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/lit/ - Literature

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This is gonna sound retarded, but I've gotten into books recently. Never thought much of them when I was a kid (I'm 30 now) but I've decided that I want to take reading as a hobby a bit more seriously, so I'm gonna be making a little reading nook in the corner of my apartment's living room.

What are some personal staples you'd suggest to fill my library out? I'm into fantasy, cyberpunk/scifi, horror, supernatural, etc.

Pic related, it's a similar vibe to how I want my nook too look.
how about an 18" rainbow dildo for starters
Am I to assume you are also a dog?
>What are some personal staples you'd suggest to fill my library out?
Your first question is about spending money
>I'm into fantasy, cyberpunk/scifi, horror, supernatural, etc.
You're 30 years old, aren't you embarrassed to have the taste of a 16 year old? Some day you're going to have to grow
Start with the Greeks, faggot
Xenophon, The Anabasis
Lo don listen to anon, your taste maeby shit and what an teenager reads, but don't be embarrassed of reading like a fag
>I've grown miserable in my age and read Greek literature because feeling distinguished helps to fill the bottomless pit of my own insecurities.
Sorry you became boring, anon.
>Some day you're going to have to grow
For who? For whom will I need to grow?
>I'm into fantasy, cyberpunk/scifi, horror, supernatural, etc
Wonderful. I’m going to advise that you throw that shit out and never read it again. You’re going to want to get some classics instead. Go ahead and pick up some Shakespeare, some Tolstoy, some Dostoevsky; you’re going to want to get some Kafka and Goethe, a book of English poetry, Don Quixote and Dante’s Divine Comedy, Moby Dick, stuff like that. Okay? Good luck!
>modern literature doesn't exist and I choose instead to remained shackled to a past I was never a part of
God you're pathetic.
Check out Shirley Jackson, Anna Kavan, Peter Straub, Stanislaw Lem, the Strugatsky brothers, Dan Simmons, Robert Silverberg, Haruki Murakami, Gene Wolfe, Guy Gavriel Kay, Umberto Eco.
Fill it with whatever you want retard
Borges, Cortázar, Facundo by Sarmiento, Umberto Echo, Moliere, Stephen King
>11 replies and no one has said “read the sticky”
Our culture is dead.
Just fill it with whatever books the booktube girl you're simping recommends
hell no, there are girls that "rewiew" erotica, and shit like that, nothing worthwhile
you're right that does sound retarded
I wouldn't consider reading a hobby but based on your desire for your nook, I can see that you consider it atleast something you find aesthetically pleasing. Here are some recommendations: Hyperion (Dan Simmons), The Fifth Head Of Cerberus (Gene Wolfe), Nine Princes in Amber (Roger Zelazny), Imajica (Clive Barker) and The Stars My Destination (Alfred Bester).

If you like any of those you could read the follow-on novels or other stories released by those authors.
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>I wouldn't consider reading a hobby
I see you're one of those brainwashed by industrial society to consider anything unproductive to not be a hobby
Kafka is sci-fi
That's just a bunch of movie novelizations
I don't think reading is unproductive. It's actually a fundamental requirement to educate yourself and be more productive. I suppose it's just something I have always done so I don't consider it a hobby, it's just something that I do. My other hobbies I actively seek out and do.
Reading is as valid as any other form of media. It can also be a hobby for some and a lifestyle for others.
i'm sorry you got molested but you need to get over it

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