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Prove you exist.
there is no philosophical proof of the individual
i'm on the sex offender registry. they wouldn't bother putting me on there if i didn't exist
Define "prove," "you" and "exist."
Prove I don't exist.
>implying i do
This. There is no self.
I think.... therefore I am.
Then who said what you just said then? Your brain chemicals? What would that even mean for the validity of your statement?

na lol
I typed the captcha correctly

>feeling the need to exist
nothing is more useless than existing
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I'm real, here I am in my office with a history book from my shelf. I'm not a GPT AI chat bot, though I probably feed them a lot of organic data.
I am suffering.
My YouTube channel is evidence
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Used to look like this, more proof that I am real, basically look like an MKULTRA victim now. Or a homeless man, used to be homeless.
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>basically look like an MKULTRA victim now
You take anime waifu to another level, should seek out a real woman, I am sincere.
cogito ergo sum. checkmate faggot
Prove it to me, retard
If you don't think you exist, try missing a couple of mortgage payments.
All I have to do is write something in English because you have inherently accepted that English is a language of sensible conscious being.
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Why does it matter if I can or cannot prove my existence? To whose ends am I moving, and for what?
I don't think therefore ... I exist nevertheless!
all i want it proof that I liiiieeevvve
I yam that I yam
I can dance; therefore, I exist
we are all one yet perceive ourselves as separate. soon we will complete the human instrumentality project in the form of neuralink and we will become one again.
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>The only thing that really exists is you.
>I am also you.
>Therefore I exist.
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I guess this is the dox thread so whatever
I lost this hat btw.
Nice beard, sir.
If it is possible to exist then it's possible to exist, since it is possible to exist then it is possible to exist as a possibility therefore I exist
From your point of view none of the people in this thread exist until you read their reply, in this acknowledgment you imply to your self that there must be some existing force generating this text
someone or something produced these words. if you addresed the maker of these words directly it would be appropriate to call that being "you". i exist. i may not have proven that i exist in the form that i believe myself to have but i atleast exist, be i man, llm, or demon.
based. i too was homeless once, though i lived in my car.
I feel pain. I can now measure it and transfer it to another person, like the individual who poses this stupid question

NTA but si enim fallor, sum
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>Prove you exist.
drop your address and i will show you i'm very real

after that i will make you non-existent which presupposes the opposite and proves you existed until my visit

Give us some axioms
To whom? A stranger on the internet who hasn't even proven that they exist yet? I think not.
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God says I am, therefore I am
God exists therefore I exist
God doesn't control you
We have so much freedom we end up forgetting each other
At least in the book of life you are remembered
To be is to perceive. Existence is simply subjection under sensation.
I exist because I exist.
The true definition of myself is "That which is." Since non-existence would mean that I would have to be "That which is not" but I am defined as "That which is" then I must not be non-existent. Therefore I must exist.
Mirror doesn't need any separate reality to reflect light.
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>Prove is almost a homonym to the word for 'taste' in this language
>Taste that you exist
>Eat, drink, and be merry
>Tjap, klap, en weescht vrolijck
This has been solved for Dutchfags.
Is life intentional?
The only thing which is possible to "prove" is to yourself that you exist

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