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>As for the ‘theory of evolution’ in particular, it seems to be one of the strangest aberrations of the human mind; by a singular inversion of the truth, people see a ‘progress’ where there is only a manifest degradation. Far from being a conception worthy of admiration, it is, on the contrary, a lamentable product of an epoch in which men have lost all awareness of the true nature of things.
So in other words he was wrong about everything. I can’t take anything anyone who doesn’t believe in universal common ancestry seriously. Dropped.
>stupid matter crashed together until it became alive and gave rise to intelligence and consciousness
Evolution is retarded
Abiogenesis isn’t evolution.
>you're telling me a bunch of rocks and wind randomly smashing together made that arch? no way in hell, must've been magic invisible romans or something
>man is a creation of God
Lol you really believe that? Man is obviously a creation of chaos through monkeys
Spinoza seems to have handled this in his Ethica, from glossing over chapter titles.
freemasons really want judaism to be true
He obviously would accept microevolution without any implications of progress, read Wolfgang Smith.
>universal common ancestry


biology says otherwise
He's just being a fin de siecle person who doesn't understand evolution, which was extremely hard to grasp for their peanut brains
You should ignore him though because he is stupid
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It really is.

>kicking the can down the road
Evolutionists are such spineless faggot cowards. Kill yourself.
Instead man should smoke hashish and post of traditionalist blogs on the internet
You don't understand the enormity of mutations and chance required to get where we are now with all the species and life. That rock is a ridiculous comparison
Evolution explains the diversity of life not the origin. It’s just not what the scientific theory does or wants to explain. In the same way theory of Pangaea doesn’t attempt to explain planet formation.
You don’t understand the amount of time we have to account for all that (also most mutations are neutral).
Evolution is the most retarded of all the stories that basedence nerds tell themselves in their desperate search for a surrogate to religion.
meant for >>23629527
>Evolution explains the diversity of life
>not the oriigin
What was Darwin's thesis called again
Atheists/evolutionists are subhuman retards. I can see why they think they're hairless apes, they're as dumb as an ape.
Origin of species not the fucking origin of life you retard. What do you think a species is?
Creationists never recovered from this
Evolution is stupid, but my skydaddy book is the truth!
Nor did they recover from
>Humans were created after the time the pyramids were first built!
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Even other Christians are ashamed of you and downplay the commonality of your views
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Pictured: A list of the most improbable, strangest coincidences in history
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>converts to islam
There is no other force on the world stage that opposes Judaism
This. They have no Buddhanature.
Klages is the only good Western esotericist. I consider myself a more violent masculine Klages though.
Yup, not going to read this POS.
Anyone who denies evolution should be tortured and have an iron bar pierce their skull and sever their two brain hemispheres. Would be fun to laugh at them as they crawl helplessly and ocassionally cut off their fingers. If they're going to deny the one nature we share with all life, then I see no reason to extend moral considerations to them outside of my own self-preservation that involves following law, not because I sincerely believe it either.
He would have been Hindu but his visa was denied.
Your existence is a blight on this world.

There is no other way to explain the diversity of life on the planet. One can debate the driving force of evolution, however. Denying evolution and symbiogenesis outright is demonic and low IQ shit.
And they are horrible at it
>There is no other way to explain the diversity of life on the planet.
Let me ask you this, do you believe all life everywhere came from one single original cell/organism/self replicator?
Let’s see your armed resistance against jewry.
>you need to be a pizza maker to take a bite of a pizza and say its terrible
Never liked Klages personally. His books are full of petulant whining.
Eukaryotic cellular life originated from one bacterium engulfing another and forming a symbiotic relationship. Mitochondria share many genetic sequences with their bacterial ancestors, indicating that cellular life and its greater coalescence began with endosymbiosis, involving significant instances of merging and diverging.
I don't care what you like or dislike, evolution denying icchantika.
That’s good I don’t even know you
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he was right all along
Imagine believing we came from monkeys when there are still monkeys.
We are primates, retard. We share the most recent common ancestor with chimps.
Denis Noble is not arguing against evolution. He is arguing against Neo-Darwinist reductionist descriptions of evolution that overemphasize genetic inheritance.

Evolution, itself, serves as proof of Daoism and Mahayana Buddhism because it shows all life is of one nature.

>It is a well-known fact that Buddhism proscribes the killing of animals, because the Buddhist recognizes the obvious fact that each and every earthly creature shares a common nature with man himself. But when one objects to the Italian’s murdering of an animal, he will immediately respond by assuring you that the creature "has no soul," and "is not a Christian."
>Ludwig Klages
Can you guys go cast magic missile somewhere else
>magic missile
I am defending evolution, dumbass.

Anti-evolution thought is flat earth tier.
Yes I know, but that is the same concept of ateleological materialist evolution Guenon (pbuh) is referring too.
Guenon's statement can be interpreted in a few ways;

1. Human beings derive from one or multiple giants and degenerated over time.

2. Creationism

Both are retarded. Sentient beings originate from the symbiotic event of microbes.

The Traditionalists are full of themselves and foster delusion. You lost. It's better to look in the direction of vitalist process philosophers instead.

You are stagnant, vile pseuds and need to stfu. Begone.
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If you're taking mahayana seriously you should pick up your wizard robes, copy of Dennett's "consciousness explained", and bag of reddit gold and head back to your local games store for your next magic the gathering tournament.

> Verification not required
Creationism and evolution are fully compatible
and yet here I am
Creationism is flat earth tier and for low class dysgenic scum. It was a mistake for your kind to learn to read or write. You descend from an interminable line of peasants, and you would have ultimately been happier as a peasant tilling the fields with a homogenous family. You are not meant to think. You should leave the contemplation and higher order thinking to those who actually descend from aristocrats like me.
Kys, smug icchantika.

I am not a materialist/physicalist like Dennett. I think the strongest arguments for Hard Problem of Consciousness are for panpsychism, but it has its own issues too.

Mass literacy was one of the biggest mistakes in all of history.
>Creationism is flat earth tier and for low class dysgenic scum
Not when reconciled with evolution.
Mahayanist posters are the most undeservedly arrogant on the board. I don't know if it's because they're Indian or what. They can never justify their positions in the face of the actual models other faiths use, and they're usually confused about why they should even try or what that means. They think that restating their own position constitutes a justification.
So you think God created the first RNA moleculee that led to the diversity of life via evolutionary processes? The clay hypothesis makes more sense.

Anyways, that's a more complex and difficult question than the origin of eukaryotic cells, which is indisputably traced to symbiogenesis.
That's because we live in extremely mechanized times where people who shouldn't have learned to read or write (you) spread destructive delusions like Flat Earth and creationism during a volatile period of increasing automation, social turmoil, and more. You shouldn't have a voice. Period.

Abrahamist peasants, which is most likely what you are, are scum of this Earth and exacerbating the global predicament more. You belong on Yahoo comment sections or Reddit where you can freely scream like a moron if you don't want your feelings hurt by the truth.
>So you think God created the first RNA moleculee that led to the diversity of life via evolutionary processes?
yep, but to be more precise, that first RNA molecule was itself the result of an antecedent evolutionary process, which process ultimately leads back to God as its initiator and architect.
Okay, and that's the entire premise of the theory of evolution. I was just making sure you and the general scientific crowd were on the same page.

Now let me posit this: there is absolutely zero reason at all to believe that all life originated from a singular entity rather than an equally as plausible scenario where multiple cells/organisms/self replicators developed either simultaneously or at different times in different areas of the world and evolved independently into different species.
The idea that God created the universe, and by extension the first RNA molecules, can be consistent with evolutionary theory. However, it's crucial to differentiate between the role of a divine creator and the scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.

One perspective is that God's mind or spirit could have initiated the conditions necessary for life to begin. This view doesn't conflict with evolution; rather, it suggests that the divine set the stage for natural processes to unfold. It's a viewpoint that can bridge belief in a higher power with the scientific understanding of life's origins.

Regarding "special creation," this concept posits that God directly placed life on Earth, bypassing natural processes. However, this idea doesn't align with the extensive scientific evidence supporting evolution by which life diversified and developed over time. Our closest ancestors, such as chimps, and the entire evolutionary tree, support the idea that life evolved through natural processes rather than being directly implanted.

In summary, it's possible to believe in a divine creator while also accepting evolution as the process that led to the diversity of life we observe today.
Do Catholic or Christian Traditionalists exist? I only see Traditionalism being popular amongst Muslims.
Seraphim Rose most famously but yes others as well.
Rose was a Traditionalist? I thought he was just some Neo-Orthodox nigga.
All organisms with mitochondria should be traceable to "bacteriosphere" where the event of symbiogenesis occured, whether it is diffused or localized. We have sequenced the genes of mitochondria, and its closest relative is literally a bacterium.
I've sequenced the genes of a piece of shit and its closest relative is you
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>Humans evolve
>I agree
>See, look in animals, you can see their unique characteristics!
>I agree
>Look, you can the many diverse patterns and shapes these forms take!
>I agree
>Look, you can see the different strategies and ways these creates approach problems and thrive
>I agree
>Humans have different abilities
>I don't agree
Not as much of a piece of shit as your egergore of an angry megalomaniac god, Jew on a stick, or savage Bedouin. Kys, soulless devitalized mechanized slave of ZOG. You are both inwardly and externally ruled by ZOG.
Humans do have different abilities on average. There are different races with their own average trends, but these trends can change due to things like behavioral sinks, nutrition, gene flow, or shifts in cultural values (which can impact sexual selection). Not every scientist believes in anti-racialism or a man can become a woman. That's a more recent politicized thing.
In a society where TikTok influencers are the most desirable and sought after, then that will obviously have negative cumulative effects for one's race across generations. That's just one example.
Didnt address his point
It did, illiterate faggot. The emphasis is here: "whether it is diffused or localized". The very fact we can tell mitochondria in our cells is descended from a bacterium indicates there was a merging event. Whether this merging event occured here or thousands of miles there is begging the question. The point is occured in the "sphere of bacteria".

Evolution denialism is low IQ shit. Only lowly peasants engage in it, whether Arab or white trash. However, it is low IQ to argue that evolution debunks the existence of God. It does not, and I never claimed so. What I am claiming is Guenon's quote is retarded.
>Evolution denialism is low IQ shit
I Didnt do that.
God creates life and is the driving force and intelligence behind what we call evolution. Which is really just the world showing its ever changing impermanent nature. Evolution or what we call theory of evolution is man’s attempt at understanding Gods works. It’s still rudimentary but we are progressing at least in our search for understanding. It is not contrary to God in any way. The 6000 year old earth is a disingenuous farce whether intentional or not. Possibly intentional. It was originally derived from using the ages of the biblical patriarchs. However these numbers were never literal. The Old Testament has deep numerology hidden into it and these patriarch ages are no exception and have occult significance.

Opponents of Creationism will bring up the ridiculousness of the 6000 year old earth timeframe however this young earth creationist is a modern invention. It was created in the late 60s early 70s. Before then theologians did not believe the earth was 6000 years old. There were many schools of thought some say the earth is eternal and some saying the earths age is not possible for accurate estimate since it itself is in a state of change and flux. Some even agreeing with modern science. The ancients for their part had their own calculations and postulated the earth ran in cycles and was essentially eternal though it lived and died and was reborn as man does.

Evolution is in no way contrary to God. It may be contrary to a collection of allegorical stories but that’s your own fault for being an idiot.
I agree this is a sensible and justifiable view, philosophically, and it does not contradict the facts we see. What I disagree with is Guenon's quote in OP.
Guenon's writings are quite autistic about words, don't be surprised if here he's autistically focusing on the straight etymology of the word and what it would entail, he often does that. More importantly, it's quite obvious that people like him do not take the bodily carcass of man as its fundamental part.

I think still the fundamental problem underlying western metaphysics, being, and becoming, is at play with evolution as well, that's what maybe doesn't sit right with metaphysically inclined people but at the same time there doesn't necessarily need to be a contradiction since, just as with the rest of modern natural sciences, "evolution" should more appropriately be considered a theory of morphogenesis since morphe is all they take interest into, the "problem of being" swept under the rug or wholly abandoned to begin with.
Populations of organisms have to evolve to reach the capacity for "turning the light inward".
They literally believe our ancestors were rocks. Kent Hovind debunked evolution years ago.
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Here you have a currently existing creature that looks and behaves like the evolutionary midpoint between fish and frogs. It lives in water but comes out and can "walk" on land for prolonged periods, even climbing up trees. Much like the evolutionary ancestor of all terrestrial vertebrates did
His awakening was through Guenon originally. I believe Thomas Merton also had an encounter with Guenon.
Oh Alan Watts to some extent as well
>In the late 1940s, he began reading the Traditionalist writings of René Guénon and Ananda Coomaraswamy, who assimilated Christianity — along with Taoism, Buddhism, and Vedanta — to the universal Tradition, undermining the Church’s claim to exclusive truth. (There is, by the way, no evidence that Watts ever read Julius Evola.)

>Finally, the Traditionalists convinced Watts that we are living in the Kali Yuga, and he explicitly claimed that he left the church to find a spiritual life more in keeping with the age.

>In his later years, Watts preached the Traditional doctrine of decline and the folly of all projects of progressive world-improvement even when he had become a guru to the leftist counter-culture.

>Watts’ most Traditionalist book is The Supreme Identity (1950), a beautifully written but very dense and rigorously argued synthesis of Traditionalism, with a special reference to Christian theology, which is logical given his background and audience. Watts’ next book, The Wisdom of Insecurity (1951), is a much more “popular” work, but it still uses the Traditionalist language of “realizing” (as opposed to knowing) the ultimate identity of self, world soul, and being.

>Although Watts found Traditionalism useful in liberating his mind from Christianity, he ultimately rejected it. In the Preface to Beyond Theology, he explains his reason. Traditionalists claim that Christianity is just an exoteric expression of the one primordial tradition which is the inner truth of all religions. But Watts points out that there is no evidence that the founders of Christianity thought that way.
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>Purports to be an adjudicator of Buddha nature
>Angrily fantasizing about violence on 4chan
Something has to change, my Iranian friend. You're online all the time...I recognize your increasingly deranged and violent posts every time I come here.
Guénon is 200+ IQ
Still not joining your lame cult
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The secular world's already part of your lame cult though, it's indoctrinated into kids in schools you evolutionistranny, and now you freaks are telling kids they can "evolve" into the opposite sex and you perverts give them sterilization drugs and tell them to cross dress.

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