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Please recommend any historical fiction book, no matter which period
Q by Luther Blissett takes place during Protestant Reformation
Doctor Zhivago
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The Flashman papers by George MacDonald Fraser
The Long Ships by Frans Bengtsson
I, Claudius by Robert Graves
Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield
The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson
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Currently on the third book of this trilogy, has been a fantastic read. BBC adaptation of the first two books is great too, adaptation of the third novel is dropping this year
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Read the real thing.
Samarkand is a recent favourite
I do, but I like historical fiction as well. To imagine an enviroment settled in a past time is comfy, you experience things alongside the characters. That is a kind of perspective that plain historical books dont give us often, because it minds more major events than everyday life.
Colleen McCullough The Masters of Rome series:
The First Man in Rome (1990); spanning the years 110–100 BC
The Grass Crown (1991); spanning the years 97–86 BC
Fortune's Favourites (1993); spanning the years 83–69 BC
Caesar's Women (1997); spanning the years 67–59 BC
Caesar (1998); spanning the years 54–48 BC
The October Horse (2002); spanning the years 48–41 BC
Antony and Cleopatra (2007); spanning the years 41–27 BC
the above from Wikipedia

Sharon Kay Penman:
The Sunne in Splendour
The Land Beyond The Sea

Welsh Princes trilogy
Here Be Dragons
Falls the Shadow
The Reckoning

Plantagenet series
When Christ and His Saints Slept
Time and Chance
Devil's Brood
A King's Ransom

Allan W. Eckert The Frontiersmen series
-Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa (About Hideyoshi)
-Dumas: the sequels to The Three Musketeers series dive way more into history (Louis XIV). Also Le Reine Margot (The Valois)
-Gates of Fire (and most of his work) by Steven Pressfield
-Most of Bernard Cornwall's work (The Sharpe series being the most famous)
-James Clavell's stuff, though it is definitely a "reimagining" (Though that can be said about most historical fiction)
-War and Peace (though this is more about the people that lived through historic events, opposed to the events themselves or the historical figures involved - though those events and figures do definitely play a part)
-Shakespeare's history plays

That's all I have for now.
I'll throw in another vote for Gate of Fire. Makes you feel like a badass spartan
Cadfael series
20 books of medieval monk mystery
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>be Gustav Flaubert
>invent the sword and sorcery genre
Patrick O'Brian
>Please recommend any historical fiction book
Any book on evolution or the big bang.
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Didius Falco
It's kind of strange that S&S evolved to become one of the most lowbrow and least respected of all genres when the original S&S book is a literary masterpiece written by one of the most respected novelists of the 19th century.
Memoirs of Hadrian
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Not OP but a based thread, lots for me to read
just read this and it was extremely good. eco has great historical fiction novels under his belt
I want to read this but I stop every time I get to the talking dog
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Salambo is og and today would be considered mega problematic lol
Heard this is good
Nobody has read this i guarentee
>I, Claudius by Robert Graves
British political satire
Also erotica (Read White Goddess to understand why)

>The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson
>Patrick O'Brian
Gay husband erotica (no sex).
Time to die faggot
Kill yourself
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Youngblood Hawke

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