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/lit/ - Literature

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You can read Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic right?
No. I don't think I'll learn Hebrew or Aramaic. We'll see. Funny enough, I have lots of books on the subject of Hebrew.
Most people who larp saying they can read Latin, Greek, Hebrew couldn't just pick up any book in these languages and read it. Show them a random page of PG and they'll have no clue what's going on.
No. And dont plan on it, either
The only useful language for literature among those is latin, because latin had been the lingua franca for sciences and philosophy for centuries and, as such, there are lots of untranslated works. There are not so many full texts in ancient greek and the ones that we do preserve are already the most translated, cited and commented texts throughout history; is it then really worth learning ancient greek for reading the originals of Plato, Aristotle, the great tragic authors and epic poems? I don't think so.

I will not elaborate on learning Hebrew and Aramaic because that's absurd, pure larping.
Greek is all you need.
I have no need for desert languages in my life.
You're a pseud. Most Patristic and Byzantine Greek hasn't been translated in English yet.
Can read Greek with a fair degree of comfort. Latin to a slightly lesser degree but I haven't been studying it as long.
Dgaf about Hebrew or Aramaic. I could just read the Vulgate or Septuagint which are more trustworthy than the (((Masoretic text))) anyway
>oh no this John Chrysostom homily after Good Friday liturgy on this excerpt from Mark hasn't been translate!
Even if 99% of it wasn't reading the 1% cream of the crop mogs the literature of any modernsissy language.
You're well versed in many instruments, the language of music, which you read and write fluently, and you can draw and paint on many mediums and styles, in addition to being a master of history, rhetoric, poetry, prose, philosphia?
No? You chose written languages? Okay.
Enoch powell might be the most based politician of the late 20th century
Such a great man.
Yes but gay hacks who support dooming our race by coming to the defense of desert people then qqing over the predictable result need desert languages.
You're also a Wagnerian, right?

Not really. I have enough Latin to blunder through Caesar and Cicero with a dictionary to hand, but I wouldn't say I can read Latin. I've started learning a bit of Greek. But I don't think I'll ever be fluent in either.

I didn't grow up reading ancient authors, so I have no real love for them.
Why is speaking Sumerian or Akkadian not as respected?
I'm only interested in Latin, and I'm only interested in using it to read works from the 14th to the 17th centuries.
>t. pleb
Sumerians didn’t have much of a literary history. I’d rate them as on par with American natives.
>is it then really worth learning ancient greek for reading the originals of Plato, Aristotle, the great tragic authors and epic poems?
Powell didn't think Shakespeare wrote the works attributed to him.
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Not a real Empire man, can't read Sanskrit.

Godfrey told me to my face the problem with women at Universities was that they distracted the young men from homosexuality. Women ought to have their own universities, so as to encourage homosexuality and bicycling.

Godfrey told me to my face that Europe collapsed when the project of Imperial Austria-Hungary failed: only Austria-Hungary could have saved the European Ideal.

Both times he told me this we was trying to pull 19 year old men in his 70s.

Godfrey tried to pull my father, myself and my brother. Failed each time, but god damn, he was a sexy man.
what's your favorite videogame
>what's your favorite videogame
Powell didn't know any of these languages well besides Latin and Greek. He was a notorious liar and homosexual.
Where are you even bothering to learn the languages then? No love for ancient authors but you go through the trouble of learning ancient languages, most of the best material of which has a translation available— it doesn’t make much sense to me, anon.
Semitic bullshit.

Globohomo bullshit, the language of satanic elites.

Mongrel Indo-European pidgin tongue jewed by the Phoenician influences

Literally the ONLY languages worth studying are Sanskrit and Sumerian (both white languages by the way, despite what (((mainstream academia))) tells you).
For Christians, would Latin be the best one?
The language Aquinas wrote and the language of the Vulgata.
If you must insist on being a christcuck, learn Greek instead so you can read the NT and the Gnostic texts.
lmao why is every reddit atheist attracted to this
>Gnostic texts
Retard larp. Most of them are in Coptic anyway.
I would recommend Latin and then Greek, you should learn both of them. But learning Latin will let you read not only the Latin Church Fathers but also a ton of scholarship written in the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries. All of Patrologia Graeca for instance has Latin intros to the Greek texts, Latin notes, and a Latin translation alongside the Greek. Plus once you learn one the other will be a lot easier due to shared features and even a lot of vocabulary.
Because it's the truth.
I'm bored and have nothing better to do with my time.
Why don't you just learn French or Spanish or German or w.e then
>Gnostic texts.
Lmao even.
Worshiping the semitic jew god religion is dumb enough as is, but only trusting in the orthodox scriptures of the truth is an added layer of retardation I can't even begin to fathom.
>is it then really worth learning ancient greek for reading the originals of Plato, Aristotle, the great tragic authors and epic poems?
Prose can be translated, poetry cannot be. Learning ancient Greek to read Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, etc. isn't worth it unless you're REALLY closely studying them.
However, it is certainly worth it to learn ancient Greek, even just for Homer. Dactylic Hexameter cannot even be replicated in English(in any way that doesn't sound like shit)
I already have a working knowledge of German and Italian. I have no practical use for any language but English anyway.
Why do midwit redditors think that if something got suppressed it must somehow be more true? And anyway why 2nd century Gnosticism specifically? Why don't you guys flock to Zoroastrianism or Manichaeism or Monophysitism?
Then why don't you learn an instrument or how to paint or how to fly a plane?
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Gnosticism wasn't suppressed because le ebil priests were afraid of the plebs finding the truth, it was suppressed because it was demonic proto reddit tranny "religion". All gnosticslop should've been burned.
the second half certainly
>You can read Ancient Greek, Latin
πῶς γὰρ οὔ;
>Hebrew and Aramaic
I can soundwise read Latin and Greek but have no clue for the meanings of the words. Didn't stop me from larpreading Cicero and Herodotus. Hebrew, Aramic, I've tried to read some Hebrew but it's letter-to-symbolreading for me.
Hey, I'm not a master per se, but I'm dabbling.
εὖ λέγεις, ὦ φίλε. μόνον οἴομαι οἱ καλούμενοι εὐαγγελικοί, ἀλλ' οὕς καλῶ τούς δούλους τῶν Ἰουδαιῶν, μανθάνουσι τό Ἑβραϊστί
I don't have good practice space for an instrument, and I've had poor results attempting to self teach before. My attempts at painting and drawing have been generally disappointing and not very enjoyable. Flying lessons are outside of my budget.
Dumbfuck, that is literally the entire history of the world. Elites suppressing knowledge. What? You think they are just going to let normie NPCs casually read the deep metaphysical truths about the universe. That shit has been under lock and key for millennia and you are peak midwit if you think you can go onto Amazon and buy books that contain actual knowledge of how reality actually operates.
Ok bro. Personally I trust God's power more than the power of ever shifting elites.
If the Gnostics won you would be saying the same shit about what is now orthodox Christianity. YOU are the midwit. This is like the boomer stoner theory of history.
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ὡς τῷ καλοκἀγαθῷ πρέπει εἴρηκας ὠγαθέ, μανθάνοιμ' ἄν ἴσως πρῶτον ἄλλας ἰνδοευρωπαίας γλώσσας εἰ καί τι δέονται τοῦ ὠφελίμου μᾶλλον ἢ τὰς τῶν Ἰουδαίων ἢ τῶν ἐκείνοις ὁμοφύλων
No, because it's tied into power. The people who "win" are usually the people who care about power and the people who lose are usually the peaceful people who want to be left alone, which usually means their ideology is usually the correct one. So the ideologies that survive and get passed on are usually the ideologies of the people who have bloodlust for power, in this case the Roman Empire and the Catholic Church. Whereas the gnostics and Neoplatonists just wanted to become spiritually pure. The reason these ideologies were so threatening to the status quo and had to be eradicated is because if spirituality is found within, then an external earthly authority is no longer needed. And obviously that would be a problem if that idea spread among the masses, which is why it had to go.

This is billion dollar knowledge, and I am wasting on a thread on /lit/ and none of you deserve it. But I give it to you anyway because I am aligned with the non-scumbags of history.
You know the Catholic Church were never a monolith? There were Catholics who spoke out against the corruption and bloodlust for power in the Church that inevitably rise from our fallen state. There were monks who just wanted to be spiritually pure. I don't get why you can only find truth in gnosticism because it got defeated. And anyway there have been plenty of ideologies that have been threatening to the status quo and still wrong. Look at the book The Pursuit of the Millennium.
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Plebs are only interested in the “mainstream” ancient literature

The study of Mesopotamian texts are still more relatively recent compared to the more well established classics, so plebs and pseudo intellectuals would rather lark about the Greeks than doing an actual chronological study of antiquity.
I guarantee you anyone learning Greek is not just interested in the mainstream texts.
Really? I know he supported the decriminalisation of homosexuality, but I've never heard anything about him actually being gay
Cosmic Skeptic
the septuagint is a fucked up literal translation from the hebrew so i'd imagine knowing some hebrew would help there
>I could just read the Vulgate or Septuagint which are more trustworthy than the (((Masoretic text))) anyway

The whole thing was first written in Greek, so..
>The only useful language for literature among those is latin, because latin had been the lingua franca for sciences and philosophy for centuries

Latin is of no interest apart from some poetry. There are no translation obstacles to rendering aforementioned text subjects into vernacular-- unlike ancient Greek, which one would be best served by and thereafter Sanskrit & Persian.

The slavic glows have graced us with their presence.
No, because heroes don't hang around in libraries.
>Latin is of no interest

We get it, it's hard and clunky. But leaf through the Loeb library and you'll find some of the best bits produced by mankind. If you ever get into medieval literature/history, it's almost all Latin. Especially the letters. Very little was produced in vernacular and not until the tail end of the medieval period. Latin really is the heart of Europe, though of course Greek sounds better and I prefer it.
>The slavic glows have graced us with their presence.

So close...
>leaf through the Loeb library and you'll find some of the best bits produced by mankind

Name three.
Latin sucks compared to Greek but it's still a necessary evil since 90% of important writing in Western Europe between like 100 BC - 1700 AD was in Latin and a good bit after that.
Historical linguist here. I downloaded this document and... oh my, this poor fool has never cracked open a textbook on historical linguistics, or the comparative method. There are so many glaring flaws in this short PDF - like, for starters, why Latvian? Why not Proto-Baltic or Proto-Balto-Slavic or PIE? His explanation as to why he avoided PIE is nonsensical. If Sumerian were indeed related to PIE, the relationship would be a heck of a lot easier to prove using PIE (a near-contemporaneous language with the oldest attested version of Sumerian) than a 21st century (55-60 centuries of separation at least) derivative of PIE.

He would need to establish firm sound correspondences - not word-initial identical letter matches for things which are semantically, very roughly within the same ballpark. His translations for the Sumerian are also suspect.

Work of an amateur.
>Historical linguist here.
Stopped reading. Go back to reddιt.
I don't think it's worth the time invested
If I were Jewish I'd absolutely learn Hebrew and if I were Christian I'd learn Ancient Greek but I'm neither
Good for you. You keep believing in poorly written we wuz kangz slop. Nigger-tier behaviour.
Linguistically and historically speaking, why is nigger so fun to say? Why is it such a versatile word?
t. seething priestoid

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