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Did anyone else get this? Bought it for the Ken Wheeler intro. Has Plotinus' enneads and two other neoplatonists in it. Around 800 pages. Maybe we could do a reading group?
Also has a sick title page
What a terrible cover. Looks a cheap and shoddy publisher
That cover art is mobad
No. That's not good, man. Your aesthetic discernment is poor.
lame. looks like some goosebumps shit
I mean is a shitty penguin paperback really better than this
I'll read the ennead with you next week, I was planning on it anyways
I'd prefer a hardcover anyday
Post Table of Contents please? I must decide if this is worth adding to collection. Already own Enneads. Depends on what other texts are included...

Listed on here
>MONAD contains Taylor's translations of The Enneads by Plotinus, On The Abstinence From Animal Food by Porphyry, and Elements of Theology by Proclus as well as a number of other works by the same authors.
If it's just enneads, vegetarianism and elements of theology I won't bother. But read the last bit doofus
Is it a strictly scholarly book or a book that endorses and attempts to convert others to Neoplatonism?
That's goddamn terrible reading. 0/10 what the purple fuck is wrong with you?
I dont get the hate desu. I think its pretty cool
Given that the intro is by ken wheeler it seems more like a book aiming to convince people of the neoplatonic truths than an academic book. I mean look at the cover and title page, pretty casual.
Ok smartass let’s see what you can come with
Sounds like you've never even ascended to the monad. That which has proximity to the one is beautiful. Its all in the book pleb
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post the intro
Buy the book brokie
Gnosticism is a hard.counter to rabbinicalism and reminds them the whole thing is Greek.
Not even gnostic tho. One of the treatises in the book is a refutation of gnosticism
Which one are you thinking of?
Shit taste, you lack aestethic sense.
On the Gnostic Hypostases and what is beyond them. Lowkey also on suicide
So apparently "Gnostic" was not actually a descriptive term of the period. No one identified with it. How then do we know that this is a Gnostic hypostases that is the point of discussion?
Why did I misread it as Nomad?
>whoa man, cubes and polyhedrons now I'm really platoing like a pro
It's supposed to be a singularity emanating galaxies of light, not a ball of cheese
Can you post actual lines? Or at least points of discussion. I don't see any conflicts with Platonism and Gnosticism. If anything, Gnostic ideas seem like course corrections.
You weren't just counting on my ignorance of the books contents, were you? That would be very dishonest.
>Did anyone else get this?
How the fuck do you get it? I can't find it in any search. Is this one of those dangerous books?
Just read this >>23629793

Still weird it's so limited, isn't it?
Gnosticism is a half baked attempt. Go full pagan or xtian. No halfwayz.
Atramentous press (canada)
*anathem press (canada)**

**other is uk but both similar post-thelema sabbatic publishers
***anathema press
It addresses every major issue instigated by the OT. The NT is clearly based on the intermediate records, which are Gnostic. You could fit most Gnostic texts in seamlessly. On the other hand, you have modern forgeries like Book of Enoch that enjoy a favorable reputation because of Ancient Aliens Theorists. This does not seem right to me.
Nah its gallowglass books. New publisher
What sorta gnosticism do you refer to? Augustine famously said that the manicheans were making shit up once he ascended to top level of mystery cult. The mystery, the paradox, of Christ is that he comes from OT. Credo quam absurdum
>Augustine famously said that the manicheans were making shit up once he ascended to top level of mystery cult.

I don't recall him ever being a Manichaean, I remember him saying that he compared their Bible to the church in Rome's and found there was more divergence in eastern texts than western texts and took that to mean that consistency means accuracy, which is not necessarily true. He further preferred the astronomical calculations of the Roman church, which for whatever reason he felt was essential to good theology. But, he also cheated on his wife, abandoned her, and was known for deliberately spreading misinformation, much of which is in his Confessions.
Bro have u read confessions? Thats like 1/3rd of confessions
Manicheans sound like the scientology of the ancient world
I mean definitely a more symbolic than accurate depiction, but ill be damned if it doesnt look cool. Could be a good tattoo
Book IV mentions that he made sacrifices in a manner he claims is Manichaean, and Book V says he had spent nine years among their kind. These things would have been done whether he was a practitioner in the heart of the cult or whether he was a Catholic-Orthodox Roman on the outskirts of their cultural contact.
Augustine was a Manichean and he was never married.
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The hardcover art is simpler than the sleeve art.

It's the sun(Apollon, not many) emanating sphere beings and the five elements. Beings and Forms both come from the One and return hither to the One. The concept of many galaxies didn't exist until the 20th century when we realized there were other galaxies and that the milky way wasn't the only galaxy. That anon claiming it was supposed to be galaxies of light pulled that out of his rotting front hole.
whatever you need to tell yourself
You cant tell me the book without the dust jacket isnt patrician
>"Active efforts were made to get me a wife. I wooed; I was engaged" Book VI, Chapter XIII

>"And so, since I was not a lover of
wedlock so much as a slave of lust, I procured another mistress--not a wife, of
course." Book VI, Chapter XV

So yes! You are right. He had a fiance' and a lusty whore.
What even is neoplatonism?
who TF is Ken Wheeler?

Probably the foremost neoplatonist youtuber

Theoria Apophasis

youtube . com / @kathodosdotcom
has he attained henosis?
Who hasn't?
High iq reply here
This dudes a fat grifter that begs for donations that repeats the same rhetoric every video. He got btfo by pannobahsa too. Don't go there looking for content. If you want Platonism content, look for Mindy Mandell, Pierre Grimes and Aarvoll (understanding Platonism).
>I don't recall him ever being a Manichaean
Nignog that's like Augustology 101, what is you doin'?
Been watching Ken for a couple of years and have never heard him beg or even ask for donations. Who tf is pannobahsa? Tried watching Pierre Grimes and felt like he seemed half schizo
That is so true
>Plotinus' enneads and two other neoplatonists
Yeah u can keep that for yourself. I read his Enneads once and I get his point pretty quickly, but he just went on and on about it. Yea thx but no thx ya mean
Looks very gaudy. And the translation is in public domain. Why would anyone pay for this?
You have the taste of a child.

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