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Any of you use one of these?
No but I've been tempted to get one for a while.

Are they good?
Breaks spines for softbacks. Only good for holding hardcovers.
Seems only good for sitting at a desk and taking notes from a text. I don't do that because I am neither a ridiculous gaylord or a student in law school, so I will continue to read on the couch or in bed.
It's also good for laying in bed on your side and being fed grapes by a young catamite.
Bro has the 20th century kindle
I like them but yeah they break spines depending on how you use it.

If you use it like the promo pics it will break it. But if you have the page heavy side of the book more to the edge of the board and use the other sides prong just to LIGHTLY hold the other side you should be fine. (By this I mean having the prong hold on the areas that least causes pressure)
I just read ebooks on my telephone
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that one is cringe, I made a better one from a monitor stand so you can read with the book in front of you or swing it out of the way
Now that's good shit.
That is a nice one. I have a cheap one that I use to read while eating, otherwise I just hold the book.
But this >>23625321 looks very useful.
Isn't it inconvenient to have to unclip it every time you turn the page?
Thanks, anons. I've made it with furniture door gas struts which are "hotswappable" so you can put stronger ones in if you have heavier books, though the 60N one works for most paperbacks. Right now I'm thinking of adding a monitor bar light on top for reading at night with the room lights off.
A lot of people like it and it really helps with neck strain because you don't have to look down when reading. I'm starting to wonder whether I should make a couple to sell?
Yes, but only for calligraphy exemplars. Using one for reading is counterproductive.
>hold book
>unclip right side
>unclip left side
>turn page
>clip left side
>clip right side
complete waste of time and breaks rhythm
imagine taking 5 seconds to turn a page, every time. 300 page book = 150 turns = 12.5 minutes spent turning pages. Tjat assumes no mistakes made, clips always land just right, etc.
That's not how it works, you lift the clip and slide the page out from under it and slide it under the other clip, it doesn't take 5 seconds lmao.
It's fascinating how people who don't do a certain thing have these autistically laid out opinions about how it works.
Go time it. Even assuming 3 seconds, assuming no pages bunch up/ fold under each other and clips are laid just right, you are looking at 7.5 minutes of page turning, though I stand by the 5 seconds. Completely ineffective for virtually no benefit.
>no neck strain
>makes note taking hassle-free
>don't have to move things like your keyboard just to place the book down
and minor things like
>doesn't get palm dirt and sweat all over the book because you don't hold it in your hands for a cumulative 20 hours
>typing up something or taking digital notes becomes much easier because the book is held open at screen level next to the screen
>if you slap a light onto it you get a perfectly lit book no matter how you need to adjust it for height and distance, or if you have to swing it away
but I am designing a better way to hold it open and flip pages for lazy, whiny retards like you
kek, still haven't timed it I see. Certainly no webm coming
>whiny and lazy
Pure projection. I have whined about nothing. You are proud of "a better way to hold (a book) open and flip pages". There are few things lazier than finding reading to be too much labor.
I exercise regularly and have no neck strain due to that and a comfortable reading chair
Note taking has never been an issue
My desk has plenty of space for a keyboard and multiple books
I wash my hands and have no issue with soiled books, concepts clearly alien to you
adjustable desk lamp
By your own implicit admission you are dirty, lazy, most likely poor (tiny desk) and weak. Embarrassing.
I thought about it. That looks like a pretty nice one.
Or eating and reading.

*crushes your pedofaggot skull like a grape*
nta but I had to break my lurking streak to tell you you're an insufferable faggot
They look nice but I want the ones used for artists.
You're the sort of brainlet who eats raw meat and thinks using machines to dig instead of good ol' shovels is SOVLESS nontrad woke cringe, aren't you?
No but it would probably be better for my back if I did. As of now I read a bit more like pic related
None of those.
I'm the kind of brainlet who reads books, has no issues with it and sees no reason to add further complications to one of the simplest activities in existence.
Explain to me why I am lazy when you are the one who finds reading a book bothersome. Wash your hands before you type.
I got one ages ago but I move around too much for it be useful. Just have it as my permanent bible holder now
I'd pay you to make this for me, then I'd pay you for other things..
I would give you a blowjob in return for one of these
a-are you g-girls?
looks nice anon
If you don't mind do you have a part list for that stand it is very nice and I can't seem to find comparable pre-made options online. (Please spoon feed)
It's based on the cheapest monitor stand I could find, which they no longer sell where I am (Huzaro Motion 1.2 is an equivalent, any shitty cheapo will do). You have to have some tools though, because the stock gas springs monitor arms use are too strong (500N+) and the cheap monitor arms I've seen are made in a way where you have to drill through some of the joints in order to disassemble it, remove the strut, install a 60/80/120N furniture gas spring, then redo the joints you drilled. That's not enough to hold a book up, so I had to addd an external gas spring (which is easily swappable so I can adjust it for very heavy books) which requires a bit of welding and a bit more drilling. The wooden book stand is a cookbook holder from Amazon. If you really want to make one we'll have to move to /diy/.
I made two prototypes and they both work perfectly, I'm in the process of figuring out how to add lighting.
Do you anons think it's a good idea to try and sell these?
lmao at that favela in the background
Not sure what the margins would be but it would probably sell decent on Etsy. I would probably buy one. Looking on Etsy I don't see anything like what you have made.
How much would you pay for something like this? I'm not asking this so I can milkmaxx but to gauge whether it's even worth trying. Plus, I live in the Eastern Bloc and my perception of prices is... skewed.
Probably no more than 100 USD. Not sure what labor and material costs. I am probably an outlier as well maybe closer to 80 USD would be a better price point. Hard to say
thanks anon
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Nom I'm a cishet moid
gotta get those switches from somewhere, you know
Juup, I have three of them. One is a convertable file holder that I used for exams to relieve stress on my neck. One on the desk, one spare for when I need two or taking it to church so the intercessions-book is having a place on the side and I don't bow down too much.
reading in 2024 is pretentious
no you dont enjoy it
you do it because youre afraid someone will think youre inferior for not doing it
listen to audiobooks instead
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nice glasses fag
precisely 80s
I'm gonna cum.
just buy an e-reader and prop it up on something
those are for the bus/train or when you're visiting relatives, not for serious reading
Define girl
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very nice anon
All that matters is that you're reading the words. E reader or physical gets you to same spot.
>what is praxis
What I need is an Ebook reader that has a Bluetooth remote control for flipping pages so I can just lethargically lie on the couch and don't even need to lift my arm for flipping pages
You cannot be this lazy.
seems foolish
kek. go on
he is a 4channer, we are notorious for not getting enough sunlight, living in a basement and our only companion is a waifu, the fuck you want, an olympian?

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