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>threw a coffee table at a woman
>raped a 17 year old child while on tour
>stalked a 5 year old child
>pushed woman from a moving car
>threatened to kill a guy
buhhh but uh irony is the problem
He was also a bonafide "ZOG is replacing us with third worlders" white nationalist. Look up DFW+Dispossessed Majority on warosu
I feel like his psychs should have been forced to read IJ. Not because it’s good, it isn’t, but because if they had they’d have known he had BPD, not depression, and treated him for that.
He’d probably still be alive.
>raped a 17 year old child while on tour

But yeah that's why I think most social commentary is pretty useless in general. It's usually a distraction from the more immediate problems in your own life. It's also part of why I don't like his writings. It's meant for people to dissect and discuss and feel smart for reading despite how irrelevant the messages are as they pertain to our everyday lives.
Holy keyed
It's a man's right to slap women and children if they need to be slapped, fuck who he wants to fuck, and kill out of revenge if he can get away with it. Fuck off with your false faggot morals.
Why does he speak like an autist? I have never read anything from the man but his speech is very stilted and awkward in interviews done with him.
Can non-americans and non-bourgeois people get IJ?
And I forgot to add: non-boomers.
...is there something specific to boomers and DFW? I'm not super well-versed in american generational dynamics.
Yeah you just have to be bipolar, prone to drug use, addictive-personality or maladjusted. I think his only burgerois work is The Broom of the System, since it's just basic-bitch Wittgenstein and other philosophy darlings applied to his coomer outlet.
Actually, never mind: his essays are garbage and so are some of his other dumb books like Infinity and More. When people talk about DFW I just think of the parts worth reading, so really just Infinite Jest, Brief Interviews and The Pale King. Which are all books on the same thing desu.
I see. I guess what I was thinking with that question was whether it would be one of those American Beauty-esque works about the (in retrospect, hilariously overblown) nihilism and vacuity of american suburbia during the End of History, or like something that aspires to more than just crying about how difficult life is for an upper-middle class person in the 90s because everything is so incredibly easy and rounded-off and there are no real problems anymore.
Wikipedia says that Brief Interviews "criticizes toxic masculinity". Is this wikipedia being wikipedia or something that he actually does in the book? Based on the impression I got from all the years I spent on this board with DFW fans he seemed more like a depressive and resigned guy than a fiery preacher type.
read some of his essays, he was a basic libtard
Well, I mean, you can't not be one if you are in the literary mainstream, or want to either get there or stay there. But there is a world of difference between libtards and libtards of other types.
Not a big fan of the whole diaper in the head thing
I'll just preface by saying to get off your computer or your phone and read the first two chapters to Infinite Jest instead. If you're gonna waste your time anyways that's a bit more productive and will give you a good idea of what to expect.
I think your own opinions on American suburbia are a bit overblown themselves (not that I'd know, I've been low-class all my life, perspective lets you know people will always be people and all these troubles are man-made) but while he's a MASSIVE snub with the self-awareness to realize it he tries getting closer to the philosophical postmodern side of it while skirting with at least some real issues that affect human beings down to their core. Addiction and addictive personalities are the obvious ones but what I love is the tacit acknowledgement of the cold void right at the rims of human experience in-the-moment and our inability to face it, so we face pretty lights in meaningless reproduction instead. Better stated by philosophers, better handled by other writers but barely put in human focus.
It's more of a self-acknowledging man book focused on earning some kind of redemption. Though it's his own preachiness that made him kill himself desu.
Yeah only retards wear bandanas
wtf i love rockstar foster wallace now
Care to elaborate on the stalking of the 5 year old? This list sounds like different characters from one of his books.
Communist hands typed
Our guy
Okay you've convinced me to read his stuff
Zadie Smith has said that she enjoyed DFW's work and believed it was a critique on misogyny.
That was debunked by snopes howsobeit
this just makes me like him even more now
He didn't rape her but had sex with her. OP should specify "statutory rape" (assuming that the age of consent was 18 in the state, and it might not have been because why else would we have admitted to it in a letter?)
>17 years old
Power imbalances are bad and all but this is really shit bait.
Figured. How old was he?
One of his exes (whom he allegedly pushed out of a moving car) had a child. He would allegedly wait outside of that child's school so he could make contact with her when she would pick them up.
Rape is rape chuds

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