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>my favorite book of all time is Consider the Lobster and Other Essays by David Foster Wallace
What type of person do you imagine?
my dad
chill person
Has anyone ever said this?
i'd imagine people struggling with depression
I'm sure you enjoy the smell of your own farts.
>David Fobster Wobster
I would imagine you aren't well read.
i bet you havent even read this book kek. pretentious lil freak
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Someone who has never read pic
Some beings are biologically immortal, in that it can die through mortal means, but can technically live forever. Certain jellyfish, lobsters, and microbes have this property.
Are his essays really that bad?
>can't even google the book to find a free essay
find out for yourself
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This is turritopsis dohrnii which clones itself in polyps and does not have a maximum lifespan, but can die by natural means.
based /scilit/ crossover
His essays are more pop-nonfiction since they were usually published for magazines, good for light reading
they're fun.
I don't know
a whore a bourgeois
Can you repeat the question?
Where have you heard that? His nonfiction is just about as good as his fiction. Most of his nonfiction is definitely towards the funnier side, but is still insightful. But his "serious" nonfiction is some of the most astute shit on the planet earth.

For an essay, check out "E Unibus Pluram".

For a nonfiction piece he gave as a speech, check out "Laughing with Kafka".

The former is a longer read, the latter will only take a couple of minutes to read, or about 10 minutes to listen to his actual speech.
A lobster trying to pass as a human nice try!!!
Mainstream libtard pseud probably
This is how this essay was conceived in DFW's mind: "Hmm... I've been requested to write an article for a FOOD magazine... FOOD magazines are about CONSUMPTION of food... well what if I told people that in order to CONSUME animals, we must harm them?" and then he just threw in a bunch of overexamined details about how Fat and American the whole thing was to make it "observant" or "funny".

The essays are exceptionally overrated and not close to his best writing. Another terrible but lauded piece is his cruise ship essay. Believe it or not, when David Foster Wallace isn't writing about consoomerland (his entire schtick basically copied from DeLillo's white noise, a novel that aged like milk and was not even original when it was published), he can actually write some strong introspective tract.

I'd only respect someone saying a Wallace book is their favorite if they picked "Oblivion". Nowhere else is there good writing. His mind matured there.
I liked it. Host was more of a journalistic look into talk radio before the internet.
loberal arts college graduate
You’re in your early thirties. At one time in your life you wore a beanie as part of your daily outfit. You stopped because you thought it might make you go bald. You went bald, but not all the way, not enough to make it worth shaving. Your parents divorced in your late adolescence.You’re single now, and your last proper relationship ended two years ago. You still fuck, occasionally, where you can get it. You’re not unattractive. You work an admin job, probably government or a university, somewhere in lower-middle management. You live in a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina. You have a mortgage, and you’re hoping that the inheritance and/or life insurance from your parents will pay off the balance when the time comes. You don’t feel guilty about this secret hope, which you feel strangely about. You have a dog that you’re worried you’re neglecting, even though you’re not. You masturbate about twice a week.
Could pass as a DFW passage
We’ll done anon
Probably a closet gooner. The book is good, but I feel its peaks are the porn essay at the very start and the John McCain essay a bit later on.
Why a fucking lobster?
Someone who has only read one book, Consider the Lobster and Other Essays by David Foster Wallace

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