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low effort shit spoonfeed thread
see: pnin
He's good but he's not everything so don't get too excited.
Erich Neumann is better
One of the great minds of the 20th century, but unfortunately he's just become a retard and hippie magnet.
Lowest vibrational shitpost possible: seething pseud energy
won't change the fact thats this is a low effort shit spoonfeed thread made up of literally one word
He’s fine for an overview but get the detail elsewhere.
>literature board
>gets mad when people dont discuss anything but the same 5 authors
Where do I start with him?
portable jung
Jesus fucking Christ no.
Kind of like Freud, in that his psychoanalysis says more about him and his own culture than it does about the human condition more broadly.
hes swiss
swiss german
Are u Anti-Oedipus-pilled?
I have actually never read Delueze. Should I?

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