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Do you read novels in english or would you rather read a translation even though you can read in english? Sometimes old novels can have a ton of very unusual and outdated words, I’ve been pondering if I should read Little Dorrit in the original or just get a translation.
I was about to start reading H. G. Wells in english. My main goal is to stary with something easy as him, and then start increasing the difficulty until I get used to the level of Shakespeare
Shakespeare is impossible to non-natives.
Shakespeare(at least in his plays) really wrote in a weird way both compared to contemporaries and moderns. In my opinion, even Chaucer is easier to comprehend
>Chaucer is easier to comprehend
and yes, in the original Middle English
I'm probably not missing much when reading a translation of a novel, unless it's heavily focused on prose like Lolita, which i'm planning to read in original. So far, I've read only three books in english, but i'm planning to read more (I'll read whole asoiaf in eng)
Art thou challenging I?
always english (if the book is originally written in english, of course) but sometimes i re-read them translated because it's fun to compare both versions
Usually in English. A lot of books are pointless to read if you don't read them in the original language.
I read in the original when I can, so whatever was written in English I read in English. Also obscure books that werent translated to my native lang I read in English. Everything else on native language. Don't be afraid to read originals, if you're reading something hard with a lot of archaic language chances are you'll need to look up words anyway.
Imagine having sex with Frieren while she completely ignores you reading a book.
Learn some basic grammar. It's "me" not "I".
I always get the book in the original if I can, but I have a rule to only buy books from used or local book stores, so in practice I get the translation most of the time.I always get the book in English if I'm reading it electronically, however.
>basic grammar
choose one
Only the sloppiest of slops should be read in translation. Like the Bible, for example
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If the novel was originally published in English, then I prefer to read it even so (with rare exceptions).
We read that shit in 10th grade. Fuck off.
I only read stuff in English. Only exception are German philosophers and even then I sometimes double check the English translation.
I'm FSL and I'd find it shameful to read an English translation of a French book
I understand our situations are different, but when it comes to French books it's either French or I'm not reading it
Now in terms of translations I'm not at the level where I can justify reading something translated into French except when there isn't an English translation available
I read mainly English books because my country doesn't have that many books translated
Which country?
I know three languages around the same level, and I read novels in those languages I'm their original form. Everything else I read in English. If you live in the West, English language is one of the most valuable skills you can learn, so practice it well and often
I only read books in my language
I mostly read books in english, but my dad can't read english at all, so I buy them in my native language.
Indirect object pronouns are basic.
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ESL reading comprehension challenge: What is he saying? This is one of his easier sonnets, so don't get too cocky.

When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see,
For all the day they view things unrespected;
But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee,
And darkly bright are bright in dark directed.
Then thou, whose shadow shadows doth make bright,
How would thy shadow's form form happy show
To the clear day with thy much clearer light,
When to unseeing eyes thy shade shines so!
How would, I say, mine eyes be blessed made
By looking on thee in the living day,
When in dead night thy fair imperfect shade
Through heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay!
All days are nights to see till I see thee,
And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me.
Yes, my fellow negro. That is why I gaveth thy a choice.
gave thee*
As a J5L, this is what I do with Japanese fiction, but as a G3L, I occasionally read English-translated works originally written in German, since I don't feel like my German is strong enough to read classical German literature.
Whenever possible I read a book in its native language. If I have to read a translated book, I pick one translated to my native language. I read enough English as it is, and being more dextrous in my native tongue is a bigger boon then recognizing English prose, most of which can usually be intuited from context.

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