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Why are midwit Redditors so obsessed with Gnosticism?
Marcion is right desu
Why don't you go ask them instead of shitting out low effort threads here?
yeah so like the bands i listen to? you probably never heard of them...kinda underground....not mainstream like at all...soooooooo yeah
The revile their own decrepitude (rightly), generalize this to the entire physical universe, and worship their own “intellect”
Well I'm hoping they'll come into this thread and explain
They worship their own intellect. They were reddit atheists 10 years ago.
because it's the truth
it's what internet males with 115 IQ get into when deprived of pussy
similar to torrenting
>my end-all, be-all is contemporary american sexual politics
very sad. mayhaps its you that needs to get some pussy, gentlesir
(triggered gnostic redditor who gets no pussy)
>Verification not required.
>le... sex
i see. you're retarded
Respond quicker next time. It will prove you're definitely not upset at being accurately called out as a gooning redditor midwit
I hate gnostics and you're still a faggot for caring about le pussy. Go back to Instagram.
>le... internet people
>le... sex
>no don't criiticize reddit!
post your username.
>his solution to the problem of evil is cumming inside a vagina
kek. i miss being 21
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>getting laid or having a wife/gf is BAD
Sub-100 IQ. The question was: As you clearly are defensive about Reddit, what is your Reddit username?
"Getting laid" is bad, yes. Casual sex havers burn in hell. Having a wife isn't bad. But it's not the be all end all cosmological telos like Americans make it.
>sex reference
>must be american
euros have more casual sex than americans. amerifats living rent free in the rest of the world's head. embarrassing. read some books, the internet has rotted your head
>can't disassociate a model of reality from a vanishingly slim minority of its proponents
>le pornography, le reddit
ghastly retard
It's an American boomer mindset that has spread to the rest of the world. Europeans are more Americanized than many Americans in fact.
>can't answer a very simple question on the fact that (You) are defensive about Reddit and your subsequent Reddit username
Gnostics really are pathetic
>Y is more X than X... because it just is, okay?
Your lack of critical logic and Amerifats living in your head remind me why this website has gone to shit. Are you African?
he's right. americans and their vassals are obsessed with sexuality, because they're corroded nihilists. such as yourself.

>p-post your r-reddit u-user
wasn't even funny the first time
>p-post your r-reddit u-user
>wasn't even funny the first time
You stick out here, redditor. xo
i suppose. what is your response to the problem of evil? genuinely curious
mocking redditors like you for being midwit faggots. hope this helps
there is no problem. pain and suffering and incompleteness are good. god made them so by definition they are good
kek i REALLY miss being 21
me too. all those years gone by and for WHAT
I don't get what Gnosticism is
not the same poster, redditor retard. maybe the lack of usernames confuses the redditor
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>thread is filled with an actual redditor chimping out
gnostics not sending their best
nice edit element samefag kek
you're both retards, retard B.
textbook cope. lol - lmao, even
fuck off, samefag retard A.
don't cry just because you got found out little gnostikiddie
firmly anti gnostics, they are midwit redditors
>le trannies
>le sex
>le reddit
is this the intellectual ceiling for anti-gnosticism?
switching sides now because you got humiliated? how pathetic.
You know we haven't used "le" even unironically since 2017, redditor?
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kek gnostics confirmed for incel redditors
Indeed. I am a gnostic and subsequently pathetic. you got me.
2024 /lit/ is just 2010 /v/
>le board culture
i'm glad you are able to admit it. i accept your concession.
Yes, we know at this point (as you have gone over multiple times ITT) that you stick out as a redditor and come from there.
samefag arguing with himself for attention
You're welcum
samefag trying to boost xir's own posts
anti-gnostics got nay nayed on.
2010 /v/ actually mogs 2024 /lit/ in basically every way. less third worlders = higher quality discussions
I could easily get pussy especially where I'm living now but it's pointless.
volcel is much more dignified than involuntary
volcel is an incel cope if you werent an odious little redditor you could easily find a woman WORTH having sex with
i'm talentless and rather dumb so the focus on gnosis rather than faith is really appealing to me.
i fantasize about achieving some sort of transformation by putting in years of work and toil into knowledge eschewed by others. that's all it is, really.
having sex is a hylic cope
sense-addicts like you are so fucking miserable.
Your mom calling from the kitchen: try transforming these dishes from dirty to clean
lmao sour grapes niggas
>anything that doesn't have to do with COOOOOMING is cope
Your brain on coom
funny, i have to clean up and cook for my girlfriend because she's useless
ebonics using retard. you are not even bronze tier. a straight monkey. you are the ideal puppet of the demiurge, forever trapped in the world of generation.
The biggest thing gnosticism had going for it was the unique and edgy cosmology that felt like secretive and revelatory knowledge. Too bad reddit found out about it lol.
>he lets reddit dictate his views on reality
>you could easily find a woman WORTH having sex with
There are none. I'm better than you, too. I'm a volunteer firefighter and save families from fires for free, and also an EMT. You can keep getting your hopes up, though. You seem very young and sex is indeed nice.
lmaooooo dude come on
yeah. stop posting lmaooo like a girl, faggot.
oh yeah? well i'm a chief double firefighter astronaut and i save 30 babies per second and pay for the privilege! who's pathetic now? you talk like a five year old
for all i know you are a 15 year old who has to go back to school in 2 weeks LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS NIGGA BUGGIN THO FR FR
How is this loathsome Niggerbeast still here
are anti-gnosties this negroidic
you're effeminate. the other guy writes like a man, you write like a child.
I didn't give you permission to respond to my post. You're going to suffer a lot, kid. Don't reply again.
>are anti-gnosties this negroidic
yes. big overlap with anti-vegans/carnis, too. something deeply sad and performative about what they take to be masculinity.
go back
This thread made me gain sympathy for Gnostics because of this nigger chimp zoomer talking about "dat pussy and $$$ nigga fr bix nood mf gnostics str8 Ohio"
lmao at how easily the gnostic redditors here were trolled
kek, that was the plan.

t. the gnosticanon who baited the tiktok reject into embarrassing himself
you cant stop me faggot redditor
shouldn't you be off crying little reddit tears about the beautiful reality God made for you?
wait what is Ohio i dont know that one

im a woman actually
gnostics afraid to reply when a woman enters the thread

pussy makes them sour grapes niggas quiver like scared chihuahuas
tits or gtfo
sorry you have to admit you like material reality first then you can see them because i am a material girl
gooo goooo gaaa gaaaa *fart*
I renounce gnosticism maam...
The rhetorical height of Gnosticism. You are a shining example of your kind.
boobooo bapanaga
Because it's a way to be like
>I know the secret truth
Which is bonerfuel for every sperg online including most of you
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alright you earned it
samefag retard
awanababa ra goo ga
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take your meds schizo
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Wow, I can edit images too.
>inspect element
Pathetic and cowardly liar.
i made every single post in this thread
Nice, me too. Anti-gnostics blown the fuck out again.
clearly gnostics were the ones who lost in this thread fucking retard redditor
why are you still here samefagging? dont you have a family? a job?
It's more like "I believe in christianism but the old testament is just intellectually impossible to believe in, if we consider a good God. But this version of the story makes perfect sense and is 100% solid, without flaws"
It's all hobgoblin nonsense
Prove it then

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>thread teasing gnostics for being midwit redditors is filled with pants-shitting gnostics getting trolled
You are the personification of the current state of /lit/.
>disprove all of religion right now in a 4chan thread
>omgggggggg you're ruining the board!!!!
And it truly was a very Muppets Christmas Carol
I claimed that gnosticism is 100% solid, without flaw. You claimed that gnosticism was nonsense. I asked you to prove your claim. You don't need to disprove all of a religion. To prove that something isn't 100% solid without flaw, you just need to find one single nonsense to prove the first claim wrong. Does that makes sense for you? Or should I explain it like I would a toddler?
>Or should I explain it like I would a toddler?
What do you use as your evidence that gnosticism is solid
Nta but you lost, dude. He chewed it up and shat it out for you and all you have is a basedboy and greentext
go back to plebbit, tourist
Thats not even the same anon you spergalicious definition make them Boyz go loco
The stories of the Old Testament do not make sense under the assumption that God is good, at least for me, and it looks like a completely different God than Jesus. I read the Nag Hammadi, which are ancient texts supposedly found in 1945 in Egypt, and it presents a version of the story that makes complete sense. Why does Jesus contradict the law that the God from the OT gave all the time? Why did the God from the OT ask Adam "Where are you?" if he is all-knowing? Why did God destroy the Tower of Babel, fearing that humans would reach Him, if he is all-powerful? Why would God be "jealous" when people worship "other gods," if he is the only God in existence? Who is he jealous of? Why did God let His angels descend into the world, rape human women, and generate the Nephilim?
Sorry for so many questions, but it seems like Jesus Christ is a completely different person from this God.
nahh he got you bro lmao
None of the stories make any fucking sense because they're stories written down by men in a book. You know like, Harry Potter or the Iliad. They're not real things that happened.
So there's your proof. My belief system is predicated upon things i can either observe, or logically comprehend in the abstract. Yours is based on reading a fucking fanfic and then going "but which part of this storybook is the real part?"
Don't ever speak about "proof" again.and get off the drugs.
Brahman is one supreme God mayonnaise cumskin goblins

Jew worshipping filth my people reared skyscrapers and controlled the movment of moon while you scrabble in caves for cast off foreskins to gobbling
Ok? That might be a good answer if it was what I asked.
Sadly, I asked for proof of "nonsense" inside the story of gnosticism.
And, as you said, you can only prove what you see, but you can't unprove what you can't see.
>controlled the movement of the moon
What? kek
The nonsense part of it is that it's not real. That's what I'm saying. The reason the OT doesn't line up with the NT is because they're both myths, stories, they didn't happen. So that's why there's a mismatch. Thats why its nonsense
read mahabharata jew worshipper it is historic document unlike politic greed lie of Bible or Principia Sophia jesus was a con man and you buy it. you would give your sister to a wild man or jew
You are correct. The OT and the NT doesn't line up at all. But the OT lines up with gnosticism, and the NT lines up with gnosticism, and both at the same time match gnosticism. Even if it isn't real, the story still makes sense under gnosticism, and it doesn't makes sense under modern christianity.

I am not asking if gnosticism is real or not, I am asking if gnosticism makes sense.

To put it in an allegory: I can say "Thomas has only one apple, which is blue". Well, blue apples don't exist, but this story makes sense. If I follow that phrase with "Thomas ate his only apple, which was red" then the story turns nonsensical. But if I reveal that 2000 years ago a guy wrote in the middle "A wizard came and turned the blue apple into a red one", and some organization decided to burn those writings, then the story makes sense again.
You said without flaws. Under that framing, it's valid, but not sound. The soundness issue is the flaw
What book is this?
The Journals of a Redditor Gnostic by a Midwit
You retard they're all parables they're not supposed to be sound.
It's heckin SECRET and ESOTERIC Christianity that was SUPPRESSED by the patriarchal chuds. Also they say that the spirit is more important than the body and I feel that as a transwoman.

Also holy shit what a garbage thread.
It is satanic.
you stick out. go back,
>nooooo you are supposed to trust the hecking councilerino and worship the pagan triad!
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You want the real answer? They're too socially inept and awkward to join a masonic lodge.
If your religion says Jews worship a demiurge your based. Case closed.
they're based midwits at best
At worst
for you
How so? It worships christ
This is the worst thread I have ever read
Easiest answer for the evil paradox
people get into gnosticism because they're beginning to develop a sense of spirituality, but since they're from liberal, irreligious backgrounds, they'd rather read 1000 gnostic scriptures and perform occult rituals than just go to church and be beholden to moral laws. for them, that's the hardest thing to do.
Torrenting actually gets you something. Gnostic belief can’t even do that right.
That is true.
He wasn't talking about pain and suffering. Some gnostics believe pain is a good sign. He was talking about evil. If you think evil is the same as pain and therefore that evil is somehow good then you might not have thought out your own faith that much
Indeed. Monks and nuns are pathetic excuses for human beings.
4chan posters mog them
Indeed. 4chan users are better human beings than monks and nuns
I think there was a monk who posted on pol over 10 years ago. kind of lol
I wouldn't know. I don't go on /pol/. I also don't like to torture myself by shaming myself for not having sex or something like some of the incels-in-denial who are posting here.
cool story, brah
I mean, it's obvious isn't it? Why else would somebody so vehemenently bring it up unless he knew how much it bothered him specifically? Why would he even bother to reply with such a meaningless non-response unless he felt somehow obligated?
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Because they're retarded and can't understand Genesis 1-3.
It's antisemitism, plain and simple :^)
Why are Christians so hostile towards people who use reason and logic instead of blindly believing in Jewish fairy tales?
Why would Jesus quote OT if all fairytales??? Read sum patristix broski
Eat shit Judeo-Christian. Gnosticism is based
Spirituality without morality, faux hidden knowledge, much problem of evil (despite the fact it's still a problem in Gnosticism)
He's wrong because he's a retarded schizo jew like everyone else in the times of Christ.
Stfu oldtroon.
Not a single thing about the entire corpus of gnosticism is rooted in logic or rationality.
Day 1,827 of begging for a religious board to not have this spam every fucking day
I refuse to read jewish proselitism
>in this moment, I am euphoric.... not because of any fake and gay demiurge's blessing but because I am enlightened by my own gnosis (I started jerkin and smoking weed and watched evangelion and then bought a copy of nag hammadi texts and began posting on /x/)
Why are so many anons obsessed with reddit? It’s weird. From what I see their literature subs are much better than /lit/ albeit slower, since here functions a lot like generic social media for many nu-/lit/ anons
did you do this yourself? is that why the example is so specific? when did you grow out of it?
Pretty much
>waaaaahhhh le evil mean demiurge wont let me have buttsex!

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