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Who was more right?
From Evola's letters to Guénon:
>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.
date of the letter (I know that quote is bullshit but I'll ask anyway).
Yeah, I made it up cus I'm a tranny and that's the kind of thing we do.
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You haven't read either of them
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Refuted by (later) Wittgensteinian metaphysics
Abrahamism does not accord with the white man's soul
From my perspective Evola

The separation between the intellectual and martial castes is a late stage development and a sign of degeneration. In the Republic, the philosopher king is drawn from the Guardian class and is thus implicitly a physical as well as intellectual caste.

Indian civilization indicates that the primacy of the Brahmin happened at the end of its cultural phase, with the Brahmins having been subordinate prior to the king's of India, who had spiritual as well as martial roles.

The opposition and primacy of contemplation to action is therefore false and inverted.
>sign of degeneration
Dumb. You might as well say the savage polytheistic steppe barbarians, Sintashta, were the best. These traditions only became more sophisticated due to contact with the indigenous peoples of BMAC (e.g., fire temples predated Sintashta in BMAC) and IVC. Evola is a moron in that he completely dehumanizes these people when the vast majority of Hinduism and Zoroastrianism (both Indo-Iranian traditions) was born from the mutual influence. There is no evidence of a "primordial tradition" that degenerated over time.
If the Aryans had unidirectional influence, then why are Zoroastrianism and Hinduism completely different and inverted, metaphysically speaking?

Also, you are a dysgenic mechanized zoomer cretin who can only think in memes.
>In the Republic
Dumbass, you are talking about the Indians, not the Greeks. Absolute pseud garbage.
Nothing is as degenerated as *you*.
One condemned Jews and Christianity and knew that Paganism is superior,
the other was a jew worshipper (abrahamic) who opposed Paganism despite the fact that Pagan traditions are the little good there is in abrahamism, which he as an esotericist should know.
Guenon was sufi, no? Sufism and other esoteric traditions in Abrahamism exist because of Pagan influences.
Sadly none of them are great thinkers, but Evola was much better. Did Guenon even know that magic is real?
Thankyou CumGenius. I will convert to braindead Catholicism and stop asking questions now.
Is that real?
Evola's works on politics are trash. But his works on esoterica are quite good. Therefore, I would consider him the superior thinker. Guenon is a pseud who was a sufi in a straussian exoteric sense but clearly identified esoterically (barely) w advaita vedanta which is either a mon(othe)istic deviation within hindooism or a pure paganism depending on who you ask. Sadly, he was too foolish to realize the fruitful connections to be had with the west's own esoteric roots in platonism insofar as both converge on a type of henotheism and henosis. Wrt brahmin kshatriya controversy, I would recommend reading Dumezil rather than either of these two. Mitra and Varuna are two complementary forms of sovereignty so to speak. It is precisely this warring between the two which is abberant. Also, in modernity the merchant class. Diccs. But India is hardly apex civilization anyway. I recommend Fustel's Ancient City wrt Greek politics and paganism.

Med Antiquity was far superior to Nord Middle Ages.
Some people say that the republican revolutions of the 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries were a sort of Renaissance of the Med spirit. I don't know. What I know is that there is no merit in the combination of Chinese insensitivity with Jewish trickery. That's more or less the character of the Nord in a nutshell. It's disgusting. May Med culture rise again.
>Who was more right?
If you had read any of their works, you would have know that there's no "more" right. They're both right.
No, it doesn't. You're a liar
you larp as both a Spaniard and a Roman, yet you are neither.
If you lobotomize yourself or are a scared little abuelita, perhaps
Guenon never called out Evola for being counter initiation.
>Sadly, he was too foolish to realize the fruitful connections to be had with the west's own esoteric roots in platonism insofar as both converge on a type of henotheism and henosis
He references this all throughout his works but it just didn't capture his attention relative to eastern stuff because they 1) don't go far enough and 2) it was often limited and outright suppressed and was made not very accessible compared to the east.

Abrahamic monotheism is a backwards worldview for insane brown people.

Tiger riding is based and redpilled and perfect for Aryan chads.
1 & 2 are both misunderstandings. Which shows he was weak or biased as scholar.
Ironically, Evola promotes a very Abrahamic form of Hermeticism. Or at least a very Neoplatonic sort of "magic".
>muh pagan ancestors
Literally wewuzkangz for yt ppl
>1 & 2 are both misunderstandings.
The second is demonstrated by history and by the suppression, banning, arrest, execution of various mystics and orders.
The first just depends on what you think the actual truth is, i.e. if you think the truth is non-duality then most western mystic /lit/ with a few exceptions does not go far enough. If you agree with other conceptions of metaphysics/existence then you may be more inclined to view more western mystic literature as "going far enough", both of these are opinions and neither is a misunderstanding.
>banning of esoterica
Naw. That shit is political. Might as well say Ahsoka was anti mystic for promoting Buddhism over Hinduism, or that the Mughals were anti mystic for promoting Islam. Naw mean, shitskin?
>think the truth is non-duality
I know it is not. And you do too. Another misconception (or deliberate malfeasance?) of Guenon's. And Sankara's. They posit a meaningless castle in the sky. It is precisely they refuse to go far enough. Perhaps because truth was not revealed to them historically as quickly as with Christ message spread in europe and mediterranean.
>these are just opinions
Except Guenon claims to have some sort of mystical faculty for discerning absolute truth. Yet we can prove advaita false by negation. Non duality would imply no evil and no reality to world. Both absurd
>Naw. That shit is political.
No, it was often motivated by a moralistic outrage aroused at people perceived as having transgressed against the accepted view. Some of the persecuted people and groups were not politically or financially powerful but were still persecuted anyway.
>Naw mean, shitskin?
You are making the Christians of /lit/ look bad when you write childish stuff like that, aren't you an EO who is all about imitating Christ? Not very Christ-like.
>I know it is not. And you do too.
And how do you know that? You have no idea but you are just saying that without really knowing.
>Except Guenon claims to have some sort of mystical faculty for discerning absolute truth.
On which page of which work? Seems like a silly strawman.
>Yet we can prove advaita false by negation. Non duality would imply no evil and no reality to world. Both absurd
No, that doesn't disprove Advaita but is merely your own humorous misunderstanding about something that is elementary. Advaita does not say that there is no evil in the world but rather that evil appears as an unreal illusion. And the world lacking absolute reality is a direct and natural consequence of it being illusory, so that's not absurd either but is just consistent with their starting premise.
Both irrelevant schizos.
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> Literally wewuzkangz for yt ppl

Okay, Jamal
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NTA but this is you.

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