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What some /lit/ eroticas that you've read? Need something to goon instead of raw porn
Anais Nin
Maybe even some of Henry Miller
I guess some of Updike’s sex scenes or more sex-centered books**, maybe like Couples, or Rabbit is Rich (third book of the Rabbit series).
That’s almost all of them kek
Has any coomer with a pen topped Nabokov's aristocratic sovl? He wrote them like no one else.
I have fond memories of reading Wild at Heart when I was younger. The peach scene still sits with me twenty years later
At least he can breathe now
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Remember how everyone thought Trump was the antichrist and the media kept lying about him and we never hold journalists to an integral standard /pol/ remembers. I got him elected because I was there the whole time.
only book to actually excite was tampa by alissa nutting
you better believe it.
I never forget.
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Downbeat, kind of noir
You know democracy and wokism are here to stay when all they can do spam their deification of merchants and bureacrts, and their new god in the form of the republic they hate so much kek.
death is too good for you
They honor Trump as a bodhisattva.
Remember when it was confirmed that Trump visited the pedo islands and all charges were dropped instantly?
Very funny picture
Check out Frank Mccoy. Too hot for the us government
Erotica is worse for you than porn because you associate textual processing as a means to sexual pleasure. When sexual arousal occurs hypofrontality ensues so you will always be distractible when reading. Still very pathetic and incredibly normie thing to do. Opiates are better than this filth and while not as acutely pleasurable as arousal and orgasm, the net hedonic pleasure from the experience is higher and do not disturb reason like lust does. There is a reason Aurelius wrote so scornfully of lust and that is because he was an opium eater, a cerebral higher and noble pleasure. I've been able to start and quit them easily. Quitting porn, masturbation and recreational sex was a superhuman feat and one that gives you no applause from the retarded weed smoking, alcohol drinking, sex having and porn watching masses.
alright rec me some of aureliuses works to read then.
>x is worse than y
>because of my misunderstanding of basic science
4chan in a nutshell
>can't point out the scientific errors
>you misunderstand the science!
dont respond to the nog and spoonfeed me
You'll see this often on the Internet: proof? Proof? Citation? Boy, no one's going to do any work for you. If you believe the wrong thing, the consequences are your own.
In fact, only people with no better use for their time will spend their time teaching you. This means you're being taught only by people whose time is worthless or for whom it is useful for you to believe in something.
If you're not paying for the knowledge, you're not the customer, you're the product. I never elucidate for those beneath me in understanding. I only discuss with peers.
I did not ask for a source. You claimed there was a basic misunderstanding of science yet failed to demonstrate it over two posts.
It's obvious to anyone who knows.
hey look it's /lit/'s resident junkie
Alleged certainty fallacy.
niggas will love to have pointless arguments but wont even help a nigga out. BAKA.
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The Story of O
The Way of a Man With a Maid
The Lustful Turk
I'm not a wine mom
Nigga it's a joke. George Floyd is there, the clown herself

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