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Who is the most fuckable author?
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Unironically. He was hot as fuck
Honor Levy
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He and his wife are in an open marriage so you could in fact fuck either one of them
>reading female 'authors'
>reading gen z female 'authors'
>reading JEWISH gen z female 'authors'
Massive faggot
your mom
I don't want to get assraped by a creepy Jew though...
They look like cousins.
fat bros...
how can we achieve such a superior look while being so misshapen?
Look at that man. You wouldn't question what he said for fear of looking like an idiot.
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yes, she wrote a book
if you'd fuck that nigga he'd pop lmao
Wtf, Neil is a cuk
They are both descended from Abraham.
Anyone can write a book, that doesn't make you an author. Just a writer.
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Why are people surprised that an ethno-religious group looks alike? People kept meming Jews as a religion and not an ethnicity in the 2000s and its like everyone forgot that they are like Hindus rather than like Muslims or Christians
oh? and pray tell what distinguishes an author from a writer?
>Who is the most fuckable author?
That one self-published sci-fi author who showed her feet when someone asked.
This pic does, admittedly, go hard
me ;)

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