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Morality does not exist
yes it does
Jail cells don't exist.
>morality doesn't not exist
>hey put that gun down it's wrong to shoo--!! ack!
It makes me sad that morality doesn't exist. Can this train of thought lead me to conclude that therefore it should and must exist?
Morality exists because God exists and we have an imprint of his moral order in our souls, albeit darkened by the Fall, it can be illuminated the more we seek God and his Word.
The only bigger cope than this is atheism.
It exists it's just subjective.
Would you say personal preference does not exist?
>Morality exists because God exists
stopped reading there
Its always interesting coming across Catholics/Christians who dont even really understand what they are saying and just vomit what they read verbatim
>It makes me sad
>we have an imprint of his moral order in our souls
This. They ack-nowledge it themselves but are too brainwashed by the current world order to see things.
Don't understand what exactly?

"For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. 15 They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them 16 on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus."

Romans 2:14-16
>nooo there is no morality
>but certain things always make me feel certain ways even if I try to deny it
>very weird coincidence!!!
Morality doesnt exist but people pretend it does

Ethics however does exist, which is much better for us
>Morality doesnt exist
Prove it.
>Ethics however does exist
Prove it.
Read Spinoza
No, I will not. If you can't prove in on 4chan you are not a real channer but a shill for your philosophy.
imagine being this much of a brainlet
[404 argument not found]
Concession accepted.
Based and true
Has there ever been any actual development in moral relativism sibce Protagoras? All we get is snivelling marxists who insist that they are somehow beyond morality alltogether while being either nihilists or relativists without ever talking about it.
>moral relativism
What is there to develop? It's all relative.
That doesn't prove moral good (which I assume the OP is talking about) unless you're talking about ethics.
>Morality does not exist
Thats a sequence of words that carry no weight unless you expound on them.
Wow what an anti semitic trope I how whoever came up with this is flayed alive

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