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Why are there so many useless details in this book? The author feels an intense need to talk about everything around the characters all the time and it is really annoying.
go back to ya
Read Melville and Huysmans.
You got filtered and struggle with basic literature and don't understand atmosphere and prose and lack knowledge of the Mexican-American war and life during the 1850s and I ran out of insults and this sentence has too many conjunctions and actually I think there's not enough conjunctions and commas are for savages and *spits*.
This board has convinced me not to read this book. I’m gonna circle back to the passage that makes pisses me the fuck off
“They rode on and the sun in the east flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring planewise and where the earth drained up into the sky at the edge of creation the top of the sun rose out of nothing like the head of a great red phallus until it cleared the unseen rim and sat squat and pulsing and malevolent behind them.”

I call this prose “manfaggot” prose. The language is fucking stilted and stupid and sounds like some drunk dumbass sitting on the stoop of a small town bar retelling some shitty story with his half ass attempt at artful pose.

There’s no delicacy or artistry in his language. It’s like Charles bukowski trying to be something besides a drunk douchebag who talks about himself.
>sat squat and pulsing and malevolent behind them
that line is fire brah u getting filtered?
It’s McCarthy’s thing. It’s also why people with awful taste think he was a great writer.
McCarthy’s prose is sincerely terrible but you should still read Blood Meridian. It’s a very unique book and is his only novel which the awful prose somehow adds to the aesthetic vision when taken in at once.
what’s an example of prose you enjoy
One that flows well and describes things and events efficiently, i.e. almost any other popular writer's, except that Book of the New Sun guy.
Ever read KJV or Moby Dick?
>the passage that makes pisses me the fuck off
The book is boring as fuck but it's great for picking up chicks, assuming that they've read it. You don't even have to remember any details about it, just shit on the author and then apologize for your own subjective opinion and they'll think their own taste is good. This isn't really limited to Cormac McCarthy though.
>oh yeah the sun was just like a big throbbing BBC inseminating the nubile young white sky pussy hnnngggg
seriously, mccarthy?
Yeah that is awful.
>manfaggot prose
>There’s no delicacy or artistry
That's the point, faggot. Go stare at a painting of a tree
Why don't YOU go and stare at a DICK? A-ha! you must feel quite embarrassed to let such an obvious Freudian slip reveal your latent homosexual tendencies.
>good prose is... the blandest shit imaginable
Uhh... anon...
Yes, making it worse on purpose doesn't somehow make it better.
It's not worse, you're just a midwit
No you are the midwit.
Says the midwit
Personally, Marcel Proust, Tolstoy, Henry miller.

Those guys are a delight to read. I don’t want these Nevada truck stop retards talking out the side of their mouth with a lit cigarette writing books (Mcarthy)
Only a manfaggot would say something like this and celebrate what amounts to some toddler bashing a piece of paper with a paint brush.

Men who are hopelessly, autistically men, should be banned from writing book. Only men with a feminine duality can make beautiful pieces of literature. I call it the “Bukowkski Problem”

I liked reading bukowski because I was drinking a fucking hookers in Thailand, but once you’re out of that narrow manfaggot gully, the stilted and jumbled smashing together of words that represents the manfaggot literature is repulsive.

A soft sensitive guy like Proust is necessary for excellent prose
Reddit spacing, didn't read.
nothing much, just a judge holden plush on Ebay XD https://www.ebay.com/itm/315497685323
I didn't ask
>Apologizing is good for pickup up chicks
>the author feels an intense need to talk about everything around the characters all the time
I haven't read this book, but some authors think that that's how good writing looks like. Some have won the Nobel prize doing that shit, like that Japanese guy who wrote about someone who kills himself or herself or something, I don't know, I've only heard about it because I couldn't read more than 15 pages of that book.
>"the only reason someone would write in rich or poetic language is because they're trying to show how much smarter they are than I am!"

the plebs always tell on themselves.
Why does this book filter midwits so hard?
>Why are there so many useless details in this book?
Why don't you provide an example of a sentence or description from the book that has "useless details" and then either rewrite it so it's better, or explain why you think the details are useless.
My ex is an english PhD student, and she enjoys this book so much that she's taught classes about it. The only kind of woman who would be impressed by you pretending to dislike something good is stupid, and you're better off avoiding that unless you're a trad coper.
>muh phalic image
yikes he really was a proto lefty fag
File: 1714086159982707.jpg (80 KB, 609x1000)
80 KB
Same reason pic-related does: It's popular, but still just tough enough for them to feel invalidated by it.
My favorite are Vladimir Nabokov, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oscar Wilde, and Henry James. I also like J.R.R. Tolkien a lot. For me, the best novelists have the prose of poets, but McCarthy isn’t a poet. McCarthy is a Redditor reading physics and trying to turn it into poetry.
You don't see too many people praising Nathaniel Hawthorne on this board. Why do you like him so much?
>The only kind of woman who would be impressed by you pretending to dislike something good is stupid
I can't tell what your point is in saying that, since the vast majority of women you or I will ever meet will be stupid anyway.
The judge shouldn't have a trim waist, what the hell man

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