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Is it just me or does his prose kind of suck? I don't even mind much, I like other aspects of his stories.
it's basic, not especially artful or descriptive. It rings true though considering the perspective of the main characters, if we assume they're autistic academics.
wouldn't say suck, maeby simplistic
Would that be a "for the time" thing? I think most would find it too wordy nowadays instead of too simple.
yeah could be, I really haven't read much of North American and English literature of the time, from that period I have read Borges, but it's true that spanish tends to be more "decorated" could be a bias of mine
I'm OP!
I love to suck cocks!
I such a raging cock loving faggot!
Cock cock cock
Please give me cocks!
great post, if you're 12 years old
it's good in some stories bad in others
I've always found him extremely off-putting and knowing his basic psychology, his writing seems more like the expression of a messed up freak than an artistic choice. I can't read it
It's first person narrative, so the prose does a good job reflecting the mind of the character, which is an academic 9/10. Said academic is usually relating events as objectively as he can, using "just the facts, bro" as an ameliorative for his declining mental state or madness.
One could argue that Lovecraft isn't a good author because the characters are just him. It seems like human understanding, and projecting himself into the minds of others, were difficult for him, so he could not write characters that weren't just him in varying states of mood.
He was copying Edgar Allan Poe's style.
I was talking to a friend the other day and he said exactly that. He argued his prose was "too trippy and wordy", and I could only reply with saying he should read more and it wasnt as hard because saying "unironically filtered" to his face is not an option IRL as much as on this board.
Granted most male normies I meet my age havent read anything since Diary Of A Wimpy Kid, or maybe trying to boast over nonfiction or a poor understanding of The Art of War or The Princs
Agreed. I get a chuckle when someone criticizes past writing for being simplistic. Have you read the YA tier horseslop that has somehow weedled its way into becoming the standard prose of books? They make even a dry writer like Lovecraft look like Shakespeare in comparison.
Trot out yet another gerund phrase for variety in your 2nd grade reading level sentence, you dumb as dust whore!
Compare to Hemingway who was writing at the same time. Lovecraft's prose is very anachronistic, bringing to mind early 19th century sort of literature like Frankenstein; while Hemingway even back in the '20s and '30s even now sounds exceedingly modern. For Lovecraft it was obviously a stylistic choice that probably came naturally to him.
>You need to read more
Right? I thought Lovecraft was hard when I was a teenager. It's mainly the grammar people get hung up on. Once you've read an awkwardly written book (or unhinged 4chan post, for that matter) or two, Lovecraft becomes easy.
It’s all explained here
There is nothing wrong with lovecraft's prose
>When I drew nigh the nameless city I knew it was accursed. I was travelling in a parched and terrible valley under the moon, and afar I saw it protruding uncannily above the sands as parts of a corpse may protrude from an ill-made grave. Fear spoke from the age-worn stones of this hoary survivor of the deluge, this great-grandmother of the eldest pyramid; and a viewless aura repelled me and bade me retreat from antique and sinister secrets that no man should see, and no man else had ever dared to see.
>Remote in the desert of Araby lies the nameless city, crumbling and inarticulate, its low walls nearly hidden by the sands of uncounted ages. It must have been thus before the first stones of Memphis were laid, and while the bricks of Babylon were yet unbaked.
Do esls not like it because they get filtered by it or something?
>West of Arkham the hills rise wild, and there are valleys with deep woods that no axe has ever cut. There are dark narrow glens where the trees slope fantastically, and where thin brooklets trickle without ever having caught the glint of sunlight. On the gentler slopes there are farms, ancient and rocky, with squat, moss-coated cottages brooding eternally over old New England secrets in the lee of great ledges; but these are all vacant now, the wide chimneys crumbling and the shingled sides bulging perilously beneath low gambrel roofs.
Why do people have an issue with this? It's not even particularly hard to read for anyone with a modicum of reading knowledge. i was reading lovecraft when i was 12 and aside from having to search a few words i didn't know up in a dictionary i was completely fine with it
He can throw off the non-natives with greater force than he does with those who've spoken English their whole lives.
He was best when he was copying Dunsany.
Brilliant storyteller but not as adept as other writers in hiding the strain of the writing process when describing backdrops, so your imagination probably split-screens the imagery he intended and the imagery of him sitting down writing.
truly even his very literature is charged with xenophobia such that foreigners find their feeble english skills broken under his knee
>one could argue that Lovecraft isn't a good author because the characters are just him
A bad author wouldn’t have the sense to play into their strengths
kill yourself
I've been reading the Necronomicon for years, just picking it up to enjoy some stories and then putting it on hold while I read other things. While I do like his works, I feel like I got really tired of his long and overly detailed descriptions of the Great Ones and the Old Ones' cities. Reading the Shadow out of Time, I'm reminded of how the Mountains of Madness, while enjoyable, tired me out for the same reason. It would be logical if I read these stories closely together but I clearly remember a gap of years between them, so this particular burnout feels bizarre. Am I just getting tired of his overly similar style of stories?
personally i enjoy lovecraft’s descriptions of such absurdly grand and ancient cities.

you may be getting fatigue from his general prose, or perhaps, specifically in your case, in his city descriptions.
>autistic academics
i like his style because i can relate.
Fatigued, yes, but the adventure of his stream of thought for The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath was much better than people gave it credit for.
Why is he so racist
Howard was a man of his time.
no way this is happening to me!
Weren't his friends telling him to cool it with the racism in letters?
his friends were progressive new englanders, not at all representative of the US as a whole.
Why is this board so racist
Lovecraft is one of the greatest American writers and it drives me up a wall when readlets criticize his prose.
He was smart
>live to see your country get invaded by migrants
>personally get ripped off multiple times by very ethnocentric people
Not very surprising honestly. Dishonest people just pretend to be aghast when it's whites doing it for some reason.
Plenty of his friends shared his views or had harsher ones. CAS and him have a few letters talking about how much they hated jewish publishers Ullman-Knopf and Gernsback for routinely and deliberately ripping off authors and in CAS views made their living off young authors not affording to sue them. (CAS himself had to sue the latter to get paid and Lovecraft helped refer multiple authors to attorneys)
REH had letters saying harsh things about blacks and mexicans in particular.
>introduction by Stephen King
actual fucking sacrilege holy shit
like ketchup on a michelin dish
I really fucking hate forewords. Had to get rid of some Fafhrd & The Grey Mouser copies and get older versions to rid myself of that massive hack Neil Gaiman shitting them up.
Some of his prose is genuinely great
Neil needs to be strung up by his intestines and beaten with a club made of his own writing.

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