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Describe this man in your finest prose
A bespectacled worm with a medium sized orange cat on his face, his head hung as if suspended by itself
"Eureka!" glowed the anthropomorphic lightbulb.
Some bald guy with black glasses and a thin mustache making a funny face, or so he thought would be funny, but everyone is laughing at him rather than at his face. It's a shame you know what has happened to taking pictures and the internet, maybe this guy thought it would just be silly and shared it with someone for a quick laugh. Now his mug is laughed at in perpetuity.
"Coo coo cachew"
A walrus-y harrumph of a man, with a head like a yam
He was one ugly-ass white nigga Ain't had no chin on his face, no hair on his head, and no soul behind those freaky pale eyes. On some Harry Potter type shit with those gay-ass round glasses, and a mustache that made him look like he was bout to break out the whip. Probably outta fuckin' Nebraska or some shit and ain't left the place before in his life.
There once was a man with a weird neck
His condition would give no respect
His prospects were grim
so then on a whim
A cock down his throat he did inject
Like the round end of a worm dressed with yellow bristles and glasses
And behold, it was a man unlike any other. One might have been fooled into thinking that it was a sentient worm, at first glance. It was his extremely elongated neck, a profound lack of a chin that erase any separation between his neck and head. Oh and what a head it was. So smooth and shiny as a freshly cleaned shoe, one might be turning around to look for a shoeshinning boy. All of this crowned by his beautiful pink skin, lacking any form of pimples or deformities, that any Queen and Top Model would be envious of. But alas, he was indeed a man and no underworlder, as disappointing as it might be. Indeed, if not for his brush-like moustache and thick spectacles, he could bury himself in the ground and the worms would accept him as their own.
If a match stick became a nerdy white kid, he would be it. Natural selection is a cruel mistress, and she spared this poor boob not a single mercy. Genetic dead ends exist, you see. So sad is their fate where no words of mine, the finest writers or God's can do it justice.

I'm sorry, lad. You were dealt a terribly bad hand.
A favorite between the ages of 9 and 15, and thereafter.
>cruel mistress
Dropped. Chat gpt tier
Exactly what an AI would say.
He didn't seem finished. Feeble framed and sagging, and with only the most base attributes, like the half melted and forgotten work of a mediocre sculptor. This mound of smooth flesh, distinguished as a man only by the sensory compartments he was unfortunate enough to develop in a world with mirrors, and made all the worse by the glasses seemingly embedded in it's soft pink meat, had a thin curtain of toasted corn silk growing from under his upturned nose. You could say it reached his chin, you could-- but the long smooth stretch from his facsimile of a lower lip to the bottom his thin neck made it difficult to see where a chin lied it that body. It was alluring in a way, he looked clean at least, and the way the light fell on the skin of this creature one might call a man made him seem regal in a way; a king of pitiful maladies.
The neck.
It destroyed its cage.
The neck is out.
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My commission fee is $.10 per word
pulitzer prize winning material
not bad, emotionally resonant despite mistakes.
this is poetry not prose, but i like it.
grtest filsfer to evr liv
We have reached the point where zoomzooms can’t distinguish between cliches and AI-generated text. Education has failed us.
i like this one a lot
Thanks fren
>Describe _____ in your finest prose.
While good prose does contain good description, these exercises fail to realize that good prose is not just "long, drawn out details of _____." Good prose contains action and emotion and tone and narrative voice. A description of a face or a landscape, no mater how verbose or lengthy or accurate, will ever truly be "fine prose." Because in the end you're just writing a transcription of what your eyes see. Books are not just descriptions of jpgs.
Okay how about you describe the woman who took your virginity in your finest prose. That way it can come straight from your imagination
Atop his perpetually downturned lip gathered a family of hairs that seemed to be doing their best to avoid each other. And though they daren’t overlap or reproduce any further, they shared a singular commonality; they clung for their lives, each brassy strand dangling above the chasm where his chin once resided. Coupled with his bottlebottom glasses these parts made for an unusual, alien figure of a man. ‘Ayo this mf creepy!’ ‘Lorax lookin’ ass!’ the boys would say to the girls, the man’s eyes fixed downwards. The words were crashing waves, eroding the smooth, white stone of his cliff-face.

He would dream of the things he would say in retort, of how he would slay those black dragons and free their pale maidens. In digital taverns he would spin webs of false bravery to his brethren, just as unfortunate as he. In secret he sharpened words and forged an armour of upvotes.

He had changed, he was ready. Though a curious thing happened as he marched into battle. He lifted his gaze to meet his tormentors, only to see they had changed too. Those tearaway boys and suburban girls were aged, stood close in pairs, with brown children in tow. Their waves had calmed into a still lake in which to bathe their little ones. He watched them for a while, ruminating on how many years he had wasted; not a single hair to show for it, until his thoughts were broken. “Sir, please step away from my children.” He threw down his blade and unbuckled his armour, soon returning home from the battlefield where no casualties lay; catching a glimpse of his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

“it’s Ma’am” he said, as he begun to apply lipstick.
I feel like if he forcibly put his head into a vagina without the woman's consent for once in his life time, everyone on earth would forgive him.
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He was potatoesque.
Not very good, but the only one ITT that might make you imagine a man resembling OP's photo without having seen it first. It's a really extreme and unique head shape so you have to be specific and drive it home.
worm… walrus… woeful wriggling, wispy whiskers.
Picture a man with strong rugged facial features but the opposite. Think of good grooming decisions and facial hair a man can have but the opposite. Think of a well proportionate neck, head, cheeks, face, and nose but the opposite
His curved neck gradually morphed into his hairless head, and his throat connected seamlessly with his nonexistent chin so that it was difficult to tell where one ended and the other began. The end result was that his worm-like profile looked like an upside down drop of mayonnaise that hasn't quite cleaved yet, sagging out of the bottle, though his orangish complexion had a rosy tint. This smooth mass of human play dough sported a thin, black pair of circular glasses and a wiry, blonde mustache, and they both contrasted ridiculously against his featureless face so that the whole thing looked like some child's art creation.
Exacting descriptions are for catalogues of bath tiles
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When asked to describe the fugitive, the witness bashed his thumb with a hammer, then picked up a marker and drew glasses and a long, wispy mustache on it. The police photographer wrapped the base of the thumb in a cotton cloth to give the bust some shoulders. He photographed the radial digit thus transformed into a bald, neckless man wearing a t-shirt. The photo was sent to all the papers. Letters started pouring in from the public. The detective had hoped that the perp would stick out like a sore you-know-what, but it was now evident that the look was trendy. Thumbelino had given him the slip.
"What in the fuck is that thing?" said a ribbon worm.
If you're tasked with describing something like this, you have to be specific. Just saying he was chinless and ugly won't communicate the extreme extent of it.
Overdescribing bores the zoomer audience because all the other potential readers moved on.
He was a gormless thumb of a man, bespectacled and quite bald, save for a tuft of wispy hairs sprouted from his upper lip. His chin, ever the recluse, had retreated near fully into his neck.
>words words words
do better liberals
/lit/ fucking sucks today.
This is the type of guy I picture unironically speaking about the importance of MGTOW or an anon on 4chan lecturing me sternly about the importance of Aryan blood
The today wasn't necessary.
Rather, everyday. And it's your fault.
Or expound on the importance of garbage like lolicon and furries.
>he looked like a Bob's Burger character.
Why the fuck would you need to do that when you have a picture of him? To editorialize? That's the problem with this country.
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He looks like a bald Nietzsche
cry harder, liberal
Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters supervising the horizon and pondering about new myth to bust.
The squirmily worm boy squirmed wormily
With less than 1/4 of the intelligence.
Bunt was not a pretty man, and so contented himself to imagine that the development of his head, which was divided somewhat evenly between that of the face and the mind in most men, had all gone to the mind in his case. His great brain had stunted the development of the head it inhabited to such a degree that his chin was in line with his adam's apple, and his profile was a clean swoop from the front of his neck to the back. He looked a bit like a thumb with a nose and ears, and though most chinless men chose to wear a beard, he deemed it inappropriate for a great thinker and ornamented his face instead with glasses and a droopy mustache. Despite the self-assured air with which he carried his mind around, Bunt was actually a mild and average intellect, and the only remarkable thing about him was his strange face.
Not one cliché that I could see.
What are you crying about now? Liberals.
It's so funny how Covfefe was an actual newsworthy criticism of trump but Biden destroying the economy and getting us involved in 2 wars was nothing to bat an eye at
He had tried — in vain — to disturb the perfect slope of his head and neck with a mustache and a pair of spectacles. One got the impression that he was at once perpetually alert and perpetually unaware — forever looking out for what had long since passed by beneath his notice.
Dis nigga was a peckerhead. Worm lookin' ass nigga.
>His chin, ever the recluse
Let’s do a dialogue because I’m a pseud.

>Timmy: I don’t understand why Doug insists on calling himself ‘an ubermensch’, it doesn’t help that if you asked him what it meant you’d leave more confused than if he didn’t explain it at all. His claim of genetic determinism being the end-all of human social relations was contradictory, maybe unintelligible. Goad him into telling you about it, he’ll start rambling at how a strong, well-defined jawline and the presence of thick hair do more favors for you than any intellectual or emotional depth ever could. He doesn’t have any of those features! He’s fully bald, his facial hair is that of a teenager’s, and his chin - listen, if I gave you a marker, you wouldn’t be able to point where his neck ends and his jaw begins, they blend seamlessly together. Not to mention the D.B. Cooper glasses he wears, if you shaved him and took his glasses off his head would look like a thumb with ears! Even if I don’t fully understand what he says about cantal tilt or whatever, I am concerned about why he says it, just look at him, he’s a caricature of a human.
>Dawn: That’s a bit mean, innit? He didn’t get to choose how he was born.
>Timmy: Is it, though? I’m not the one that puts that much weight into facial featur- Oh, I see what you mean.
Ugly bald-white faggot with no chin, dumb thick-frame glasses and moustache combo in pathetic attempt to hide face, staring out window and the grey afternoon light reflects off the frame of his glasses, hiding his eyes from view, dehumanising him even further, rendering him nothing more than a pointless blob, which is all that he is anyway.
crying again, liberal?
Ya this

I guarantee half of the people itt (probably more) are more ugly and cowardly than he is. Go watch tiktoks and fap again, subhumans.
>t. guy in pic

That man is a monster. Unless there is a facial deformity he will be uglier than you. He is a freak among men. Honestly he should get the rope. There were days when we wouldn’t let monsters like him roam the streets
Really? I think he looks more like a leftist cuck who simps for browns and whines about /pol/ every time someone says something rude.
LOL. You're a retard. If he grew his hair out, ditched the soyy glasses and wasn't receding his chin he would look normal. Plus he's White/blond so it's an automatic +3 for looks.
>There were days when we wouldn’t let monsters like him roam the streets
When? Absolutely delusional incel.
Take your hormones, tranny
How do you see someone trying to make a funny face?
>and wasn't receding his chin
>he would look normal.
>if he wasn't dysgenic he'd look normal
lol retard
Receding chin isn't dysgenic. It can occur naturally, and likewise can naturally be fixed by ceasing to mouth breath, combined with mewing.

Plus there's the fact that he's probably playing it up for the photo, which you continue to ignore.

Anyway, you're some subhuman angrily judging random photos of people on 4chan while chimping out, you're probably more of a subhuman. LOL.

Also, I guarantee that my IQ is higher than your's, and that I have more money and success with women than you ever will. Stay mad, untermensch.
He's part of my antifa discord where we own fascists online
>It can occur naturally
Which is a result of...
Not dysgenics lol, do you know the definition? Use your brain, there aren't genetics at play.
If there was ever a thread to reveal the underage userbase this board has, this would be it. Truly. The amount of people here who are describing this man as ugly, stupid, or on the other political team, is staggering. He is not any of these things. He looks like a thumb, yes, but that makes him interesting. Unique. The kind of guy that draws your eye. Bland conformity is only valued by children who seek approval from their peers. Adults know what they want, and it's someone who stands out. Like this guy.
If you need "exercises" to fix your shitty chin then you're dysgenic af.
I'm trans btw if that helps
Nice contribution, faggot
Chins can recede naturally due to poor habits like mouthbreathing.

Trannies are more likely to attack him viciously, since they're superficial and spiteful and hate White males.
That low test abomination likely superficially supports trannies and other shit in a meaningless attempt to make up some pussy points
My biceps are bigger and Whiter than yours.
* taking notes *
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A worm in a novelty disguise.
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>His bald bespectacled odobenusisch visage - and absolute absence of lower mandible - formed a concatenation of non-human paradoxes, each conspired against the other-- the totality of which was perfectly approximate to the expression of a successful exceptionally successful serial rapist-- he would be an Innsmouth bordello regular treasured by the madame for his regularity of want but dreaded by its hostesses. A face one smells a mile away on sight. The rime of vice caked him in aetheric unguents unmistakable to even the most secular mind ignorant of all advancements of phrenology and craniometrics in recent years, as if herald saboteur eidolons familiars attached to him could not help but cry cautions to all passersby, "BEGONE! HE WILL DEFILE YOU!" The specimin's notion of The Erotic profaned even the bestial conceptions of the Marquis de Sade . . . he did not breath so much as drool pneumatically through his feeding apparatus, his mind itself a spongiform vestigial organ repurposed to Lust.
Milford Edmington Stump was, dead ass, nobody's chump. Sure—bald, slim, with a bit less than a chin, a walrus's mustache concealing a thin grin, but a chump? No, sir. That was not him. His neck, pencil thin, winding up gracefully to his pate's shining brim. How the light used to dance and bounce on the skin! Dare I say, regal? Should I say, commanding? Certainly, somebody should have—ladies withstanding. Yes, he had a way which was a bit rubber-banding, but every good dandy has an idiosyncrasy handy. Did I mention his nose? A diamond! A pristine tetrahedron! And atop it, Stump wore the most magnificent beacons! A couple of radio-dishes—black telescoping goggles—and when he'd caught a woman's scent—boy—they're regular foggers! I still sit and admire him, though he's long gone, and think, Milford E. Stump, my god, what a hunk!
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>‘Ayo this mf creepy!’ ‘Lorax lookin’ ass!’
In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
It's okay to be comically ugly, anon. We forgive you.
I got a tan from going outside this summer so maybe whiter but I have 16in bis and a 280 bench at 6' 190
>Le ebin nigger colloquialisms
Pure cringe
>so obsessed with his imaginary version of black people he has lost all sense of humor
Leave this website forever, sub-100. You have nothing to give.
if saying "dead ass" is your idea of humor you should probably be in a care facility
Bald faggot.
>thinks it's funny
Ya, maybe if you're in 6th grade and it's 2009. Post more cringe, redditor. Btw, are you brown?
Grow up, Zoomers. Stop being such delicate little faggots, perpetually terrified of everything which might possibly remind you of the BBC you'll never possess. For criticizing me on the basis of a Zoomerism, you sure make some zoomer posts, dead ass, you whiney little women.
>Muh zoomers
>Acute cringe nigbonics
>Le bbc
Subhuman positively identified.
>it somehow gets worse
LMFAO. How is it even possible that you're such a monumental, cringe worthy fucking FAGGOT? hahahahaha

Keep going.
You're just like the pitiful fags that have to pretend every opponent is a tranny. Like I said, grow up, sub-100. It's time. Especially if you were in 6th grade in 2009, lmao.
There's no point. No one could top the cringe you just posted.
Best in thread
>Instantly replies
KEK. Dear Lord....everything you post makes you look like even more of an out of touch, cringeworthy fucking homo. Why stop the nigbonics cringe now, queer? I see why you do it, because this is so fucking bad aaaaahahahahaha.
>Telling others to grow up after posting bbc incel cope and nuclear R*ddit cringe
unironically kill yourself
>N-no u!
This is just pathetic, my nigga.
You don't pass btw
All this samefagging and shitting up the thread...

Forget about growing up. Just suicide. No one should piss their pants this hard because someone said "dead ass."

Dead ass.
HA! That's even more funny!! That means ALL OF YOU are this pathetic? Holy shit. I would have never believed it. Dead ass.

/Lit/ has really become a place for low IQ /pol/ castoff.
Kill yourself, pathetic and autistic nigger loser. Everything you post is pure, unadulterated cringe. Of course you cry about le pol too HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You do realize you're the one crying right? Anyway, intelligence always sounds cringe to morons. That's old knowledge.
I'm currently edging in 2 other tabs while farming (you)s
I don't doubt it. Racism is low IQ, and so is pornography and gooning. I bet you have a full house of vices to go along with those.
I'm edging to the (you)s
>"Everybody laughing at my cringe is the same person"
>Back to nigbonics posting unironically
Absolutely delusional and hilarious. Cope harder, you total subhuman. The worm man in the OP is literal Chad compared to you.

Crying about /pol/ is the cherry on top. I fucking guarantee he is some browncel subhuman, these new immigrant faggots use nigbonics like we did as children except it was to make a mockery. So fucking gay.
"Racism" is a meaningless, made up term. It's like if someone said "that retard is chewing the electrical wiring" and you said "stop being retardist." It's normal to notice that retards are retarded. No ethnic group wants to be dissolved, diluted, and/or replaced on its own historic territory. "Anti-racists" are a modern religion. Normal people acknowledge simply ethnicity and phenotypical differences exist.

It's not surprising at all that "anti-racists" recently advanced to claiming gender doesn't exist, and that they also show signs of wanting to normalize pedophilia. Their religion requires the breaking down of all "boundaries," all definitions and distinctions between things.
Don't cry, bbc incel subhuman. Post more nigbonics cringe, you're our little monkey entertainer tonight HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

Also post your brown hands, this is fucking gold.
I think he's more likely to be a twig wristed redditor white fag 15 year old who just switched from libertarianism to socialism. Brownoids don't bring up iq
You're trying to sound tough, but all I hear is a soft man crying in fear of black men, fingers frantically buzzing on the keyboard in an impotent effort to overcome them. You're completely cartoon to me, child.

>the linguistic fog fog
I see we've reached the coping portion of our discourse.
Fucking based.

Also stop projecting. You're the most racist one here, you brought race up first as a cope for this absolute humiliation and domination you are currently undergoing. Lick my nuts, nigga.
Literally impossible, unironically. Volcel, sure, but incel? Impossible. Anything else is pure cope. Those laughs of yours sure are forced.

Don't try to be deep. It's not in you. Just stick to the low-IQ vitriol, you're at least good at that.
>has to lie
Pathetic. When you have to resort to lies which can be disproven with a simple reading of the posts, you've reached rock-bottom.
His head was like a thumb with a mustache glued on
Really? I think he's a beta afro-mutt, he seems like he's insecure over being part black.

>You're trying to sound tough
Haha WTF? No I'm not LOL. I guess it comes naturally, because I'm not a noodle-armed nigbonics-posting cringelord like you, or maybe it's your submissive nature feeling threatened.
>You're completely cartoon to me, child.
Then why does it sound like you want to cry? You're a mongrel beta sub coping, that's why!
>"No I'm not LOL."
Kid, do yourself a serious favor and get some self-awareness. Don't bother with such transparent lies. They make you look stupid.
part black makes sense. Or hapa since he writes like Eliot Rodger
Wow, you are even more fucking stupid than I thought. Did you just not know that nonwhite incels use bbc as a cope for getting rejected their entire lives? That's what you're doing, nigbonics posting cringelord subhuman that you are.

And why are you bringing up IQ when you're obviously too stupid to post on this board without getting called out?
>t. didn't understand the post
>"you are even more stupid than I thought"
he refuted you, why are you calling him low IQ, dumb nigga?
That's not what refuted means.
This is the nuclear cringe faggot/retard telling others that they're "trying to sound tough". You're posting nigger colloquialisms on 4chan like a 12 year old, you delusional nigcel.

Do you know what a fucking loser you are?

Yes, that's what you all sound like to me.
Shut up and post more nigbonics cringe, mongrel incel cringelord.
Ah, now I'm a juggalo, am I? It seems I have a talent for changing my spots.
I go out with tank top and durag and bitches harass me. pussy niggas lackin
Yes, that's what you sound like.
Nobody cares that blacks invented it (they didn't btw, they got it from white trash like one of your classless racemixing parents), you low IQ sperg. Can you even read, you puck-lipped, pea-brained simian mongrel? It was fucking gay/cringe that your child's mind thought it was funny at all, subhuman redditor faggot that you are.

Then you proceeded to chimp out while everyone laughed at you. How embarrassing. Have fun being gay, nigga. Peace.
I don't know what's more pathetic and cringeworthy: your afro-mutt chimpouts or your nigbonics cringe. Keep going retard.
>continues to chimp out
>"you proceeded to chimp out"
Actually, that was all of you, simians. I've kept my manner the entire time, save for effect. And regardless of all this infantile crying of yours, I still like my original post. It was silly of you all to think that your racism could have any effect upon me other than to render your opinions immediately irrelevant. I simply stick around because I always do when you pack animals rear your mangy heads.
blacks have nothing to do with it though. he dominated you and you started bbc incel posting to cope LOL
>"I don't know"
Don't worry. I never would have accused you of knowing anything. You can rest easy.
Pure cope. The entire reason you're all seething is I said "dead ass," and you've proceeded to whine because that's a black phrase—which is exactly what was pointed out and ceaselessly cried about.

You're just the typical /pol/ pack-animals: simple, predictable, dishonest, and weak. I've seen nothing new and nothing intimidating.
your insecure chimpouts over non-existent racism are more funny than your r3ddit/boomer-posting nigbonics cringe tbqh

Keep going, retard.
That's a lot of buzzwords, Zoom-zoom. Try not to use your whole repertoire in a single post.
were laughing at you, you stupid nignog.
>cries about pol again
so fucking funny
>uses nigbonics cringe
>actually thinks it's funny
>gets laughed at for being a cringelord
>chimps out and starts crying about racism and pol for some reason
aaaaahahahahah you're literally a simpleton, you know that right? why are you still posting? you're such a cringeworthy fucking fag, no wonder you can't help but simp for blacks.
The first person a liar deceives is always, always themself. You're the most pathetic of all my current interlocutors. I have even less regard for self-deception than racism.
just pay a hoe nigga
>t. obvious non-white ESL
The obvious hypocrisy is the cherry on top. Your inability to post without forced hysterics is the whipped cream.
Shahar, go back to /int/. You're too old and too foolish to be here.
NTA but you've been worshiping a brown Jew for over 1000 years.
Epic redditpost m'dude! Good job pwning the racist Christians from /pol/!
I don't need help, anon. As I said, this is not my first time beating the herd-animals of /pol/.
>get off my /Lit/
That's exactly what they want. To take over a space which is not theirs. I've never given that to them, and I never will. In real life, they're cowards, they wouldn't dare try, but online, they try to silence anyone who isn't an echo of their own vices. I don't permit it. Even if it wastes my night.
>grammar nitpicking
Hallmark of a sub-100 trying to look smart.

It doesn't work that way.
Nobody here uses /pol/ you fucking pathetic cringelord.
>the cope intensifies
>the lies intensify
You may as well have just admitted defeat, rather than post that.
>trying to look smart.
Imagine calling others stupid when you write like this.
I don't have to imagine. I've done it many times tonight, stupid.
Nearly everything this fag posts is tips fedora 10/10 r3ddit cringe lol

And he thinks he's fighting /pol/ racists all the time, typical SJW subhuman.
Ima send you one of my bitches if you broke. Some of them might be into virgins
>he said to no one in particular, seeking solidarity
He needs friends, guys. Help him out. I can't pick on him when he's like this.
I hate all Abrahamists regardless of whether they're racist or not. I curse the Holy Spirit every day and regularly engage in shirk.
LMAO. I know for a fact he's a mixed-race autistic homo. I know exactly the type, so obnoxious, stupid and vapid. No wonder he finds nigbonics humorous like a preteen.
As predicted, you're a man FULL of vices. There's a zero percent chance you're anyone worth knowing in real life. I don't know if someone like you can even receive forgiveness, but you should seek it. Forever is a long time to be on fire. As little regard as I have for you, I still don't wish you that.
>halfwit thinks he's a regular Jungian psychowizard
Many such cases.
I'm going to buy a statue of Christ and smash it with a hammer while cursing the Holy Spirit. Afterwards, I will recite the Heart Sutra.

I have already ripped up two Korans before. I have never burned one because I fear catching on fire myself. Regardless, I will try to find some kind of small miniature symbolic representation of Islam and smash it with a hammer while engaging in shirk. Then I will recite the Heart Sutra too.

I will repeat a similar pattern with something Judaic.
>he thinks he's fighting racists all the time
>racist immediately replies
You guys are so retarded its unbelievable. You're is almost a comedy duo.
But a shade of a man by greek standard, or any standard, his serpentine features crashing with his oblongue face in paradox, any glint, or a hope for a man of stature, a prussian offiser or a dutch merchantmant, squandered by his comically sharp nose and hay-like moustache.
Projection >>23632722
Just stick to posting nigbonics bbc cope-posting, redditard.
I don't care about anything, but Christ (which may or may not include whatever Judaic thing you choose to desecrate). You're not hurting me. You're hurting yourself. You'll look back on all this for the rest of your eternity with scornful self-disgust.

For the record, I don't really have a problem with God-haters going to Hell, but God would rather you came to know and love Him instead, so I put my own feelings of impatience aside, and remind you not to be so foolish as to actively seek God for an enemy.

However, God gave you the right even to make an enemy of Him, but don't forget He did not give His enemies the right of absolution—only the certainty of eternal punishment.
Bad sense of humor
>Oh and what a head it was.
>that any Queen and Top Model would be envious of
>he could bury himself in the ground and the worms would accept him as their own.
Decent. Your description is acceptable but these parts are bad and even pedantic
>forgotten work of a mediocre sculptor
>unfortunate enough to develop in a world with mirrors
>It was alluring in a way
Bad, you have not described the man well and in depth. Your prose is too basic,
>When asked to describe the fugitive, the witness bashed his thumb with a hammer, then picked up a marker and drew glasses and a long, wispy mustache on it. The police photographer wrapped the base of the thumb in a cotton cloth to give the bust some shoulders.
You're just humiliating yourself with that post. I'm amazed you're this intimidated by black success, honestly. I would never have guessed two little words in a for-fun paragraph would birth these buckets of tears and rage—a giant man-baby tantrum—a man-baby nursery, actually, seeing as there are so several of you.

In any case, even had I known, I would not have changed it on account of your hatreds.
Your Judaic God was always an angry and jealous teleogenetic, logocentric egergore that sought to mechanize man and the world.
You have a very one-dimensional view of Him which is more inaccurate than you could imagine. It's like something out of a comic book, honestly. Some sort of silly supervillain archetype. Additionally, like it or not, He's your God too. You just don't worship Him as you ought. You'll answer for it, but its better to simply repent—not merely for evading punishment, but because God is unironically the best person you'll ever meet. And if I, your enemy, am telling you this, you can be sure its true. If God didn't love you enough to make me tell you about Him, even when you're my enemy, I'd have no reason to, but would rather wait eagerly for your punishment.

I shill you Christ, because Christ loves you; not because I do.
Why don't you go pester all of the other countless people who insult your beloved Jew? They're all over Twitter. I'm pretty sure you'll feel more at home on Twitter.
I will never kneel to any Semitic/Abrahamic garbage even at the cost of my life. My ancestors made that mistake, but I will not.
Even if your dumb Jew turned out to somehow be the answer to all metaphysical mysteries in life, which I know for sure isn't, I will embrace hell before sucking his circumcized dick. Liberation is found solely within the mind.
You are the one (You)ing me. That's how it has been the entire time. You're the one who made a point to tell us that you do this and that to offend God. I'm merely warning you as is my duty to Christ, and, though I don't necessarily enjoy the idea of having any duties concerning someone who has gone out of their way to mock me all night, my duty to you as well.

Christ is the answer. There is no liberation. Your mind will suffer unimaginable agony. Indeed, your body will have died, so perhaps it is only what we might call mind that will suffer in the first place. Only God knows that, however.
You're confusing people. I just got involved recently.
You're a retarded icchantika. I don't even know who you are.
Your proselytizing won't work on me. I just butted in to say I hate all Abrahamists.
Oh, well of course. I am confusing you, but then you still can't be surprised you got proselytized at. I never ever ever worry about proselytizing "working." People do not come to Christ by what is said to them. They come to Christ when the Holy Spirit moves upon their hearts and they answer Him. He never disappoints those who do. All who don't live in perpetual disappointment, whether they know it or not.

I've had many interlocutors tonight. If you're all that's left, I suppose that means they've gone. I'll take my leave then too.
I hope you choke in your sleep.
As he stepped from within the shadows, his followers immediately understood why he's known as the Golden King. Everything about his proportion is perfect, there's can be no doubt this is the man Fibonacci prophesied.
His face was the declaration of the subtlety of thin layers of irony, leaving people in doubt: was he wearing a cheap disguise glasses and mustache, or was it his true form? It was not out of the question that it was just a disguise, one theory being that his lack of chin is caused by an abundance of disguise material being tucked under his fake neck skin, thus erasing the border between the chin and the neck.
Whatever the truth was, everyone in the room quickly came back to their senses as the Golden King started to preach.
myth busted.
Disgenic. If there ever was a man that embodied that word in ethos, it would be he. He shaves his (remaining) hair to mask an ailement of the scalp: alopecia of the androgenic kind. He requires lenses to see, for his eyes have degenerated to the point of uselessness from half a lifetime of computer use and genetic predisposition. And there, beneath that cursed visage, 5 inches of empty space where on any other man bone would be. But the base pairs that code for those crucial bone-building proteins are nowhere to be found; a genome forsaken by God. I pity him.

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