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Yum Yum Pancakes edition

What's your fav pancake? Mines dosa (south indo) and blini (eastern yuro)

Previous >>23623290
AI apocalypse imminent. And yet you're wasting your last days shitposting on 4channel.
I'm having a goddamn existential crisis at 53
infuriating how mind goblins are STILL being utilized in this day and age in visual novels
Our current LLM models have already started petering out
AIs are of literal no harm. The only harm is retarded globohomo corpos desperately wanting number go up
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dubs we smooch
blessed cat OP
bodes very well for this thread
may there be no trannyposting and rage
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When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be afraid of them, for the Lord your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 20:1
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Together they will be like warriors in battle trampling their enemy into the mud of the streets. They will fight because the LORD is with them, and they will put the enemy horsemen to shame.

Zechariah 10:5
Please elaborate. I’m curious. What new thing is there to crises over at that age? Or is it just rehashing the same one as always? Does it feel different than earlier crises?
Llama3 just came out and it was a nothingburger.
We’re stuck until a new architecture/paradigm shift.
Anons! My sons had a fight where my younger son kicked my older son out of his apartment for unknown reasons! Why would he do this! They haven't spoken to each other in a year!! What do I do?!!
Have you considered that you're actually gay and you just don't realize it yet?
Breakups with a destiny loved one, deaths in the family (aunts and uncles), friends dying, I'll have to answer your questions later. I'm contemplating the void rn.
I wish I were gay, since I hate foids. I've tried, but hairy men grunting as they romp utterly disgusts me.
Fuck. I did it again.
I don't really understand the context here. Did they live together? Did the younger son rent out the apartment to the elder?
Feeling lonely, I want to deepen my knowledge of theology and learn Latin. I want to spread the word of God in Latin but for that I need to be a priest, and I want to marry and be a father
When you plunge beneath the waves to weave your baskets, and see racebaiting and bussy-deep trooning and the eternal inceldom before you, you shall not be disheartened, for the God of Forums Underwater, Lord Savior Moot, is with you, who taught your ancestors the art of weaving baskets holy wholly amongst the ancient kelp forests beneath.

Hiroshimoot 4:20
>I've tried
That anon has no discipline. I tried, and I succeeded. It's hard, sweaty, but every night now I reap the fruits of my labours.
I am moving into a new apartment this week, another new apartment. I’ve gotten good at moving, purging, detachment, adapting to a new environment. You get used to new places after a month. All the novel inconveniences begin to dull, and you accept the new situation.
Purging belongings is the most liberating part of a move. Every full bag dropped down the trash chute is a small suicide. Throwing away attachments. Preparing to be reborn in a new apartment, a new city. Trimming the fat. I’m wiping old computer hard drives, throwing out a pile of official looking mail that has been sitting unopened in a drawer for months, throwing out old clothes, a cheap and seldom cleaned coffee maker, dropping it all down the chute. Lighter with each dropped bag, rising like an air-balloon.
I’ve had two co-workers offer to help me move, I’ve already hired movers, so I don’t need their help, but I was surprised they offered. Are they just nice people? Why would they offer to help me? I’d rather just pay some Mexicans with a big truck and good work ethic to move my few pieces of furniture, and my books. The movers are costing me around 800 dollars. Seems a little expensive, but I don’t care. When my co-workers hear I’m hiring movers, it raises their eyebrows. They think the cost would be prohibitively expensive, not to mention when they ask how much my rent is, and I tell them. They don’t understand how I can afford it. We have the same salary, after all. What I neglect to mention is that I make an extra 25000 a year in VA disability for alleged PTSD. I always did consider myself to be a mercenary, never a patriot, even when I was 18. I’d just rather not explain to them the nuanced justification for my disability money. It’s not that I have PTSD, I killed people for money, and I knew it, it doesn’t bother me. I talked to a shrink during the VA evaluation and just told him what I did and saw, and he checked the box. I think pretty much anyone who saw combat can get that box checked if they want. I don’t think I have PTSD; whatever I’ve got I had already had.
She is making me a house warming gift. Something creative. She said my apartment needed some color, and that it looked like a dungeon (the apartment I’m leaving). I think it might be a painting, but she won’t say. She also offered me some plant propagations, so I could have something alive and green. That’s probably a good idea, there are nice windows at my new place, but I don’t want to have to think about her all the time. I don’t want to water a plant and think about her. If she is painting me a painting I’ll have to hide it in a closet.
The older one was staying with the younger one while he was sorting out his job situation. He had been unemployed and low on cash at the time. He didn't want to come home so chose to stay with his brother. They got into some fight and now they don't speak, they don't look into each other's eyes, nothing!! They've never been like this ever before. How do boys deal with this sort of issues? Is this permanent??
>I tried
>I succeeded
>It's hard
>every night now I reap the fruits of my labours
Are you gay?
Flight it out and no, it's not permanent, usually
why don't you kiss me and find out
lol I had something similar happen to me in Milwaukee about a decade ago, except he was a 40-something beer-bellied white guy and he followed me for a couple blocks, asking my name and if I wanted to watch some porno with him.
Kill the older son. He’s a methhead gooner.
I’m not a guy, though.
I'm talking about gay porn. Pretty every straight guy has watched gay porn at least once.
>he has friends and family
Oh, psht, nvm.
americans, is it true that black people commit the most violence and racism against east asian, south asian, and SEA communities?
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>Pretty sure
>at least once
What is your point? Do you wanna blow me?
That are dying. Don't forget that oh-so-very salient part.
None of us are, either
well then lick my pp and find out if I'm straight
>immediately suggests gay fellatio
>realized i can make my novel ultra kino if i pepper in biblical allusions, parallels, and cheeky references such as in character's names, settings, seemingly random numbers actually referencing a related scripture passage

low key really glad i read all of the Bible so i can pull stuff here and there now. oh yeah we brewing up kino tonight boys
Anon, I've been reading your posts for a while now, and I think you really do have some kind of PTSD. You dance around the issue, but what you did and saw really seems to have affected you deeply, since you keep coming back to it.
Slick Rick is a God
What's the lore behind this poster? Did he actually kill innocent people?
Former Army Ranger, killed 3-5 hostile fighters in Afghanistan during a raid or some shit, posts about it every 2-8 weeks. He used to post pics as well.
Damn he must certainly have some form of PTSD

I bet WWOYM has some interesting posters. Anyones of note?
I honestly can't think of any other interesting regulars in these threads. /k/ had a tier 1 SOF operator who posted regularly between 5 and 12 years ago (Ricky) and a smattering of Green Berets and other peeps but they don't post nearly as often these days.
Better to have loved and lost etc
There's a few anons I recognize implicitly because of their posting style, and their tendency to post about similar topics. But I don't call it out.
No "interesting characters" if that's what you mean though.
>abloobloo I signed up to kill people for money as an adult and then killed people for money as an adult
I wouldn’t care if Epstein had PTSD either
They should have PTSD
I'm an interesting character and I don't care what anyone says
There's that one late 20s/eariy 30s failed-to-launch bookcel that always posts here.
>few anons I recognize implicitly
list em
That’s 80% of people here
I see what you did there you sneaky ass muthafucka
No. It would defeat the purpose of the site
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sure you are anon
I'm not a frogposter, at least
aw okay
just thought it was breddy cool how you could identify anons solely by their writing style
I aspire to be one of those anons

The frogs are riled up
good, they deserve nothing but the guillotine
They're being polite, they are not french
I may be a frog poster, but I would kms before being french
Tbf it's better than waiting for the french to do it
I've been thinking about releasing a series of DVDs where I watch documentaries in the public domain (PBS shit etc), not streamed but filming the TV with a shitty video camera while i lay on the couch. every so often I'll yell out "these ho's wild'n!!!" like a black person, and nothing else, as commentary.
If a French kills you it wasn't a real french, it was a negroid immigrant with French citizenship
There was this suicidal anon who used to post in every thread about how ugly he was and how he was planning to kill himself by getting really drunk and falling off of a bridge. He hasn't been around in a few months, so maybe he actually went through with it. Another memorable poster with a distinctive style is the anon who molested his underaged sister, he will show up every few weeks/months to vaguepost about how guilty he feels. There's also schizo girl, but maybe she's back on her meds since she seems to have stopped posting.
Yeah I didn't wanna call him out. There's several recognizable suicide anons but he was really far gone. The others still pop in now and then so I hope they're okay.
Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither
The right is so cooked bro. Anytime I see American rightists talking about political solutions they demonstrate a total lack of awareness about the current situation. These people need to read Spengler and read Spengler again and again. This organic non-philosophical civilization is never coming back. Ever. Westerners understand the world in almost purely philosophical terms and that’s a fact. The right is just afraid to admit that because the philosophy they’d take up is obviously Nazism.
Summer flowers bloom
and bloom again and again—
eternal blooming
I have so much contempt for guiltposters.
Bro don’t do that your mum will die
The mountains white peak,
melting in the summer heat.
Hahah look at that fucking cat!!!
Just keep killing time,
til there isn’t any left
waiting patiently
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They’re trying to play the victim of themselves in this simpering recursive infantile way, seeking to get parenting from the listener.
People that are simply pathetic, failures to launch, depressives, etc that do this have at least the defense of being authentically childlike. They are genuinely pathetic.
People that have transgressed, defiled, broken the social contract are being so inauthentically. They’ve shown that they can be the predator, which is to say inherently the adult.
It’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
up and down the ratdical road the radical rascal ran up arrhur's seat the edinburgh tourist trap tattoos thick on the fringe. the fringe facilitates fag fops performing pedant one man shows and improv and music blaring loud into scotland's ex-capital. its the sould clarence that heroin wanted to kill but couldnt mores' the pity. westerly woods and the deep gash fishing bay tell tale of old autumns but betray false flashes, flush forth the fossils and ground down glass of a million broken bottles on the bleak beach.
Which one are you
Have any of you had success losing a significant amount of weight, like 50 lbs. or more? If so, how did you do it?
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Lifts for this feel in your country (that I can read)?
Scientifically speaking of course
You're right? Like right and wrong?
I wasn't asking about the picture. You brought up pathetics, predators. How do you envision yourself?
>wikipedia down

Holy fucking shit what is happening
I’ve lost 80 lbs about five times.
The only time it could have maybe worked out was when I did couch to 10k and actually got into and enjoyed running.
The current time might work out because I’m on tirzepatide. The thought that if I’d been born 15ish years later I’d have been put on it immediately and never had to be the fat kid is truly upsetting.
tf really?
Oh, I’m nothing. Hermit. Nobody. Guilty of nothing and credited with nothing.
Yeah went from 105 kgs to 79 kg. Dunno that in burger units. It was entirely diet control for me. Aimed for 1800 kcal and 60-70g protein daily. Got rid of all sugar, snacks, juices, fizzy drinks. Didn't drink my calories. Upped my protein intake. Upped my dietary fiber thru veg, oats, and chia seeds. Drank tons of water. Had a pizza every 2 weeks to keep my family. Obsessively played Elden Ring to forget about the hunger pangs.

Go to >>>/fit/ and read the sticky for all the knowledge you need. Put your info into a weight loss calc and figure out a workable caloric deficit. Ultimately just do whatever you can to not eat excess calories over a long period of time. Very achievable imho.
>France still trying to undo the promises it made to its colonies when they thought they might lose them all to Hitler
>When the wild pelican resolves to give its breast to its young to devour, having as witness only the one who knew how to create such love, in order to shame men, although the sacrifice is great, this act is understandable. When a young man sees, in the arms of his friend, a woman he idolized, he then begins to smoke a cigar; he does not leave the house, and forms an indissoluble friendship with pain; this act is understandable.
So is that what you think the best diet strategy is? Just upping your fiber? I cannot figure out a good diet for me. I can lose weight pretty easily by fasting but I never feel like I’m eating health no matter what I eat. It feels like I get bloated and fat from everything.
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Being a 20 something khv isn't fun
You seem more interested in combat than communication
try 30
It was a lot of protein and veg tbqf. I'd keep simple carbs like bread or sugar to a minimum. Mostly had complex carbs like oats.

Maybe try that. High protein, low on simple carbs, and lots of veg. I did have chia seeds or psyllium husk in case i need a bit more dietary fiber for good tummy feels and amazing shits.
It was I, who presumed to know why people fuck up and feel guilt, and then eviscerated them and their motivations, all while absolving myself as among the blameless?
Not I. I'm not a combative person. I'm having a laugh.
Yes, you, the hit dog barking
What are those guilty of serious acts to do?
More of that omniscience
If their crimes, then they need to go to jail. If they're not criminal, just interpersonal, then they either need to suck it up and take accountability, or keep ruining the lives of others and their own, while playing the victim. Many people choose to kill themselves.
Most people in this world (including you, if you're honest with yourself) have wronged others, to varying degrees. The world isn't strictly divided into the good and the guilty.
Oh do shut up with your crackpot bullshit, thank you
My girlfriend blew at me just now. Knew this was coming for a long time. She says she feels compromised. I am frankly expecting to be dumped any day now.
Yes, that was precisely my point to the All Seeing Eye in his little crab shell. Don't know why you're telling this to me.
I don't want much from life. When worked for it I hardly feel happier about the rewards it gives in comparison to other people. Sex, great tasting food, friendships, exercise, having disposable income...I feel like my ADHD brain just gives zero fucks about it and being addicted to vidya and porn has possibly also fried my brains' reward mechanism.
Books for this feel?
He probably thought you were the hermit guy. I'm confused
To who?
Atonement is personal. You cannot atone to a stranger.
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Just had the greatest fap ever. Those two Asian girls dancing and making out was sooooo fucking hot.
Oblomov if you want some puritan shaming of your sloth
My diary desu for tfw
I feel the terminal argument coming any day now. I don't feel ready.
what is it with americans and their food and wank diaries
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>im going to be le alone :(
get over it. i don't know how you pansies get girlfriends
Idk, this is one of the only times I've actually experienced real pleasure from wanking to porn.
The sea saw E's with ease on the seesaw
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Here let me restore balance
Is that subway? I'm glad the only one nearby is worked by shifty Indians because it stops me from buying anything there. I just can't get it out of my mind that their shitstained hands will be all over the food.
That's not the rough part of a terminal argument
What is
The part where someone you've been as close as possible with for a long time picks you utterly apart.
The feces would help strengthen your immune system.
I get my ideas from fiction, also nonfiction.
Ball up homeboy
you'll live
Nah, Jersey Mike’s so it’s actually good.
Yes, I will. It's also better than continuing a terminal scenario. I am steeling myself.
i will next year
I think there something wrong with me that I never do this.
Like I still hate them for a while, and if someone asks me about them I’ll shit talk them, but I don’t do that thing where you say anything to make them feel bad all at once. Even when they do it to me. I don’t want to do that BPD shit. I don’t want to be that person.
I don't either. I don't want to make anyone feel bad. I guess that's my whole problem: I could have made this less horrid had I put my foot down more and earlier. Live and learn.
post the worst thing a woman has ever said to you
speak for yourself bud
you are like a lil baby

It's good that you don't do that.
Tbh women, people I’m dating, have rarely said anything cruel to me.
Cruelest things have always been from male family members denying my sanity and manhood.
The only mean things women I’ve dated have said have been about me being fat, which is just, true and not upsetting to hear.
I hope so. Sometimes you regret not saying it as much as saying it.
>sometimes you regret
Nah. Trust me. You don't.
>Nah. Trust me. You don't.
Just trust me. You wont regret not saying it, when compared with saying it.
writing a 21st century Don Quixote.
Confederacy of dunces?
ah, fuck. I forgot.
>Roomate rudely asks me to turn off the light and keep it down while I'm walking around the room silently
>Kept the lights on for hours a previous night to do work that he had plenty of time to do during the day
>Is currently watching loud anime
>sharing a living space with strangers
do americans really
Because you'll feel regret
The woman got away with it.
Yes. Even after college.
for losing your cool or what?
I have to for my job, unfortunately. I'm trying to fix my failures in life so that I have roommates at 27 and not at 40
I'm pretty demanding about some things, not others, and am a law and order kind of guy who feels most at home in the exurbs and those parts of cities where the standards of quiet and security are high enough that one can sleep pretty much any time of the day or night, with hardly any shits given whether the car is locked or the front door is open to the breeze at 3AM on some pleasantly cool July night. I've pretty much found my Elysium, and am happy in it--harmless and eccentric neighbors most particularly included. As for literary recommendations, in your case I haven't a clue, since I loathe anything having to do with video games, but have a weird passion for gardening. driving fast in big cars on rural interstates, and essays that one can get lost in, as one is expected to do, ordinarily, in fantasy.
Man is the nigger of Being.
Is it possible to combine femdom fetishism and shakti tantra? If my gf LARPs as Kali hard enough will it become real like the Nerevarine forcing the prophecy? Real answers only please
It appears that I have a necessity to eject yellow bodily fluids from my reproductive appendage at this given moment upon the floating rock skyrocketing through space.
>It appears that I have a necessity to eject yellow
Based, the rest is reddit..
For saying mean spirited shit to people you love, yeah. That's worse than not saying any of it
Thank you for your critique. I'll be sure to take that into consideration next time!
Yeah. When you say cruel things to someone else, you almost always regret it.
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You got that, buddy?! Good, and don't you forget it. This may be useful to you someday
I was having sex yesterday with my wife of 3 years.
Sometimes I think that ideas are overrated, compared to personality capable of developing them with a certain kind of charm, rigor, or some combination of both. For instance, there will never be another Wright or Haydn, no matter what, but there's something almost inevitable about Newton and Darwin, neither of whom move me much when I'm in the mood to be moved.
she didn't regret it
You don't know that and even if she didn't, that doesn't matter. You clearly have the temperament where you would.
You probably don't know this, but some of what you're saying is actually true.
>that doesn't matter
it does
No it doesn't. Well. How do you mean it, I suppose. It matters, in what way?
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Imagine having roomates at all.
If I lived with strangers I'd go fucking insane
I stayed in a hostel once with a few friends and one stranger. Didn't sleep at all. Fuck that
only weak people regret their cruelty
No, she did regret it.
Next time just say you view yourself as weak so I don't have to play a game of tap dance on an anime forum
I’ve been really fortunate in my life and I feel really bad for people that are less fortunate. I know it’s cringe but when some anon describes how they’re in some dead end wagie retail or food service job and don’t have any friends or family and they’re short and ugly or whatever and they talk about how unhappy they are, my heart actually breaks for them and I want desperately to help them.
I wish I weren't so dependent on people for praise. It makes me weak, selfish, and incapable of love. I should be more watchful of this fault of mine moving forward.
no you don't
>next time just tell us you're weak
I just shit my fucking pants

I should just dress up in a 50s LARP suit and poison myself at this rate.
whenever i read some post bitching about being in a shitty wagie job i just think why don't they go to school? that's literally all you have to do. i feel bad for them but the way out is not a mystery.
just ordered a vr headset so I can pretend I'm a hot girl without buying gir's clothes. I'm pretty excited.
>just go into crushing debt on a minimum wage income without reliable transportation and while making your rent
Not a mystery
it's a mystery because poor class mentality is something those above created to exploit people who think they're hot for paying rent and slaving away at Dickem's LLC so they can pay off their honda. living well without money is the mystery.
Cicero, Seneca, or Plutarch?
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I miss my ex best friend. I haven't spoken to him in a year and a half and never will be able to again.
>yeah bro go be in debt to be equally jobless afterwards

great plan
This post is not about economics, by the way. It's about the petit-bourgeois as a category of man.
Internalized pessimism I think isn't so much an actual belief that there is no way out, but that it is also not worth doing. They are pessimistic about solutions and the results of solutions. It's just a lack of exposure to the possibilities of life. They don't know what they are missing, so they construct the most self-indulgent view of it they can.
The man with closed eyes says why should I see? The sun will burn and the ugliness will repulse me. I will keep them closed, thank you.
Or maybe those people are happy living the way they are and because you wouldn't be, you project and imagine that theyre pessimists
American here. I just ate half a pizza.
Read my post and the post I replied to before making your reply next time please
I'm not ready for the afterlift but it sounds way more interesting than this shit
I can eat a whole pizza by myself. What are you doing?
broken bruised forgotten sore
American here. I just ate 7 cheeseburgers.
European here. I haven't eaten anything, just smoked a cigarette
I have skinny legs and calves but a huge dick
American here. Just had nigger ass for dinner.
Why are you so angry?
American here. Just ate a full of pack of dino nuggets.
I'm not that fat. I probably could eat the whole thing in one go but I reserve that kind of thing for days when I don't get a chance to eat until dinner and I've been working outside all day.
Went to a showing of deadpool and wolverine but didn't have identification for entrance.
AI smartest cloistered nerds to ever live...
Boomers dumbest most powerful political military industrial rulers to ever abuse...
We live in the dumbest of times the brightest of times. A demented timeline. Software is to smart people what prostitution is to beautiful lovely women...sickening and you get a big fat liver bombed gut and you look like shit when you do 3 tours in Bad Screenistan
American here. Just ate a full bag of chips.
I have to wake up at 7:15. The earliest I've ever woken up in my entire life.
>tfw have to wake up 5am everyday for work
>Woke up after a good nights sleep.
>Graduated my course.
>Came home.
>Turned my swag on.
>Am now eating leftover spaghetti and meatballs and listening to Steely Dan.
Yeah, my day's going alright.
It must suck to be executed. Being put on the wall or on the chopping block has to be one of the strongest emotions one can ever have historically
Don't knock it till you try it.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
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How stupid is it to write for the sake of redemption?
There's no stupid reason to write.
Do you think the reason regular people can't recognize how callous and evil everything in the world is, is just because they are too "good?"
Or, blind?
The way these major enterprise systems work, it's all an enormous slave plantation. Think about getting famous. You harvest the attention of people lower on the income scale than you are, and you have to do it using a manufactured persona. If you use an authentic persona, you're deemed "non brand safe" and can earn a moderate amount of money indie, if you get too big, they'll railroad you. If you're "brand safe," your attention harvesting capacity is used to sell products to plebs. In exchange, you get adorned with money, and you're able to own multiple businesses. The threat of destroying you is always in play, for something as slight as making an "n word" joke on a forum years before you were famous. So you keep up the fake persona and own businesses to supplement income.
Owning businesses at that scale as an owned person (a famous person), is functionally no different from owning a giant plantation of slaves.
Politicians sell narratives about virtue and justice to people while they, in reality, are accomplices to the largest cases of mass murder the world has ever seen, industrial scale mass murder and martially enforced poverty for most of the people on earth. So, "we care about equality" on one hand, and planning out mass murder on the other. Yet people, even now, seem to be largely unappreciative of this dissonance. They might understand corruption, but not the scale of the dissonance. The only thing I can think is that they're too sheltered and unaware of what evil really looks like.

I'm fried and not explaining this well but my basic thesis is that Earth is run like a slave plantation and most people, while understanding corruption, don't understand the global and highly codified institutionalism of what is, in effect, slavery and ritual murder on a daily basis. Does this make sense
Brit here. Just ate some good ole british classics like chicken tikka masaala and jamaican jerk chicken
Some people write just to prove that they're smart
So what?
That's pretty stupid desu
I need to make money while i study also. But I don't know how.
>I need to make money while i study
Yes because we are slaves
I'm broke man.
part time job
A job that pays you to study
I recommend The Failure of Technology by Friedrich Junger.
There's a new girl I'm dating, very sweet and ticks all the right boxes, but

>Doesn't drink any alcohol because she hates the taste
>Doesn't drink any coffee because she hates the taste
>Doesn't drink anything carbonated because it hurts her mouth
>Doesn't eat anything spicy whatsoever because it hurts
>Doesn't really enjoy anything pickled/bitter etc. etc. either
>Mostly eats just things like pasta and also loves sugary shit (even though she's a stick)

Is she autistic or something?
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I've been having an extended breakdown ever since Trump got shot at because as an American I think the war and violence I have known was coming for close to a decade is finally starting. Or, no; a breakdown is the wrong word. More like I'm getting into war footing, mentally, and I'm losing my shit at all the people around me who are not. How are these people not reading what is happening? How do they not realize that the last few weeks are the beginning of something that is only going to get worse?

My fellow Ameribros I beg you to at least MENTALLY prepare yourselves. I fear the hard times we have long predicted have started. I don't even know if we make it to the end of the year without a war. And it's all quite a different thing, when this is twenty years away or five years away versus when it is on your doorstep. It's a lot more stressful, this close up. Prepare, I beg you, prepare.
What would this war look like, exactly?
If Trump had been shot, what do you think would have happened?
>What would this war look like, exactly?

Both sides declare victory on election night. States take sides. No definitive conclusion. Secession. Partisans start to be deployed. US military starts to faction. Big dog hardware like submarines and bombers start to mutiny to this side and that.

Like Ukraine on steroids, probably. Lots of drones, lots of artillery. Two factions of elites sending people into a meat grinder.

>If Trump had been shot, what do you think would have happened?

Nikki Haley gets nominated at the RNC, wins the nomination. Maybe Biden drops out at some later date, maybe he doesn't. But things get "back to normal," or on the slow burn to wherever "They" want us to head. "Back to normal" went out the window when that bullet missed Trump. That has been the start of things that have really got me feeling all of this is accelerating. They are stepping on the gas pedal, and at the same time elites have flocked to Trump who otherwise would not have without that assassination attempt.
Sounds like her senses are well alive, and therefore so is she. That beats a sedated drone. Take care of her.
We are all broke. That's what I'm saying. Think about if you made 100x more than what you make right now. In relative terms you'd still be broke and you'd still be doing some inauthentic bullshit to maintain what you have. We are slaves.
Will do
Complaining about AI art might be the biggest pussy thing you can do.
You'd be knowingly wasting yourself, your time and skill, on a profoundly hollow venture, primarily and maybe even exclusively orbiting around the game of appearances, all so you could pwn a bunch of strawmen.
>I fear the hard times we have long predicted have started
When I was a small child, they blew up New York, lied about it, then seven years later openly said "lol sorry the economy is closed forever, enjoy lifetime slavery faggots."
>finally started
You are a sweet child but you don't know the fuckin half of it. For most of us, the current round of bullshit is nothing new and represents no sudden shift.
They've been lying for decades. They blew a presidents brains out in broad daylight, then told everyone "fuck you the bullet was magic lolol fuck you all." There ain't no "starting"
To clarify I don't mean any sort of violence is starting. I certainly won't participate in any violence. What I mean is that the psychological chaos inflicted by wilful deceptions has been generational and worldwide. This new event means nothing in the grand scheme
If people don't start to analyze systems from a meta point of view, nothing will change. The actors they throw up there for you aren't important. What is important is recognizing that we all create and are trained to enjoy, worship and protect our own mutual enslavement. Politics is all lies meant to keep people from analyzing this holistically. You are my brother. But I sit and plot how I can get above you, and how I can use you to benefit myself. I do not love you. Now multiply that by 8 billion give or take. That is why these things happen and will never end until that changes. Period
All my life I've heard many people say that they couldn't care any less what other people do. I've never understood that. Why don't you care? You don't have to completely involve yourself in another person's life but why not care? It just seems like emotionally-retarded and spiritually-bankrupt cope. I always care. On a basic human level, I'd like everyone to have good things happen to people. (Unless said people are evil)

I think the only people that think like that are people who have been at the receiving end of abject emotional neglect. I think it's good to care about things and people and want good things to happen to people in general.
Sexuality is nasty
The pleb masses are as evil as those running the plantation. It's a wonder they are obedient to the system at all. Therefore, it is a good system.
Probably some shit from my mother or grandmother, or a teacher that would hold a grudge towards a 9 year old.
Women are generally cruel creatures.
I dont think so. I think they're naive and overly trusting. Also, careless. But they're not wilfully evil most of the time. That's why any of this even worked to begin with.
Gonna order a Bluetooth adapter for my computer and some earphones from Amazon.
It isn’t that they’re blind and unaware.
Mostly it’s that they’re bad people that are ok with bad things happening.
That’s why the “wake up sheeple” stuff is so misguided.
1) her tits or gtfo
2) Go back
Oh trust me the pleb masses are very evil and mischievous. Lack of display of evil turns you into a punching bag.
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That was me the other day but these bad boys, also American
False dichotomy
t. genuine pathetic failure but also sadistic with some sociopathic tendencies
I used to have one friend in highschool. When he graduated and moved out, he never once reached out to me again, even though he would visit our hometown regularly. Guess he wasn't really my friend after all.
Why? Why does it matter to you so much?
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Once you start believing in reincarnation you stop worrying as much.
An American civil war in today would be like the Troubles. Just a protracted insurgency, maybe the army shoots a few people every once in a while
This. A full scale war would never happen. The US is too big and diverse for conventional warfare. The average person isn’t going to leave his family to go out and fight. 99.99% of people will just blow off steam bitching on social media.
Yeah I cope too I just believe in an afterlife
These look like dog treats

Nobody likes hearing this but sometimes if you want to keep a relationship going you have to be the one to put in the work. He didn't reach out to you, but did you reach out to him?
>be me
>submit poetry to a indie jew york literary magazine
>receive rejection within 24 hours kek
>interestingly they send personalized note
>"Your poetry isn't to our house style, liking, and quality."
>fast forward to 2023
>receive email from their editor out of the blue
>"our submissions and financial support has dropped off significantly. can we publish your poetry without paying you?"
>KEK until my sides fall off
>reply with a frank rejection telling them they are an exploitative and exclusionary institution yada yada
>fast forward to 2024
>google their website
>it's down
>find their twitter handle
>read pinned post
>"We're sorry to say this will be our last issue."
>feel a deep sense of smug satisfaction
Such mi dich, you jewess cunts. I win again
Many friendships are one sided unfortunately. Then there is confusion and hurt when someone moves on
I was about to pop a goober when I realized my childhood crush is currently in the room with me like behind me.
>270 / 19 / 1
Pop it anyway, pussy.
I wanna play New Vegas but the only Fallout game I've sunk time into in the past is Fallout 3, will I enjoy New Vegas if I enjoyed Fallout 3?
American here. Just ate three double cheeseburgers with fried onions as side dish.
Chinese here. Just took my dog out for lunch.
I wish I got paid less than minimum wage.
American here. Just ate BBC.
Arab here. Just ate a whole pork in 10 minutes. Fuck religion.
Multinational here. Waiting til tomorrow to inject nutrients
New-Guinean islander here. Just grilled and ate a whole ass tourist on a stick.
Kek you sound like my Jew York homie that got rejected by HTMLGiant because he cucked Blake Butler.
It's impossible to work in trade and factories without growing weary of the pleb masses.
Jew Yorker here. Just ate juicy jewess cunny. Shalom.
Ethiopian here. Just had a full, extravagant meal of my own cuisine.
legit have no idea what those words even means anon
No shit. You're a retarded shitskin that spams the off topic thread as some sort of gotcha.
Riffraffs. Pack of ragamuffins. Lumpen. Mob. Vermins. Scalawags. Rabble. Dirty lots. Ragtag. Commoners. Plebs. The great unwashed. Peasants. Bore. Chuff. Rube. Country bumkin. Villein. Pack. Scum.
Every time I drink and I get a certain buzz I feel like a wake up call, the booze trying to awake the real me.
I feel like God, capable of doing anything I want, and immune to fear and doubts.
In vino veritas.
Is that the real me or a mere illusion?
Are you Irish?
No, but I could pass as one.
I'm being cooked on twitter
kek seethe more jewboi
I called Trump a ZOGslave and some Q boomers found my post.
people like DebbyMAGA are ratioing me
I've been getting better at conversations and texting but someone just hit me with a fucking brick wall of a text and I have no idea how to respond.
Block his number retard.
Lowlifes. Deposit base. Bottom crust. Dregs. Spawn. Trash. Lot. Rubbish. Paselacks.
Thinking about buying shit from Shein, it seems like Temu but a little bit higher quality.
What did I just watch. Has any generation ever been bashed this badly? Thank God I am not Gen Alpha.
Extremely based
I drove to the bank to deposit some cash and then drove to the gas station to fill my tank. Round trip it took me 45 minutes. What the fuck.
Trump isn’t exactly a Zog slave. He’s more like the last stand of boomer conservatism. When Trump rides off into the sunset, so does what passes for conservatism, this veneration of capitalism and Israel and evangelicalism and all that. Whether or his party will survive remains to be seen, but the boomers will die off one way or another and so will their politics. I give it 50 years give or take before this country sees severe and drastic political change on a scale not seen since the founding of the Republic.
50 is too long, I'll be 80 by then
I want it in 20 years but I don't see it happening.
It might start well within 20 years but change is long and slow. Consider that the American constitution wasn’t even written until 1787 but the Boston Tea Party in 1773 and the first shots of the Revolutionary War in 1775. I’m marking 50 years as the point at which this inflection point is detectable to historians.
Conservative people get old for a reason. They lead healthier lifestyles, have more children, have better economies. Stop being a dumb, delusional commie/neolib.
Even if the party survives it will be changed by demographics.
You see it now. Whore and LGBT is accepted in the Republican party. Christianity will fade away from it.
American here. Just saw my wife eat BBC for dinner. I had ramen.
I don't hate Indians I just want them to stop posting on English-language websites.
> Whore and LGBT is accepted in the Republican party
And society will collapse because of it. Personally, I have no respect for a government that legalizes and endorses faggot marriage, faggot adopted children, and degenerate habits education publicly enforced in schools. I have no respect anymore for this government. I have no respect anymore for this society. Nothing would please my soul more than to see it rot and collapse like a gangrenous corpse.
I don't understand this native dude. I think he thinks just because a Walmart is on a Indian reservation grounds he's getting better prices than another Walmart in a diffrent city.
What should you do when you need to communicate something to someone but don’t know how to say it in a way that won’t make you seem fucking crazy?
It isn’t
>tfw skin tight jumpsuit, spliff and synth music in the sunshine
quanto costa questo capello di paglia?
Last I've checked it was VP vs VP and yet kamala harris wants to accuse Trump of backpeddling since he said something about her vs Trump. Interesting.
>what should you do when you need to communicate something to someone but don't know how to say it in a way that won't make you crazy.
Depending what it is should be how it's communicated. Sometimes it's good to be point blank.
neu neo nuevo

post gay thots here
Bush was boomer conservatism. Trump is non ideological populism.

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