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About to marathon this kino bros, what am I in for>?
Aren't there more plays part of it?
A very messy organisation of the story, which Shakespeare was clearly just improvising with each play and not entirely certain in his characterisation from one to the other. A sublime dramatic achievement, perhaps the very greatest, with Falstaff, and each play has its own unique value, but just don't expect it to work seamlessly like a single united story. Shakespeare was only thinking about how each play would do in front of the audience, not about how it would perfectly lead into the next one or conclude the prior.

Hal is something of an uneven and confusing character, not in the pub world, but in relation to the crown, and I've yet to see any actor perfectly pull off the character. He's all pious at the end of Henry IV, then that seems to have gone away by the end of Henry V.
Sometime it refers to all eight, other times just the first 4.
Some of the best fiction in history. Try to find some high quality stage productions or TV/movie versions and watch those instead.

Henry V is top tier. Eat shit.
>Henry V is top tier.
It gets a 0/10 for setting me up to believe Falstaff would be in it and then killing him offstage instead.
Don't care. St. Crispin's Day, motherfucker!
Overrated by people who don't read the play.
You can never fully appreciate Shakespeare just from a performance, even if it was the best performance in the world, and 99% of performances are garbage. You can't fully appreciate a symphony from just hearing it, you need to study the score. It's the same principle.

At any rate, St. Crispin's Day soliloquy is mostly talked about by people who have only seen/read that excerpt.
Mistress Quickly's speech is kino
Only because it's about Falstaff.
I hate Falstaff with a passion so Richard II is the best part for me
Consulting your footnates more than King Kenriad consulted his advisors
>You can never fully appreciate Shakespeare just from a performance

You really can.
It's a small thing, but the scene in Henry V where Fluellen makes Pistol eat his leek is one of the funniest things I've ever read. I wasn't expecting it at all, then the scene comes out of nowhere and as I read it I was bursting out laughing. Fluellen just clubbing Pistol over and over is some Three Stooges shit, it's great.
did you like 'The Hollow Crown' reproductions with Cumberbatch? I'm watching those alongside.
wow... spoilers
Angloids love it because substituting soul for sociopathy is their favorite aesthetic. It‘s third-rate propaganda to anybody else.
The only person who would say this is someone who wants the credit of knowing Shakespeare but also doesn't care about Shakespeare. 99% of performances are hot GARBAGE, and the limits of the human brain will always result in details missed. If you really loved Shakespeare you would see that I am right.
It really was hilarious. I've always wondered what Welsh people make of Fluellen.
Well, take a look at that!

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