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Is it any good?
I have no idea. Where can one actually read it?
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it's an indie classic. Anna's Archive?
Better than Call of the Crocodile.
a thrill, though it should have ended sooner.
it's sometimes available on amazon, always available on z-lib. be careful because one of the versions there is missing pages.
It's a blast, but it drags hard towards the end and starts to become irritating. That was probably the point. It's the unsung foundation of the 4chan canon.
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It is what it is.
this is now a tales three thread. fuck jannies
Hory shet. Up until now I wasn't fully convinced it even existed.
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i distributed 9 copies of Tale Three into 3 neighbor library boxes around capitol hill.
within 48 hours, there are only 2 copies left
Tales 4 when?
When's FACE drop, brother
>always available on z-lib
When I search Zlib for it all I get are totally irrelevant results. Has it been shadowbanned?
thought it would be at the end of July.
right now the latest draft is the best draft...
but every time i sit with it...something happens and i go back to fussing.
i think maybe another month
DC or Seattle?
some crazy lady on goodreads stalked me because she thought i wrote it (not a joke). she believes the son of some big shot jewish lawyer wrote it and psychically is controlling her.

with that alone i give it a recommend even though it sucks
>psychically is controlling her
BAS is an IRL cognitohazard
Based Brenda Sellers chronicler. You can read a recap of the whole stalking fiasco (plus an interview with MNM-DR about it) in &amp: https://lampbylit.com/magazine/issue-017/

Also, consider checking out her Twitter. She’s really gone off of the deep end in the past few months.
cover alone makes me kek
One thing in common between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is being against satan. Muslims use the term shaytan.
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but that's the inside title page
the cover is very much in line with the visual motif thing
where can I get it?
haven't read this but always thought it was one of the best titles ever
It's American Psycho but bad. Absolutely the worst use of an unreliable narrator.
Hell, the whoke book is like a 4chan user read American Psycho and said I want to write this.
Some strands of Islam see Satan as a tragic hero. Read al-Hallaj and Iqbal etc. while Ghazzali sees Satan as just a metaphor for the lower self.
Hell yeah very exciting
What does MNM-DR mean?
Master Necro Mega-Damage Rapeface
are you trolling or serious
oh wow it's real. I found it written in my copy of Tainted Turd. I haven't gotten to that one yet
100% serious
barnes & noble
in a month or two

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