker
I searched for the words "holy spirit" in the critique of pure reason (online gutenberg.org version) and didn't get a single hit, not even the word "holy". What did Kant think of the Holy Spirit, /lit/? I value his opinion on this.
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Literally greatest philosopher of modern times and laid the foundations of German idealism literally the greatest philosophical school of modern times.
Dude the thing in itself dude the lense of the faculty of perception dude
Spirit is consciousness.
I'm not sure why all of you are still arguing about this, the 2 or 3 other threads you have for this have devolved into anons having to identify themselves to others because all of you have filtered yourselves so thoroughly no one is sure who Kantposter is anymore.
Spirit is consciousness is mind is soul.
Kant is secular in his approach at faith (he describes it as freedom) and he aimed at defending free will from Newton's Determimnemd Mechanistic description of nature/universe.

Watch the 2nd half of this video starting from 1:01:00

That doesn't answer my question. I want his opinion on the Holy Spirit and nothing else.
German Idealism has sadly become the Guenonfaggotry of 2024 and a small number of Twitter guys, who are excited about discovering what they think is some esoteric Donna Tartt Secret History club, are spamming it relentlessly

I say sadly because I also really like German Idealism and it's like watching retards discover something you appreciate and run it through the mud
He thinks it doesn't exist.
Did you watch the whole video or are you just waiting with your thubs up your ass

False disinfo shill
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>Kant is secular in his approach at faith
not secular. he rises up to meet God through Reason (the Logos).

>no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Neither of you are helpful. I'm looking for explicit quotes.
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This is actually Kant's main work. Kant was actually a based materialist atheist.
What don't you understand that we are dealing with his epistemology and the book you should be looking at is the Prolegomena to Metaphysics which I doubt he wrote anyhting about Christianity but rather ANOTHER secular approach to Metaphysics
I was a Hegelboo for a long time but I have since moved more towards Charles Sanders Peirce and all his Scholastic sources. I don't get why we can't meme ourselves towards Scholasticism.

It's broad enough to explore and meme for years but also the most ignored period of philosophy. It has all sorts of terminology to argue over. It is literally perfect for us.

Me, I'm going to shill Eckhart, Bonaventure, and Abelard and snidely imply that being a Thomist shows a lack of refined taste for Scholastoboos.

Or I might LARP as an Averroist or Eriugenaite. There are a lot of DEEP cuts from like 600-1100.
The Holy Spirit is implied in his works.

See here: >>23618027
Another complete retard who never read anything Kant

Fake bullshit too
and please stop generating new kant threads every 5 seconds you retard
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bullshit. It btfo materialism disinfo shill. matter is mere phenomenal substance. gtfo pleb.
You type like an utter and complete faggot. I don't how many layers of irony you're hiding behind, I would slap your face with all the hate I could muster, twat.
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It's literally one man on a mission. Kantposter singlehandedly started a new age: the age of T R A N S C E N D A L I D E A L I S M
Kant all but denies God any substantive role in our lives. Christ becomes a mere moral principle. He is virtually atheistic.
The person spamming him has a very shaky understanding of him.
>denied God any substantive role in our lives.
Did you not read the Critiques?
>*true statement about Kant*

kys fag
>ANOTHER secular approach to Metaphysics
not secular. Reason is eternal.
He's also in denial of Schopenhauer. His fixation on Kant seems arbitrary and insincere.
no u
You got destroyed in that other thread talking about how Schopenhauer was based when in reality he follows a religion of demon worship
Get well soon
>taking Schopenhauer seriously
Schopenhauer was incredibly stupid and a terrible human being.
Cope harder Kali Yuga Accelerationist retard
> With regard to the natural sciences, Kant stood on exactly the same foundations as the natural scientists (Hermann von Helmholtz, Über das Sehen des Menschen)
actually read Kant instead cringe second hand accounts brainlet

>>The revolution which we have seen taking place in our own times in a nation of gifted people may succeed, or it may fail. It may be so filled with misery and atrocities that no right-thinking man would ever decide to make the same experiment again at such a price, even if he could hope to carry it out successfully at the second attempt. But I maintain that this revolution has aroused in the hearts and desires of all spectators who are not themselves caught up in it a sympathy which borders almost on enthusiasm, although the very utterance of this sympathy was fraught with danger. It cannot therefore have been caused by anything other than a moral disposition within the human race. (Kant, The Conflict of Faculties)
this is related to the metaphysical foundations of natural science how exactly? oh that's right it isn't you just picked a random Kant quote like the obvious pseud you are.
You just haven't responded to me about French Revolution in another thread.
>. I don't get why we can't meme ourselves towards Scholasticism.
Make the fucking thread you fag

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