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What is the best translation of Sappho
Who is it?
Don't even bother.
>you can’t enjoy a bookunless you know the language it’s in
Shut the fuck up
Yeah you can't translate poetry.
Start with Athenaze
Edward Storer
Ernst Morwitz might also be of interest. Carson is idiosyncratic, but interesting in its own right.
I like Bliss Carmen, but he's who I came to know her by, so I am biased. Look up lots. I read a few modern ones from Rice University that were good.

Shut your stupid mouth moron.
Shut your stupid fucking mouth you middling faggot.
Seething Greekless faggots
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Anne Carson

It’s the only one I have read admittedly but it is supposed to be the best of them. She is very clear and exact in word meanings and literally every other word is annotated. Fragments with three words end up with two of them having paragraph long annotations in the back explaining the exact conjugation and meaning of the word.
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>Carson is idiosyncratic, but interesting in its own right.

The end notes are roughly ten times as long as the actual fragments so it is by far the best translation for background info going on that alone.
Sappho only exists in fragments
Only a braindead redditor would bother reading her in translation.
She has two complete poems. 31 which is about an unrequited lesbian love and a different one I can’t recall the number which is a wedding song in praise of Helen and Paris.
The historiagraphy on those poems is so shaky that even a stem journal wouldn't dare publish such obvious fake chink bullshit.
Is not lesbian. That's ahistorical fan fiction. After all she killed herself over Chad (Phaon)
I like Cattulus for translations
The poem itself is lesbian. The attribution of the narrator to Sappho herself is spurious. The implication that Sappho only wrote from her pov isn’t likely to be backed up by any facts.
Also Anne Carson’s and the Loeb’s edition in Greek both have the original Greek on dual facing sides so if you plan to read Greek you should choose one of the two.
Why do you assume the PoV is female then?
Huh. I just looked it up and I guess you’re right that the narrator’s gender isn’t mentioned.
Just academia trying to poz everything again imo

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