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>try reading worm
>female lead immediately starts thirsting after a black in her internal monologue
>look up author to check if Plato was correct
>he looks like picrel
>dropped immediately

I don't believe that an ugly person can ever create anything beautiful. And I don't know if Ive ever seen a modern handsome author.
well, whatd you expect.
I got to the middle of Worm and became unbearable to read my incel creepy friend told me to read it and that it was "the best piece of modern literature"
Secret Wars (1984) but with more violence and more creative use of abilities. Instead I got fagcel slop

Incels usually have better recommendations because misogyny is a must for good story telling
non-ugly people cannot create anything beautiful because they are put on pedestal. It's what happens to women. Women peak at age 18. It is when they see first hand that no matter how stupid, bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.
Glowie thread.
In a gynocentric society nothing beautiful can form because people try, against their nature and reality itself, to respect female thoughts. Women are beautiful and their nature can be pure when it is working in their rightful position under men, but their virtue is never something that can be put to words let alone crystalized into art by them. And men in a gynocentric society have to morph their sense of truth to match the lie of the world that they're stuck in, which taints them, since all good art is in a way 'true'. Even the presentation of men is morphed insidiously in a gynocentric society such that what is valued as "handsome" is well polished and feminine for men, when true beauty for men is a face carved by the righteousness of living in accordance with the truth. Strong and firm but with a healthy kindling of love in his eyes. You rarely see men like this at all and that is why the world is rotten
I don't think the feds care about web novels
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That’s not what he looks like.
Pic related is what he looks like, which is arguably worse
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Look at this picture of the great jazz pianist Michael Petrucciani. Despite his disfigurements, his bulbous, balding head and twisted arms, he has a simple honesty to his face. Your photograph of John Mcrae shows his relatively average and well-formed features, but his face is disfigured by his simpering false smile.

If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.

>A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely
This desu. Petrucciani actually looks kinda cool and charming despite his disfigurements. McCrae is fugly despite his beneficiary genetic traits.
I'm thinking based. But you might be gay
Do you think he got pussy?
Married at least twice, several gfs, reputation as a womanizer
I bet his finishing move was buttering himself up and diving in wholesale, head first.
He died at 36 but went through 3 wives and 2 long-term partners. He was a known womaniser. also he was Italian.
>I want to have at least five women at once, I want to make a million dollars in one night
what he says may sound gay at first but he's right.
gynocentrism is real and it is cucked
>true beauty for men is a face carved by the righteousness of living in accordance with the truth.
>Strong and firm but with a healthy kindling of love in his eyes
That is also a morphed and a false representation of men, it's just a somewhat less popular than polished and handsome.
What is a real man supposed to look like
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What I find funny is that if you read books by female authors they almost never have a black romantic lead. If you read Ms. Fisher's Murder Mysteries for example, which is popular genre fiction similar to James Bond for girls where the female super spy gets "exotic" boys to sleep with her, all the boys are Polish, Russian, sometimes half-Jews and half-Chinese at most. White woman X Black man shit is aimed at cuckold White men. This is the female fetish, pretty boys with vaguely Caucasian features
havent heard of it and i just get some shit about a suphero web story, is this what youre talking about?
i wont lie i wanna give him a hug, he looks like such a warm and kind person
>living in accordance with the truth
>Strong and firm
>lives everyday with eyes
>blind to the truth
What does that mean?
But no love?
he is "cool" and fucks because he is world famous pianist, dont kid yourself
I'm handsome, would you like to read my diary?
Yes. Post jawline and an excerpt
>I'm not paying $30 for a couple of essays just because they're hardback; fuck off. And no, I'm not showing you my bag on the way out either.

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